* Reini Urban */ /** * Force the creation of a new revision. * @see WikiDB_Page::createRevision() */ if (!defined('WIKIDB_FORCE_CREATE')) define('WIKIDB_FORCE_CREATE', -1); /** * Abstract base class for the database used by PhpWiki. * * A WikiDB is a container for WikiDB_Pages which in * turn contain WikiDB_PageRevisions. * * Conceptually a WikiDB contains all possible * WikiDB_Pages, whether they have been initialized or not. * Since all possible pages are already contained in a WikiDB, a call * to WikiDB::getPage() will never fail (barring bugs and * e.g. filesystem or SQL database problems.) * * Also each WikiDB_Page always contains at least one * WikiDB_PageRevision: the default content (e.g. "Describe * [PageName] here."). This default content has a version number of * zero. * * WikiDB_PageRevisions have read-only semantics. One can * only create new revisions or delete old ones --- one can not modify * an existing revision. */ class WikiDB { /** * Open a WikiDB database. * * This is a static member function. This function inspects its * arguments to determine the proper subclass of WikiDB to * instantiate, and then it instantiates it. * * @access public * * @param hash $dbparams Database configuration parameters. * Some pertinent paramters are: *
dbtype *
The back-end type. Current supported types are: *
Generic SQL backend based on the PEAR/DB database abstraction * library. (More stable and conservative) *
Another generic SQL backend. (More current features are tested here. Much faster) *
dba *
Dba based backend. The default and by far the fastest. *
cvs *
file *
flat files *
* *
dsn *
(Used by the SQL and ADODB backends.) * The DSN specifying which database to connect to. * *
prefix *
Prefix to be prepended to database tables (and file names). * *
directory *
(Used by the dba backend.) * Which directory db files reside in. * *
timeout *
Used only by the dba backend so far. * And: When optimizing mysql it closes timed out mysql processes. * otherwise only used for dba: Timeout in seconds for opening (and * obtaining lock) on the dbm file. * *
dba_handler *
(Used by the dba backend.) * * Which dba handler to use. Good choices are probably either * 'gdbm' or 'db2'. *
* * @return WikiDB A WikiDB object. **/ function open ($dbparams) { $dbtype = $dbparams{'dbtype'}; include_once("lib/WikiDB/$dbtype.php"); $class = 'WikiDB_' . $dbtype; return new $class ($dbparams); } /** * Constructor. * * @access private * @see open() */ function WikiDB (&$backend, $dbparams) { $this->_backend = &$backend; // don't do the following with the auth_dsn! if (isset($dbparams['auth_dsn'])) return; $this->_cache = new WikiDB_cache($backend); $GLOBALS['request']->_dbi = $this; // If the database doesn't yet have a timestamp, initialize it now. if ($this->get('_timestamp') === false) $this->touch(); //FIXME: devel checking. //$this->_backend->check(); } /** * Get any user-level warnings about this WikiDB. * * Some back-ends, e.g. by default create there data files in the * global /tmp directory. We would like to warn the user when this * happens (since /tmp files tend to get wiped periodically.) * Warnings such as these may be communicated from specific * back-ends through this method. * * @access public * * @return string A warning message (or false if there is * none.) */ function genericWarnings() { return false; } /** * Close database connection. * * The database may no longer be used after it is closed. * * Closing a WikiDB invalidates all WikiDB_Pages, * WikiDB_PageRevisions and WikiDB_PageIterators * which have been obtained from it. * * @access public */ function close () { $this->_backend->close(); $this->_cache->close(); } /** * Get a WikiDB_Page from a WikiDB. * * A {@link WikiDB} consists of the (infinite) set of all possible pages, * therefore this method never fails. * * @access public * @param string $pagename Which page to get. * @return WikiDB_Page The requested WikiDB_Page. */ function getPage($pagename) { static $error_displayed = false; $pagename = (string) $pagename; if (DEBUG) { if ($pagename === '') { if ($error_displayed) return false; $error_displayed = true; if (function_exists("xdebug_get_function_stack")) var_dump(xdebug_get_function_stack()); trigger_error("empty pagename", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } } else { assert($pagename != ''); } return new WikiDB_Page($this, $pagename); } /** * Determine whether page exists (in non-default form). * *
     *   $is_page = $dbi->isWikiPage($pagename);
* is equivalent to *
     *   $page = $dbi->getPage($pagename);
     *   $current = $page->getCurrentRevision();
     *   $is_page = ! $current->hasDefaultContents();
* however isWikiPage may be implemented in a more efficient * manner in certain back-ends. * * @access public * * @param string $pagename string Which page to check. * * @return boolean True if the page actually exists with * non-default contents in the WikiDataBase. */ function isWikiPage ($pagename) { $page = $this->getPage($pagename); return $page->exists(); } /** * Delete page from the WikiDB. * * Deletes the page from the WikiDB with the possibility to revert and diff. * //Also resets all page meta-data to the default values. * * Note: purgePage() effectively destroys all revisions of the page from the WikiDB. * * @access public * * @param string $pagename Name of page to delete. */ function deletePage($pagename) { // don't create empty revisions of already purged pages. if ($this->_backend->get_latest_version($pagename)) $result = $this->_cache->delete_page($pagename); else $result = -1; /* Generate notification emails? */ if (! $this->isWikiPage($pagename) ) { $notify = $this->get('notify'); if (!empty($notify) and is_array($notify)) { //TODO: deferr it (quite a massive load if you remove some pages). //TODO: notification class which catches all changes, // and decides at the end of the request what to mail. (type, page, who, what, users, emails) // could be used for PageModeration and RSS2 Cloud xml-rpc also. $page = new WikiDB_Page($this, $pagename); list($emails, $userids) = $page->getPageChangeEmails($notify); if (!empty($emails)) { $editedby = sprintf(_("Removed by: %s"), $GLOBALS['request']->_user->getId()); // Todo: host_id $emails = join(',', $emails); $subject = sprintf(_("Page removed %s"), urlencode($pagename)); if (mail($emails,"[".WIKI_NAME."] ".$subject, $subject."\n". $editedby."\n\n". "Deleted $pagename")) trigger_error(sprintf(_("PageChange Notification of %s sent to %s"), $pagename, join(',',$userids)), E_USER_NOTICE); else trigger_error(sprintf(_("PageChange Notification Error: Couldn't send %s to %s"), $pagename, join(',',$userids)), E_USER_WARNING); } } } //How to create a RecentChanges entry with explaining summary? Dynamically /* $page = $this->getPage($pagename); $current = $page->getCurrentRevision(); $meta = $current->_data; $version = $current->getVersion(); $meta['summary'] = _("removed"); $page->save($current->getPackedContent(), $version + 1, $meta); */ return $result; } /** * Completely remove the page from the WikiDB, without undo possibility. */ function purgePage($pagename) { $result = $this->_cache->purge_page($pagename); $this->deletePage($pagename); // just for the notification return $result; } /** * Retrieve all pages. * * Gets the set of all pages with non-default contents. * * @access public * * @param boolean $include_defaulted Normally pages whose most * recent revision has empty content are considered to be * non-existant. Unless $include_defaulted is set to true, those * pages will not be returned. * * @return WikiDB_PageIterator A WikiDB_PageIterator which contains all pages * in the WikiDB which have non-default contents. */ function getAllPages($include_empty=false, $sortby=false, $limit=false, $exclude=false) { // HACK: memory_limit=8M will fail on too large pagesets. old php on unix only! if (USECACHE) { $mem = ini_get("memory_limit"); if ($mem and !$limit and !isWindows() and !check_php_version(4,3)) { $limit = 450; $GLOBALS['request']->setArg('limit', $limit); $GLOBALS['request']->setArg('paging', 'auto'); } } $result = $this->_backend->get_all_pages($include_empty, $sortby, $limit, $exclude); return new WikiDB_PageIterator($this, $result, array('include_empty' => $include_empty, 'exclude' => $exclude, 'limit' => $limit)); } /** * $include_empty = true: include also empty pages * exclude: comma-seperated list pagenames: TBD: array of pagenames */ function numPages($include_empty=false, $exclude='') { if (method_exists($this->_backend, 'numPages')) // FIXME: currently are all args ignored. $count = $this->_backend->numPages($include_empty, $exclude); else { // FIXME: exclude ignored. $iter = $this->getAllPages($include_empty, false, false, $exclude); $count = $iter->count(); $iter->free(); } return (int)$count; } /** * Title search. * * Search for pages containing (or not containing) certain words * in their names. * * Pages are returned in alphabetical order whenever it is * practical to do so. * * FIXME: clarify $search syntax. provide glob=>TextSearchQuery converters * * @access public * @param TextSearchQuery $search A TextSearchQuery object * @return WikiDB_PageIterator A WikiDB_PageIterator containing the matching pages. * @see TextSearchQuery */ function titleSearch($search) { $result = $this->_backend->text_search($search, false); return new WikiDB_PageIterator($this, $result); } /** * Full text search. * * Search for pages containing (or not containing) certain words * in their entire text (this includes the page content and the * page name). * * Pages are returned in alphabetical order whenever it is * practical to do so. * * @access public * * @param TextSearchQuery $search A TextSearchQuery object. * @return WikiDB_PageIterator A WikiDB_PageIterator containing the matching pages. * @see TextSearchQuery */ function fullSearch($search) { $result = $this->_backend->text_search($search, true); return new WikiDB_PageIterator($this, $result); } /** * Find the pages with the greatest hit counts. * * Pages are returned in reverse order by hit count. * * @access public * * @param integer $limit The maximum number of pages to return. * Set $limit to zero to return all pages. If $limit < 0, pages will * be sorted in decreasing order of popularity. * * @return WikiDB_PageIterator A WikiDB_PageIterator containing the matching * pages. */ function mostPopular($limit = 20, $sortby = '-hits') { $result = $this->_backend->most_popular($limit, $sortby); return new WikiDB_PageIterator($this, $result); } /** * Find recent page revisions. * * Revisions are returned in reverse order by creation time. * * @access public * * @param hash $params This hash is used to specify various optional * parameters: *
limit *
(integer) At most this many revisions will be returned. *
since *
(integer) Only revisions since this time (unix-timestamp) will be returned. *
include_minor_revisions *
(boolean) Also include minor revisions. (Default is not to.) *
exclude_major_revisions *
(boolean) Don't include non-minor revisions. * (Exclude_major_revisions implies include_minor_revisions.) *
include_all_revisions *
(boolean) Return all matching revisions for each page. * Normally only the most recent matching revision is returned * for each page. *
* * @return WikiDB_PageRevisionIterator A WikiDB_PageRevisionIterator containing the * matching revisions. */ function mostRecent($params = false) { $result = $this->_backend->most_recent($params); return new WikiDB_PageRevisionIterator($this, $result); } /** * @access public * * @return Iterator A generic iterator containing rows of (duplicate) pagename, wantedfrom. */ function wantedPages($exclude_from='', $exclude='', $sortby=false, $limit=false) { return $this->_backend->wanted_pages($exclude_from, $exclude, $sortby, $limit); //return new WikiDB_PageIterator($this, $result); } /** * Call the appropriate backend method. * * @access public * @param string $from Page to rename * @param string $to New name * @param boolean $updateWikiLinks If the text in all pages should be replaced. * @return boolean true or false */ function renamePage($from, $to, $updateWikiLinks = false) { assert(is_string($from) && $from != ''); assert(is_string($to) && $to != ''); $result = false; if (method_exists($this->_backend, 'rename_page')) { $oldpage = $this->getPage($from); $newpage = $this->getPage($to); //update all WikiLinks in existing pages //non-atomic! i.e. if rename fails the links are not undone if ($updateWikiLinks) { require_once('lib/plugin/WikiAdminSearchReplace.php'); $links = $oldpage->getBackLinks(); while ($linked_page = $links->next()) { WikiPlugin_WikiAdminSearchReplace::replaceHelper($this,$linked_page->getName(),$from,$to); } $links = $newpage->getBackLinks(); while ($linked_page = $links->next()) { WikiPlugin_WikiAdminSearchReplace::replaceHelper($this,$linked_page->getName(),$from,$to); } } if ($oldpage->exists() and ! $newpage->exists()) { if ($result = $this->_backend->rename_page($from, $to)) { //create a RecentChanges entry with explaining summary $page = $this->getPage($to); $current = $page->getCurrentRevision(); $meta = $current->_data; $version = $current->getVersion(); $meta['summary'] = sprintf(_("renamed from %s"), $from); $page->save($current->getPackedContent(), $version + 1, $meta); } } elseif (!$oldpage->getCurrentRevision(false) and !$newpage->exists()) { // if a version 0 exists try it also. $result = $this->_backend->rename_page($from, $to); } } else { trigger_error(_("WikiDB::renamePage() not yet implemented for this backend"), E_USER_WARNING); } /* Generate notification emails? */ if ($result) { $notify = $this->get('notify'); if (!empty($notify) and is_array($notify)) { list($emails, $userids) = $oldpage->getPageChangeEmails($notify); if (!empty($emails)) { $oldpage->sendPageRenameNotification($to, &$meta, $emails, $userids); } } } return $result; } /** Get timestamp when database was last modified. * * @return string A string consisting of two integers, * separated by a space. The first is the time in * unix timestamp format, the second is a modification * count for the database. * * The idea is that you can cast the return value to an * int to get a timestamp, or you can use the string value * as a good hash for the entire database. */ function getTimestamp() { $ts = $this->get('_timestamp'); return sprintf("%d %d", $ts[0], $ts[1]); } /** * Update the database timestamp. * */ function touch() { $ts = $this->get('_timestamp'); $this->set('_timestamp', array(time(), $ts[1] + 1)); } /** * Access WikiDB global meta-data. * * NOTE: this is currently implemented in a hackish and * not very efficient manner. * * @access public * * @param string $key Which meta data to get. * Some reserved meta-data keys are: *
Data used by getTimestamp(). *
* * @return scalar The requested value, or false if the requested data * is not set. */ function get($key) { if (!$key || $key[0] == '%') return false; /* * Hack Alert: We can use any page (existing or not) to store * this data (as long as we always use the same one.) */ $gd = $this->getPage('global_data'); $data = $gd->get('__global'); if ($data && isset($data[$key])) return $data[$key]; else return false; } /** * Set global meta-data. * * NOTE: this is currently implemented in a hackish and * not very efficient manner. * * @see get * @access public * * @param string $key Meta-data key to set. * @param string $newval New value. */ function set($key, $newval) { if (!$key || $key[0] == '%') return; $gd = $this->getPage('global_data'); $data = $gd->get('__global'); if ($data === false) $data = array(); if (empty($newval)) unset($data[$key]); else $data[$key] = $newval; $gd->set('__global', $data); } /* TODO: these are really backend methods */ // SQL result: for simple select or create/update queries // returns the database specific resource type function genericSqlQuery($sql, $args=false) { if (function_exists('debug_backtrace')) { // >= 4.3.0 echo "
", printSimpleTrace(debug_backtrace()), "
\n"; } trigger_error("no SQL database", E_USER_ERROR); return false; } // SQL iter: for simple select or create/update queries // returns the generic iterator object (count,next) function genericSqlIter($sql, $field_list = NULL) { if (function_exists('debug_backtrace')) { // >= 4.3.0 echo "
", printSimpleTrace(debug_backtrace()), "
\n"; } trigger_error("no SQL database", E_USER_ERROR); return false; } // see backend upstream methods // ADODB adds surrounding quotes, SQL not yet! function quote ($s) { return $s; } function isOpen () { global $request; if (!$request->_dbi) return false; else return false; /* so far only needed for sql so false it. later we have to check dba also */ } function getParam($param) { global $DBParams; if (isset($DBParams[$param])) return $DBParams[$param]; elseif ($param == 'prefix') return ''; else return false; } function getAuthParam($param) { global $DBAuthParams; if (isset($DBAuthParams[$param])) return $DBAuthParams[$param]; elseif ($param == 'USER_AUTH_ORDER') return $GLOBALS['USER_AUTH_ORDER']; elseif ($param == 'USER_AUTH_POLICY') return $GLOBALS['USER_AUTH_POLICY']; else return false; } }; /** * An abstract base class which representing a wiki-page within a * WikiDB. * * A WikiDB_Page contains a number (at least one) of * WikiDB_PageRevisions. */ class WikiDB_Page { function WikiDB_Page(&$wikidb, $pagename) { $this->_wikidb = &$wikidb; $this->_pagename = $pagename; if (DEBUG) { if (!(is_string($pagename) and $pagename != '')) { if (function_exists("xdebug_get_function_stack")) { echo "xdebug_get_function_stack(): "; var_dump(xdebug_get_function_stack()); } elseif (function_exists("debug_backtrace")) { // >= 4.3.0 printSimpleTrace(debug_backtrace()); } trigger_error("empty pagename", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } } else assert(is_string($pagename) and $pagename != ''); } /** * Get the name of the wiki page. * * @access public * * @return string The page name. */ function getName() { return $this->_pagename; } // To reduce the memory footprint for larger sets of pagelists, // we don't cache the content (only true or false) and // we purge the pagedata (_cached_html) also function exists() { if (isset($this->_wikidb->_cache->_id_cache[$this->_pagename])) return true; $current = $this->getCurrentRevision(false); if (!$current) return false; return ! $current->hasDefaultContents(); } /** * Delete an old revision of a WikiDB_Page. * * Deletes the specified revision of the page. * It is a fatal error to attempt to delete the current revision. * * @access public * * @param integer $version Which revision to delete. (You can also * use a WikiDB_PageRevision object here.) */ function deleteRevision($version) { $backend = &$this->_wikidb->_backend; $cache = &$this->_wikidb->_cache; $pagename = &$this->_pagename; $version = $this->_coerce_to_version($version); if ($version == 0) return; $backend->lock(array('page','version')); $latestversion = $cache->get_latest_version($pagename); if ($latestversion && $version == $latestversion) { $backend->unlock(array('page','version')); trigger_error(sprintf("Attempt to delete most recent revision of '%s'", $pagename), E_USER_ERROR); return; } $cache->delete_versiondata($pagename, $version); $backend->unlock(array('page','version')); } /* * Delete a revision, or possibly merge it with a previous * revision. * * The idea is this: * Suppose an author make a (major) edit to a page. Shortly * after that the same author makes a minor edit (e.g. to fix * spelling mistakes he just made.) * * Now some time later, where cleaning out old saved revisions, * and would like to delete his minor revision (since there's * really no point in keeping minor revisions around for a long * time.) * * Note that the text after the minor revision probably represents * what the author intended to write better than the text after * the preceding major edit. * * So what we really want to do is merge the minor edit with the * preceding edit. * * We will only do this when: * */ function mergeRevision($version) { $backend = &$this->_wikidb->_backend; $cache = &$this->_wikidb->_cache; $pagename = &$this->_pagename; $version = $this->_coerce_to_version($version); if ($version == 0) return; $backend->lock(array('version')); $latestversion = $cache->get_latest_version($pagename); if ($latestversion && $version == $latestversion) { $backend->unlock(array('version')); trigger_error(sprintf("Attempt to merge most recent revision of '%s'", $pagename), E_USER_ERROR); return; } $versiondata = $cache->get_versiondata($pagename, $version, true); if (!$versiondata) { // Not there? ... we're done! $backend->unlock(array('version')); return; } if ($versiondata['is_minor_edit']) { $previous = $backend->get_previous_version($pagename, $version); if ($previous) { $prevdata = $cache->get_versiondata($pagename, $previous); if ($prevdata['author_id'] == $versiondata['author_id']) { // This is a minor revision, previous version is // by the same author. We will merge the // revisions. $cache->update_versiondata($pagename, $previous, array('%content' => $versiondata['%content'], '_supplanted' => $versiondata['_supplanted'])); } } } $cache->delete_versiondata($pagename, $version); $backend->unlock(array('version')); } /** * Create a new revision of a {@link WikiDB_Page}. * * @access public * * @param int $version Version number for new revision. * To ensure proper serialization of edits, $version must be * exactly one higher than the current latest version. * (You can defeat this check by setting $version to * {@link WIKIDB_FORCE_CREATE} --- not usually recommended.) * * @param string $content Contents of new revision. * * @param hash $metadata Metadata for new revision. * All values in the hash should be scalars (strings or integers). * * @param array $links List of pagenames which this page links to. * * @return WikiDB_PageRevision Returns the new WikiDB_PageRevision object. If * $version was incorrect, returns false */ function createRevision($version, &$content, $metadata, $links) { $backend = &$this->_wikidb->_backend; $cache = &$this->_wikidb->_cache; $pagename = &$this->_pagename; $cache->invalidate_cache($pagename); $backend->lock(array('version','page','recent','link','nonempty')); $latestversion = $backend->get_latest_version($pagename); $newversion = ($latestversion ? $latestversion : 0) + 1; assert($newversion >= 1); if ($version != WIKIDB_FORCE_CREATE and $version != $newversion) { $backend->unlock(array('version','page','recent','link','nonempty')); return false; } $data = $metadata; foreach ($data as $key => $val) { if (empty($val) || $key[0] == '_' || $key[0] == '%') unset($data[$key]); } assert(!empty($data['author'])); if (empty($data['author_id'])) @$data['author_id'] = $data['author']; if (empty($data['mtime'])) $data['mtime'] = time(); if ($latestversion and $version != WIKIDB_FORCE_CREATE) { // Ensure mtimes are monotonic. $pdata = $cache->get_versiondata($pagename, $latestversion); if ($data['mtime'] < $pdata['mtime']) { trigger_error(sprintf(_("%s: Date of new revision is %s"), $pagename,"'non-monotonic'"), E_USER_NOTICE); $data['orig_mtime'] = $data['mtime']; $data['mtime'] = $pdata['mtime']; } // FIXME: use (possibly user specified) 'mtime' time or // time()? $cache->update_versiondata($pagename, $latestversion, array('_supplanted' => $data['mtime'])); } $data['%content'] = &$content; $cache->set_versiondata($pagename, $newversion, $data); //$cache->update_pagedata($pagename, array(':latestversion' => $newversion, //':deleted' => empty($content))); $backend->set_links($pagename, $links); $backend->unlock(array('version','page','recent','link','nonempty')); return new WikiDB_PageRevision($this->_wikidb, $pagename, $newversion, $data); } /** A higher-level interface to createRevision. * * This takes care of computing the links, and storing * a cached version of the transformed wiki-text. * * @param string $wikitext The page content. * * @param int $version Version number for new revision. * To ensure proper serialization of edits, $version must be * exactly one higher than the current latest version. * (You can defeat this check by setting $version to * {@link WIKIDB_FORCE_CREATE} --- not usually recommended.) * * @param hash $meta Meta-data for new revision. */ function save($wikitext, $version, $meta) { $formatted = new TransformedText($this, $wikitext, $meta); $type = $formatted->getType(); $meta['pagetype'] = $type->getName(); $links = $formatted->getWikiPageLinks(); $backend = &$this->_wikidb->_backend; $newrevision = $this->createRevision($version, $wikitext, $meta, $links); if ($newrevision and !WIKIDB_NOCACHE_MARKUP) $this->set('_cached_html', $formatted->pack()); // FIXME: probably should have some global state information // in the backend to control when to optimize. // // We're doing this here rather than in createRevision because // postgres can't optimize while locked. if ((DEBUG & _DEBUG_SQL) or (time() % 5 == 0)) { if ($backend->optimize()) trigger_error(_("Optimizing database"), E_USER_NOTICE); } /* Generate notification emails? */ if (isa($newrevision, 'WikiDB_PageRevision')) { // Save didn't fail because of concurrent updates. $notify = $this->_wikidb->get('notify'); if (!empty($notify) and is_array($notify)) { list($emails, $userids) = $this->getPageChangeEmails($notify); if (!empty($emails)) { $this->sendPageChangeNotification($wikitext, $version, $meta, $emails, $userids); } } $newrevision->_transformedContent = $formatted; } return $newrevision; } function getPageChangeEmails($notify) { $emails = array(); $userids = array(); foreach ($notify as $page => $users) { if (glob_match($page, $this->_pagename)) { foreach ($users as $userid => $user) { if (!$user) { // handle the case for ModeratePage: no prefs, just userid's. global $request; $u = $request->getUser(); if ($u->UserName() == $userid) { $prefs = $u->getPreferences(); } else { // not current user if (ENABLE_USER_NEW) { $u = WikiUser($userid); $u->getPreferences(); $prefs = &$u->_prefs; } else { $u = new WikiUser($GLOBALS['request'], $userid); $prefs = $u->getPreferences(); } } $emails[] = $prefs->get('email'); $userids[] = $userid; } else { if (!empty($user['verified']) and !empty($user['email'])) { $emails[] = $user['email']; $userids[] = $userid; } elseif (!empty($user['email'])) { global $request; // do a dynamic emailVerified check update $u = $request->getUser(); if ($u->UserName() == $userid) { if ($request->_prefs->get('emailVerified')) { $emails[] = $user['email']; $userids[] = $userid; $notify[$page][$userid]['verified'] = 1; $request->_dbi->set('notify', $notify); } } else { // not current user if (ENABLE_USER_NEW) { $u = WikiUser($userid); $u->getPreferences(); $prefs = &$u->_prefs; } else { $u = new WikiUser($GLOBALS['request'], $userid); $prefs = $u->getPreferences(); } if ($prefs->get('emailVerified')) { $emails[] = $user['email']; $userids[] = $userid; $notify[$page][$userid]['verified'] = 1; $request->_dbi->set('notify', $notify); } } // ignore verification /* if (DEBUG) { if (!in_array($user['email'],$emails)) $emails[] = $user['email']; } */ } } } } } $emails = array_unique($emails); $userids = array_unique($userids); return array($emails, $userids); } /** * Send udiff for a changed page to multiple users. * See rename and remove methods also */ function sendPageChangeNotification(&$wikitext, $version, $meta, $emails, $userids) { global $request; if (@is_array($request->_deferredPageChangeNotification)) { // collapse multiple changes (loaddir) into one email $request->_deferredPageChangeNotification[] = array($this->_pagename, $emails, $userids); return; } $backend = &$this->_wikidb->_backend; //$backend = &$request->_dbi->_backend; $subject = _("Page change").' '.urlencode($this->_pagename); $previous = $backend->get_previous_version($this->_pagename, $version); if (!isset($meta['mtime'])) $meta['mtime'] = time(); if ($previous) { $difflink = WikiURL($this->_pagename, array('action'=>'diff'), true); $cache = &$this->_wikidb->_cache; //$cache = &$request->_dbi->_cache; $this_content = explode("\n", $wikitext); $prevdata = $cache->get_versiondata($this->_pagename, $previous, true); if (empty($prevdata['%content'])) $prevdata = $backend->get_versiondata($this->_pagename, $previous, true); $other_content = explode("\n", $prevdata['%content']); include_once("lib/difflib.php"); $diff2 = new Diff($other_content, $this_content); //$context_lines = max(4, count($other_content) + 1, // count($this_content) + 1); $fmt = new UnifiedDiffFormatter(/*$context_lines*/); $content = $this->_pagename . " " . $previous . " " . Iso8601DateTime($prevdata['mtime']) . "\n"; $content .= $this->_pagename . " " . $version . " " . Iso8601DateTime($meta['mtime']) . "\n"; $content .= $fmt->format($diff2); } else { $difflink = WikiURL($this->_pagename,array(),true); $content = $this->_pagename . " " . $version . " " . Iso8601DateTime($meta['mtime']) . "\n"; $content .= _("New page"); } $editedby = sprintf(_("Edited by: %s"), $meta['author']); $emails = join(',',$emails); if (mail($emails,"[".WIKI_NAME."] ".$subject, $subject."\n". $editedby."\n". $difflink."\n\n". $content)) trigger_error(sprintf(_("PageChange Notification of %s sent to %s"), $this->_pagename, join(',',$userids)), E_USER_NOTICE); else trigger_error(sprintf(_("PageChange Notification Error: Couldn't send %s to %s"), $this->_pagename, join(',',$userids)), E_USER_WARNING); } /** support mass rename / remove (not yet tested) */ function sendPageRenameNotification($to, &$meta, $emails, $userids) { global $request; if (@is_array($request->_deferredPageRenameNotification)) { $request->_deferredPageRenameNotification[] = array($this->_pagename, $to, $meta, $emails, $userids); } else { $from = $this->_pagename; $editedby = sprintf(_("Edited by: %s"), $meta['author']) . ' ' . $meta['author_id']; $emails = join(',',$emails); $subject = sprintf(_("Page rename %s to %s"), urlencode($from), urlencode($to)); $link = WikiURL($to, true); if (mail($emails,"[".WIKI_NAME."] ".$subject, $subject."\n". $editedby."\n". $link."\n\n". "Renamed $from to $to")) trigger_error(sprintf(_("PageChange Notification of %s sent to %s"), $from, join(',',$userids)), E_USER_NOTICE); else trigger_error(sprintf(_("PageChange Notification Error: Couldn't send %s to %s"), $from, join(',',$userids)), E_USER_WARNING); } } /** * Get the most recent revision of a page. * * @access public * * @return WikiDB_PageRevision The current WikiDB_PageRevision object. */ function getCurrentRevision($need_content = true) { $backend = &$this->_wikidb->_backend; $cache = &$this->_wikidb->_cache; $pagename = &$this->_pagename; // Prevent deadlock in case of memory exhausted errors // Pure selection doesn't really need locking here. // sf.net bug#927395 // I know it would be better to lock, but with lots of pages this deadlock is more // severe than occasionally get not the latest revision. // In spirit to wikiwiki: read fast, edit slower. //$backend->lock(); $version = $cache->get_latest_version($pagename); // getRevision gets the content also! $revision = $this->getRevision($version, $need_content); //$backend->unlock(); assert($revision); return $revision; } /** * Get a specific revision of a WikiDB_Page. * * @access public * * @param integer $version Which revision to get. * * @return WikiDB_PageRevision The requested WikiDB_PageRevision object, or * false if the requested revision does not exist in the {@link WikiDB}. * Note that version zero of any page always exists. */ function getRevision($version, $need_content=true) { $cache = &$this->_wikidb->_cache; $pagename = &$this->_pagename; if (! $version or $version == -1) // 0 or false return new WikiDB_PageRevision($this->_wikidb, $pagename, 0); assert($version > 0); $vdata = $cache->get_versiondata($pagename, $version, $need_content); if (!$vdata) { return new WikiDB_PageRevision($this->_wikidb, $pagename, 0); } return new WikiDB_PageRevision($this->_wikidb, $pagename, $version, $vdata); } /** * Get previous page revision. * * This method find the most recent revision before a specified * version. * * @access public * * @param integer $version Find most recent revision before this version. * You can also use a WikiDB_PageRevision object to specify the $version. * * @return WikiDB_PageRevision The requested WikiDB_PageRevision object, or false if the * requested revision does not exist in the {@link WikiDB}. Note that * unless $version is greater than zero, a revision (perhaps version zero, * the default revision) will always be found. */ function getRevisionBefore($version, $need_content=true) { $backend = &$this->_wikidb->_backend; $pagename = &$this->_pagename; $version = $this->_coerce_to_version($version); if ($version == 0) return false; //$backend->lock(); $previous = $backend->get_previous_version($pagename, $version); $revision = $this->getRevision($previous, $need_content); //$backend->unlock(); assert($revision); return $revision; } /** * Get all revisions of the WikiDB_Page. * * This does not include the version zero (default) revision in the * returned revision set. * * @return WikiDB_PageRevisionIterator A * WikiDB_PageRevisionIterator containing all revisions of this * WikiDB_Page in reverse order by version number. */ function getAllRevisions() { $backend = &$this->_wikidb->_backend; $revs = $backend->get_all_revisions($this->_pagename); return new WikiDB_PageRevisionIterator($this->_wikidb, $revs); } /** * Find pages which link to or are linked from a page. * * @access public * * @param boolean $reversed Which links to find: true for backlinks (default). * * @return WikiDB_PageIterator A WikiDB_PageIterator containing * all matching pages. */ function getLinks($reversed = true, $include_empty=false, $sortby=false, $limit=false, $exclude=false) { $backend = &$this->_wikidb->_backend; $result = $backend->get_links($this->_pagename, $reversed, $include_empty, $sortby, $limit, $exclude); return new WikiDB_PageIterator($this->_wikidb, $result, array('include_empty' => $include_empty, 'sortby' => $sortby, 'limit' => $limit, 'exclude' => $exclude)); } /** * All Links from other pages to this page. */ function getBackLinks($include_empty=false, $sortby=false, $limit=false, $exclude=false) { return $this->getLinks(true, $include_empty, $sortby, $limit, $exclude); } /** * Forward Links: All Links from this page to other pages. */ function getPageLinks($include_empty=false, $sortby=false, $limit=false, $exclude=false) { return $this->getLinks(false, $include_empty, $sortby, $limit, $exclude); } /** * possibly faster link existance check. not yet accelerated. */ function existLink($link, $reversed=false) { $backend = &$this->_wikidb->_backend; if (method_exists($backend,'exists_link')) return $backend->exists_link($this->_pagename, $link, $reversed); //$cache = &$this->_wikidb->_cache; // TODO: check cache if it is possible $iter = $this->getLinks($reversed, false); while ($page = $iter->next()) { if ($page->getName() == $link) return $page; } $iter->free(); return false; } /** * Access WikiDB_Page meta-data. * * @access public * * @param string $key Which meta data to get. * Some reserved meta-data keys are: *
Is page locked? *
Page hit counter. *
Users preferences, stored in homepages. *
Default: first author_id. We might add a group with a dot here: * E.g. "owner.users" *
Permission flag to authorize read/write/execution of * page-headers and content. *
Page score (not yet implement, do we need?) *
* * @return scalar The requested value, or false if the requested data * is not set. */ function get($key) { $cache = &$this->_wikidb->_cache; $backend = &$this->_wikidb->_backend; if (!$key || $key[0] == '%') return false; // several new SQL backends optimize this. if ($key == '_cached_html' and method_exists($backend, 'get_cached_html')) { return $backend->get_cached_html($this->_pagename); } $data = $cache->get_pagedata($this->_pagename); return isset($data[$key]) ? $data[$key] : false; } /** * Get all the page meta-data as a hash. * * @return hash The page meta-data. */ function getMetaData() { $cache = &$this->_wikidb->_cache; $data = $cache->get_pagedata($this->_pagename); $meta = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $val) { if (/*!empty($val) &&*/ $key[0] != '%') $meta[$key] = $val; } return $meta; } /** * Set page meta-data. * * @see get * @access public * * @param string $key Meta-data key to set. * @param string $newval New value. */ function set($key, $newval) { $cache = &$this->_wikidb->_cache; $backend = &$this->_wikidb->_backend; $pagename = &$this->_pagename; assert($key && $key[0] != '%'); // several new SQL backends optimize this. if ($key == '_cached_html' and method_exists($backend, 'set_cached_html')) { return $backend->set_cached_html($pagename, $newval); } $data = $cache->get_pagedata($pagename); if (!empty($newval)) { if (!empty($data[$key]) && $data[$key] == $newval) return; // values identical, skip update. } else { if (empty($data[$key])) return; // values identical, skip update. } $cache->update_pagedata($pagename, array($key => $newval)); } /** * Increase page hit count. * * FIXME: IS this needed? Probably not. * * This is a convenience function. *
* is functionally identical to *
* but less expensive (ignores the pagadata string) * * Note that this method may be implemented in more efficient ways * in certain backends. * * @access public */ function increaseHitCount() { if (method_exists($this->_wikidb->_backend, 'increaseHitCount')) $this->_wikidb->_backend->increaseHitCount($this->_pagename); else { @$newhits = $this->get('hits') + 1; $this->set('hits', $newhits); } } /** * Return a string representation of the WikiDB_Page * * This is really only for debugging. * * @access public * * @return string Printable representation of the WikiDB_Page. */ function asString () { ob_start(); printf("[%s:%s\n", get_class($this), $this->getName()); print_r($this->getMetaData()); echo "]\n"; $strval = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $strval; } /** * @access private * @param integer_or_object $version_or_pagerevision * Takes either the version number (and int) or a WikiDB_PageRevision * object. * @return integer The version number. */ function _coerce_to_version($version_or_pagerevision) { if (method_exists($version_or_pagerevision, "getContent")) $version = $version_or_pagerevision->getVersion(); else $version = (int) $version_or_pagerevision; assert($version >= 0); return $version; } function isUserPage ($include_empty = true) { if (!$include_empty and !$this->exists()) return false; return $this->get('pref') ? true : false; } // May be empty. Either the stored owner (/Chown), or the first authorized author function getOwner() { if ($owner = $this->get('owner')) return ($owner == "The PhpWiki programming team") ? ADMIN_USER : $owner; // check all revisions forwards for the first author_id $backend = &$this->_wikidb->_backend; $pagename = &$this->_pagename; $latestversion = $backend->get_latest_version($pagename); for ($v=1; $v <= $latestversion; $v++) { $rev = $this->getRevision($v,false); if ($rev and $owner = $rev->get('author_id')) { return ($owner == "The PhpWiki programming team") ? ADMIN_USER : $owner; } } return ''; } // The authenticated author of the first revision or empty if not authenticated then. function getCreator() { if ($current = $this->getRevision(1,false)) return $current->get('author_id'); else return ''; } // The authenticated author of the current revision. function getAuthor() { if ($current = $this->getCurrentRevision(false)) return $current->get('author_id'); else return ''; } }; /** * This class represents a specific revision of a WikiDB_Page within * a WikiDB. * * A WikiDB_PageRevision has read-only semantics. You may only create * new revisions (and delete old ones) --- you cannot modify existing * revisions. */ class WikiDB_PageRevision { //var $_transformedContent = false; // set by WikiDB_Page::save() function WikiDB_PageRevision(&$wikidb, $pagename, $version, $versiondata = false) { $this->_wikidb = &$wikidb; $this->_pagename = $pagename; $this->_version = $version; $this->_data = $versiondata ? $versiondata : array(); $this->_transformedContent = false; // set by WikiDB_Page::save() } /** * Get the WikiDB_Page which this revision belongs to. * * @access public * * @return WikiDB_Page The WikiDB_Page which this revision belongs to. */ function getPage() { return new WikiDB_Page($this->_wikidb, $this->_pagename); } /** * Get the version number of this revision. * * @access public * * @return integer The version number of this revision. */ function getVersion() { return $this->_version; } /** * Determine whether this revision has defaulted content. * * The default revision (version 0) of each page, as well as any * pages which are created with empty content have their content * defaulted to something like: *
     *   Describe [ThisPage] here.
* * @access public * * @return boolean Returns true if the page has default content. */ function hasDefaultContents() { $data = &$this->_data; return empty($data['%content']); // FIXME: what if it's the number 0? <>'' or === false } /** * Get the content as an array of lines. * * @access public * * @return array An array of lines. * The lines should contain no trailing white space. */ function getContent() { return explode("\n", $this->getPackedContent()); } /** * Get the pagename of the revision. * * @access public * * @return string pagename. */ function getPageName() { return $this->_pagename; } function getName() { return $this->_pagename; } /** * Determine whether revision is the latest. * * @access public * * @return boolean True iff the revision is the latest (most recent) one. */ function isCurrent() { if (!isset($this->_iscurrent)) { $page = $this->getPage(); $current = $page->getCurrentRevision(false); $this->_iscurrent = $this->getVersion() == $current->getVersion(); } return $this->_iscurrent; } /** * Get the transformed content of a page. * * @param string $pagetype Override the page-type of the revision. * * @return object An XmlContent-like object containing the page transformed * contents. */ function getTransformedContent($pagetype_override=false) { $backend = &$this->_wikidb->_backend; if ($pagetype_override) { // Figure out the normal page-type for this page. $type = PageType::GetPageType($this->get('pagetype')); if ($type->getName() == $pagetype_override) $pagetype_override = false; // Not really an override... } if ($pagetype_override) { // Overriden page type, don't cache (or check cache). return new TransformedText($this->getPage(), $this->getPackedContent(), $this->getMetaData(), $pagetype_override); } $possibly_cache_results = true; if (!USECACHE or WIKIDB_NOCACHE_MARKUP) { if (WIKIDB_NOCACHE_MARKUP == 'purge') { // flush cache for this page. $page = $this->getPage(); $page->set('_cached_html', ''); } $possibly_cache_results = false; } elseif (!$this->_transformedContent) { //$backend->lock(); if ($this->isCurrent()) { $page = $this->getPage(); $this->_transformedContent = TransformedText::unpack($page->get('_cached_html')); } else { $possibly_cache_results = false; } //$backend->unlock(); } if (!$this->_transformedContent) { $this->_transformedContent = new TransformedText($this->getPage(), $this->getPackedContent(), $this->getMetaData()); if ($possibly_cache_results) { // If we're still the current version, cache the transfomed page. //$backend->lock(); if ($this->isCurrent()) { $page->set('_cached_html', $this->_transformedContent->pack()); } //$backend->unlock(); } } return $this->_transformedContent; } /** * Get the content as a string. * * @access public * * @return string The page content. * Lines are separated by new-lines. */ function getPackedContent() { $data = &$this->_data; if (empty($data['%content'])) { include_once('lib/InlineParser.php'); // A feature similar to taglines at http://www.wlug.org.nz/ // Lib from http://www.aasted.org/quote/ if (defined('FORTUNE_DIR') and is_dir(FORTUNE_DIR) and in_array($GLOBALS['request']->getArg('action'), array('create','edit'))) { include_once("lib/fortune.php"); $fortune = new Fortune(); $quote = str_replace("\n
","\n", $fortune->quoteFromDir(FORTUNE_DIR)); return sprintf("\n%s\n\n"._("Describe %s here."), $quote, "[" . WikiEscape($this->_pagename) . "]"); } // Replace empty content with default value. return sprintf(_("Describe %s here."), "[" . WikiEscape($this->_pagename) . "]"); } // There is (non-default) content. assert($this->_version > 0); if (!is_string($data['%content'])) { // Content was not provided to us at init time. // (This is allowed because for some backends, fetching // the content may be expensive, and often is not wanted // by the user.) // // In any case, now we need to get it. $data['%content'] = $this->_get_content(); assert(is_string($data['%content'])); } return $data['%content']; } function _get_content() { $cache = &$this->_wikidb->_cache; $pagename = $this->_pagename; $version = $this->_version; assert($version > 0); $newdata = $cache->get_versiondata($pagename, $version, true); if ($newdata) { assert(is_string($newdata['%content'])); return $newdata['%content']; } else { // else revision has been deleted... What to do? return __sprintf("Oops! Revision %s of %s seems to have been deleted!", $version, $pagename); } } /** * Get meta-data for this revision. * * * @access public * * @param string $key Which meta-data to access. * * Some reserved revision meta-data keys are: *
Time this revision was created (seconds since midnight Jan 1, 1970.) * The 'mtime' meta-value is normally set automatically by the database * backend, but it may be specified explicitly when creating a new revision. *
orig_mtime *
To ensure consistency of RecentChanges, the mtimes of the versions * of a page must be monotonically increasing. If an attempt is * made to create a new revision with an mtime less than that of * the preceeding revision, the new revisions timestamp is force * to be equal to that of the preceeding revision. In that case, * the originally requested mtime is preserved in 'orig_mtime'. *
Time this revision ceased to be the most recent. * This meta-value is always automatically maintained by the database * backend. (It is set from the 'mtime' meta-value of the superceding * revision.) '_supplanted' has a value of 'false' for the current revision. * * FIXME: this could be refactored: *
author *
Author of the page (as he should be reported in, e.g. RecentChanges.) *
author_id *
Authenticated author of a page. This is used to identify * the distinctness of authors when cleaning old revisions from * the database. *
Set if change was marked as a minor revision by the author. *
Short change summary entered by page author. *
* * Meta-data keys must be valid C identifers (they have to start with a letter * or underscore, and can contain only alphanumerics and underscores.) * * @return string The requested value, or false if the requested value * is not defined. */ function get($key) { if (!$key || $key[0] == '%') return false; $data = &$this->_data; return isset($data[$key]) ? $data[$key] : false; } /** * Get all the revision page meta-data as a hash. * * @return hash The revision meta-data. */ function getMetaData() { $meta = array(); foreach ($this->_data as $key => $val) { if (!empty($val) && $key[0] != '%') $meta[$key] = $val; } return $meta; } /** * Return a string representation of the revision. * * This is really only for debugging. * * @access public * * @return string Printable representation of the WikiDB_Page. */ function asString () { ob_start(); printf("[%s:%d\n", get_class($this), $this->get('version')); print_r($this->_data); echo $this->getPackedContent() . "\n]\n"; $strval = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $strval; } }; /** * Class representing a sequence of WikiDB_Pages. * TODO: Enhance to php5 iterators */ class WikiDB_PageIterator { function WikiDB_PageIterator(&$wikidb, &$iter, $options=false) { $this->_iter = $iter; // a WikiDB_backend_iterator $this->_wikidb = &$wikidb; $this->_options = $options; } function count () { return $this->_iter->count(); } /** * Get next WikiDB_Page in sequence. * * @access public * * @return WikiDB_Page The next WikiDB_Page in the sequence. */ function next () { if ( ! ($next = $this->_iter->next()) ) return false; $pagename = &$next['pagename']; if (!$pagename) { trigger_error('empty pagename in WikiDB_PageIterator::next()', E_USER_WARNING); var_dump($next); return false; } // there's always hits, but we cache only if more // (well not with file, cvs and dba) if (isset($next['pagedata']) and count($next['pagedata']) > 1) { $this->_wikidb->_cache->cache_data($next); // cache existing page id's since we iterate over all links in GleanDescription // and need them later for LinkExistingWord } elseif ($this->_options and array_key_exists('include_empty', $this->_options) and !$this->_options['include_empty'] and isset($next['id'])) { $this->_wikidb->_cache->_id_cache[$next['pagename']] = $next['id']; } return new WikiDB_Page($this->_wikidb, $pagename); } /** * Release resources held by this iterator. * * The iterator may not be used after free() is called. * * There is no need to call free(), if next() has returned false. * (I.e. if you iterate through all the pages in the sequence, * you do not need to call free() --- you only need to call it * if you stop before the end of the iterator is reached.) * * @access public */ function free() { $this->_iter->free(); } function asArray() { $result = array(); while ($page = $this->next()) $result[] = $page; //$this->reset(); return $result; } }; /** * A class which represents a sequence of WikiDB_PageRevisions. * TODO: Enhance to php5 iterators */ class WikiDB_PageRevisionIterator { function WikiDB_PageRevisionIterator(&$wikidb, &$revisions, $options=false) { $this->_revisions = $revisions; $this->_wikidb = &$wikidb; $this->_options = $options; } function count () { return $this->_revisions->count(); } /** * Get next WikiDB_PageRevision in sequence. * * @access public * * @return WikiDB_PageRevision * The next WikiDB_PageRevision in the sequence. */ function next () { if ( ! ($next = $this->_revisions->next()) ) return false; //$this->_wikidb->_cache->cache_data($next); $pagename = $next['pagename']; $version = $next['version']; $versiondata = $next['versiondata']; if (DEBUG) { if (!(is_string($pagename) and $pagename != '')) { trigger_error("empty pagename",E_USER_WARNING); return false; } } else assert(is_string($pagename) and $pagename != ''); if (DEBUG) { if (!is_array($versiondata)) { trigger_error("empty versiondata",E_USER_WARNING); return false; } } else assert(is_array($versiondata)); if (DEBUG) { if (!($version > 0)) { trigger_error("invalid version",E_USER_WARNING); return false; } } else assert($version > 0); return new WikiDB_PageRevision($this->_wikidb, $pagename, $version, $versiondata); } /** * Release resources held by this iterator. * * The iterator may not be used after free() is called. * * There is no need to call free(), if next() has returned false. * (I.e. if you iterate through all the revisions in the sequence, * you do not need to call free() --- you only need to call it * if you stop before the end of the iterator is reached.) * * @access public */ function free() { $this->_revisions->free(); } function asArray() { $result = array(); while ($rev = $this->next()) $result[] = $rev; $this->free(); return $result; } }; /** pseudo iterator */ class WikiDB_Array_PageIterator { function WikiDB_Array_PageIterator(&$pagenames) { global $request; $this->_dbi = $request->getDbh(); $this->_pages = $pagenames; reset($this->_pages); } function next() { $c =& current($this->_pages); next($this->_pages); return $c !== false ? $this->_dbi->getPage($c) : false; } function count() { return count($this->_pages); } function free() {} function asArray() { reset($this->_pages); return $this->_pages; } } class WikiDB_Array_generic_iter { function WikiDB_Array_generic_iter($result) { // $result may be either an array or a query result if (is_array($result)) { $this->_array = $result; } elseif (is_object($result)) { $this->_array = $result->asArray(); } else { $this->_array = array(); } if (!empty($this->_array)) reset($this->_array); } function next() { $c =& current($this->_array); next($this->_array); return $c !== false ? $c : false; } function count() { return count($this->_array); } function free() {} function asArray() { if (!empty($this->_array)) reset($this->_array); return $this->_array; } } /** * Data cache used by WikiDB. * * FIXME: Maybe rename this to caching_backend (or some such). * * @access private */ class WikiDB_cache { // FIXME: beautify versiondata cache. Cache only limited data? function WikiDB_cache (&$backend) { $this->_backend = &$backend; $this->_pagedata_cache = array(); $this->_versiondata_cache = array(); array_push ($this->_versiondata_cache, array()); $this->_glv_cache = array(); $this->_id_cache = array(); // formerly ->_dbi->_iwpcache (nonempty pages => id) } function close() { $this->_pagedata_cache = array(); $this->_versiondata_cache = array(); $this->_glv_cache = array(); $this->_id_cache = array(); } function get_pagedata($pagename) { assert(is_string($pagename) && $pagename != ''); if (USECACHE) { $cache = &$this->_pagedata_cache; if (!isset($cache[$pagename]) || !is_array($cache[$pagename])) { $cache[$pagename] = $this->_backend->get_pagedata($pagename); // Never keep a ['%pagedata']['_cached_html'] in cache, other than the current page. /* if (isset($cache[$pagename]['_cached_html']) and $pagename != $GLOBALS['request']->getArg('pagename')) { unset($cache[$pagename]['_cached_html']); } */ if (empty($cache[$pagename])) $cache[$pagename] = array(); } return $cache[$pagename]; } else { return $this->_backend->get_pagedata($pagename); } } function update_pagedata($pagename, $newdata) { assert(is_string($pagename) && $pagename != ''); unset ($this->_pagedata_cache[$pagename]); $this->_backend->update_pagedata($pagename, $newdata); if (USECACHE and !empty($this->_pagedata_cache[$pagename]) and is_array($this->_pagedata_cache[$pagename])) { $cachedata = &$this->_pagedata_cache[$pagename]; foreach($newdata as $key => $val) $cachedata[$key] = $val; } } function invalidate_cache($pagename) { unset ($this->_pagedata_cache[$pagename]); unset ($this->_versiondata_cache[$pagename]); unset ($this->_glv_cache[$pagename]); unset ($this->_id_cache[$pagename]); //unset ($this->_backend->_page_data); } function delete_page($pagename) { $result = $this->_backend->delete_page($pagename); $this->invalidate_cache($pagename); return $result; } function purge_page($pagename) { $result = $this->_backend->purge_page($pagename); $this->invalidate_cache($pagename); return $result; } // FIXME: ugly and wrong. may overwrite full cache with partial cache function cache_data($data) { ; //if (isset($data['pagedata'])) // $this->_pagedata_cache[$data['pagename']] = $data['pagedata']; } function get_versiondata($pagename, $version, $need_content = false) { // FIXME: Seriously ugly hackage if (USECACHE) { //temporary - for debugging assert(is_string($pagename) && $pagename != ''); // there is a bug here somewhere which results in an assertion failure at line 105 // of ArchiveCleaner.php It goes away if we use the next line. //$need_content = true; $nc = $need_content ? '1':'0'; $cache = &$this->_versiondata_cache; if (!isset($cache[$pagename][$version][$nc])|| !(is_array ($cache[$pagename])) || !(is_array ($cache[$pagename][$version]))) { $cache[$pagename][$version][$nc] = $this->_backend->get_versiondata($pagename, $version, $need_content); // If we have retrieved all data, we may as well set the cache for $need_content = false if ($need_content){ $cache[$pagename][$version]['0'] =& $cache[$pagename][$version]['1']; } } $vdata = $cache[$pagename][$version][$nc]; } else { $vdata = $this->_backend->get_versiondata($pagename, $version, $need_content); } // FIXME: ugly. // Rationale: never keep ['%pagedata']['_cached_html'] in cache. if ($vdata && !empty($vdata['%pagedata'])) { $this->_pagedata_cache[$pagename] =& $vdata['%pagedata']; // only store _cached_html for the requested page if (0 and USECACHE and isset($vdata['%pagedata']['_cached_html']) and $pagename != $GLOBALS['request']->getArg('pagename')) { unset($this->_pagedata_cache[$pagename]['_cached_html']); unset($cache[$pagename][$version][$nc]['%pagedata']['_cached_html']); if ($need_content) unset($cache[$pagename][$version][0]['%pagedata']['_cached_html']); } } return $vdata; } function set_versiondata($pagename, $version, $data) { //unset($this->_versiondata_cache[$pagename][$version]); $new = $this->_backend->set_versiondata($pagename, $version, $data); // Update the cache $this->_versiondata_cache[$pagename][$version]['1'] = $data; $this->_versiondata_cache[$pagename][$version]['0'] = $data; // Is this necessary? unset($this->_glv_cache[$pagename]); } function update_versiondata($pagename, $version, $data) { $new = $this->_backend->update_versiondata($pagename, $version, $data); // Update the cache // FIXME: never keep ['%pagedata']['_cached_html'] in cache. $this->_versiondata_cache[$pagename][$version]['1'] = $data; // FIXME: hack $this->_versiondata_cache[$pagename][$version]['0'] = $data; // Is this necessary? unset($this->_glv_cache[$pagename]); } function delete_versiondata($pagename, $version) { $new = $this->_backend->delete_versiondata($pagename, $version); if (isset($this->_versiondata_cache[$pagename][$version]['1'])) unset ($this->_versiondata_cache[$pagename][$version]['1']); if (isset($this->_versiondata_cache[$pagename][$version]['0'])) unset ($this->_versiondata_cache[$pagename][$version]['0']); if (isset($this->_glv_cache[$pagename])) unset ($this->_glv_cache[$pagename]); } function get_latest_version($pagename) { if (USECACHE) { assert (is_string($pagename) && $pagename != ''); $cache = &$this->_glv_cache; if (!isset($cache[$pagename])) { $cache[$pagename] = $this->_backend->get_latest_version($pagename); if (empty($cache[$pagename])) $cache[$pagename] = 0; } return $cache[$pagename]; } else { return $this->_backend->get_latest_version($pagename); } } }; function _sql_debuglog($msg, $newline=true, $shutdown=false) { static $fp = false; static $i = 0; if (!$fp) { $stamp = strftime("%y%m%d-%H%M%S"); $fp = fopen("/tmp/sql-$stamp.log", "a"); register_shutdown_function("_sql_debuglog_shutdown_function"); } elseif ($shutdown) { fclose($fp); return; } if ($newline) fputs($fp, "[$i++] $msg"); else fwrite($fp, $msg); } function _sql_debuglog_shutdown_function() { _sql_debuglog('',false,true); } // $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ // Revision 1.118 2004/12/13 13:22:57 rurban // new BlogArchives plugin for the new blog theme. enable default box method // for all plugins. Minor search improvement. // // Revision 1.117 2004/12/13 08:15:09 rurban // false is wrong. null might be better but lets play safe. // // Revision 1.116 2004/12/10 22:15:00 rurban // fix $page->get('_cached_html) // refactor upgrade db helper _convert_cached_html() to be able to call them from WikiAdminUtils also. // support 2nd genericSqlQuery param (bind huge arg) // // Revision 1.115 2004/12/10 02:45:27 rurban // SQL optimization: // put _cached_html from pagedata into a new seperate blob, not huge serialized string. // it is only rarelely needed: for current page only, if-not-modified // but was extracted for every simple page iteration. // // Revision 1.114 2004/12/09 22:24:44 rurban // optimize on _DEBUG_SQL only. but now again on every 50th request, not just save. // // Revision 1.113 2004/12/06 19:49:55 rurban // enable action=remove which is undoable and seeable in RecentChanges: ADODB ony for now. // renamed delete_page to purge_page. // enable action=edit&version=-1 to force creation of a new version. // added BABYCART_PATH config // fixed magiqc in adodb.inc.php // and some more docs // // Revision 1.112 2004/11/30 17:45:53 rurban // exists_links backend implementation // // Revision 1.111 2004/11/28 20:39:43 rurban // deactivate pagecache overwrite: it is wrong // // Revision 1.110 2004/11/26 18:39:01 rurban // new regex search parser and SQL backends (90% complete, glob and pcre backends missing) // // Revision 1.109 2004/11/25 17:20:50 rurban // and again a couple of more native db args: backlinks // // Revision 1.108 2004/11/23 13:35:31 rurban // add case_exact search // // Revision 1.107 2004/11/21 11:59:16 rurban // remove final \n to be ob_cache independent // // Revision 1.106 2004/11/20 17:35:56 rurban // improved WantedPages SQL backends // PageList::sortby new 3rd arg valid_fields (override db fields) // WantedPages sql pager inexact for performance reasons: // assume 3 wantedfrom per page, to be correct, no getTotal() // support exclude argument for get_all_pages, new _sql_set() // // Revision 1.105 2004/11/20 09:16:27 rurban // Fix bad-style Cut&Paste programming errors, detected by Charles Corrigan. // // Revision 1.104 2004/11/19 19:22:03 rurban // ModeratePage part1: change status // // Revision 1.103 2004/11/16 17:29:04 rurban // fix remove notification error // fix creation + update id_cache update // // Revision 1.102 2004/11/11 18:31:26 rurban // add simple backtrace on such general failures to get at least an idea where // // Revision 1.101 2004/11/10 19:32:22 rurban // * optimize increaseHitCount, esp. for mysql. // * prepend dirs to the include_path (phpwiki_dir for faster searches) // * Pear_DB version logic (awful but needed) // * fix broken ADODB quote // * _extract_page_data simplification // // Revision 1.100 2004/11/10 15:29:20 rurban // * requires newer Pear_DB (as the internal one): quote() uses now escapeSimple for strings // * ACCESS_LOG_SQL: fix cause request not yet initialized // * WikiDB: moved SQL specific methods upwards // * new Pear_DB quoting: same as ADODB and as newer Pear_DB. // fixes all around: WikiGroup, WikiUserNew SQL methods, SQL logging // // Revision 1.99 2004/11/09 17:11:05 rurban // * revert to the wikidb ref passing. there's no memory abuse there. // * use new wikidb->_cache->_id_cache[] instead of wikidb->_iwpcache, to effectively // store page ids with getPageLinks (GleanDescription) of all existing pages, which // are also needed at the rendering for linkExistingWikiWord(). // pass options to pageiterator. // use this cache also for _get_pageid() // This saves about 8 SELECT count per page (num all pagelinks). // * fix passing of all page fields to the pageiterator. // * fix overlarge session data which got broken with the latest ACCESS_LOG_SQL changes // // Revision 1.98 2004/11/07 18:34:29 rurban // more logging fixes // // Revision 1.97 2004/11/07 16:02:51 rurban // new sql access log (for spam prevention), and restructured access log class // dbh->quote (generic) // pear_db: mysql specific parts seperated (using replace) // // Revision 1.96 2004/11/05 22:32:15 rurban // encode the subject to be 7-bit safe // // Revision 1.95 2004/11/05 20:53:35 rurban // login cleanup: better debug msg on failing login, // checked password less immediate login (bogo or anon), // checked olduser pref session error, // better PersonalPage without password warning on minimal password length=0 // (which is default now) // // Revision 1.94 2004/11/01 10:43:56 rurban // seperate PassUser methods into seperate dir (memory usage) // fix WikiUser (old) overlarge data session // remove wikidb arg from various page class methods, use global ->_dbi instead // ... // // Revision 1.93 2004/10/14 17:17:57 rurban // remove dbi WikiDB_Page param: use global request object instead. (memory) // allow most_popular sortby arguments // // Revision 1.92 2004/10/05 17:00:04 rurban // support paging for simple lists // fix RatingDb sql backend. // remove pages from AllPages (this is ListPages then) // // Revision 1.91 2004/10/04 23:41:19 rurban // delete notify: fix, @unset syntax error // // Revision 1.90 2004/09/28 12:50:22 rurban // https://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id=1150924&forum_id=18929 // // Revision 1.89 2004/09/26 10:54:42 rurban // silence deferred check // // Revision 1.88 2004/09/25 18:16:40 rurban // unset more unneeded _cached_html. (Guess this should fix sf.net now) // // Revision 1.87 2004/09/25 16:25:40 rurban // notify on rename and remove (to be improved) // // Revision 1.86 2004/09/23 18:52:06 rurban // only fortune at create // // Revision 1.85 2004/09/16 08:00:51 rurban // just some comments // // Revision 1.84 2004/09/14 10:34:30 rurban // fix TransformedText call to use refs // // Revision 1.83 2004/09/08 13:38:00 rurban // improve loadfile stability by using markup=2 as default for undefined markup-style. // use more refs for huge objects. // fix debug=static issue in WikiPluginCached // // Revision 1.82 2004/09/06 12:08:49 rurban // memory_limit on unix workaround // VisualWiki: default autosize image // // Revision 1.81 2004/09/06 08:28:00 rurban // rename genericQuery to genericSqlQuery // // Revision 1.80 2004/07/09 13:05:34 rurban // just aesthetics // // Revision 1.79 2004/07/09 10:06:49 rurban // Use backend specific sortby and sortable_columns method, to be able to // select between native (Db backend) and custom (PageList) sorting. // Fixed PageList::AddPageList (missed the first) // Added the author/creator.. name to AllPagesBy... // display no pages if none matched. // Improved dba and file sortby(). // Use &$request reference // // Revision 1.78 2004/07/08 21:32:35 rurban // Prevent from more warnings, minor db and sort optimizations // // Revision 1.77 2004/07/08 19:04:42 rurban // more unittest fixes (file backend, metadata RatingsDb) // // Revision 1.76 2004/07/08 17:31:43 rurban // improve numPages for file (fixing AllPagesTest) // // Revision 1.75 2004/07/05 13:56:22 rurban // sqlite autoincrement fix // // Revision 1.74 2004/07/03 16:51:05 rurban // optional DBADMIN_USER:DBADMIN_PASSWD for action=upgrade (if no ALTER permission) // added atomic mysql REPLACE for PearDB as in ADODB // fixed _lock_tables typo links => link // fixes unserialize ADODB bug in line 180 // // Revision 1.73 2004/06/29 08:52:22 rurban // Use ...version() $need_content argument in WikiDB also: // To reduce the memory footprint for larger sets of pagelists, // we don't cache the content (only true or false) and // we purge the pagedata (_cached_html) also. // _cached_html is only cached for the current pagename. // => Vastly improved page existance check, ACL check, ... // // Now only PagedList info=content or size needs the whole content, esp. if sortable. // // Revision 1.72 2004/06/25 14:15:08 rurban // reduce memory footprint by caching only requested pagedate content (improving most page iterators) // // Revision 1.71 2004/06/21 16:22:30 rurban // add DEFAULT_DUMP_DIR and HTML_DUMP_DIR constants, for easier cmdline dumps, // fixed dumping buttons locally (images/buttons/), // support pages arg for dumphtml, // optional directory arg for dumpserial + dumphtml, // fix a AllPages warning, // show dump warnings/errors on DEBUG, // don't warn just ignore on wikilens pagelist columns, if not loaded. // RateIt pagelist column is called "rating", not "ratingwidget" (Dan?) // // Revision 1.70 2004/06/18 14:39:31 rurban // actually check USECACHE // // Revision 1.69 2004/06/13 15:33:20 rurban // new support for arguments owner, author, creator in most relevant // PageList plugins. in WikiAdmin* via preSelectS() // // Revision 1.68 2004/06/08 21:03:20 rurban // updated RssParser for XmlParser quirks (store parser object params in globals) // // Revision 1.67 2004/06/07 19:12:49 rurban // fixed rename version=0, bug #966284 // // Revision 1.66 2004/06/07 18:57:27 rurban // fix rename: Change pagename in all linked pages // // Revision 1.65 2004/06/04 20:32:53 rurban // Several locale related improvements suggested by Pierrick Meignen // LDAP fix by John Cole // reanable admin check without ENABLE_PAGEPERM in the admin plugins // // Revision 1.64 2004/06/04 16:50:00 rurban // add random quotes to empty pages // // Revision 1.63 2004/06/04 11:58:38 rurban // added USE_TAGLINES // // Revision 1.62 2004/06/03 22:24:41 rurban // reenable admin check on !ENABLE_PAGEPERM, honor s=Wildcard arg, fix warning after Remove // // Revision 1.61 2004/06/02 17:13:48 rurban // fix getRevisionBefore assertion // // Revision 1.60 2004/05/28 10:09:58 rurban // fix bug #962117, incorrect init of auth_dsn // // Revision 1.59 2004/05/27 17:49:05 rurban // renamed DB_Session to DbSession (in CVS also) // added WikiDB->getParam and WikiDB->getAuthParam method to get rid of globals // remove leading slash in error message // added force_unlock parameter to File_Passwd (no return on stale locks) // fixed adodb session AffectedRows // added FileFinder helpers to unify local filenames and DATA_PATH names // editpage.php: new edit toolbar javascript on ENABLE_EDIT_TOOLBAR // // Revision 1.58 2004/05/18 13:59:14 rurban // rename simpleQuery to genericQuery // // Revision 1.57 2004/05/16 22:07:35 rurban // check more config-default and predefined constants // various PagePerm fixes: // fix default PagePerms, esp. edit and view for Bogo and Password users // implemented Creator and Owner // BOGOUSERS renamed to BOGOUSER // fixed syntax errors in signin.tmpl // // Revision 1.56 2004/05/15 22:54:49 rurban // fixed important WikiDB bug with DEBUG > 0: wrong assertion // improved SetAcl (works) and PagePerms, some WikiGroup helpers. // // Revision 1.55 2004/05/12 19:27:47 rurban // revert wrong inline optimization. // // Revision 1.54 2004/05/12 10:49:55 rurban // require_once fix for those libs which are loaded before FileFinder and // its automatic include_path fix, and where require_once doesn't grok // dirname(__FILE__) != './lib' // upgrade fix with PearDB // navbar.tmpl: remove spaces for IE   button alignment // // Revision 1.53 2004/05/08 14:06:12 rurban // new support for inlined image attributes: [image.jpg size=50x30 align=right] // minor stability and portability fixes // // Revision 1.52 2004/05/06 19:26:16 rurban // improve stability, trying to find the InlineParser endless loop on sf.net // // remove end-of-zip comments to fix sf.net bug #777278 and probably #859628 // // Revision 1.51 2004/05/06 17:30:37 rurban // CategoryGroup: oops, dos2unix eol // improved phpwiki_version: // pre -= .0001 (1.3.10pre: 1030.099) // -p1 += .001 (1.3.9-p1: 1030.091) // improved InstallTable for mysql and generic SQL versions and all newer tables so far. // abstracted more ADODB/PearDB methods for action=upgrade stuff: // backend->backendType(), backend->database(), // backend->listOfFields(), // backend->listOfTables(), // // Revision 1.50 2004/05/04 22:34:25 rurban // more pdf support // // Revision 1.49 2004/05/03 11:16:40 rurban // fixed sendPageChangeNotification // subject rewording // // Revision 1.48 2004/04/29 23:03:54 rurban // fixed sf.net bug #940996 // // Revision 1.47 2004/04/29 19:39:44 rurban // special support for formatted plugins (one-liners) // like // iter->asArray() helper for PopularNearby // db_session for older php's (no &func() allowed) // // Revision 1.46 2004/04/26 20:44:34 rurban // locking table specific for better databases // // Revision 1.45 2004/04/20 00:06:03 rurban // themable paging support // // Revision 1.44 2004/04/19 18:27:45 rurban // Prevent from some PHP5 warnings (ref args, no :: object init) // php5 runs now through, just one wrong XmlElement object init missing // Removed unneccesary UpgradeUser lines // Changed WikiLink to omit version if current (RecentChanges) // // Revision 1.43 2004/04/18 01:34:20 rurban // protect most_popular from sortby=mtime // // Revision 1.42 2004/04/18 01:11:51 rurban // more numeric pagename fixes. // fixed action=upload with merge conflict warnings. // charset changed from constant to global (dynamic utf-8 switching) // // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>