Here are the coding guidelines for PhpWiki. ! Follow the style of the PEAR Coding Standards: * There's code snippets for configuring Emacs and Vim as well as several other text editors. ! I18N: Using gettext() String literals which end up making it into the HTML output should be wrapped with a call to ''gettext()''. This allows translations to be substituted when PhpWiki is run in non-english environments. It is important that the argument of ''gettext()'' be a constant string literal, in double quotes ("). OKAY: gettext("This is a message."); OKAY: gettext ("Fazool."); OKAY: sprintf(gettext("Hello %s"), $name); BAD: gettext('This will be ignored by xgettext.'); BAD: gettext("Howdy" . ", wazoo"); BAD: gettext("Hello $name"); BAD: define("MES", "howdy"); gettext(MES); For editing files in Emacs, set indent-tabs-mode to nil. Some people argue that it's better to use tabs and let people set their tab width, but I think we're better off using just spaces because aligned comments in the right region will not align correctly. For a detailed argument see Use php-mode as well. This is freely available on the net ( Put something like this in your .emacs file: (load "your-path-to-lisp-files/php-mode") (setq auto-mode-alist (append '( ("\\.php\\d?\\'" . php-mode)) auto-mode-alist)) so when you open .php files in Emacs it will start PHP mode automatically. There is another php-mode.el I have not tried: I'm sure Vim has a similar mode, if someone would let us know I'll add it to this README.