Mime-Version: 1.0 (Produced by PhpWiki 1.3.2-jeffs-hacks+carsten's-binary-hack) X-RCS_ID: $Id: PhpWikiSystemverwalten,v 1.7 2002-01-11 22:35:11 carstenklapp Exp $ Content-Type: application/x-phpwiki; pagename=PhpWikiSystemverwalten; flags=PAGE_LOCKED; lastmodified=1010734457; Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary __Beachtung__: Du mußt der Systemverwalter-Account mit Passwort zuerst schützen, sonnst werden ziemlich viel von diesen Administrationsbefehlen nicht funkionieren. ----------- ! Anmelden __[ Melde mich an | phpwiki:?action=login]__ This allows you to login. While you are logged in you will be able to''lock'', ''unlock'' and ''delete'' pages. You will also be able edit ''locked'' pages. ---------- !! Aufräumen Eine Wiki SandKiste wird ganz einfach aufgeraümt. Hier kannst du es von locale/de/pgsrc erneut beladen wodurch es wieder unberührt gemacht würde: [ Putze die SandKiste aus | phpwiki:?action=loadfile&source=locale/de/pgsrc/SandKiste ]. ---------- !! Speicherauszug und Archiv-Datenversicherung ! ZIP Dateien vom Datenbank These links lead to zip files, generated on the fly, which contain all the pages in your Wiki. The zip file will be downloaded to your local computer. Dieser __[ ZIP Speicherauszug | phpwiki:?action=zip]__ enthält nur die Aktuellste Versionen die Seiten, und dieser __[ ZIP Speicherauszug | phpwiki:?action=zip&include=all]__ enthält alle archivierte Versionen. (If the PhpWiki is configured to allow it), anyone can download a zip file. If your php has ''zlib'' support, the files in the archive will be compressed, otherwise they will just be stored. ! Seiten als Dateien im Verzeichnis Ablegen Here you can dump pages of your Wiki into a directory of your choice. [ Schreibe Seiten aus | phpwiki:?action=dumpserial&directory=(/tmp/wikidump) ] The most recent version of each page will written out to the directory, one page per file. Your server must have write permissions to the directory! ----------- !! Wiederherstellen If you have dumped a set of pages from PhpWiki, you can reload them here. Note that pages in your database will be overwritten; thus, if you dumped your StartSeite when you load it from this form it will overwrite the one in your database now. If you want to be selective just delete the pages from the directory (or zip file) which you don't want to load. ! Datei Hochladen Here you can upload ZIP archives, or individual files from your (client) machine. [ Hochlade | phpwiki:?action=upload&file=50()upload ] ! Dateien Einladen Here you can load ZIP archives, individual files or entire directories. The file or directory must be local to the http server. You can also use this form to load from an http: or ftp: URL. [ Seiten Laden | phpwiki:?action=loadfile&source=50(/tmp/wikidump) ] ----------- !! Datenform Currently the pages are stored, one per file, as MIME ([ RFC2045 | http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2045.html ]) e-mail ([ RFC822 | http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc822.html ]) messages. The content-type ''application/x-phpwiki'' is used, and page meta-data is encoded in the content-type parameters. (If the file contains several versions of a page, it will have type ''multipart/mixed'', and contain several sub-parts, each with type ''application/x-phpwiki''). The message body contains the page text. ! Alten Datenformen __Serialisierte Dateien__ The dump to directory command used to dump the pages as php ''serialized()'' strings. For humans, this made the files very hard to read, and nearly impossible to edit. __Textdateien__ Before that the page text was just dumped to a file--this means that all page meta-data was lost. Note that when loading ''Textdateien'', the page name is deduced from the file name. The upload and load functions will automatically recognize each of these three types of files, and handle them accordingly.