]> CyberLeo.Net >> Repos - FreeBSD/FreeBSD.git/blob - cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/dist/Examples/js_calls_example.txt
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[FreeBSD/FreeBSD.git] / cddl / contrib / dtracetoolkit / dist / Examples / js_calls_example.txt
1 The following are examples of the results of running js_calls.d
3 A JavaScript program that behaves like a clock is frequently used by these
4 examples, since it can be left running in the background without browser
5 input. Browser input, such as hitting the reload button or using menus,
6 triggers many other JavaScript events since much of the browser uses
7 JavaScript. 
9 With Code/JavaScript/func_clock.html loaded, we trace one second of activity:
11 # js_calls.d
12 Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.
13 ^C
14  FILE                     TYPE       NAME                              CALLS
15  func_clock.html          exec       .                                     1
16  func_clock.html          func       func_a                                1
17  func_clock.html          func       func_b                                1
18  func_clock.html          func       func_c                                1
19  func_clock.html          func       setTimeout                            1
20  func_clock.html          func       start                                 1
21  func_clock.html          obj-new    Date                                  1
22  func_clock.html          func       getElementById                        4
24 This shows the type of calls made, 1 exec, one obj-new, several func; a more
25 descriptive name of each call; and a count of how many times a particular call
26 was made. 
29 The following demonstrates what happens when a different program -
30 Code/JavaScript/func_slow.html is reloaded by hitting the reload button on the 
31 browser.  Apart from the func_slow.html JavaScript events, all those events 
32 from the browser caused by moving the mouse pointer over the screen etc. have 
33 been traced as well.
35 # js_calls.d
36 Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.
38  FILE                     TYPE       NAME                              CALLS
39  <null>                   obj-free   BarProp                               1
40  <null>                   obj-free   CSSStyleDeclaration                   1
41  <null>                   obj-free   Global Scope Polluter                 1
42  <null>                   obj-free   HTMLCollection                        1
43  <null>                   obj-free   HTMLDocument                          1
44  <null>                   obj-free   HTMLHtmlElement                       1
45  <null>                   obj-free   KeyboardEvent                         1
46  <null>                   obj-free   Location                              1
47  <null>                   obj-free   NodeList                              1
48  <null>                   obj-free   StyleSheetList                        1
49  <null>                   obj-free   TreeSelection                         1
50  <null>                   obj-free   Window                                1
51  <null>                   obj-free   XULCommandDispatcher                  1
52  <null>                   obj-free   chrome://global/content/bindings/scrollbar.xml#scrollbar 8c35ec2        1
53  <null>                   obj-free   nsXPCComponents_Classes               1
54  <null>                   obj-free   xpcTempGlobalClass                    1
55  <null>                   obj-new    BarProp                               1
56  <null>                   obj-new    CSSStyleDeclaration                   1
57  <null>                   obj-new    Global Scope Polluter                 1
58  <null>                   obj-new    HTMLCollection                        1
59  <null>                   obj-new    HTMLDocument                          1
60  <null>                   obj-new    HTMLHtmlElement                       1
61  <null>                   obj-new    KeyboardEvent                         1
62  <null>                   obj-new    NodeList                              1
63  <null>                   obj-new    StyleSheetList                        1
64  <null>                   obj-new    TreeSelection                         1
65  <null>                   obj-new    Window                                1
66  <null>                   obj-new    XULCommandDispatcher                  1
67  <null>                   obj-new    chrome://global/content/bindings/popup.xml#popup 8befc22        1
68  <null>                   obj-new    chrome://global/content/bindings/popup.xml#popup 8befcea        1
69  <null>                   obj-new    chrome://global/content/bindings/scrollbar.xml#scrollbar 8ce1c1a        1
70  <null>                   obj-new    nsXPCComponents_Classes               1
71  <null>                   obj-new    xpcTempGlobalClass                    1
72  autocomplete.xml         func       apply                                 1
73  autocomplete.xml         func       attachController                      1
74  autocomplete.xml         func       detachController                      1
75  autocomplete.xml         func       fireEvent                             1
76  autocomplete.xml         func       getPreventDefault                     1
77  autocomplete.xml         func       handleEnter                           1
78  autocomplete.xml         func       onKeyPress                            1
79  autocomplete.xml         obj-new    Object                                1
80  browser.js               func       BrowserLoadURL                        1
81  browser.js               func       SetPageProxyState                     1
82  browser.js               func       URLBarFocusHandler                    1
83  browser.js               func       UpdateBackForwardButtons              1
84  browser.js               func       addEventListener                      1
85  browser.js               func       addToUrlbarHistory                    1
86  browser.js               func       canonizeUrl                           1
87  browser.js               func       charsetLoadListener                   1
88  browser.js               func       checkForDirectoryListing              1
89  browser.js               func       contentAreaClick                      1
90  browser.js               func       createExposableURI                    1
91  browser.js               func       createFixupURI                        1
92  browser.js               func       getShortcutOrURI                      1
93  browser.js               func       getWebNavigation                      1
94  browser.js               func       handleURLBarCommand                   1
95  browser.js               func       isSuccessCode                         1
96  browser.js               func       markPageAsTyped                       1
97  browser.js               func       resolveKeyword                        1
98  browser.js               func       search                                1
99  browser.js               func       test                                  1
100  browser.js               func       updateLastVisitedDate                 1
101  browser.js               obj-new    Object                                1
102  browser.js               obj-new    XPC_WN_NoMods_Proto_JSClass           1
103  browser.js               obj-new    nsJSCID                               1
104  browser.xml              func       attachFormFill                        1
105  browser.xml              func       getAttribute                          1
106  browser.xml              func       getBoolPref                           1
107  consoleAPI.js            obj-new    Call                                  1
108  findBar.js               func       getElementById                        1
109  firebug.js               func       addEventListener                      1
110  firebug.js               obj-new    Constructor                           1
111  firebug.js               obj-new    Location                              1
112  firebug.js               obj-new    Object                                1
113  firebug.js               obj-new    XPC_WN_ModsAllowed_Proto_JSClass        1
114  func_slow.html           exec       .                                     1
115  func_slow.html           func       func_a                                1
116  func_slow.html           func       func_b                                1
117  func_slow.html           func       func_c                                1
118  func_slow.html           obj-new    Function                              1
119  preferences.js           obj-new    nsJSCID                               1
120  reporterOverlay.js       func       getElementById                        1
121  reporterOverlay.js       func       setAttribute                          1
122  tabbox.xml               func       getAttribute                          1
123  tabbrowser.xml           func       QueryInterface                        1
124  tabbrowser.xml           func       getAnonymousElementByAttribute        1
125  tabbrowser.xml           func       getBrowserIndexForDocument            1
126  tabbrowser.xml           func       indexOf                               1
127  tabbrowser.xml           func       push                                  1
128  tabbrowser.xml           func       setIcon                               1
129  tabbrowser.xml           func       setTabTitle                           1
130  tabbrowser.xml           func       shouldLoadFavIcon                     1
131  tabbrowser.xml           func       updateTitlebar                        1
132  tabbrowser.xml           func       useDefaultIcon                        1
133  tabbrowser.xml           obj-new    Array                                 1
134  tabbrowser.xml           obj-new    String                                1
135  textbox.xml              func       hasAttribute                          1
136  textbox.xml              func       setAttribute                          1
137  webdeveloper.js          func       getAttribute                          1
138  webdeveloper.js          func       hasAttribute                          1
139  webdeveloper.js          func       toLowerCase                           1
140  webdeveloper.js          func       webdeveloper_changeOptions            1
141  webdeveloper.js          func       webdeveloper_configureElement         1
142  webdeveloper.js          func       webdeveloper_openToolbarButton        1
143  webdeveloper.js          func       webdeveloper_updateMetaRedirects        1
144  webdeveloper.js          func       webdeveloper_updateRenderMode         1
145  webdeveloper.js          obj-new    Array                                 1
146  webdeveloper.js          obj-new    String                                1
147  <null>                   obj-free   BoxObject                             2
148  <null>                   obj-free   HTMLBodyElement                       2
149  <null>                   obj-free   JSOptions                             2
150  <null>                   obj-free   JavaArray                             2
151  <null>                   obj-free   JavaClass                             2
152  <null>                   obj-free   JavaMember                            2
153  <null>                   obj-free   JavaObject                            2
154  <null>                   obj-free   PageTransitionEvent                   2
155  <null>                   obj-free   nsJSCID                               2
156  <null>                   obj-new    BoxObject                             2
157  <null>                   obj-new    HTMLBodyElement                       2
158  <null>                   obj-new    JSOptions                             2
159  <null>                   obj-new    JavaArray                             2
160  <null>                   obj-new    JavaClass                             2
161  <null>                   obj-new    JavaMember                            2
162  <null>                   obj-new    JavaObject                            2
163  <null>                   obj-new    PageTransitionEvent                   2
164  autocomplete.xml         func       ensureRowIsVisible                    2
165  autocomplete.xml         func       initSearchNames                       2
166  autocomplete.xml         func       select                                2
167  autocomplete.xml         obj-new    Function                              2
168  browser.js               func       PageProxyClearIcon                    2
169  browser.js               func       PageProxySetIcon                      2
170  browser.js               func       URLBarClickHandler                    2
171  browser.js               func       URLBarMouseDownHandler                2
172  browser.js               func       XPCNativeWrapper function wrapper        2
173  browser.js               func       getService                            2
174  browser.js               func       loadURI                               2
175  browser.js               func       notifyObservers                       2
176  css.js                   func       <null>                                2
177  dom.js                   func       <null>                                2
178  events.js                func       <null>                                2
179  firebug.js               func       appendChild                           2
180  firebug.js               obj-new    XPC_WN_NoMods_Proto_JSClass           2
181  general.xml              func       getAttribute                          2
182  layout.js                func       <null>                                2
183  preferences.js           func       webdeveloper_getStringPreference        2
184  progressmeter.xml        func       createEvent                           2
185  progressmeter.xml        func       dispatchEvent                         2
186  progressmeter.xml        func       initEvent                             2
187  progressmeter.xml        func       setAttribute                          2
188  reporterOverlay.js       obj-new    Function                              2
189  scrollbar.xml            func       indexOf                               2
190  source.js                func       <null>                                2
191  style.js                 func       <null>                                2
192  tabbox.xml               func       setAttribute                          2
193  tabbrowser.xml           func       getBoolPref                           2
194  tabbrowser.xml           func       getBrowserAtIndex                     2
195  tabbrowser.xml           func       schemeIs                              2
196  tabbrowser.xml           func       setAttribute                          2
197  textbox.xml              func       setSelectionRange                     2
198  toolbar.xml              func       updateStatusText                      2
199  tree.xml                 obj-new    Function                              2
200  webdeveloper.js          func       getElementsByTagName                  2
201  webdeveloper.js          func       removeAttribute                       2
202  <null>                   obj-free   DOM Constructor.prototype             3
203  <null>                   obj-free   With                                  3
204  <null>                   obj-free   nsXPCComponents                       3
205  <null>                   obj-new    Array                                 3
206  <null>                   obj-new    DOM Constructor.prototype             3
207  <null>                   obj-new    With                                  3
208  <null>                   obj-new    XPC_WN_NoMods_Proto_JSClass           3
209  <null>                   obj-new    nsXPCComponents                       3
210  autocomplete.xml         func       getAttribute                          3
211  browser.js               func       QueryInterface                        3
212  func_slow.html           func       write                                 3
213  globalOverlay.js         obj-new    Function                              3
214  progressmeter.xml        func       getAttribute                          3
215  progressmeter.xml        func       round                                 3
216  scrollbar.xml            obj-new    String                                3
217  tabbrowser.xml           func       <null>                                3
218  tabbrowser.xml           func       hasAttribute                          3
219  tabbrowser.xml           func       updateIcon                            3
220  text.xml                 func       setAttribute                          3
221  textbox.xml              func       removeAttribute                       3
222  utils.js                 func       join                                  3
223  utils.js                 func       splice                                3
224  utils.js                 func       toLowerCase                           3
225  utils.js                 obj-new    Array                                 3
226  utils.js                 obj-new    String                                3
227  autocomplete.xml         func       closePopup                            4
228  browser.js               func       indexOf                               4
229  browser.js               obj-new    Call                                  4
230  browser.xml              func       getInterface                          4
231  preferences.js           func       webdeveloper_getBooleanPreference        4
232  tabbrowser.xml           func       getAttribute                          4
233  tabbrowser.xml           func       removeAttribute                       4
234  utilityOverlay.js        func       goUpdateGlobalEditMenuItems           4
235  utils.js                 func       isElement                             4
236  <null>                   obj-free   Call                                  5
237  view.js                  func       <null>                                5
238  <null>                   obj-free   XPCNativeWrapper                      6
239  <null>                   obj-free   XPC_WN_NoMods_Proto_JSClass           6
240  <null>                   obj-new    XPCNativeWrapper                      6
241  XStringBundle            func       GetStringFromName                     6
242  XStringBundle            func       getString                             6
243  autocomplete.xml         func       createEvent                           6
244  autocomplete.xml         func       dispatchEvent                         6
245  autocomplete.xml         func       initEvent                             6
246  browser.js               func       getBrowser                            6
247  browser.js               func       setTimeout                            6
248  browser.js               obj-new    String                                6
249  preferences.js           func       getBranch                             6
250  preferences.js           func       getService                            6
251  preferences.js           func       prefHasUserValue                      6
252  preferences.js           func       webdeveloper_isPreferenceSet          6
253  tabbrowser.xml           func       getBrowserForTab                      6
254  utils.js                 func       <null>                                6
255  webdeveloper.js          obj-new    Function                              6
256  <null>                   obj-new    Object                                7
257  firebug.js               func       removeAttribute                       7
258  tabbrowser.xml           obj-new    Function                              7
259  tree.xml                 func       QueryInterface                        7
260  <null>                   obj-free   Array                                 8
261  browser.js               func       hasAttribute                          8
262  globalOverlay.js         func       removeAttribute                       8
263  reporterOverlay.js       func       <null>                                8
264  browser.js               func       getElementById                        9
265  browser.js               func       setAttribute                          9
266  browser.xml              obj-new    Function                              9
267  webdeveloper.js          func       getElementById                        9
268  <null>                   obj-free   Constructor                          10
269  <null>                   obj-free   Object                               10
270  <null>                   obj-free   XPC_WN_ModsAllowed_Proto_JSClass       10
271  <null>                   obj-new    Constructor                          10
272  <null>                   obj-new    XPC_WN_ModsAllowed_Proto_JSClass       10
273  browser.js               func       removeAttribute                      10
274  firebug.js               obj-new    Function                             10
275  text.xml                 obj-new    String                               12
276  webdeveloper.js          func       item                                 14
277  firebug.js               func       getElementById                       15
278  <null>                   obj-free   XULElement                           16
279  button.xml               func       hasAttribute                         16
280  <null>                   obj-free   Event                                17
281  browser.js               func       <null>                               17
282  <null>                   obj-new    Event                                18
283  text.xml                 func       getAttribute                         19
284  firebug.js               func       getAttribute                         20
285  globalOverlay.js         func       setAttribute                         20
286  <null>                   obj-free   MouseEvent                           22
287  <null>                   obj-new    MouseEvent                           22
288  globalOverlay.js         func       isCommandEnabled                     22
289  webdeveloper.js          func       setAttribute                         22
290  <null>                   obj-free   String                               26
291  firebug.js               func       setAttribute                         26
292  <null>                   obj-free   RegExp                               28
293  <null>                   obj-new    RegExp                               28
294  globalOverlay.js         func       getControllerForCommand              28
295  globalOverlay.js         func       getElementById                       28
296  globalOverlay.js         func       goSetCommandEnabled                  28
297  globalOverlay.js         func       goUpdateCommand                      28
298  text.xml                 func       test                                 28
299  browser.js               obj-new    Function                             30
300  <null>                   obj-free   XPCWrappedNative_NoHelper            32
301  <null>                   obj-new    XPCWrappedNative_NoHelper            32
302  consoleAPI.js            obj-new    Function                             33
303  browser.xml              func       QueryInterface                       38
304  <null>                   obj-free   JavaPackage                          41
305  <null>                   obj-new    JavaPackage                          41
306  scrollbar.xml            obj-new    Function                             61
307  firebug.js               func       <null>                               62
308  text.xml                 exec       .                                    84
309  <null>                   obj-new    XULElement                           85
310  <null>                   obj-new    Function                            172
311  <null>                   obj-free   Function                            310