#ifndef _EYEFI_CONFIG_H #define _EYEFI_CONFIG_H #include #if defined(LITTLE_ENDIAN) && !defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN) #define __LITTLE_ENDIAN LITTLE_ENDIAN #endif #if defined(BIG_ENDIAN) && !defined(__BIG_ENDIAN) #define __BIG_ENDIAN BIG_ENDIAN #endif #if !defined(__BIG_ENDIAN) && !defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN) #include #include #endif extern int eyefi_debug_level; #ifdef __CHDK__ #define CONFIG_EYEFI_STANDALONE 1 #define printf(...) do{}while(0) #define putchar(...) do{}while(0) #define puts(...) do{}while(0) #define exit(i) return #define perror(i) do{}while(0) #define system(i) do{}while(0) #define fd_dont_cache(fd) (0) #define assert(x) do{}while(0) #define output_flush() do{}while(0) #else #define CONFIG_EYEFI_WITH_OS 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define PATHNAME_MAX 4096 #define output_flush() fflush(NULL) #define debug_printf(level, args...) do { \ if ((level) <= eyefi_debug_level) \ fprintf(stderr, ## args); \ } while(0) #endif /* * These are defined in both eyefi-unix.c and eyefi-chdk.c */ extern void open_error(char *file, int err); extern int eyefi_printf(const char *fmt, ...); /* * These have to be created by the unix variants */ extern int fd_dont_cache(int); /* * Do some kernel-style types to make * definitions shorter. */ typedef unsigned long u32; typedef unsigned char u8; #define os_memset memset #define os_memcpy memcpy #define os_strlen strlen #define os_strcpy strcpy #define SHA1_MAC_LEN 20 #define MD5_MAC_LEN 16 void sha1_vector(size_t num_elem, const u8 *addr[], const size_t *len, u8 *mac); void md5_vector(size_t num_elem, const u8 *addr[], const size_t *len, u8 *mac); void hmac_md5_vector(const u8 *key, size_t key_len, size_t num_elem, const u8 *addr[], const size_t *len, u8 *mac); void hmac_md5(const u8 *key, size_t key_len, const u8 *data, size_t data_len, u8 *mac); void pbkdf2_sha1(const char *passphrase, const char *ssid, size_t ssid_len, int iterations, u8 *buf, size_t buflen); static inline u32 swap_bytes(u32 src) { u32 dest = 0; dest |= (src & 0xff000000) >> 24; dest |= (src & 0x00ff0000) >> 8; dest |= (src & 0x0000ff00) << 8; dest |= (src & 0x000000ff) << 24; return dest; } #ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN #define le_to_host32(n) (n) #define be_to_host32(n) swap_bytes(n) #define host_to_be32(n) swap_bytes(n) #else // __BIG_ENDIAN #define le_to_host32(n) swap_bytes(n) #define be_to_host32(n) (n) #define host_to_be32(n) (n) #endif /* * Just a few functions so that I can't easily forget about * endinness. */ struct __be32 { u32 val; } __attribute__((packed)); typedef struct __be32 be32; /* * These two obviously need to get fixed for * big endian machines. */ static inline u32 be32_to_u32(be32 src) { return swap_bytes(src.val); } static inline be32 u32_to_be32(u32 src) { be32 ret; ret.val = swap_bytes(src); return ret; } /* * Eye-Fi Card data structures */ struct card_seq_num { u32 seq; } __attribute__((packed)); #define EYEFI_BUF_SIZE 16384 /* * Most of the eyefi strings are pascal-style with * a length byte preceeding content. (Did pascal * have just a byte for length or more??) */ struct pascal_string { u8 length; u8 value[32]; } __attribute__((packed)); /* * The 'o' command has several sub-commands: */ enum card_info_subcommand { MAC_ADDRESS = 1, FIRMWARE_INFO = 2, CARD_KEY = 3, API_URL = 4, UNKNOWN1 = 5, // Chris says these are UNKNOWN2 = 6, // checksums LOG_LEN = 7, }; struct card_info_req { u8 o; u8 subcommand; } __attribute__((packed)); struct card_info_rsp_key { struct pascal_string key; }; struct card_firmware_info { struct pascal_string info; }; #define MAC_BYTES 6 struct mac_address { u8 length; u8 mac[MAC_BYTES]; } __attribute__((packed)); struct card_info_api_url { struct pascal_string key; }; struct card_info_log_len { u8 len; be32 val; } __attribute__((packed)); struct byte_response { u8 response; }; enum net_type { UNSECURED, WEP, WPA, WPA2 }; #define ESSID_LEN 32 struct scanned_net { char essid[ESSID_LEN]; signed char strength; u8 type; } __attribute__((packed)); struct scanned_net_list { u8 nr; struct scanned_net nets[100]; } __attribute__((packed)); struct configured_net { char essid[ESSID_LEN]; } __attribute__((packed)); struct configured_net_list { u8 nr; struct configured_net nets[100]; } __attribute__((packed)); #define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0])) #define WPA_KEY_BYTES 32 struct wpa_key { u8 key[WPA_KEY_BYTES]; } __attribute((packed)); #define WEP_KEY_BYTES 32 struct wep_key { u8 key[WEP_KEY_BYTES]; } __attribute((packed)); struct network_key { u8 len; union { struct wpa_key wpa; struct wep_key wep; }; } __attribute((packed)); #define KEY_LEN 32 struct net_request { char req; u8 essid_len; char essid[ESSID_LEN]; struct network_key key; } __attribute((packed)); struct noarg_request { u8 req; }; /* * Log structures */ struct fetch_log_cmd { char m; be32 offset; } __attribute__((packed)); /* * When you ask for the log at offset 0x0, you * get back 8 bytes of offsets into the rest of * the data */ struct first_log_response { be32 log_end; be32 log_start; u8 data[EYEFI_BUF_SIZE-8]; } __attribute__((packed)); struct rest_log_response { u8 data[EYEFI_BUF_SIZE]; } __attribute__((packed)); /* * Functions that are exported from eyefi-config.c */ u32 fetch_log_length(void); int card_info_cmd(enum card_info_subcommand cmd); void *eyefi_response(void); struct card_info_rsp_key *fetch_card_key(void); struct scanned_net_list *scan_nets(void); char *net_type_name(u8 type); struct configured_net_list *fetch_configured_nets(void); int issue_noarg_command(u8 cmd); char *net_test_state_name(u8 state); int network_action(char cmd, char *essid, char *wpa_ascii); char *locate_eyefi_mount(void); int get_log_into(u8 *resbuf); void reboot_card(void); void init_card(void); void add_network(char *essid, char *wpa_ascii); void remove_network(char *essid); struct card_firmware_info *fetch_card_firmware_info(void); /* * Only used by the unix variants */ enum eyefi_file { REQC, REQM, RSPC, RSPM }; char *eyefi_file_on(enum eyefi_file file, char *mnt); int atoh(char c); #endif // _EYEFI_CONFIG_H