# Highlight.js Highlight.js highlights syntax in code examples on blogs, forums and, in fact, on any web page. It's very easy to use because it works automatically: finds blocks of code, detects a language, highlights it. Autodetection can be fine tuned when it fails by itself (see "Heuristics"). ## Basic usage Link the library and a stylesheet from your page and hook highlighting to the page load event: ```html ``` This will highlight all code on the page marked up as `
`. If you use different markup or need to apply highlighting dynamically, read "Custom initialization" below. - You can download your own customized version of "highlight.pack.js" or use the hosted one as described on the download page: - Style themes are available in the download package or as hosted files. To create a custom style for your site see the class reference in the file [classref.txt][cr] from the downloaded package. [cr]: http://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/blob/master/classref.txt ## node.js Highlight.js can be used under node.js. The package with all supported languages is installable from NPM: npm install highlight.js Alternatively, you can build it from the source with only languages you need: python tools/build.py -tnode lang1 lang2 .. Using the library: ```javascript var hljs = require('highlight.js'); // If you know the language hljs.highlight(lang, code).value; // Automatic language detection hljs.highlightAuto(code).value; ``` ## Tab replacement You can replace TAB ('\x09') characters used for indentation in your code with some fixed number of spaces or with a `` to give them special styling: ```html ``` ## Custom initialization If you use different markup for code blocks you can initialize them manually with `highlightBlock(code, tabReplace, useBR)` function. It takes a DOM element containing the code to highlight and optionally a string with which to replace TAB characters. Initialization using, for example, jQuery might look like this: ```javascript $(document).ready(function() { $('pre code').each(function(i, e) {hljs.highlightBlock(e)}); }); ``` You can use `highlightBlock` to highlight blocks dynamically inserted into the page. Just make sure you don't do it twice for already highlighted blocks. If your code container relies on `
` tags instead of line breaks (i.e. if it's not `
`) pass `true` into the third parameter of `highlightBlock`
to make highlight.js use `
` in the output: ```javascript $('div.code').each(function(i, e) {hljs.highlightBlock(e, null, true)}); ``` ## Heuristics Autodetection of a code's language is done using a simple heuristic: the program tries to highlight a fragment with all available languages and counts all syntactic structures that it finds along the way. The language with greatest count wins. This means that in short fragments the probability of an error is high (and it really happens sometimes). In this cases you can set the fragment's language explicitly by assigning a class to the `` element: ```html
``` You can use class names recommended in HTML5: "language-html", "language-php". Classes also can be assigned to the `
` element.

To disable highlighting of a fragment altogether use "no-highlight" class:

``` ## Export File export.html contains a little program that allows you to paste in a code snippet and then copy and paste the resulting HTML code generated by the highlighter. This is useful in situations when you can't use the script itself on a site. ## Meta - Version: 7.3 - URL: http://softwaremaniacs.org/soft/highlight/en/ - Author: Ivan Sagalaev () For the license terms see LICENSE files. For the list of contributors see AUTHORS.en.txt file.