]> CyberLeo.Net >> Repos - FreeBSD/FreeBSD.git/blob - etc/mtree/BSD.tests.dist
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[FreeBSD/FreeBSD.git] / etc / mtree / BSD.tests.dist
1 # $FreeBSD$
2 #
3 # Please see the file src/etc/mtree/README before making changes to this file.
4 #
6 /set type=dir uname=root gname=wheel mode=0755
7 .
8     bin
9         cat
10         ..
11         chflags
12         ..
13         chmod
14         ..
15         date
16         ..
17         dd
18         ..
19         echo
20         ..
21         expr
22         ..
23         ln
24         ..
25         ls
26         ..
27         mkdir
28         ..
29         mv
30         ..
31         pax
32         ..
33         pkill
34         ..
35         pwait
36         ..
37         rm
38         ..
39         rmdir
40         ..
41         sh
42             builtins
43             ..
44             errors
45             ..
46             execution
47             ..
48             expansion
49             ..
50             invocation
51             ..
52             parameters
53             ..
54             parser
55             ..
56             set-e
57             ..
58         ..
59         sleep
60         ..
61         test
62         ..
63     ..
64     cddl
65         lib
66         ..
67         sbin
68         ..
69         usr.bin
70             ctfconvert
71             ..
72             ztest
73             ..
74         ..
75         usr.sbin
76             dtrace
77                 common
78                     aggs
79                     ..
80                     arithmetic
81                     ..
82                     arrays
83                     ..
84                     assocs
85                     ..
86                     begin
87                     ..
88                     bitfields
89                     ..
90                     buffering
91                     ..
92                     builtinvar
93                     ..
94                     cg
95                     ..
96                     clauses
97                     ..
98                     cpc
99                     ..
100                     decls
101                     ..
102                     drops
103                     ..
104                     dtraceUtil
105                     ..
106                     end
107                     ..
108                     env
109                     ..
110                     enum
111                     ..
112                     error
113                     ..
114                     exit
115                     ..
116                     fbtprovider
117                     ..
118                     funcs
119                     ..
120                     grammar
121                     ..
122                     include
123                     ..
124                     inline
125                     ..
126                     io
127                     ..
128                     ip
129                     ..
130                     java_api
131                     ..
132                     json
133                     ..
134                     lexer
135                     ..
136                     llquantize
137                     ..
138                     mdb
139                     ..
140                     mib
141                     ..
142                     misc
143                     ..
144                     multiaggs
145                     ..
146                     offsetof
147                     ..
148                     operators
149                     ..
150                     pid
151                     ..
152                     plockstat
153                     ..
154                     pointers
155                     ..
156                     pragma
157                     ..
158                     predicates
159                     ..
160                     preprocessor
161                     ..
162                     print
163                     ..
164                     printa
165                     ..
166                     printf
167                     ..
168                     privs
169                     ..
170                     probes
171                     ..
172                     proc
173                     ..
174                     profile-n
175                     ..
176                     providers
177                     ..
178                     raise
179                     ..
180                     rates
181                     ..
182                     safety
183                     ..
184                     scalars
185                     ..
186                     sched
187                     ..
188                     scripting
189                     ..
190                     sdt
191                     ..
192                     sizeof
193                     ..
194                     speculation
195                     ..
196                     stability
197                     ..
198                     stack
199                     ..
200                     stackdepth
201                     ..
202                     stop
203                     ..
204                     strlen
205                     ..
206                     strtoll
207                     ..
208                     struct
209                     ..
210                     sugar
211                     ..
212                     syscall
213                     ..
214                     sysevent
215                     ..
216                     tick-n
217                     ..
218                     trace
219                     ..
220                     tracemem
221                     ..
222                     translators
223                     ..
224                     typedef
225                     ..
226                     types
227                     ..
228                     uctf
229                     ..
230                     union
231                     ..
232                     usdt
233                     ..
234                     ustack
235                     ..
236                     vars
237                     ..
238                     version
239                     ..
240                 ..
241                 i386
242                     arrays
243                     ..
244                     funcs
245                     ..
246                     pid
247                     ..
248                     ustack
249                     ..
250                 ..
251             ..
252             zfsd
253             ..
254         ..
255     ..
256     etc
257         rc.d
258         ..
259     ..
260     games
261     ..
262     gnu
263         lib
264         ..
265         usr.bin
266             diff
267             ..
268         ..
269     ..
270     lib
271         atf
272             libatf-c
273                 detail
274                 ..
275             ..
276             libatf-c++
277                 detail
278                 ..
279             ..
280             test-programs
281             ..
282         ..
283         csu
284             dynamic
285             ..
286             dynamiclib
287             ..
288             static
289             ..
290         ..
291         googletest
292             gmock
293             ..
294             gmock_main
295             ..
296             gtest
297             ..
298             gtest_main
299             ..
300         ..
301         libarchive
302         ..
303         libbe
304         ..
305         libc
306             c063
307             ..
308             db
309             ..
310             gen
311                 execve
312                 ..
313                 posix_spawn
314                 ..
315             ..
316             hash
317                 data
318                 ..
319             ..
320             iconv
321             ..
322             inet
323             ..
324             locale
325             ..
326             net
327                 getaddrinfo
328                     data
329                     ..
330                 ..
331             ..
332             nss
333             ..
334             regex
335                 data
336                 ..
337             ..
338             resolv
339             ..
340             rpc
341             ..
342             ssp
343             ..
344             setjmp
345             ..
346             stdio
347             ..
348             stdlib
349             ..
350             string
351             ..
352             sys
353             ..
354             time
355             ..
356             tls
357                 dso
358                 ..
359             ..
360             termios
361             ..
362             ttyio
363             ..
364         ..
365         libcam
366         ..
367         libcasper
368             services
369                 cap_dns
370                 ..
371                 cap_grp
372                 ..
373                 cap_pwd
374                 ..
375                 cap_sysctl
376                 ..
377             ..
378         ..
379         libcrypt
380         ..
381         libdevdctl
382         ..
383         libkvm
384         ..
385         libmp
386         ..
387         libnv
388         ..
389         libproc
390         ..
391         libregex
392             data
393             ..
394         ..
395         librt
396         ..
397         libsbuf
398         ..
399         libthr
400             dlopen
401             ..
402         ..
403         libutil
404         ..
405         libxo
406         ..
407         msun
408         ..
409     ..
410     libexec
411         atf
412             atf-check
413             ..
414             atf-sh
415             ..
416         ..
417         rtld-elf
418         ..
419         tftpd
420         ..
421     ..
422     sbin
423         bectl
424         ..
425         dhclient
426         ..
427         devd
428         ..
429         growfs
430         ..
431         ifconfig
432         ..
433         mdconfig
434         ..
435         pfctl
436             files
437             ..
438         ..
439     ..
440     secure
441         lib
442         ..
443         libexec
444         ..
445         usr.bin
446         ..
447         usr.sbin
448         ..
449     ..
450     share
451         examples
452             tests
453                 atf
454                 ..
455                 googletest
456                 ..
457                 plain
458                 ..
459                 tap
460                 ..
461             ..
462         ..
463         zoneinfo
464         ..
465     ..
466     sys
467         acl
468         ..
469         aio
470         ..
471         audit
472         ..
473         auditpipe
474         ..
475         capsicum
476         ..
477         cddl
478             zfs
479                 bin
480                 ..
481                 include
482                 ..
483                 tests
484                     acl
485                         cifs
486                         ..
487                         nontrivial
488                         ..
489                         trivial
490                         ..
491                     ..
492                     atime
493                     ..
494                     bootfs
495                     ..
496                     cache
497                     ..
498                     cachefile
499                     ..
500                     clean_mirror
501                     ..
502                     cli_root
503                         zfs_upgrade
504                         ..
505                         zfs_promote
506                         ..
507                         zfs_clone
508                         ..
509                         zfs_property
510                         ..
511                         zfs_destroy
512                         ..
513                         zpool_create
514                         ..
515                         zpool_history
516                         ..
517                         zpool_expand
518                         ..
519                         zpool_remove
520                         ..
521                         zfs_mount
522                         ..
523                         zfs_unshare
524                         ..
525                         zdb
526                         ..
527                         zpool_online
528                         ..
529                         zpool_get
530                         ..
531                         zpool_export
532                         ..
533                         zfs_copies
534                         ..
535                         zfs_get
536                         ..
537                         zfs
538                         ..
539                         zpool_clear
540                         ..
541                         zpool_import
542                             blockfiles
543                             ..
544                         ..
545                         zpool
546                         ..
547                         zpool_offline
548                         ..
549                         zpool_replace
550                         ..
551                         zfs_rollback
552                         ..
553                         zpool_set
554                         ..
555                         zfs_send
556                         ..
557                         zfs_set
558                         ..
559                         zpool_detach
560                         ..
561                         zfs_diff
562                         ..
563                         zpool_scrub
564                         ..
565                         zfs_inherit
566                         ..
567                         zfs_snapshot
568                         ..
569                         zfs_share
570                         ..
571                         zpool_destroy
572                         ..
573                         zpool_status
574                         ..
575                         zfs_unmount
576                         ..
577                         zfs_receive
578                         ..
579                         zfs_create
580                         ..
581                         zpool_upgrade
582                             blockfiles
583                             ..
584                         ..
585                         zpool_add
586                         ..
587                         zfs_rename
588                         ..
589                         zpool_attach
590                         ..
591                         zfs_reservation
592                         ..
593                     ..
594                     cli_user
595                         misc
596                         ..
597                         zfs_list
598                         ..
599                         zpool_iostat
600                         ..
601                         zpool_list
602                         ..
603                     ..
604                     compression
605                     ..
606                     ctime
607                     ..
608                     delegate
609                     ..
610                     devices
611                     ..
612                     exec
613                     ..
614                     grow_pool
615                     ..
616                     grow_replicas
617                     ..
618                     history
619                     ..
620                     hotplug
621                     ..
622                     hotspare
623                     ..
624                     inheritance
625                     ..
626                     interop
627                     ..
628                     inuse
629                     ..
630                     iscsi
631                     ..
632                     large_files
633                     ..
634                     largest_pool
635                     ..
636                     link_count
637                     ..
638                     migration
639                     ..
640                     mmap
641                     ..
642                     mount
643                     ..
644                     mv_files
645                     ..
646                     nestedfs
647                     ..
648                     no_space
649                     ..
650                     online_offline
651                     ..
652                     pool_names
653                     ..
654                     poolversion
655                     ..
656                     quota
657                     ..
658                     redundancy
659                     ..
660                     refquota
661                     ..
662                     refreserv
663                     ..
664                     rename_dirs
665                     ..
666                     replacement
667                     ..
668                     reservation
669                     ..
670                     rootpool
671                     ..
672                     rsend
673                     ..
674                     scrub_mirror
675                     ..
676                     slog
677                     ..
678                     snapshot
679                     ..
680                     snapused
681                     ..
682                     sparse
683                     ..
684                     threadsappend
685                     ..
686                     truncate
687                     ..
688                     txg_integrity
689                     ..
690                     userquota
691                     ..
692                     utils_test
693                     ..
694                     write_dirs
695                     ..
696                     xattr
697                     ..
698                     zfsd
699                     ..
700                     zil
701                     ..
702                     zinject
703                     ..
704                     zones
705                     ..
706                     zvol
707                         zvol_ENOSPC
708                         ..
709                         zvol_cli
710                         ..
711                         zvol_misc
712                         ..
713                         zvol_swap
714                         ..
715                     ..
716                     zvol_thrash
717                     ..
718                 ..
719             ..
720         ..
721         dtrace
722         ..
723         fifo
724         ..
725         file
726         ..
727         fs
728             tmpfs
729             ..
730         ..
731         geom
732             class
733                 concat
734                 ..
735                 eli
736                 ..
737                 gate
738                 ..
739                 gpt
740                 ..
741                 mirror
742                 ..
743                 nop
744                 ..
745                 part
746                 ..
747                 raid3
748                 ..
749                 shsec
750                 ..
751                 stripe
752                 ..
753                 uzip
754                     etalon
755                     ..
756                 ..
757             ..
758         ..
759         kern
760             acct
761             ..
762             execve
763             ..
764             pipe
765             ..
766         ..
767         kqueue
768             libkqueue
769             ..
770         ..
771         mac
772             bsdextended
773             ..
774             portacl
775             ..
776         ..
777         mqueue
778         ..
779         net
780         ..
781         netinet
782         ..
783         netipsec
784             tunnel
785             ..
786         ..
787     netmap
788     ..
789         netpfil
790             pf
791                 ioctl
792                 ..
793             ..
794         ..
795         opencrypto
796         ..
797         pjdfstest
798             chflags
799             ..
800             chmod
801             ..
802             chown
803             ..
804             ftruncate
805             ..
806             granular
807             ..
808             link
809             ..
810             mkdir
811             ..
812             mkfifo
813             ..
814             mknod
815             ..
816             open
817             ..
818             rename
819             ..
820             rmdir
821             ..
822             symlink
823             ..
824             truncate
825             ..
826             unlink
827             ..
828             utimensat
829             ..
830         ..
831         posixshm
832         ..
833         sys
834         ..
835         vfs
836         ..
837         vm
838         ..
839     ..
840     usr.bin
841         apply
842         ..
843         awk
844         ..
845         basename
846         ..
847         bmake
848             archives
849                 fmt_44bsd
850                 ..
851                 fmt_44bsd_mod
852                 ..
853                 fmt_oldbsd
854                 ..
855             ..
856             basic
857                 t0
858                 ..
859                 t1
860                 ..
861                 t2
862                 ..
863                 t3
864                 ..
865             ..
866             execution
867                 ellipsis
868                 ..
869                 empty
870                 ..
871                 joberr
872                 ..
873                 plus
874                 ..
875             ..
876             shell
877                 builtin
878                 ..
879                 meta
880                 ..
881                 path
882                 ..
883                 path_select
884                 ..
885                 replace
886                 ..
887                 select
888                 ..
889             ..
890             suffixes
891                 basic
892                 ..
893                 src_wild1
894                 ..
895                 src_wild2
896                 ..
897             ..
898             syntax
899                 directive-t0
900                 ..
901                 enl
902                 ..
903                 funny-targets
904                 ..
905                 semi
906                 ..
907             ..
908             sysmk
909                 t0
910                     2
911                         1
912                         ..
913                     ..
914                     mk
915                     ..
916                 ..
917                 t1
918                     2
919                         1
920                         ..
921                     ..
922                     mk
923                     ..
924                 ..
925                 t2
926                     2
927                         1
928                         ..
929                     ..
930                     mk
931                     ..
932                 ..
933             ..
934             variables
935                 modifier_M
936                 ..
937                 modifier_t
938                 ..
939                 opt_V
940                 ..
941                 t0
942                 ..
943             ..
944         ..
945         bsdcat
946         ..
947         calendar
948         ..
949         cmp
950         ..
951         compress
952         ..
953         cpio
954         ..
955         col
956         ..
957         comm
958         ..
959         csplit
960         ..
961         cut
962         ..
963         dc
964         ..
965         diff
966         ..
967         dirname
968         ..
969         du
970         ..
971         file2c
972         ..
973         find
974         ..
975         fold
976         ..
977         getconf
978         ..
979         grep
980         ..
981         gzip
982         ..
983         head
984         ..
985         hexdump
986         ..
987         ident
988         ..
989         indent
990         ..
991         join
992         ..
993         jot
994         ..
995         lastcomm
996         ..
997         limits
998         ..
999         m4
1000         ..
1001         mkimg
1002         ..
1003         ncal
1004         ..
1005         opensm
1006         ..
1007         pr
1008         ..
1009         printf
1010         ..
1011         procstat
1012         ..
1013         rs
1014         ..
1015         sdiff
1016         ..
1017         sed
1018             regress.multitest.out
1019             ..
1020         ..
1021         seq
1022         ..
1023         soelim
1024         ..
1025         stat
1026         ..
1027         tail
1028         ..
1029         tar
1030         ..
1031         timeout
1032         ..
1033         tr
1034         ..
1035         truncate
1036         ..
1037         units
1038         ..
1039         uudecode
1040         ..
1041         uuencode
1042         ..
1043         uniq
1044         ..
1045         vmstat
1046         ..
1047         xargs
1048         ..
1049         xinstall
1050         ..
1051         xo
1052         ..
1053         yacc
1054             yacc
1055             ..
1056         ..
1057     ..
1058     usr.sbin
1059         chown
1060         ..
1061         etcupdate
1062         ..
1063         extattr
1064         ..
1065         fstyp
1066         ..
1067         makefs
1068         ..
1069         newsyslog
1070         ..
1071         nmtree
1072         ..
1073         praudit
1074         ..
1075         pw
1076         ..
1077         rpcbind
1078         ..
1079         sa
1080         ..
1081     ..
1082 ..
1084 # vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4: