Full text search will return all pages when searching for "eat" because it matches "created." (In a DBM-based installation). This should be corrected. Edit copy: A user who makes edits and saves them can no longer access the copy in the archive. They should be at least allowed to retrieve it. Modify the date functionality so it is based on Unix time; the Postgresql InsertPage() will hardcode the date for now. The 'archive' table has to have the same columns as the 'wiki' table if we are to use the same InsertPage() function on both. Wiki porting: it should be easy to write a function that serializes all pages to files, and allows the user to reload them in another database. This way it would be easy to move from DBM to a RDBMS. Proofread README; make sure it lists all the files (wiki_*) Set up a phpwiki 1.1.6 on sourceforge; there needs to be a demo of the new features. Write/proofread pages on wiki markup Add a TestPage which tests all markup features: wikinames, external links, lists, and other markup Update the ReleaseNotes page Write up the INSTALL.pgsql file