0. INSTALLATION PhpWiki requires PHP version 3.0.9 or greater, since it uses the preg_*() family of functions. Untar/gzip this file into the directory where you want it to live. That's it. To improve efficiency, edit wiki_config.php3 and set the $ServerAddress by hand; this will save a regexp call on every invocation. bash$ gzip -d phpwiki-X.XX.tar.gz bash$ tar xvf phpwiki-X.XX.tar Let's say you own the web server http://www.foo.com/. You untar in the server's root directory; then you should be able to just go to your new Wiki: http://www.foo.com/wiki/index.php3 If you configure your server to recognize index.php3 as the index of a directory, you can just do: http://www.foo.com/wiki/ 1. CONFIGURATION PhpWiki will create two DBM files in /tmp. One contains the pages of the live site and the other has the archived pages. If you don't want the DBM files to live in /tmp you must make sure the web server can read/write to it. It's probably a bad idea to leave it in /tmp. (Again, edit wiki_config.php3). For example, you create a subdirectory called "pages" in the wiki directory made when you untarred PhpWiki. Move the DBM files there, and do bash$ chmod 666 wikidb wikiarchive so your web server can read/write the DBM files. Then you must do bash$ chmod 777 pages on the "pages" directory to make sure the server can also create/set the lock file (PHP has a built in locking mechanism for DBM file access). The first time you run this Wiki it will load a set of basic pages from the pgsrc/ directory. These should be enough to get your Wiki started! 2. ALLOWING EMBEDDED HTML PhpWiki ships with this featured disabled by default. According to CERT (http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2000-02.html) malicious users can embed HTML in your pages that allow pure evil to happen. You can uncomment the "elseif" in wiki_display.php3 to allow embedded HTML; but you should never do this if your Wiki is publically accessible. 3. ETC Installing PHP is beyond the scope of this document :-) You should visit http://www.php.net/ if you don't have PHP. Note that I have the web server configured to allow index.php3 as the root document of a directory. This web application was written under PHP version 3.0.12. I used a very generic installation, so hopefully you will have no problems. The development platform is a Redhat Linux 4.2 box. That should be all. Send patches, bugs etc. to swain@wcsb.org. FIN