#include "eyefi-config.h" // Geez there has to be a better way to do this #ifdef __i386 #define O_DIRECT 00040000 /* direct disk access hint */ #else #define O_DIRECT 0200000 /* direct disk access hint - currently ignored */ #endif static int atoo(char o) { if ((o >= '0') && (o <= '7')) return atoh(o); return -1; } static int octal_esc_to_chr(char *input) { int i=0; int ret = 0; int len = strlen(input); //intf("%s('%s')\n", __func__, input); if (input[0] != '\\') return -1; if (len < 4) return -1; for (i=1; i < len ; i++) { if (i > 3) break; int tmp = atoo(input[i]); //intf("tmp: %d\n", tmp); if (tmp < 0) return tmp; ret <<= 3; ret += tmp; } return ret; } static char *replace_escapes(char *str) { int i; int output = 0; debug_printf(4, "%s(%s)\n", __func__, str); for (i=0; i < strlen(str); i++) { int esc = octal_esc_to_chr(&str[i]); if (esc >= 0) { str[output++] = esc; i += 3; continue; } str[output++] = str[i]; } str[output] = '\0'; debug_printf(4, "replaced escapes in: '%s' bytes of output: %d\n", str, output); return str; } int fd_dont_cache(int fd) { return fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_DIRECT); } #define LINEBUFSZ 1024 char *locate_eyefi_mount(void) { static char eyefi_mount[PATHNAME_MAX]; // PATH_MAX anyone? char line[LINEBUFSZ]; FILE *mounts = fopen("/proc/mounts", "r"); char dev[LINEBUFSZ]; char mnt[LINEBUFSZ]; char fs[LINEBUFSZ]; char opt[LINEBUFSZ]; int foo; int bar; if (strlen(eyefi_mount)) return &eyefi_mount[0]; while (fgets(&line[0], 1023, mounts)) { int read; read = sscanf(&line[0], "%s %s %s %s %d %d", &dev[0], &mnt[0], &fs[0], &opt[0], &foo, &bar); // only look at fat filesystems: if (strcmp(fs, "msdos") && strcmp(fs, "vfat")) { debug_printf(2, "fs at '%s' is not fat, skipping...\n", mnt); continue; } // Linux's /proc/mounts has spaces like this \040 replace_escapes(&mnt[0]); char *file = eyefi_file_on(REQM, &mnt[0]); debug_printf(2, "looking for EyeFi file here: '%s'\n", file); struct stat statbuf; int statret; statret = stat(file, &statbuf); free(file); if (statret) { debug_printf(2, "fs at: %s is not an Eye-Fi card, skipping...\n", eyefi_mount); continue; } strcpy(&eyefi_mount[0], &mnt[0]); debug_printf(1, "located EyeFi card at: '%s'\n", eyefi_mount); break; } fclose(mounts); if (strlen(eyefi_mount)) return &eyefi_mount[0]; debug_printf(0, "unable to locate Eye-Fi card\n"); if (eyefi_debug_level < 5) debug_printf(0, "please run with '-d5' option and report the output\n"); else { debug_printf(0, "----------------------------------------------\n"); debug_printf(0, "Debug information:\n"); system("cat /proc/mounts >&2"); } exit(1); return NULL; }