#include #include #include #include "eyefi-config.h" #include #include int fd_flush(int fd) { int ret; ret = fsync(fd); if (ret) perror("fsync() failed"); return ret; } #define LINEBUFSZ 1024 char *locate_eyefi_mount(void) { static char eyefi_mount[PATHNAME_MAX]; // PATH_MAX anyone? if (strlen(eyefi_mount)) return &eyefi_mount[0]; int numfs; int bufsize; struct statfs * fsbuf; int i; if ((numfs = getfsstat(NULL, 0, MNT_WAIT)) < 0) { debug_printf(2, "unable to obtain the number of file systems\n"); return(NULL); } bufsize = (long)numfs *sizeof(struct statfs); if ((fsbuf = malloc(bufsize)) == NULL) { debug_printf(2, "unable to allocate space for filesystem list\n"); return(NULL); } if (getfsstat(fsbuf, bufsize, MNT_WAIT) < 0) { debug_printf(2, "unable to get the list of filesystems\n"); return(NULL); } for(i = 0; i < numfs; i++) { if(fsbuf[i].f_type != 5) continue; // Not MSDOS char *file = eyefi_file_on(REQM, fsbuf[i].f_mntonname); debug_printf(2, "looking for EyeFi file here: '%s'\n", file); struct stat statbuf; int statret; statret = stat(file, &statbuf); free(file); if (statret) { debug_printf(2, "fs at: %s is not an Eye-Fi card, skipping...\n", eyefi_mount); continue; } strcpy(&eyefi_mount[0], fsbuf[i].f_mntonname); debug_printf(1, "located EyeFi card at: '%s'\n", eyefi_mount); break; } if (strlen(eyefi_mount)) return &eyefi_mount[0]; debug_printf(0, "unable to locate Eye-Fi card\n"); if (eyefi_debug_level < 5) { debug_printf(0, "Please check that your card is inserted and mounted\n"); debug_printf(0, "If you still have issues, please re-run with the '-d5' option and report the output\n"); } else { debug_printf(0, "----------------------------------------------\n"); debug_printf(0, "Debug information:\n"); } exit(1); return NULL; }