tracker_name ='Campaign Log Unit Test Tracker'; $ct->tracker_url = ''; $ct->campaign_id = $this->campaign_id; $ct->save(); $this->campaign_tracker = $ct; //for each type, create an object and populate the campaignLog list foreach($this->targetObjectArray as $type){ //skip campaign tracker if($type == 'CampaignTracker'){ continue; } //create the new bean $bean = new $type(); if ($type == 'Account'){ $bean->name = 'CampLog Unit Test Account'; }else{ $bean->first_name = 'CampaignLog'; $bean->last_name = 'Test '.$type; } $type_obj = 'target_'.$type; $bean->save(); $this->$type_obj = $bean; //save email $sea = new SugarEmailAddress(); $id = $this->$type_obj->id; $module = $this->$type_obj->module_dir; $new_addrs=array();$primary='';$replyTo='';$invalid='';$optOut='';$in_workflow=false; $_REQUEST[$module.'_email_widget_id'] = 0; $_REQUEST[$module.'0emailAddress0'] = $type.''; $_REQUEST[$module.'emailAddressPrimaryFlag'] = '0emailAddress0'; $_REQUEST[$module.'emailAddressVerifiedFlag0'] = 'true'; $_REQUEST[$module.'emailAddressVerifiedValue0'] = ''; $requestVariablesSet = array('0emailAddress0','emailAddressPrimaryFlag','emailAddressVerifiedFlag0','emailAddressVerifiedValue0'); $sea->save($id, $module, $new_addrs, $primary, $replyTo, $invalid, $optOut, $in_workflow); //unset email request values for next run foreach ($requestVariablesSet as $k) unset($_REQUEST[$k]); //now create the campaign log $cl = new CampaignLog(); $cl->campaign_id = $this->campaign_id; $cl->tracker_key = $ct->tracker_key; $cl->target_id = $bean->id; $cl->target_type = $bean->module_dir; $cl->activity_type = 'targeted';//options are targeted (user was sent an email), link (user clicked on link), removed (user opted out) and viewed (viewed) $cl->activity_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $cl->related_id = 'somebogusemailid'.date('His'); // this means link will not really work, but we are not testing email $cl->related_type = 'Emails'; $cl->list_id = $this->prospect_list_id; $cl->marketing_id = $this->email_marketing_id; $cl->save(); } //keep last created campaign log bean to be used to call functions $this->campaign_log = $cl; } public function tearDown() { global $current_user; //for each type, delete the object and it's email foreach($this->targetObjectArray as $type){ //skip campaign tracker if($type == 'CampaignTracker'){ continue; } //create string to reference bean by $type_obj = 'target_'.$type; //remove the email address and relationship $query = 'delete from email_addresses where email_address = \''.$type.'\''; $GLOBALS['db']->query($query); $query = 'delete from email_addr_bean_rel where bean_id = \''.$this->$type_obj->id.'\''; $GLOBALS['db']->query($query); //remove the bean and delete record $this->$type_obj->deleted = 1; $this->$type_obj->save(); $GLOBALS['db']->query('DELETE FROM '.$this->$type_obj->table_name.' WHERE id = \''.$this->$type_obj->id.'\' '); unset($this->$type_obj); } //delete the campaign logs and campaign tracker $GLOBALS['db']->query('DELETE FROM campaign_log WHERE campaign_id = \''.$this->campaign_id.'\' '); $GLOBALS['db']->query('DELETE FROM campaign_trkrs WHERE id = \''.$this->campaign_tracker->id.'\' '); unset($this->campaign_tracker); unset($this->campaign_log );SugarTestUserUtilities::removeAllCreatedAnonymousUsers(); unset($GLOBALS['current_user']); } public function testGetListViewData(){ global $current_user; $lvd = $this->campaign_log->get_list_view_data(); //make sure the returned value is an array $this->assertTrue(is_array($lvd), 'CampaignLog->get_list_view_data should return an object of array type'); //make sure some of the expected values exist $this->assertFalse(empty($lvd['CAMPAIGN_ID']), 'array element CAMPAIGN_ID is expected to exist when calling CampaignLog->get_list_view_data '); $this->assertFalse(empty($lvd['TARGET_ID']), 'array element TARGET_ID is expected to exist when calling CampaignLog->get_list_view_data '); } public function testGetRelatedName(){ global $current_user,$locale; foreach($this->targetObjectArray as $type){ //skip campaign tracker if($type == 'CampaignTracker'){ continue; } //create string to reference bean by $type_obj = 'target_'.$type; //make sure the related name is coming in from the correct related type $related_name = $this->campaign_log->get_related_name($this->$type_obj->id,$this->$type_obj->module_dir); //make sure the returned name is formatted as expected if ($type == 'Account'){ $this->assertSame($related_name, $this->$type_obj->name, 'name retrieved from campaign log does not match the expected name of '.$formatted_name.' for the related '.$type.' object'); }elseif ($type == 'User'){ $formatted_name = $this->$type_obj->id.$this->$type_obj->module_dir; $this->assertSame($related_name, $formatted_name, 'name retrieved from campaign log does not match the expected formatted name of '.$formatted_name.' for the related '.$type.' object'); }else{ $bean->first_name = 'CampaignLog'; $bean->last_name = 'Test '.$type; $formatted_name = $locale->getLocaleFormattedName($this->$type_obj->first_name, $this->$type_obj->last_name); $this->assertSame($related_name, $formatted_name, 'name retrieved from campaign log does not match the expected formatted name of '.$formatted_name.' for the related '.$type.' object'); } } } public function testRetrieveEmailAddress(){ global $current_user; foreach($this->targetObjectArray as $type){ //skip campaign tracker if($type == 'CampaignTracker'){ continue; } //create string to reference bean by $type_obj = 'target_'.$type; $eastring = $this->campaign_log->retrieve_email_address($this->$type_obj->id); $this->assertSame($eastring, $type.'', 'email retrieved from campaign log object type '.$type.'does not match the expected email of '.$type.''); } } }