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[FreeBSD/stable/8.git] / contrib / bind9 / bin / confgen / ddns-confgen.html
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17 <html>
18 <head>
19 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
20 <title>ddns-confgen</title>
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23 <body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"><div class="refentry" lang="en">
24 <a name="man.ddns-confgen"></a><div class="titlepage"></div>
25 <div class="refnamediv">
26 <h2>Name</h2>
27 <p><span class="application">ddns-confgen</span> &#8212; ddns key generation tool</p>
28 </div>
29 <div class="refsynopsisdiv">
30 <h2>Synopsis</h2>
31 <div class="cmdsynopsis"><p><code class="command">ddns-confgen</code>  [<code class="option">-a <em class="replaceable"><code>algorithm</code></em></code>] [<code class="option">-h</code>] [<code class="option">-k <em class="replaceable"><code>keyname</code></em></code>] [<code class="option">-r <em class="replaceable"><code>randomfile</code></em></code>] [ -s <em class="replaceable"><code>name</code></em>  |   -z <em class="replaceable"><code>zone</code></em> ] [<code class="option">-q</code>] [name]</p></div>
32 </div>
33 <div class="refsect1" lang="en">
34 <a name="id2543396"></a><h2>DESCRIPTION</h2>
35 <p><span><strong class="command">ddns-confgen</strong></span>
36       generates a key for use by <span><strong class="command">nsupdate</strong></span>
37       and <span><strong class="command">named</strong></span>.  It simplifies configuration
38       of dynamic zones by generating a key and providing the
39       <span><strong class="command">nsupdate</strong></span> and <span><strong class="command">named.conf</strong></span>
40       syntax that will be needed to use it, including an example
41       <span><strong class="command">update-policy</strong></span> statement.
42     </p>
43 <p>
44       If a domain name is specified on the command line, it will
45       be used in the name of the generated key and in the sample
46       <span><strong class="command">named.conf</strong></span> syntax.  For example,
47       <span><strong class="command">ddns-confgen example.com</strong></span> would
48       generate a key called "ddns-key.example.com", and sample
49       <span><strong class="command">named.conf</strong></span> command that could be used
50       in the zone definition for "example.com".
51     </p>
52 <p>
53       Note that <span><strong class="command">named</strong></span> itself can configure a
54       local DDNS key for use with <span><strong class="command">nsupdate -l</strong></span>.
55       <span><strong class="command">ddns-confgen</strong></span> is only needed when a 
56       more elaborate configuration is required: for instance, if
57       <span><strong class="command">nsupdate</strong></span> is to be used from a remote system.
58     </p>
59 </div>
60 <div class="refsect1" lang="en">
61 <a name="id2543456"></a><h2>OPTIONS</h2>
62 <div class="variablelist"><dl>
63 <dt><span class="term">-a <em class="replaceable"><code>algorithm</code></em></span></dt>
64 <dd><p>
65             Specifies the algorithm to use for the TSIG key.  Available
66             choices are: hmac-md5, hmac-sha1, hmac-sha224, hmac-sha256,
67             hmac-sha384 and hmac-sha512.  The default is hmac-sha256.
68           </p></dd>
69 <dt><span class="term">-h</span></dt>
70 <dd><p>
71             Prints a short summary of the options and arguments to
72             <span><strong class="command">ddns-confgen</strong></span>.
73           </p></dd>
74 <dt><span class="term">-k <em class="replaceable"><code>keyname</code></em></span></dt>
75 <dd><p>
76             Specifies the key name of the DDNS authentication key.
77             The default is <code class="constant">ddns-key</code> when neither
78             the <code class="option">-s</code> nor <code class="option">-z</code> option is
79             specified; otherwise, the default
80             is <code class="constant">ddns-key</code> as a separate label
81             followed by the argument of the option, e.g.,
82             <code class="constant">ddns-key.example.com.</code>
83             The key name must have the format of a valid domain name,
84             consisting of letters, digits, hyphens and periods.
85           </p></dd>
86 <dt><span class="term">-q</span></dt>
87 <dd><p>
88             Quiet mode:  Print only the key, with no explanatory text or
89             usage examples.
90           </p></dd>
91 <dt><span class="term">-r <em class="replaceable"><code>randomfile</code></em></span></dt>
92 <dd><p>
93             Specifies a source of random data for generating the
94             authorization.  If the operating system does not provide a
95             <code class="filename">/dev/random</code> or equivalent device, the
96             default source of randomness is keyboard input.
97             <code class="filename">randomdev</code> specifies the name of a
98             character device or file containing random data to be used
99             instead of the default.  The special value
100             <code class="filename">keyboard</code> indicates that keyboard input
101             should be used.
102           </p></dd>
103 <dt><span class="term">-s <em class="replaceable"><code>name</code></em></span></dt>
104 <dd><p>
105             Single host mode: The example <span><strong class="command">named.conf</strong></span> text
106             shows how to set an update policy for the specified
107             <em class="replaceable"><code>name</code></em>
108             using the "name" nametype.
109             The default key name is
110             ddns-key.<em class="replaceable"><code>name</code></em>.
111             Note that the "self" nametype cannot be used, since
112             the name to be updated may differ from the key name.
113             This option cannot be used with the <code class="option">-z</code> option.
114           </p></dd>
115 <dt><span class="term">-z <em class="replaceable"><code>zone</code></em></span></dt>
116 <dd><p>
117             zone mode:  The example <span><strong class="command">named.conf</strong></span> text
118             shows how to set an update policy for the specified
119             <em class="replaceable"><code>zone</code></em>
120             using the "zonesub" nametype, allowing updates to all subdomain
121             names within
122             that <em class="replaceable"><code>zone</code></em>.
123             This option cannot be used with the <code class="option">-s</code> option.
124           </p></dd>
125 </dl></div>
126 </div>
127 <div class="refsect1" lang="en">
128 <a name="id2543643"></a><h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
129 <p><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">nsupdate</span>(1)</span>,
130       <span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">named.conf</span>(5)</span>,
131       <span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">named</span>(8)</span>,
132       <em class="citetitle">BIND 9 Administrator Reference Manual</em>.
133     </p>
134 </div>
135 <div class="refsect1" lang="en">
136 <a name="id2543682"></a><h2>AUTHOR</h2>
137 <p><span class="corpauthor">Internet Systems Consortium</span>
138     </p>
139 </div>
140 </div></body>
141 </html>