2006-12-03 15:06:29 rurban * upgrade, MonoBook, Semantic format: ->format or ->output ? * bring 1.3.x to sf.net again. request loops, proxy issues? * RecentComments on dba is very slow 2006-12-30 16:46:32 URBANR TODO for 1.3.13: * format=printable (?) * WatchList (?) * WikiUser/EMailConfirm * finish ModeratedPage (3/3: GET=>POST, Preview?) * fix :somechars links. only within brackets, not via interwiki. e.g. ~http://server.com * fix Wikiwys with prettyurl and link labels TODO for 1.4.0: architecture: * Optimization: try template_lite or try simple regex replacements as before. * Add some xml syntax for plugins: /> And/or fix PLUGIN_MARKUP_MAP aliases which break the InlineParser. * Fix postgresql stored procedures * WikiDB hooks * Content expansion hooks (SearchHighlight) * Convert RecentChanges to PageList as source for format options. generic rss, rdf handling. new: * stabilize WYSIWYG converters * HtmlParser and importer plugins (word, excel, html, interwiki) * SemanticWeb link parser+db update, plugins: SemanticRelations, SemanticSearch * TrackBack, PingBack services * finish Blog theme * lang: mapping * ENABLE_MARKUP_DIVSPAN fixes: * pcre textsearch with multiple words: order-independency * SQL textsearch with multiple words: AND (the two new failing unit tests) * fix textsearch optimize with "word -word -word" 2006-03-07 19:54:31 rurban TODO for 1.3.13: architecture: * finish moacdropdown integration (xmlrpc) * the new Mailer class * maybe evaluate other Template solutions (Smarty or regex replacements) * add xml syntax for plugins: /> * SQL-Schema: add relation to link table, add relation to getPageLinks() extractor new: * finish ModeratedPages * WYSIWYG (htmlarea3 + tinymce) integration into EditToolbar * HtmlParser and importer plugins (word, excel, html, interwiki) * SemanticWeb link parser+db update, plugins: SemanticRelations, SemanticSearch * TrackBack, PingBack services * Blog theme * FileInfoPlugin (done) * lang: mapping * add Help: and Relation: interwiki map entries. (done) * via upgrade also fixes: * pcre textsearch with multiple words: order-independency * SQL textsearch with multiple words: AND (the two new failing unit tests) * fix textsearch optimize with "word -word -word" * add Help/ prefix to all documention pages, via upgrade also. (done) and the rest of the sf.net buglist ----------------------- 2006-?? FixMe: * check why template expansion is so slow (xml parsing and printing, ob + exec) * upgrade => %BODY% in MonoBook * more httpauth tests: enforced, server-side ok * test reported personalpage auth problems * fix random PearDB mysql connection loss (fixed?) * fix SystemInfoPlugin dump failure * fix jscalendar in sidebar and blog (fixed?) * ModeratedPage 3/3 (GET=>POST, Preview?) * fix configurator.php (fixed?) * pagedata_cache on PageGroupTest/subpage (fixed?) wrong PhpWikiAdmin/Chown owner display * re-enable pagedata_cache->next iterator (?, mem test) Improvements: * collapse page change notification on LoadAny (80%, missing: ) * restrict certain action to groups: RawHtml (could be a define) * db.timeout: force mysql.connect_timeout = 60 Maybe (probably defer): * CalendarList/UnfoldSubpages/Blog changes should update links to the basepage. * Warn other editors * http://www.movabletype.org/docs/mttrackback.html, http://umsu.de/beta-blogger/ * http://www.hixie.ch/specs/pingback/pingback, http://umsu.de/beta-blogger/ * Other languages: check page for [de:pagename] pseudo-interwiki links? * pagerank algo: HITS http://www2002.org/CDROM/refereed/643/node1.html FractalNavigation (pagetrail analysis) * fix more wikilens libs and plugins, layout improvements (header, sidebar include) * format=rdf and a new owl PageType (similar to InterWikiMap) to statically define predicates used by PhpWiki:SemanticWeb (semantically enriched links, like interwiki links). * SqlResult paging (finished?) * plugin\WikiAdminSetAclSimple, Chmod * plugin\NewUserWelcomePage.php (some better template solution) * plugin\SearchHighlight * logfile stuff: * plugin\RecentReferrers * WikiAccessRestrictions * SpamAssassinIntegration already done lately: * PgsrcTranslation slowness (update_locale?) * overlarge session data * handle empty DEFAULT_LANGUAGE: proper client detection * fix glob errors * display login page on "$action is disallowed on this wiki for user ..." * remove "Invalid username" warning on "sign in as" button click * themes/blog, BlogArchivesPlugin * test WikiPluginCached support for image maps and svg, swf, eps, ... defer header logic * don't print php notices and warnings as red errors. just green or grey * rewrite OldTextFormattingRules, AnciennesR%E8glesDeFormatage for proper importing * PageChangeNotification other actions also (rename, remove). better subject on create. * do all unit tests: all langs, all db backends, all pages import and export * javascript search&replace * pdf button when an external html2pdf app is defined (enabled at PhpWikiDemo) * enhanced WikiPluginCached (static, ondemand) * added LdapSearchPlugin * more PageList options 2004-11-10 20:25:13 rurban * optimize increaseHitCount, esp. for mysql. * prepend dirs to the include_path (phpwiki_dir for faster searches) * Pear_DB version logic (awful but needed) * fix broken ADODB quote * _extract_page_data simplification 2004-11-10 16:24:58 rurban * requires newer Pear_DB (as the internal one): quote() uses now escapeSimple for strings * ACCESS_LOG_SQL: fix cause request not yet initialized * WikiDB: moved SQL specific methods upwards * new Pear_DB quoting: same as ADODB and as newer Pear_DB. fixes all around: WikiGroup, WikiUserNew SQL methods, SQL logging 2004-11-09 18:10:22 rurban * revert to the wikidb ref passing. there's no memory abuse there. * use new wikidb->_cache->_id_cache[] instead of wikidb->_iwpcache, to effectively store page ids with getPageLinks (GleanDescription) of all existing pages, which are also needed at the rendering for linkExistingWikiWord(). pass options to pageiterator. use this cache also for _get_pageid() This saves about 8 SELECT count per page (num all pagelinks). * fix passing of all page fields to the pageiterator. * fix overlarge session data which got broken with the latest ACCESS_LOG_SQL changes 1.3.11 Goals: * fix more sf.net bugs and patches (90%) * fix LDAP with USER_AUTH_POLICY=old (100%) * ADODB lock and transaction fixes (50%) * some more theme beautification, new crao and nuke theme, cut or split long sidebar links somehow (100%) * add some basic Recommender engine to enable rating recommendations, fix metadata getAvg and test it. (100%) * fix metadata RateIt methods and RateIt usergroups, (100%) * rewrite WikiGroup to be current_user independent to be able to ask for group membership of any user. (100%) * more action=upgrade (diffs, multi-page interface) (60%) * finish PdfOutput plugin and button (80%) * add editpage javascript toolbar (100%) * try the php-internal soap extension, test SOAP, fix GooglePlugin+AmazonPlugin (0%) * iniconfig helpers (Joby?) (0%) * improve more plugins caching (90%) * change remove_page in WikiDb API, so that RecentChanges displays it. (just purge all revisions?) * rename global $Theme to $WikiTheme (gforge nameclash) (100%) 1.4.0 Goals: * fix WikiAdminSetAcl (least common ACL denominator) (100%) * enable ACL's in the mime dumps (100%) * force strict PagePermissions on all plugins, which require now admin and some more administrative actions (90%) * complete full paging support (limit=, prev/next buttons in PageList) (95%) fix paging in MostPopular * fix possibly remaining WikiGroup problems (100%) * fix possibly remaining RateIt problems (50%) * finalize PdfOutput (0%) external works fine * finalize editpage javascript toolbar (80%) fix search/replace bug (100%) * finalize SOAP support (0%) * better utf-8 support (50%)