]> CyberLeo.Net >> Repos - SourceForge/phpwiki.git/blob - lib/WikiUser/PearDb.php
fix DBAUTH arguments to be position independent, fixes bug #1358973
[SourceForge/phpwiki.git] / lib / WikiUser / PearDb.php
1 <?php //-*-php-*-
2 rcs_id('$Id: PearDb.php,v 1.10 2006-03-19 16:26:40 rurban Exp $');
3 /* Copyright (C) 2004 ReiniUrban
4  * This file is part of PhpWiki. Terms and Conditions see LICENSE. (GPL2)
5  */
7 class _PearDbPassUser
8 extends _DbPassUser
9 /**
10  * Pear DB methods
11  * Now optimized not to use prepare, ...query(sprintf($sql,quote())) instead.
12  * We use FETCH_MODE_ROW, so we don't need aliases in the auth_* SQL statements.
13  *
14  * @tables: pref
15  */
16 {
17     var $_authmethod = 'PearDb';
18     function _PearDbPassUser($UserName='',$prefs=false) {
19         //global $DBAuthParams;
20         if (!$this->_prefs and isa($this,"_PearDbPassUser")) {
21             if ($prefs) $this->_prefs = $prefs;
22         }
23         if (!isset($this->_prefs->_method))
24             _PassUser::_PassUser($UserName);
25         elseif (!$this->isValidName($UserName)) {
26             trigger_error(_("Invalid username."), E_USER_WARNING);
27             return false;
28         }
29         $this->_userid = $UserName;
30         // make use of session data. generally we only initialize this every time, 
31         // but do auth checks only once
32         $this->_auth_crypt_method = $GLOBALS['request']->_dbi->getAuthParam('auth_crypt_method');
33         return $this;
34     }
36     function getPreferences() {
37         // override the generic slow method here for efficiency and not to 
38         // clutter the homepage metadata with prefs.
39         _AnonUser::getPreferences();
40         $this->getAuthDbh();
41         if (isset($this->_prefs->_select)) {
42             $dbh = &$this->_auth_dbi;
43             $db_result = $dbh->query(sprintf($this->_prefs->_select, $dbh->quote($this->_userid)));
44             // patched by frederik@pandora.be
45             $prefs = $db_result->fetchRow();
46             $prefs_blob = @$prefs["prefs"]; 
47             if ($restored_from_db = $this->_prefs->retrieve($prefs_blob)) {
48                 $updated = $this->_prefs->updatePrefs($restored_from_db);
49                 //$this->_prefs = new UserPreferences($restored_from_db);
50                 return $this->_prefs;
51             }
52         }
53         if ($this->_HomePagehandle) {
54             if ($restored_from_page = $this->_prefs->retrieve
55                 ($this->_HomePagehandle->get('pref'))) {
56                 $updated = $this->_prefs->updatePrefs($restored_from_page);
57                 //$this->_prefs = new UserPreferences($restored_from_page);
58                 return $this->_prefs;
59             }
60         }
61         return $this->_prefs;
62     }
64     function setPreferences($prefs, $id_only=false) {
65         // if the prefs are changed
66         if ($count = _AnonUser::setPreferences($prefs, 1)) {
67             //global $request;
68             //$user = $request->_user;
69             //unset($user->_auth_dbi);
70             // this must be done in $request->_setUser, not here!
71             //$request->setSessionVar('wiki_user', $user);
72             $this->getAuthDbh();
73             $packed = $this->_prefs->store();
74             if (!$id_only and isset($this->_prefs->_update)) {
75                 $dbh = &$this->_auth_dbi;
76                 // check if the user already exists (not needed with mysql REPLACE)
77                 $db_result = $dbh->query(sprintf($this->_prefs->_select, 
78                                                  $dbh->quote($this->_userid)));
79                 $prefs = $db_result->fetchRow();
80                 $prefs_blob = @$prefs["prefs"]; 
81                 // If there are prefs for the user, update them.
82                 if($prefs_blob != "" ){
83                     $dbh->simpleQuery(sprintf($this->_prefs->_update,
84                                               $dbh->quote($packed),
85                                               $dbh->quote($this->_userid)));
86                 } else {
87                     // Otherwise, insert a record for them and set it to the defaults.
88                     // johst@deakin.edu.au
89                     $dbi = $GLOBALS['request']->getDbh();
90                     $this->_prefs->_insert = $this->prepare($dbi->getAuthParam('pref_insert'),
91                                                             array("pref_blob", "userid"));
92                     $dbh->simpleQuery(sprintf($this->_prefs->_insert, 
93                                               $dbh->quote($packed), $dbh->quote($this->_userid)));
94                 }
95                 //delete pageprefs:
96                 if ($this->_HomePagehandle and $this->_HomePagehandle->get('pref'))
97                     $this->_HomePagehandle->set('pref', '');
98             } else {
99                 //store prefs in homepage, not in cookie
100                 if ($this->_HomePagehandle and !$id_only)
101                     $this->_HomePagehandle->set('pref', $packed);
102             }
103             return $count; //count($this->_prefs->unpack($packed));
104         }
105         return 0;
106     }
108     function userExists() {
109         //global $DBAuthParams;
110         $this->getAuthDbh();
111         $dbh = &$this->_auth_dbi;
112         if (!$dbh) { // needed?
113             return $this->_tryNextUser();
114         }
115         if (!$this->isValidName()) {
116             trigger_error(_("Invalid username."),E_USER_WARNING);
117             return $this->_tryNextUser();
118         }
119         $dbi =& $GLOBALS['request']->_dbi;
120         // Prepare the configured auth statements
121         if ($dbi->getAuthParam('auth_check') and empty($this->_authselect)) {
122             $this->_authselect = $this->prepare($dbi->getAuthParam('auth_check'), 
123                                                 array("password", "userid"));
124         }
125         //NOTE: for auth_crypt_method='crypt' no special auth_user_exists is needed
126         if (!$dbi->getAuthParam('auth_user_exists') 
127             and $this->_auth_crypt_method == 'crypt' 
128             and $this->_authselect) 
129         {
130             $rs = $dbh->query(sprintf($this->_authselect, $dbh->quote($this->_userid)));
131             if ($rs->numRows())
132                 return true;
133         }
134         else {
135             if (! $dbi->getAuthParam('auth_user_exists'))
136                 trigger_error(fmt("%s is missing", 'DBAUTH_AUTH_USER_EXISTS'),
137                               E_USER_WARNING);
138             $this->_authcheck = $this->prepare($dbi->getAuthParam('auth_user_exists'), "userid");
139             $rs = $dbh->query(sprintf($this->_authcheck, $dbh->quote($this->_userid)));
140             if ($rs->numRows())
141                 return true;
142         }
143         // User does not exist yet.
144         // Maybe the user is allowed to create himself. Generally not wanted in 
145         // external databases, but maybe wanted for the wiki database, for performance 
146         // reasons
147         if (empty($this->_authcreate) and $dbi->getAuthParam('auth_create')) {
148             $this->_authcreate = $this->prepare($dbi->getAuthParam('auth_create'),
149                                                 array("password", "userid"));
150         }
151         if (!empty($this->_authcreate) and 
152             isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['auth']) and
153             isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['auth']['passwd'])) 
154         {
155             $passwd = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['auth']['passwd'];
156             $dbh->simpleQuery(sprintf($this->_authcreate, 
157                                       $dbh->quote($passwd), 
158                                       $dbh->quote($this->_userid)));
159             return true;
160         }
161         return $this->_tryNextUser();
162     }
164     function checkPass($submitted_password) {
165         //global $DBAuthParams;
166         $this->getAuthDbh();
167         if (!$this->_auth_dbi) {  // needed?
168             return $this->_tryNextPass($submitted_password);
169         }
170         if (!$this->isValidName()) {
171             return $this->_tryNextPass($submitted_password);
172         }
173         if (!$this->_checkPassLength($submitted_password)) {
174             return WIKIAUTH_FORBIDDEN;
175         }
176         if (!isset($this->_authselect))
177             $this->userExists();
178         if (!isset($this->_authselect))
179             trigger_error(fmt("Either %s is missing or DATABASE_TYPE != '%s'",
180                               'DBAUTH_AUTH_CHECK', 'SQL'),
181                           E_USER_WARNING);
183         //NOTE: for auth_crypt_method='crypt'  defined('ENCRYPTED_PASSWD',true) must be set
184         $dbh = &$this->_auth_dbi;
185         if ($this->_auth_crypt_method == 'crypt') {
186             $stored_password = $dbh->getOne(sprintf($this->_authselect, $dbh->quote($this->_userid)));
187             $result = $this->_checkPass($submitted_password, $stored_password);
188         } else {
189             // be position independent
190             $okay = $dbh->getOne(sprintf($this->_authselect, 
191                                          $dbh->quote($submitted_password),
192                                          $dbh->quote($this->_userid)));
193             $result = !empty($okay);
194         }
196         if ($result) {
197             $this->_level = WIKIAUTH_USER;
198             return $this->_level;
199         } elseif (USER_AUTH_POLICY === 'strict') {
200             $this->_level = WIKIAUTH_FORBIDDEN;
201             return $this->_level;
202         } else {
203             return $this->_tryNextPass($submitted_password);
204         }
205     }
207     function mayChangePass() {
208         return $GLOBALS['request']->_dbi->getAuthParam('auth_update');
209     }
211     function storePass($submitted_password) {
212         if (!$this->isValidName()) {
213             return false;
214         }
215         $this->getAuthDbh();
216         $dbh = &$this->_auth_dbi;
217         $dbi =& $GLOBALS['request']->_dbi;
218         if ($dbi->getAuthParam('auth_update') and empty($this->_authupdate)) {
219             $this->_authupdate = $this->prepare($dbi->getAuthParam('auth_update'),
220                                                 array("password", "userid"));
221         }
222         if (empty($this->_authupdate)) {
223             trigger_error(fmt("Either %s is missing or DATABASE_TYPE != '%s'",
224                               'DBAUTH_AUTH_UPDATE','SQL'),
225                           E_USER_WARNING);
226             return false;
227         }
229         if ($this->_auth_crypt_method == 'crypt') {
230             if (function_exists('crypt'))
231                 $submitted_password = crypt($submitted_password);
232         }
233         $dbh->simpleQuery(sprintf($this->_authupdate,
234                                   $dbh->quote($submitted_password), $dbh->quote($this->_userid)));
235         return true;
236     }
237 }
239 // $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
240 // Revision 1.9  2005/10/10 19:43:49  rurban
241 // add DBAUTH_PREF_INSERT: self-creating users. by John Stevens
242 //
243 // Revision 1.8  2005/08/06 13:21:09  rurban
244 // switch to natural order password, userid
245 //
246 // Revision 1.7  2005/02/14 12:28:27  rurban
247 // fix policy strict. Thanks to Mikhail Vladimirov
248 //
249 // Revision 1.6  2005/01/06 15:44:22  rurban
250 // move password length checker to correct method. thanks to Charles Corrigan
251 //
252 // Revision 1.5  2004/12/26 17:11:17  rurban
253 // just copyright
254 //
255 // Revision 1.4  2004/12/20 16:05:01  rurban
256 // gettext msg unification
257 //
258 // Revision 1.3  2004/12/19 00:58:02  rurban
259 // Enforce PASSWORD_LENGTH_MINIMUM in almost all PassUser checks,
260 // Provide an errormessage if so. Just PersonalPage and BogoLogin not.
261 // Simplify httpauth logout handling and set sessions for all methods.
262 // fix main.php unknown index "x" getLevelDescription() warning.
263 //
264 // Revision 1.2  2004/11/10 15:29:21  rurban
265 // * requires newer Pear_DB (as the internal one): quote() uses now escapeSimple for strings
266 // * ACCESS_LOG_SQL: fix cause request not yet initialized
267 // * WikiDB: moved SQL specific methods upwards
268 // * new Pear_DB quoting: same as ADODB and as newer Pear_DB.
269 //   fixes all around: WikiGroup, WikiUserNew SQL methods, SQL logging
270 //
271 // Revision 1.1  2004/11/01 10:43:58  rurban
272 // seperate PassUser methods into seperate dir (memory usage)
273 // fix WikiUser (old) overlarge data session
274 // remove wikidb arg from various page class methods, use global ->_dbi instead
275 // ...
276 //
278 // Local Variables:
279 // mode: php
280 // tab-width: 8
281 // c-basic-offset: 4
282 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil
283 // indent-tabs-mode: nil
284 // End:
285 ?>