More comprehensive updgrading information is forthcoming... however in the meantime, this message is in the Open Discussion board on Sourceforge (see URL below for the thread). In it Jeff describes how to dump your current Wiki to a zip file and load the zip file into a new Wiki. To: Subject: [phpwiki - Open Discussion] RE: convert dbm to mySql From: nobody Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2001 16:42:57 -0800 Read and respond to this message at: By: dairiki Yes this is a little clumsy and non-obvious. I'm currently working on making it better (at least in the development branch.) In the mean time, here's how I suggest you Get either a zip dump, or a serialized dump from your old wiki. (If your using a zip dump, it must (for now) be on the server machine. Copy it there if it's not there yet.) Edit lib/config.php in the new wiki and set WIKI_PGSRC to point either to your zip file, or the the serialized dump directory. Blow away the database of your new wiki. (Delete the db files for a db base wiki, or do something like: mysql -u -p < schemas/schema.mysql to blow away a mysql based wiki. Now with your web browser, go browse to the FrontPage of your new wiki. It will detect that it's working with a virgin database and will pull in the pages from the source specified in WIKI_PGSRC. Jeff $Id: UPGRADING,v 1.1 2001-02-11 20:18:58 wainstead Exp $