default: case-insensitive glob-style search with special operators OR AND NOT - *
wiki -test *
Match strings containing the substring 'wiki', and NOT containing the * substring 'test'. *
wiki word or page *
Match strings containing the substring 'wiki' AND either the substring * 'word' OR the substring 'page'. *
auto-detect regex hints, glob-style or regex-style, and converts them * to PCRE and SQL matchers: *
"^word$" => EXACT(word) *
"^word" => STARTS_WITH(word) *
"word*" => STARTS_WITH(word) *
"*word" => ENDS_WITH(word) *
"/^word.* /" => REGEX(^word.*) *
"word*word" => REGEX(word.*word) * * * The full query syntax, in order of precedence, is roughly: * * The unary 'NOT' or '-' operator (they are equivalent) negates the * following search clause. * * Search clauses may be joined with the (left-associative) binary operators * 'AND' and 'OR'. (case-insensitive) * * Two adjoining search clauses are joined with an implicit 'AND'. This has * lower precedence than either an explicit 'AND' or 'OR', so "a b OR c" * parses as "a AND ( b OR c )", while "a AND b OR c" parses as * "( a AND b ) OR c" (due to the left-associativity of 'AND' and 'OR'.) * * Search clauses can be grouped with parentheses. * * Phrases (or other things which don't look like words) can be forced to * be interpreted as words by quoting them, either with single (') or double (") * quotes. If you wan't to include the quote character within a quoted string, * double-up on the quote character: 'I''m hungry' is equivalent to * "I'm hungry". * * Force regex on "re:word" => posix-style, "/word/" => pcre-style * or use regex='glob' to use file wildcard-like matching. (not yet) * * The parsed tree is then converted to the needed PCRE (highlight, * simple backends) or SQL functions. * * @author: Jeff Dairiki * @author: Reini Urban (case and regex detection, enhanced sql callbacks) */ // regex-style: 'auto', 'none', 'glob', 'posix', 'pcre', 'sql' define ('TSQ_REGEX_NONE', 0); define ('TSQ_REGEX_AUTO', 1); define ('TSQ_REGEX_POSIX', 2); define ('TSQ_REGEX_GLOB', 4); define ('TSQ_REGEX_PCRE', 8); define ('TSQ_REGEX_SQL', 16); class TextSearchQuery { /** * Create a new query. * * @param $search_query string The query. Syntax is as described above. * Note that an empty $search_query will match anything. * @param $case_exact boolean * @param $regex string one of 'auto', 'none', 'glob', 'posix', 'pcre', 'sql' * @see TextSearchQuery */ function TextSearchQuery($search_query, $case_exact=false, $regex='auto') { if ($regex == 'none' or !$regex) $this->_regex = 0; elseif (defined("TSQ_REGEX_".strtoupper($regex))) $this->_regex = constant("TSQ_REGEX_".strtoupper($regex)); else { trigger_error(fmt("Unsupported argument: %s=%s", 'regex', $regex)); $this->_regex = 0; } $this->_case_exact = $case_exact; $parser = new TextSearchQuery_Parser; $this->_tree = $parser->parse($search_query, $case_exact, $this->_regex); //$this->_optimize(); // broken under certain circumstances: "word -word -word" $this->_stoplist = '(A|An|And|But|By|For|From|In|Is|It|Of|On|Or|The|To|With)'; } function _optimize() { $this->_tree = $this->_tree->optimize(); } /** * Get a PCRE regexp which matches the query. */ function asRegexp() { if (!isset($this->_regexp)) { if ($this->_regex) $this->_regexp = '/' . $this->_tree->regexp() . '/'.($this->_case_exact?'':'i').'sS'; else $this->_regexp = '/^' . $this->_tree->regexp() . '/'.($this->_case_exact?'':'i').'sS'; } return $this->_regexp; } /** * Match query against string. * * @param $string string The string to match. * @return boolean True if the string matches the query. */ function match($string) { return preg_match($this->asRegexp(), $string); } /** * Get a regular expression suitable for highlighting matched words. * * This returns a PCRE regular expression which matches any non-negated * word in the query. * * @return string The PCRE regexp. */ function getHighlightRegexp() { if (!isset($this->_hilight_regexp)) { $words = array_unique($this->_tree->highlight_words()); if (!$words) { $this->_hilight_regexp = false; } else { foreach ($words as $key => $word) $words[$key] = preg_quote($word, '/'); $this->_hilight_regexp = '(?:' . join('|', $words) . ')'; } } return $this->_hilight_regexp; } /** * Make an SQL clause which matches the query. (deprecated, use makeSqlClause instead) * * @param $make_sql_clause_cb WikiCallback * A callback which takes a single word as an argument and * returns an SQL clause which will match exactly those records * containing the word. The word passed to the callback will always * be in all lower case. * * TODO: support db-specific extensions, like MATCH AGAINST or REGEX * mysql => 4.0.1 can also do Google: MATCH AGAINST IN BOOLEAN MODE * How? WikiDB backend method? * * Old example usage: *
     *     function sql_title_match($word) {
     *         return sprintf("LOWER(title) like '%s'",
     *                        addslashes($word));
     *     }
     *     ...
     *     $query = new TextSearchQuery("wiki -page");
     *     $cb = new WikiFunctionCb('sql_title_match');
     *     $sql_clause = $query->makeSqlClause($cb);
* This will result in $sql_clause containing something like * "(LOWER(title) like 'wiki') AND NOT (LOWER(title) like 'page')". * * @return string The SQL clause. */ function makeSqlClause($sql_clause_cb) { $this->_sql_clause_cb = $sql_clause_cb; return $this->_sql_clause($this->_tree); } // deprecated: use _sql_clause_obj now. function _sql_clause($node) { switch ($node->op) { case 'WORD': // word => %word% return $this->_sql_clause_cb->call($node->word); case 'NOT': return "NOT (" . $this->_sql_clause($node->leaves[0]) . ")"; case 'AND': case 'OR': $subclauses = array(); foreach ($node->leaves as $leaf) $subclauses[] = "(" . $this->_sql_clause($leaf) . ")"; return join(" $node->op ", $subclauses); default: assert($node->op == VOID); return '1=1'; } } /** Get away with the callback and use a db-specific search class instead. * @see WikiDB_backend_PearDB_search */ function makeSqlClauseObj(&$sql_search_cb) { $this->_sql_clause_cb = $sql_search_cb; return $this->_sql_clause_obj($this->_tree); } function _sql_clause_obj($node) { switch ($node->op) { case 'NOT': return "NOT (" . $this->_sql_clause_cb->call($node->leaves[0]) . ")"; case 'AND': case 'OR': $subclauses = array(); foreach ($node->leaves as $leaf) $subclauses[] = "(" . $this->_sql_clause_obj($leaf) . ")"; return join(" $node->op ", $subclauses); case 'VOID': return '1=1'; default: return $this->_sql_clause_cb->call($node); } } function sql() { return '%'.$this->_sql_quote($this->word).'%'; } /** * Get printable representation of the parse tree. * * This is for debugging only. * @return string Printable parse tree. */ function asString() { return $this->_as_string($this->_tree); } function _as_string($node, $indent = '') { switch ($node->op) { case 'WORD': return $indent . "WORD: $node->word"; case 'VOID': return $indent . "VOID"; default: $lines = array($indent . $node->op . ":"); $indent .= " "; foreach ($node->leaves as $leaf) $lines[] = $this->_as_string($leaf, $indent); return join("\n", $lines); } } } /** * This is a TextSearchQuery which matches nothing. */ class NullTextSearchQuery extends TextSearchQuery { /** * Create a new query. * * @see TextSearchQuery */ function NullTextSearchQuery() {} function asRegexp() { return '/^(?!a)a/x'; } function match($string) { return false; } function getHighlightRegexp() { return ""; } function makeSqlClause($make_sql_clause_cb) { return "(1 = 0)"; } function asString() { return "NullTextSearchQuery"; } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Remaining classes are private. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Virtual base class for nodes in a TextSearchQuery parse tree. * * Also servers as a 'VOID' (contentless) node. */ class TextSearchQuery_node { var $op = 'VOID'; /** * Optimize this node. * @return object Optimized node. */ function optimize() { return $this; } /** * @return regexp matching this node. */ function regexp() { return ''; } /** * @param bool True if this node has been negated (higher in the parse tree.) * @return array A list of all non-negated words contained by this node. */ function highlight_words($negated = false) { return array(); } function sql() { return $this->word; } } /** * A word. */ class TextSearchQuery_node_word extends TextSearchQuery_node { var $op = "WORD"; function TextSearchQuery_node_word($word) { $this->word = $word; } function regexp() { return '(?=.*' . preg_quote($this->word, '/') . ')'; } function highlight_words($negated = false) { return $negated ? array() : array($this->word); } function _sql_quote() { $word = preg_replace('/(?=[%_\\\\])/', "\\", $this->word); return $GLOBALS['request']->_dbi->qstr($word); } function sql() { return '%'.$this->_sql_quote($this->word).'%'; } } class TextSearchQuery_node_starts_with extends TextSearchQuery_node_word { var $op = "STARTS_WITH"; function regexp() { return '(?=.*\b' . preg_quote($this->word, '/') . ')'; } function sql() { return $this->_sql_quote($this->word).'%'; } } class TextSearchQuery_node_ends_with extends TextSearchQuery_node_word { var $op = "ENDS_WITH"; function regexp() { return '(?=.*' . preg_quote($this->word, '/') . '\b)'; } function sql() { return '%'.$this->_sql_quote($this->word); } } class TextSearchQuery_node_exact extends TextSearchQuery_node_word { var $op = "EXACT"; function regexp() { return '(?=\b' . preg_quote($this->word, '/') . '\b)'; } function sql() { return $this->_sql_squote($this->word); } } class TextSearchQuery_node_regex // posix regex. FIXME! extends TextSearchQuery_node_word { var $op = "REGEX"; // using REGEXP or ~ extension function regexp() { return '(?=.*\b' . $this->word . '\b)'; } function sql() { return $this->_sql_quote($this->word); } } class TextSearchQuery_node_regex_glob extends TextSearchQuery_node_regex { var $op = "REGEX_GLOB"; function regexp() { return '(?=.*\b' . glob_to_pcre($this->word) . '\b)'; } } class TextSearchQuery_node_regex_pcre // how to handle pcre modifiers? /i extends TextSearchQuery_node_regex { var $op = "REGEX_PCRE"; function regexp() { return $this->word; } } class TextSearchQuery_node_regex_sql extends TextSearchQuery_node_regex { var $op = "REGEX_SQL"; // using LIKE function regexp() { return str_replace(array("/%/","/_/"), array(".*","."), $this->word); } function sql() { return $this->word; } } /** * A negated clause. */ class TextSearchQuery_node_not extends TextSearchQuery_node { var $op = "NOT"; function TextSearchQuery_node_not($leaf) { $this->leaves = array($leaf); } function optimize() { $leaf = &$this->leaves[0]; $leaf = $leaf->optimize(); if ($leaf->op == 'NOT') return $leaf->leaves[0]; // ( NOT ( NOT x ) ) -> x return $this; } function regexp() { $leaf = &$this->leaves[0]; return '(?!' . $leaf->regexp() . ')'; } function highlight_words($negated = false) { return $this->leaves[0]->highlight_words(!$negated); } } /** * Virtual base class for 'AND' and 'OR conjoins. */ class TextSearchQuery_node_binop extends TextSearchQuery_node { function TextSearchQuery_node_binop($leaves) { $this->leaves = $leaves; } function _flatten() { // This flattens e.g. (AND (AND a b) (OR c d) e) // to (AND a b e (OR c d)) $flat = array(); foreach ($this->leaves as $leaf) { $leaf = $leaf->optimize(); if ($this->op == $leaf->op) $flat = array_merge($flat, $leaf->leaves); else $flat[] = $leaf; } $this->leaves = $flat; } function optimize() { $this->_flatten(); assert(!empty($this->leaves)); if (count($this->leaves) == 1) return $this->leaves[0]; // (AND x) -> x return $this; } function highlight_words($negated = false) { $words = array(); foreach ($this->leaves as $leaf) array_splice($words,0,0, $leaf->highlight_words($negated)); return $words; } } /** * A (possibly multi-argument) 'AND' conjoin. */ class TextSearchQuery_node_and extends TextSearchQuery_node_binop { var $op = "AND"; function optimize() { $this->_flatten(); // Convert (AND (NOT a) (NOT b) c d) into (AND (NOT (OR a b)) c d). // Since OR's are more efficient for regexp matching: // (?!.*a)(?!.*b) vs (?!.*(?:a|b)) // Suck out the negated leaves. $nots = array(); foreach ($this->leaves as $key => $leaf) { if ($leaf->op == 'NOT') { $nots[] = $leaf->leaves[0]; unset($this->leaves[$key]); } } // Combine the negated leaves into a single negated or. if ($nots) { $node = ( new TextSearchQuery_node_not (new TextSearchQuery_node_or($nots)) ); array_unshift($this->leaves, $node->optimize()); } assert(!empty($this->leaves)); if (count($this->leaves) == 1) return $this->leaves[0]; // (AND x) -> x return $this; } /* FIXME! * Either we need all combinations of all words to be position independent, * or we have to use multiple match calls for each AND * (AND x y) => /(?(:x)(:y))|(?(:y)(:x))/ */ function regexp() { $regexp = ''; foreach ($this->leaves as $leaf) $regexp .= $leaf->regexp(); return $regexp; } } /** * A (possibly multi-argument) 'OR' conjoin. */ class TextSearchQuery_node_or extends TextSearchQuery_node_binop { var $op = "OR"; function regexp() { // We will combine any of our direct descendents which are WORDs // into a single (?=.*(?:word1|word2|...)) regexp. $regexps = array(); $words = array(); foreach ($this->leaves as $leaf) { if ($leaf->op == 'WORD') $words[] = preg_quote($leaf->word, '/'); else $regexps[] = $leaf->regexp(); } if ($words) array_unshift($regexps, '(?=.*' . $this->_join($words) . ')'); return $this->_join($regexps); } function _join($regexps) { assert(count($regexps) > 0); if (count($regexps) > 1) return '(?:' . join('|', $regexps) . ')'; else return $regexps[0]; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Parser: // op's (and, or, not) are forced to lowercase in the tokenizer. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// define ('TSQ_TOK_BINOP', 1); define ('TSQ_TOK_NOT', 2); define ('TSQ_TOK_LPAREN', 4); define ('TSQ_TOK_RPAREN', 8); define ('TSQ_TOK_WORD', 16); define ('TSQ_TOK_STARTS_WITH', 32); define ('TSQ_TOK_ENDS_WITH', 64); define ('TSQ_TOK_EXACT', 128); define ('TSQ_TOK_REGEX', 256); define ('TSQ_TOK_REGEX_GLOB', 512); define ('TSQ_TOK_REGEX_PCRE', 1024); define ('TSQ_TOK_REGEX_SQL', 2048); // all bits from word to the last. define ('TSQ_ALLWORDS', (2048*2)-1 - (16-1)); class TextSearchQuery_Parser { /* * This is a simple recursive descent parser, based on the following grammar: * * toplist : * | toplist expr * ; * * * list : expr * | list expr * ; * * expr : atom * | expr BINOP atom * ; * * atom : '(' list ')' * | NOT atom * | WORD * ; * * The terminal tokens are: * * * and|or BINOP * -|not NOT * ( LPAREN * ) RPAREN * /[^-()\s][^()\s]* WORD * /"[^"]*"/ WORD * /'[^']*'/ WORD * * ^WORD STARTS_WITH * WORD* STARTS_WITH * *WORD ENDS_WITH * ^WORD$ EXACT */ function parse ($search_expr, $case_exact=false, $regex=TSQ_REGEX_AUTO) { $this->lexer = new TextSearchQuery_Lexer($search_expr, $case_exact, $regex); $this->_regex = $regex; $tree = $this->get_list('toplevel'); assert($this->lexer->eof()); unset($this->lexer); return $tree; } function get_list ($is_toplevel = false) { $list = array(); // token types we'll accept as words (and thus expr's) for the // purpose of error recovery: $accept_as_words = TSQ_TOK_NOT | TSQ_TOK_BINOP; if ($is_toplevel) $accept_as_words |= TSQ_TOK_LPAREN | TSQ_TOK_RPAREN; while ( ($expr = $this->get_expr()) || ($expr = $this->get_word($accept_as_words)) ) { $list[] = $expr; } if (!$list) { if ($is_toplevel) return new TextSearchQuery_node; else return false; } return new TextSearchQuery_node_and($list); } function get_expr () { if ( !($expr = $this->get_atom()) ) return false; $savedpos = $this->lexer->tell(); while ( ($op = $this->lexer->get(TSQ_TOK_BINOP)) ) { if ( ! ($right = $this->get_atom()) ) { break; } if ($op == 'and') $expr = new TextSearchQuery_node_and(array($expr, $right)); else { assert($op == 'or'); $expr = new TextSearchQuery_node_or(array($expr, $right)); } $savedpos = $this->lexer->tell(); } $this->lexer->seek($savedpos); return $expr; } function get_atom() { if ($word = $this->get_word(TSQ_ALLWORDS)) return $word; $savedpos = $this->lexer->tell(); if ( $this->lexer->get(TSQ_TOK_LPAREN) ) { if ( ($list = $this->get_list()) && $this->lexer->get(TSQ_TOK_RPAREN) ) return $list; } elseif ( $this->lexer->get(TSQ_TOK_NOT) ) { if ( ($atom = $this->get_atom()) ) return new TextSearchQuery_node_not($atom); } $this->lexer->seek($savedpos); return false; } function get_word($accept = TSQ_ALLWORDS) { foreach (array("WORD","STARTS_WITH","ENDS_WITH","EXACT", "REGEX","REGEX_GLOB","REGEX_PCRE") as $tok) { $const = constant("TSQ_TOK_".$tok); if ( $accept & $const and ($word = $this->lexer->get($const)) ) { $classname = "TextSearchQuery_node_".strtolower($tok); return new $classname($word); } } return false; } } class TextSearchQuery_Lexer { function TextSearchQuery_Lexer ($query_str, $case_exact=false, $regex=TSQ_REGEX_AUTO) { $this->tokens = $this->tokenize($query_str, $case_exact, $regex); $this->pos = 0; } function tell() { return $this->pos; } function seek($pos) { $this->pos = $pos; } function eof() { return $this->pos == count($this->tokens); } /** * TODO: support more regex styles, esp. prefer the forced ones over auto * re: and // stuff */ function tokenize($string, $case_exact=false, $regex=TSQ_REGEX_AUTO) { $tokens = array(); $buf = $case_exact ? ltrim($string) : strtolower(ltrim($string)); while (!empty($buf)) { if (preg_match('/^(and|or)\b\s*/i', $buf, $m)) { $val = strtolower($m[1]); $type = TSQ_TOK_BINOP; } elseif (preg_match('/^(-|not\b)\s*/i', $buf, $m)) { $val = strtolower($m[1]); $type = TSQ_TOK_NOT; } elseif (preg_match('/^([()])\s*/', $buf, $m)) { $val = $m[1]; $type = $m[1] == '(' ? TSQ_TOK_LPAREN : TSQ_TOK_RPAREN; } // ^word elseif ($regex & (TSQ_REGEX_AUTO|TSQ_REGEX_POSIX|TSQ_REGEX_PCRE) and preg_match('/^\^([^-()][^()\s]*)\s*/', $buf, $m)) { $val = $m[1]; $type = TSQ_TOK_STARTS_WITH; } // word* elseif ($regex & (TSQ_REGEX_AUTO|TSQ_REGEX_POSIX|TSQ_REGEX_GLOB) and preg_match('/^([^-()][^()\s]*)\*\s*/', $buf, $m)) { $val = $m[1]; $type = TSQ_TOK_STARTS_WITH; } // *word elseif ($regex & (TSQ_REGEX_AUTO|TSQ_REGEX_POSIX|TSQ_REGEX_GLOB) and preg_match('/^\*([^-()][^()\s]*)\s*/', $buf, $m)) { $val = $m[1]; $type = TSQ_TOK_ENDS_WITH; } // word$ elseif ($regex & (TSQ_REGEX_AUTO|TSQ_REGEX_POSIX|TSQ_REGEX_PCRE) and preg_match('/^([^-()][^()\s]*)\$\s*/', $buf, $m)) { $val = $m[1]; $type = TSQ_TOK_ENDS_WITH; } // ^word$ elseif ($regex & (TSQ_REGEX_AUTO|TSQ_REGEX_POSIX|TSQ_REGEX_PCRE) and preg_match('/^\^([^-()][^()\s]*)\$\s*/', $buf, $m)) { $val = $m[1]; $type = TSQ_TOK_EXACT; } // "words " elseif (preg_match('/^ " ( (?: [^"]+ | "" )* ) " \s*/x', $buf, $m)) { $val = str_replace('""', '"', $m[1]); $type = TSQ_TOK_WORD; } // 'words ' elseif (preg_match("/^ ' ( (?:[^']+|'')* ) ' \s*/x", $buf, $m)) { $val = str_replace("''", "'", $m[1]); $type = TSQ_TOK_WORD; } // word elseif (preg_match('/^([^-()][^()\s]*)\s*/', $buf, $m)) { $val = $m[1]; $type = TSQ_TOK_WORD; } else { assert(empty($buf)); break; } $buf = substr($buf, strlen($m[0])); /* refine the simple parsing from above: bla*bla, bla?bla, ... if ($regex and $type == TSQ_TOK_WORD) { if (substr($val,0,1) == "^") $type = TSQ_TOK_STARTS_WITH; elseif (substr($val,0,1) == "*") $type = TSQ_TOK_ENDS_WITH; elseif (substr($val,-1,1) == "*") $type = TSQ_TOK_STARTS_WITH; } */ $tokens[] = array($type, $val); } return $tokens; } function get($accept) { if ($this->pos >= count($this->tokens)) return false; list ($type, $val) = $this->tokens[$this->pos]; if (($type & $accept) == 0) return false; $this->pos++; return $val; } } // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>