"), array("here is my text with a newline mixed case\n", "here is my text with a newline mixed case
"), array("here is my text with a newline mixed case with /\n", "here is my text with a newline mixed case with /
"), array("here is my text with a newline uppercase\n", "here is my text with a newline uppercase
"), array("here is my crappy text éèçàô$*%ù§!#with a newline\n in the middle", "here is my crappy text éèçàô$*%ù§!#with a newline
in the middle"), ); } /** * @dataProvider providerVerifyStrippingOfBrInBr2nlFunction */ public function testVerifyStrippingOfBrInBr2nlFunction($expectedResult,$testString) { $this->assertEquals($expectedResult, br2nl($testString)); } }