]> CyberLeo.Net >> Repos - FreeBSD/FreeBSD.git/blob - games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes.sp.ok
add -n option to suppress clearing the build tree and add -DNO_CLEAN
[FreeBSD/FreeBSD.git] / games / fortune / datfiles / fortunes.sp.ok
1 # $FreeBSD$
2 AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccccccccckkkkkk
4 aafte
5 Abbie
7 ABC's
9 Abelson
10 abends
12 Abernetty
13 abhors
14 ABM
15 Absolutum
16 absurdum
17 Abzug
18 AC
19 acacia
20 Academicians
21 accessibleness
22 accurancy
23 accursed
24 accusator
25 Achenbach
26 Acheson
29 ACLU's
30 acne
31 acupuncture
32 Adamite
33 Ade
34 Adenauer
35 Adhem
36 Adhem's
37 adhoc
38 Adidas
39 adj
40 Adkin
41 Adlai
42 Adler
43 Adler's
44 admin's
45 Adolf
46 adv
47 Aelius
48 Aeroflot
49 Aeschylus
50 Aesop
51 Aesop's
53 Agnew
54 Aha
55 Ahab
56 Ahhh
57 ahhhed
58 Ahhhhhh
59 Ahrimanes
60 AI
62 Aiken
63 Aim's
64 airbags
65 Akakia
66 Akihabara
67 Alaquon
68 Albertano
69 Albran
71 Alcoente
72 Aldiss
73 Aldo
74 Aldous
75 Aldrich
76 Aleksandr
77 Aleliunas
78 Alfieri
79 Algolian
80 ALgorithmic
81 Algren
82 Ali
83 Alighieri
84 alimentary
85 Alinsky
86 Alito
87 alkafluence
88 All's
89 Allan
90 alleygaroo
91 Allman
92 Allucquere
93 Alo
94 Alph
95 Alpo
96 alrighty
97 Altgeld
98 Alther
99 Altman
100 altum
101 ALU
102 Alva
103 Alvarado
104 Alvy
105 Alzado
106 Amana
107 Ameche
108 Amerigo
109 Ameringer
110 Amica
111 Amiri
112 Amityville
113 amnesia
114 Amp
115 Amputees
116 Amrom
117 anal
118 Ananthanarayanan
119 anat
120 Anatol
121 anatomies
122 Anaxagoras
123 anchorman
124 andIsaidYesIsee
125 Andrea's
126 Andretti
127 Androids
128 Andropov's
129 Angelou
130 animalculous
131 Animaux
132 Ankh
133 Annaeus
134 Annau
135 Anoint
136 anomali
137 Anorexic
138 Anouilh
139 ANRS
140 Ansley
141 answerback
142 Antartic
143 Anthony's
144 Antonym
145 Antrim
146 Anwar
147 anxivs
148 anymore
149 anytime
150 AOPA's
151 apauling
152 apertures
153 APL
154 Apocryphia
155 apolitical
156 apostrophe's
157 appelations
158 Applebome
159 Appleby
160 Appledom
161 approx
162 Apr
163 Aquadextrous
164 Aquarians
165 archaisms
167 Archimedeans
168 Arcturan
169 Ardele
170 Ardis
171 Arenberg
172 Arendt
173 arias
174 Aristophanes
175 Arlen
176 Arlo
177 Arman
178 Armenians
179 Armistead
180 Arnoux
181 Arrakis
182 Arsdall
183 arse
184 Artemus
185 Arthur's
186 Artic
187 Artoo
188 Arturo
189 artworks
190 ary
192 asdf
193 Ashbula
194 ASHes
195 Ashleigh
196 Asimov
197 asketh
198 Aspasia
199 Aspin
200 Assateague
201 assed
202 Assoc
203 AST's
204 Astaire's
205 asterisked
206 Asterix
207 asthma's
208 astonishment's
209 Astro
210 astrology
211 Astroturf
212 asvgy
213 Atlee
214 ATN
215 atrium
216 Attila
217 Auberon
218 Auden
220 Audobon
221 Auerbach
222 Aug
223 Augier
224 Aunty
225 Auribus
226 Aurobindo
227 ause
228 ausgraben
229 Austen
231 Avengers
232 Avocado's
233 Avogadro's
234 awakenings
235 awestruck
236 awk
237 AWNS
238 awoken
239 Aww
240 Axton
241 Ayn
242 Ayres
243 AZ
244 Azerbaijanis
245 B'nai
246 Ba
247 Baaa
248 Baaaaah
249 Baba
250 Babbage
251 Babson
252 bac
253 Bacall
254 Bachtrian
255 backflips
256 backfstat
257 backhoe
258 backlit
259 backscratcher
260 bacon's
261 Baez
262 Bagbiter
263 bagbiting
264 Bagdikian's
265 bagel
266 Baggins
267 bahz
268 bai
269 Balfour
270 ballasted
271 Balliett
273 Balloonists
274 Balmford
275 Balthazar
276 bamboozled
277 Banacek's
278 Banach
279 bananosecond
280 Bandifante
281 Banectomy
282 Bankhead
283 banquette
284 Banton
285 Barach's
286 Baraka
287 Barbara's
288 Barbie
289 BARC
290 barf
292 Bargewater
293 Barker's
294 Barrie
295 Barris
296 barristers
297 Barrymore's
298 Barth's
299 Baruch's
300 BASICs
301 Basie's
302 Baskins
303 bassists
304 Bathquake
305 Batman
306 Battie
307 Battlecruiser
308 Baum
309 Baumol
310 Bax
311 Baycon
312 baygulls
313 bayonetted
314 bazingas
315 BBBF
316 BBC
317 BBW
318 BC
319 Beagle
320 Beal
322 bearproof
323 Beatles
324 Beaton
325 Beatty
326 Beaumadine
327 Beaumarchais
328 Beauvoir
329 becannt
330 Becker's
331 Beckett
332 Beckmann
333 BeDears
334 bedecked
335 bedfellows
336 bedpans
337 beduerfen
338 Beeblebrox
339 Beekman
340 beepers
341 Beer's
342 Beerbohm
343 Beerbohm's
344 Beeton
345 befriends
346 Begathon
347 Begatting
348 Begone
349 Behan
350 Behrendt
351 Beifeld's
352 being's
353 Belchazar
354 beleaguered
355 believer's
356 Bellamy
357 Bellbottoms
358 Belli
359 Belloc
360 Benares
361 Benatar
362 Benchley
363 Benson's
364 Bento's
365 bequeathin
366 Bergman
367 Berke
368 Berle
369 Bernadette
370 Berner
371 Bernighan
372 Berquier
373 Berryman
374 Bershere's
375 bertillion
376 Bertolt
377 Besicovitch
378 Beslove
379 Betazoid
380 bethumped
381 Bette
382 Bevan
383 BEW
384 Beyerstein
385 BH
386 Bics
387 bicuspids
388 Bidell
389 Bidlake
390 Bierce
391 Bierman's
392 Biff
393 bigamystery
394 Bigfoot
395 Biggs
396 Billericay
397 billigrahams
398 Bing's
399 bingo
400 Binstead
401 Bionic
402 Birnbaum
403 bisexual
404 Bistromathics
407 Bitti
408 Bizoos
409 Bjarne
410 bjnk
411 Blaauw
412 blackguard
413 blackrimmed
414 BLAH
415 Blaise
416 blandishments
419 blindman's
420 blinkenlights
421 Blish
422 blockhead
423 Bloodnok
424 Bloom's
425 Bloomberg
426 Bloomingdale's
427 Blore
428 Blore's
429 blotters
431 blound
432 Blount
433 blowenfusen
434 Bluestone
435 Blutarsky's
436 Blythe
437 BMR
438 BMW
439 Bodanis
440 Bodenheim
441 body's
442 Boffo
443 bogglingly
444 bogons
445 bogosity
446 Bohr's
447 Boies
448 Bok
449 Bokonon
450 Boleyn
451 Bolger
452 Boling's
453 Bolotin
454 Boltzmann's
455 Bolub's
456 Bombeck
457 Bombeck's
458 Bompzidaize
459 Bonanno
460 Bondian
461 bonehead
462 bonked
463 Bonnard
464 bonnie
465 Boob's
466 boobs
467 Booch
469 booing
470 bookaholic
471 Booker's
472 boola
473 Boorchi
474 Boorstin
475 bootable
476 Boothe
477 Bootle
478 Boquist
479 Boren
480 Boren's
481 Borge
482 Borges
483 Borgias
484 Bosquet
485 boss's
486 Bossert
487 bossy
488 Bostic
489 Boucher's
490 Bounceoids
491 Bounders
492 bounteous
493 Bourget
494 Bourjaily
495 Bower's
496 Bowie's
497 bowlin
498 boyfriend
499 Boyland
500 Boyle
501 Boynton
502 Bozoness
503 Bozos
504 BPO
505 bra
506 Brackett
507 Bradley's
508 Brady's
509 Brahma
510 brain's
511 Bramah
512 Brandirali
513 Brando
514 Brandwein
515 Brautigan
517 Brecher
518 Brecheux
519 Brecht
520 Brenan
521 Brescia
522 Breslin
523 brewsky
524 Brewster's
525 Brezhnev
526 Briarton
527 Brickman
528 brilgue
529 brilig
530 Brillineggiava
531 bringeth
532 Brith
533 Broder
534 Brodsky
535 Brogan's
536 Broido
537 Bromberg
538 Brontosaurus
539 Brooke's
540 Brophy
541 Brosnan
542 Broughton
543 Brownmiller
544 Broxton
545 brucification
546 brucified
547 brucify
548 Brunner
549 Bruton
550 Brutus
551 Bruyere
552 Brylcreem
553 Bryne's
554 Brynner
555 Bryson
556 BST
557 BTUs
558 Bubba
559 Buckley
560 Buckminster
561 bucky
562 Bucy's
563 budgie
564 budgies
565 Buford
566 Buford's
567 bug'll
568 Buggles
569 Bugleboy
570 Bugsy
571 Buhr
572 Bukhara
573 Bukowski
574 Bull's
575 bullpen
576 bullrushes
577 Bullwinkle
578 Bulwer
579 bumperless
580 Bumstead
581 Bungei
583 Buren
584 Burggoven
585 burgled
586 Burke's
587 Burkhalter
588 Burkowski
589 Burn's
590 burneth
591 Burnham
592 Bush's
593 Busmanship
596 buzzzzzzzzplooop
597 bwuck
598 BX
599 BYOB
600 Byrd's
601 Bysshe
602 c'est
603 C'mon
604 Caaaall
605 caaddr
606 caadr
607 CAAR
608 cabbies
610 Cabots
611 Cabrillo
612 cadadr
613 cadavers
615 CADR
616 Caen
617 Caesar's
618 Caicedo
619 Caillavet
620 Caissons
621 Calafia's
622 Calibree
623 Calibrees
624 Calio's
625 Callahan
626 Callahan's
627 Callimachus
628 Camden
629 Camelia
630 Cameron
631 Camillo
632 Campbell
633 Campbell's
634 Camptown
635 Candice
636 Capades
637 capillarized
638 Capone
639 Capone's
640 Capt
641 carabineri
642 Caramels
643 carbolized
644 cardio
645 Cardozo
646 Carey
647 Carly
648 Carlyle's
649 Carmel
650 Carney's
651 Carotene
652 Carotene's
653 Carperpetuation
654 Carroll
655 Carson's
656 Carswell's
658 Cartmill
659 Carus
660 Cary
661 Casablanca
662 Caskie
663 Caspar
664 Cassidy
665 castaways
666 Castenada
667 Casteneda
668 catalyzes
669 Catchings
670 Catflap
671 Catiline
672 Cato
673 Catullus
674 caulking
675 causeth
676 Cavett
677 Cavour
678 CB
679 cbosgd
680 CBS
681 CChheecckk
682 CCI
683 CDAR
684 cddr
685 CDR
686 CDS
687 Cebrian
688 Cec
689 Cecelia
690 Celibacy
691 Celtics
692 Celts
693 Centauri
694 centerfold
695 Cerebron
696 Cerebus
697 Cerf
698 Cestria
699 cevalon
700 cevalovipus
701 CFF
702 Chadwick
703 chainsaw
704 challengehood
705 Chameleotoptor
706 Chamfort
707 Chaney
708 Changtse
709 Channing
710 Chapin
711 Chappaquidick
712 Chapterhouse
713 charbroiled
715 Charnelhouse
716 Charnock's
717 chastened
718 Chateaubriand
719 Chatterley's
720 Chauncey
721 Chavez
722 Chaykin
723 Chazal
724 Cheatham
726 cheddar
727 cheesemakers
728 Cheetos
729 Cheez
730 Cheit's
731 Chekov
732 Chem
733 chemotherapy
734 cheque
735 Chernenko
736 Chesterson
737 cheval
738 Chevins
739 chezlogs
740 Chichester
741 Chihuahuas
742 childproof
743 childproofed
744 chimeras
745 chimp
746 chimpanzee's
747 Chincholles
748 Chinggis
749 chirruped
750 Chism's
751 Chisolm's
752 Chivas
753 ChiWriter
754 Chloroplast's
755 Chmod
756 chmod'd
757 Chok
760 Choo
761 chopsticks
762 chown
763 Christensen
764 Christgau
765 chromosome
766 chronodimensional
767 chroots
768 Chrysostom
769 Chuan
770 Chuang
771 Chung's
772 Church's
773 Churchill's
774 Churchy
775 Chuzzlewit
776 CI
777 Cianci
778 Ciardi
779 cinched
780 cinema's
781 Cinemuck
782 Claghorn
783 Clair
784 Clairol
785 Clampett's
786 Clapiers
787 Clapton
788 Clarke's
789 Clarkson
790 Claudette
791 claus
792 Clavin
793 Clavin's
794 CLBR
796 Clemenceau
797 Cleyre
798 clickity
799 Clifton
800 Clopton
801 clovers
802 Clutterbuck
804 cmptr
805 Cobalt's
806 Cobb
807 Cobb's
808 Cochran
809 cockamamie
810 Cocteau
811 Cody
812 Cody's
813 Coevolution
814 cogito
815 Cohen's
816 Cohn's
817 Cointment
818 Colbert
819 Cole's
820 Colette
821 Collis
822 Collymore
823 Colson
824 Colton
825 Colvard's
826 Comaneci
827 Combermere
828 Comebacks
829 Commedia
830 Commie
831 CommUNIXque
832 compuberty
833 computatis
834 Computerdom
835 computerites
836 Computerspeak
837 Computo
838 Conan
839 congeries
841 congresspersons
842 Coningsby
843 Conkling
844 conks
845 Connell
846 Connellan
847 Connery
848 consoleth
849 Constipation
850 contendere
851 continuums
852 CONtractor
853 Contrariwise
854 conversationalists
855 Conway
856 Conway's
857 Cooley
859 Coonts
860 copacetic
861 Coppock
862 Coppola
863 Corbomite
864 corkenpoppen
865 Corky
866 coroner's
867 corpuscle
868 Corrado
869 Corry's
870 Cortot
871 Corwin
872 Cory
873 Cosby
874 Cosmo
875 Cosmotronic
877 Coult
878 countdown
879 coupestibles
880 Court's
881 CP
882 CPPR
883 cpu
884 CPUs
885 crabgrass
886 crapshoot
887 Cray
888 Crayolas
889 Creemy
890 Crenna's
891 cretinisms
892 Crichton
893 criminology
894 Cringely
895 Cripps
896 Crisco
897 CRN
898 Croce
899 croissants
900 Croll
901 Croll's
902 Cronkite
903 Cropp's
904 croquet
905 crosseth
906 crossoffs
907 crossword
908 crowbar
909 Crucifixes
910 cruftier
911 Cruickshank's
912 crunchy
913 crustaceans
914 Crustimoney
915 crusty
916 Cruz
917 CS
918 CSA
919 CSH
920 cshrc
922 CSSG
923 CTA
924 Cthulhu
925 CTY
926 Cuba's
927 cuckolds
929 cummings
930 Cuomo
931 curiae
932 CUSPy
933 Custer
934 custodiet
935 cuticle
936 CVP
937 Cyberiad
938 cybernetic
939 Cyborg
940 cynic's
941 d'Albert
942 D'Arcy
943 D'Azevedo
944 D'Hericault
945 d'oeuvres
946 Dabba
947 DAC
948 Daft
949 Dagobah
950 Dagwood
951 Daibashiw
952 Daley
953 Dalglish
954 Damian
956 dancer's
957 Dandridge
958 dandruff
959 Dangerfield
960 dans
961 darkish
962 darkroom
963 Darrow
964 Darryl
965 Darth
966 Darwin's
967 Darwinians
968 das
969 Dass
970 Datamation
971 datasheets
972 dataspec
973 DAV
974 Davey
975 Davis's
976 Davisson
977 Dawkins
978 dawn's
979 DC
980 DCL
981 DCS
982 dduupplleexx
983 deadest
984 Deadnet
986 DEC's
987 Decapitating
988 decipi
989 decipiatur
990 deconstructionists
991 Decot
992 DECtapes
995 DECzilla
996 DEF
997 Defactualization
998 defamed
999 Deford
1000 DEFUN
1001 defuse
1002 DeGaulle
1003 DeGourmont
1004 DeLescure
1005 delivermail
1006 DeLorean
1007 Delores
1008 Deloria
1009 demagogism
1010 demigodic
1011 demo
1012 Democritus
1013 Demosthenes
1014 Denham
1015 Dennett
1016 Denning
1017 Denniston
1018 Depew
1019 deppart
1020 deregulated
1021 dermis
1022 DeSalvo
1023 DesCartes
1024 Desiree
1025 dessicated
1026 deStalinization
1027 destitution
1028 destructure
1029 Deteriorata
1030 determinists
1031 Detroit
1032 Devine
1033 Devo
1034 DeVries
1035 Dexter's
1036 dextrose
1037 DFA
1038 Diamondback
1039 Dibble's
1040 Dickery
1041 diddie
1042 Diddley
1043 Diddly
1044 Didion
1045 Didja
1046 dieeeeee
1047 Diefenbaker
1049 Dieu
1050 Dijkstra
1051 Dilbert
1052 Diller
1053 Diller's
1054 Dills
1055 DiMarco
1056 dimwit
1057 dinette
1058 Dingell
1059 Dino
1060 Diran
1061 Dirbanu
1062 Dirisha
1063 Dirksen
1064 Dirksen's
1065 disarrayed
1066 disco
1067 discotheques
1068 disenchanted
1069 dishes
1070 dishonourable
1071 dishrags
1072 dishwashing
1073 disjoins
1074 diskdrives
1075 dismembering
1076 Disraeli
1077 Divina
1078 DIX
1079 dixerunt
1080 Diyathinkhesaurus
1081 DJ
1082 DMPK
1083 Dobb's
1084 Dobbs
1085 doberman
1086 doberperson
1087 Dobie
1088 Doc
1089 Docquier
1090 doderez
1091 doggerel
1092 doggy
1093 dogmatized
1094 DOGO
1095 Dogtender
1096 Doheny's
1097 Dolby
1098 doloop
1099 Dolotta
1100 Dolph
1101 Donatus
1102 Donleavy
1103 Donnell
1104 Donner
1105 Doo
1107 Dooley's
1108 Doonesbury
1109 doorstops
1110 Doppelgutt
1111 Doren
1112 dorky
1113 dost
1114 doth
1115 dotty
1116 Doublespeak
1117 Dow's
1118 downslide
1119 DP
1120 Drabek
1121 Dracula
1122 Drake's
1123 Drakenberg's
1124 draweth
1125 Drescher
1126 Dreshfield
1127 Drew's
1128 drivel
1129 drop't
1130 Dropt
1131 Droz
1132 Drucker
1133 Druids
1134 druther
1135 druthers
1136 DSK
1137 Ducharme's
1138 Duckie
1139 Duckies
1140 Ducky
1141 dudes
1142 dUdX
1143 duenkt
1144 Duggan
1145 Dukakis
1146 Dum
1147 dumbass
1148 Dumbfounding
1149 dummkopfen
1150 dumpster
1151 Dunaway
1152 Dunne
1153 dunno
1154 Durance
1155 Durant
1156 Durante
1157 Durocher
1158 Dutsky
1159 dwelleth
1160 Dyer's
1161 Dykes
1162 Dykstra
1163 dyslexic
1164 Dyson
1165 Eagleson
1166 Eagleson's
1167 earflaps
1168 EAROM
1169 Earthlings
1170 Eater's
1172 Ebenezum
1173 Ebert
1174 Ebner
1175 ecamier
1176 Eckstein
1177 ECL
1178 Ecoles
1179 ecosphere
1180 Edina
1181 Edison's
1182 Edman
1183 Edmonson's
1184 Edna's
1185 Edpress
1186 EDSAC
1187 Edsel
1188 EDT
1189 educationists
1190 EE
1191 EECS
1192 eeee
1193 eeeee
1194 eeeeee
1195 Eeny
1196 Eeyore
1197 egg's
1198 Eggheads
1199 eggnog
1200 egoless
1201 Egomaniac's
1202 egrep
1203 Ehrenfest
1204 Ehrman's
1205 Eichmann's
1206 Eiffelberg
1207 Einhorn
1208 EINS
1209 Einstein's
1210 Eisley
1211 Elbert
1213 Eldridge
1214 electrocommunications
1215 Electrocution
1216 electrofreak
1217 electromicrograph
1218 Electroworld
1219 eliras
1220 elitist
1221 Ellery
1222 Elliot
1223 Elmo
1224 ELO
1225 Elroy
1226 Elton
1227 Elven
1228 Elvis
1229 Elvish
1230 embalmer's
1231 Emersons
1232 Emile
1233 Emmons
1234 Emo
1235 empathetical
1236 EMPC
1237 Emu
1238 Encyclopaedia
1239 endian
1240 Enesco
1241 Enfolding
1242 England's
1243 Englebert
1244 Englishman's
1245 ENIACs
1246 enkindles
1247 Enm
1248 Ennius
1249 Ennui
1250 enobled
1252 ensconsed
1253 Epcot
1254 Ephron
1255 EPI
1256 Epictetus
1257 Epitres
1258 Epperson's
1259 Erdman's
1260 ergo
1261 ergonomically
1262 Erhard
1263 Erlenmeyer
1264 Erlich
1265 Erling
1266 Erogenous
1267 erogeny
1268 Ertz
1269 Esalen
1270 Esar
1271 escalators
1272 Eschenbach
1273 Escher
1274 esperantisto
1275 Esplandian
1276 Esser
1277 est
1278 estas
1279 Estes
1280 Estienne
1281 ethernet
1282 Etienne
1283 Etudes
1284 etus
1285 Euch
1286 Euell
1287 Euler's
1288 eurocentric
1289 Eustace
1290 ev'ry
1291 EVAL
1292 Eve's
1293 Evelyn's
1294 Everclear
1295 Evinrude
1296 EWD
1297 EXCE
1298 excitements
1300 executioners
1301 exhalation
1302 exhibitionists
1303 EXP
1304 expatriated
1305 extemporanea
1306 extracurricular
1307 Exupery
1308 Exxon's
1309 eyestalks
1310 Eyquem
1311 Ezrin
1312 FAA
1314 Factorials
1315 Fadiman
1316 Fafhrd
1317 Fagan
1318 Fagon
1319 fainali
1320 fairings
1321 fairminded
1322 Faisse
1323 Fakir
1324 Falkland
1325 fallaron
1326 Fallian
1327 familiares
1328 Fandal
1329 fandangos
1331 Farnum
1332 Farrah
1333 Farrow
1334 fatback
1335 Fatherland
1336 faudrait
1337 faut
1338 Fawcett
1339 FC
1340 FCN
1341 feeder's
1342 Feghoot
1343 Feibleman
1344 Feiffer
1345 Feiner
1346 Feirstein
1347 fella
1348 Fellgett's
1349 Felton
1350 feminism's
1351 Femme
1353 Fenelon
1354 Fenster
1355 Ferber
1356 Ferengi
1357 Ferentz
1358 Ferguson's
1359 Ferm
1360 Fermat's
1361 Ferrari
1363 fertsneet
1364 Festa
1365 fetishists
1366 Feynman
1367 FF
1368 FFT
1369 FHA
1370 FICA
1371 Fidel
1372 Fiebig
1373 Fiedler
1374 figgy
1375 fighting's
1376 Figliuolo
1377 fikcio
1378 fiks
1379 filees
1380 filename
1381 Filgoer's
1382 filigrees
1383 Filkharmonics
1384 Fillmore
1385 filors
1386 Finagle
1387 Finagle's
1388 Finagling
1389 findeth
1390 Fine's
1391 Finke
1392 Finklestein
1393 finks
1394 Finley
1395 FINO
1396 Finster's
1397 firehose
1398 Firesign
1399 Firth
1400 Fishhawk
1401 fix'd
1402 fixin's
1403 Flaccus
1404 Flagg
1405 Flakey
1406 flamewars
1407 Flandry
1408 Flannagan's
1409 Flannery
1411 Flappity
1412 flatfoot
1413 flatteries
1414 Flaubert
1415 Fleischman's
1416 Flintstone
1417 flippered
1418 Flon's
1419 floppity
1420 Florio
1421 floss
1422 flouride
1423 Flugg's
1424 Flummery
1425 flutterby
1426 flyswatter
1427 Fogerty
1428 Foghorn
1429 foghorns
1430 folkloric
1431 Follen
1432 fool's
1433 Forbiddie
1434 Forcade
1435 forelegs
1436 foreplay
1437 fornia
1438 forsooth
1439 Forssman
1440 fortiter
1441 Fortue
1442 Fosdick
1443 fountainheads
1444 Fowler's
1445 fractal
1446 Frampton
1447 Fran
1448 Francois
1449 Frankau
1450 Frankenstein's
1451 Franklin's
1452 FRAS
1453 Fratianno
1454 Frayn
1455 freaking
1456 FreeBSD
1457 FreeBSDcon
1458 freelancer
1459 Freeman's
1460 freezin
1461 Freitzke's
1462 Frenchman's
1463 Fresco's
1464 Freudians
1465 fridge
1466 Fried's
1467 Friedenberg
1468 Friedrich
1469 Friendman
1470 frillant
1471 Frisbee
1472 Frisbees
1473 Frisbeetarianism
1474 Frito
1475 Fritzkee's
1476 Fritzlar
1477 frob
1478 frob'nitsm
1479 Frobazz
1480 frobbing
1483 Frobenius
1484 Frobnicate
1485 Frobnitz
1486 Frobnitzem
1489 FrobTech
1491 frolicked
1492 Froot
1493 Frostee
1494 FROTZ
1495 FRS
1496 fruitcake
1497 fruitcakes
1498 frumious
1499 Frumkes
1500 fseek
1501 FTC
1502 FTL
1503 FTSD
1504 Fuch's
1505 Fudd
1506 Fudd's
1507 fuddyduddy
1508 Fuldheim
1509 Fulghum
1510 Fulke
1511 fumblefingers
1512 functionaries
1513 funhouse
1514 Fuoss
1515 Furbling
1516 Furst
1518 Fylstra
1519 Fyodor
1520 Gabe's
1521 Gabor
1522 Gadsbys
1523 Gaius
1524 Galactica
1525 Galbraith
1526 Galbraith's
1527 Galilei
1528 Galileo
1529 Galileo's
1530 Gallagher
1531 Galliano
1532 Gallienne
1533 Gallois
1534 galore
1535 Galsworthy
1536 Galton
1537 Galvani
1538 Galvani's
1539 gambler's
1540 gamekeeper
1541 Gamekeeping
1542 Gandalf
1543 Gandhi
1544 ganz
1545 Garagiola
1546 Garbers
1547 Gardner's
1548 garnishment
1549 Garp
1550 Gastly
1551 Gatling
1552 Gaulle
1553 Gauls
1554 Gaultier
1555 Gauvreay
1556 Gaveau
1557 GC
1558 GCC
1559 GCing
1560 GCs
1561 Gdansk
1562 gefingerpoken
1563 Geis
1564 Gelbart
1565 Gellett
1566 Geminis
1567 Genderplex
1568 Genesereth
1569 Genghis
1570 genlock
1571 genocide
1572 Genter
1573 Geritol
1574 Germaine
1575 Gerould
1576 Gerrold's
1577 Gesserit
1578 gesteckt
1579 getchar
1580 Getraenke
1581 Gettys
1582 gewerken
1583 Ghandi
1584 gharsley
1585 Ghostbusters
1586 Giancana
1587 Gibaud
1588 Gibran
1589 Gibrovacco
1590 Giddens
1591 Giesing
1592 giftlist
1593 Gigo
1594 Gilbert's
1595 Gilchrist
1596 Gilda
1597 Gilliam
1598 Gilmore
1599 Gilpkerio
1600 gimble
1601 Gimlet
1602 Gimme
1603 gimmick
1604 gimmie
1605 Gingell
1606 gingivectomist
1607 Ginsberg
1608 Ginsberg's
1609 Ginsburg's
1610 Ginzburg
1611 Giraudoux
1612 Giraudy
1613 girlfriend
1614 Giuggiolo
1615 Giuseppe
1616 Glanvill
1617 Glaser
1618 gleekzorp
1620 Glegg
1621 gleknow
1622 Glib's
1623 Glimco
1624 globby
1625 Gloffing
1626 Glogg
1627 glowworm
1628 Glymour
1629 glyphs
1630 GMT
1631 Gnagloot
1632 gobbets
1633 Gobel
1635 Goda's
1636 Godard
1637 Godard's
1638 Goddard's
1639 Godel's
1640 Godot
1641 Godzilla
1642 Goebbels
1643 goest
1644 Goestheveezl
1645 goeth
1646 Goethe's
1647 Gold's
1648 Golda
1649 Goldengrove
1650 Goldenstern
1651 Goldenstern's
1652 Goldfinger
1653 Goldfoot
1654 Goldwater's
1655 Goldwyn
1656 Goleta
1657 Gomme's
1658 Gondoliers
1659 Gondwondaland
1660 gonna
1661 Gonnet
1662 goodbye
1663 GoodGulf
1664 Goodgulf
1665 Goodstein
1666 Gopete
1667 Gorbachev
1668 Gorden
1669 Gordon's
1670 Gorey
1671 Gorin
1672 Gossling
1673 Gotama
1674 Gotlieb
1675 goto
1676 goto's
1677 Gotos
1678 GOTOs
1679 gotta
1680 Gotti
1681 Goudsmit
1682 gougebosquex
1683 Gould
1684 Goulden
1685 GOUTS
1686 Goy's
1687 goyim
1688 goyish
1689 goyisha
1690 GPU
1691 Grabel's
1692 Graf
1693 Graffiti
1694 graffitiest
1695 graffito
1696 Grainger
1697 Grainger's
1698 Gramm
1699 grammarian's
1700 GRAMmer
1701 Grandad
1702 grandsires
1703 Granholm
1704 Grantland
1705 Graper
1707 grave's
1708 gravitons
1709 Gravity's
1710 Gray's
1711 Greaser's
1712 Green's
1713 Greener's
1714 Greenfatigues
1715 Greenleaf
1716 Greensleeves
1717 Greenspun's
1718 Greenstein
1719 Greenstreet
1720 Greer
1721 Gregorian
1722 Gregory's
1723 Greider
1724 Grelb's
1725 grep
1726 Gretzky
1727 Greville
1728 Gries
1729 Griffin's
1730 Grinnell's
1731 Gripton
1732 Grishman
1733 Grizzard
1734 grizzlies
1735 GRODY
1736 Groening
1737 Grogan
1738 grok
1739 grommets
1740 Groucho
1741 grouse
1742 Gruber
1743 gry
1744 Guadalajara
1745 Guardsman
1746 Guaspari
1747 guave
1748 Guerre
1749 Guerrero
1750 GUGUs
1751 guideth
1752 Guildenstern
1753 Guindon
1754 Guinness
1755 Gulag
1756 Gulbenkian
1757 gumball
1758 gumballs
1759 Gumbinowitz
1760 GUMM
1761 GUMMed
1762 Gumperson's
1763 Gumps
1764 gunships
1765 Gunter's
1766 guppies
1767 Gurmlish
1768 Gusenberg
1769 Gustav
1770 Gustave
1771 guttersnipe
1772 Gutzwiller
1773 Guzik
1774 Guzman
1775 Gween
1776 Gyles
1777 gyre
1778 gyrent
1779 haben
1780 Hackensack
1781 Hacking's
1782 Hadamard
1783 Hadamard's
1784 Hadassah
1785 hadda
1786 Haeckel
1787 hag's
1788 Hagar's
1789 Hahahahahahahahaha
1790 Haig
1791 hairstyles
1792 Hakuin
1793 Halas
1794 Haldeman
1795 Haley
1796 halfbreed
1797 halfwits
1798 Halley's
1799 Hallifax
1800 Halliwell
1801 Hallock
1802 hallucinogens
1803 Halpern
1804 HALs
1805 Halsey
1806 Halstead
1807 Hammarskjold
1808 Hammerstein
1809 handcraftsmanship
1810 Handel's
1811 Handey
1812 handsprings
1813 handwaving
1814 hanky
1815 Hanlon's
1816 Hanson's
1817 Hanukka
1818 Harary
1819 Harbride
1820 hardbound
1821 hardcore
1822 Hardluckland
1823 Hargrave
1824 Harlan
1825 Harlequin
1826 Harley
1827 Harlow
1828 Harpo
1829 Harpoon
1830 Harriet's
1831 Harris's
1832 Harrisberger's
1833 Harrison's
1834 Harrold
1835 Harter
1836 Hartke
1837 Hartley's
1838 Harvard's
1839 hast
1840 Hathrume
1841 Hausdorff
1842 Havabanana
1843 Havelock
1844 HavenTree
1845 Hawes
1846 Hawkeye
1847 Hawkeye's
1848 Hawkwind
1849 Hayakawa
1850 Hayden
1851 Haynie
1852 Hazlitt
1853 HBD
1854 HCF
1855 headgear
1856 Heartwarming
1857 heatwave
1858 Hebb
1859 hectare
1860 HED
1861 Hedy
1862 HEE
1863 Hegel
1864 heifer's
1865 Heimel
1866 Heine
1867 Heineken
1868 Heinlein
1869 heinous
1870 Helen's
1871 Helens
1872 Helga
1873 Heller's
1874 Helliconia
1875 Helllloooooo
1876 Hellman
1877 Hellman's
1878 HELMS
1879 hematophagous
1880 Hemiel
1881 Henningsen
1882 Henny
1883 Henri
1884 Henrik
1885 Henson
1886 Hepler
1887 her's
1888 Herbert's
1889 Herford
1890 hermit
1891 hernias
1892 Herrgott
1893 Hershey's
1894 Herth's
1895 Herzog
1896 hev
1897 Hewett's
1898 Hewitt
1899 hexagram
1900 Hexahex
1901 Hickery
1902 Hickson
1903 Higgeldy
1904 Higgins
1905 highbrow
1906 Hightower
1907 Hilaire
1908 Hildago
1909 Hildebrandt
1910 Hildebrant's
1911 Hillary's
1912 Hillbillies
1913 Hinckley
1914 Hinckley's
1915 Hindenburg
1916 Hipcrime
1917 Hippensteel
1918 Hippocrates
1919 hippogriff
1920 hippopotamuses
1921 Hirschfield
1922 Hitchcock's
1923 Hitchhiker's
1924 Hiya
1925 hjioasdvbnuio
1926 Hlade's
1927 Hmm
1928 Hmmm
1929 Hmmmm
1930 Hoaars
1931 Hoare
1932 Hoare's
1933 Hoarsepower
1934 HOAX
1935 HOB'LIN
1936 Hoban
1937 Hobbits
1938 Hochstetter
1939 Hoest
1940 Hoffa
1941 Hoffenstein
1942 Hoffer
1943 Hoffer's
1944 Hofstadter
1945 Hofstadter's
1946 Hogan's
1947 Hogarth
1948 Hogben
1949 Holton
1950 homeowner's
1951 Homespun
1952 Honesty's
1953 Honeymoon's
1954 Honig
1955 honorific
1956 honour
1957 hoofprints
1959 hootchy
1960 hooved
1961 Hoppe
1962 Horace's
1963 horgrave
1964 hormonal
1965 Horne
1966 Horner's
1967 Horngren's
1968 hors
1969 Horstmann
1970 Horta
1971 hound's
1972 houseplant
1973 houseplants
1975 housewares
1976 Housman
1977 How'd
1978 Howdershelt
1979 Howe's
1980 Hoyt
1981 HR
1982 Hubbard
1983 Hubbard's
1984 Huffman
1985 hullabaloo
1986 human's
1987 humour
1988 Humperdinck
1989 Humpf
1990 Humpfed
1991 Humphrey's
1992 hunchbacks
1993 Huneker
1994 Huntingdon
1995 Hurewitz's
1996 Hussein
1997 Husserl's
1998 Huxtable
1999 Hyatt
2000 Hyde
2001 hyper
2002 hyperdrive
2003 Hyperion
2004 Hypermint
2005 hyperplanes
2006 IA
2007 Iacocca
2008 Ian
2009 ibi
2010 IBMer
2011 IBMese
2012 IBP
2013 IC
2014 ICBM
2015 icepacks
2016 ICs
2017 ID's
2018 ideogram
2019 ideograms
2020 Idi
2021 iear
2022 Iears
2023 IEC
2024 IEH
2025 iers
2026 if's
2027 ifthen
2028 Igmmlptk
2029 Ignatowski
2030 ignisecond
2031 ihuxw
2032 IIc
2033 III's
2034 Il
2035 Iles
2036 Iles's
2037 illiterate's
2038 Illiterati
2039 Imamu
2040 imbeciles
2041 Imbesi's
2043 imperiling
2044 impersonators
2045 impo
2046 Inamorati
2047 Inanities
2048 inattentions
2049 incivility
2050 incorrige
2051 incrustations
2052 incurreth
2053 infiniteloop
2054 InfoWorld
2055 ingenium
2056 Ingliy
2057 Ingmar
2058 Ingrid
2059 inhalations
2060 init
2061 inkahol
2062 inkwells
2063 Inlaws
2064 innumerate
2065 inprectoo
2066 inputdir
2067 inquit
2068 inrushing
2069 insa
2070 Insider's
2072 interdicted
2073 interferon
2074 interpreter's
2075 interunderstanding
2076 Ionesco
2077 IOS
2078 IOT
2079 Iowans
2080 Iphicrates
2081 ipsos
2082 IQ
2083 IQs
2084 Irishman's
2085 ironmongery
2086 irrelephant
2087 IRS
2088 Irulan
2089 Isaak
2090 Iso
2091 Issac
2092 Issawi
2093 Issawi's
2094 Ist
2095 Italo
2096 itn
2097 Itty
2098 Ium
2099 ius
2100 Ivanovo
2101 Iverson
2102 IXDRTYju
2103 Jabberstock
2104 Jabberstocky
2105 Jacek
2106 Jackals
2107 Jackasses
2108 jackrabbit
2109 jackrabbits
2110 Jacquard
2111 Jacquin's
2112 Jael
2113 Jaglan
2114 Jahnke
2115 Jahoda
2116 Jaka
2117 Janelle
2118 Janx
2119 jarheads
2120 Jarry
2121 Jaspar
2122 jast
2123 Jawaharlal
2124 Jayne
2125 JCL
2126 Jed's
2127 Jedi
2128 jeered
2129 Jeffersons
2130 Jehan
2131 Jekyll
2132 Jell
2133 Jeltz
2134 Jenerally
2135 Jenkinson's
2136 Jenks
2137 Jenning's
2138 Jerrold
2139 jeunesse
2140 JFK
2141 JFK's
2142 Jillette
2143 Jimbo
2144 Jimi
2145 jklsR
2146 jkzxdjkl
2147 JMP
2148 Jodie
2149 joggers
2150 Jogging
2151 Johnson's
2152 Johnston
2153 Jonathon
2154 Jone's
2155 Jones's
2156 Jonesboro
2157 Joost
2158 Jordache
2159 Josh
2160 joules
2161 jour
2162 Jourdain
2163 Jove's
2164 Joyce's
2165 Juall's
2166 judex
2167 jukebox
2168 Julia's
2169 Juliana
2170 jumpsuit
2171 Jun
2172 Jung
2173 junkmobiles
2174 Juris
2175 Justin
2176 Juvenalis
2177 Kabaidze
2178 Kabotschniks
2179 Kafka's
2180 Kahlil
2181 Kahn
2182 Kairos
2183 Kamerman
2184 Kaminer
2185 Kaminsky
2186 Kan
2187 Kandel
2188 Kant's
2189 Kaplan
2190 Karabakh
2191 Karamazov
2192 Karamazovs
2193 karat
2194 Kari
2195 Karloff
2196 Karlovich
2197 Karlson's
2198 Karlstrom
2199 karma
2200 Karpis
2201 Karyl
2202 Kasi
2203 Kasner
2204 Kasspe
2205 katydids
2206 Katz
2207 Kauffmann
2208 Kaufman
2209 Kaufman's
2210 Kaul
2211 KCB
2212 Keate
2213 Keeler's
2214 keepen
2215 Kehlog
2216 Keillor
2217 Keir
2218 Kellen
2219 Kempis
2220 Kempson
2221 Kennedy's
2222 Kennedys
2223 Kennicott
2224 Kenny's
2225 Kenobi
2226 Kent's
2227 Kercheval
2228 kerning
2229 Kerouac
2230 Kerr's
2231 Kerwin
2232 Kesey
2233 Kessler
2234 Kettering's
2235 Keyser
2236 Kezar
2237 KFOG
2238 Khayyam
2239 Khruschev
2240 Kidner
2241 Kierkegaard
2242 Kiernan
2243 Kilgore
2244 Killfest
2245 Killibrew
2246 Kime's
2247 kinda
2248 Kiner
2249 kinfolk
2250 Kingsmen's
2251 Kingsmill
2252 Kington's
2253 Kinkler's
2254 Kinks
2255 Kinnan
2256 Kion
2257 Kiplings
2258 Kirrman
2259 Kissinger
2260 Kistomerces
2261 Kitman
2262 kitsch
2263 Kitzenger
2264 KKK
2265 KL
2266 Klapka
2267 Kleppner
2268 Kleptomaniac
2269 Kliban
2270 Kliban's
2271 Klingon
2272 Klingons
2273 Klink
2274 Klipstein
2275 Klone
2276 klows
2277 kludge
2278 kludgy
2279 klutz
2280 kmxsij
2281 Knapp
2282 Knebel
2283 Knebel's
2284 Knicks
2285 Knivlen
2286 knock'd
2287 knoooooowww
2288 knowest
2289 knownness
2290 Knucklehead
2291 Knuth
2292 Ko
2293 koan
2294 Koblas
2296 kohirnt
2297 Kolenhow
2298 Koln
2299 komputilisto
2300 konsonant
2301 konsonants
2302 kontinue
2303 Kool
2304 kootchy
2305 Kopp
2306 Korda
2307 Kovacs
2308 KPH
2309 Kr
2310 Krabill
2311 Krainian
2312 Kramer's
2313 Krasnoyarsk
2314 Kraus
2315 Kreitzer
2316 Kringle
2317 Krispies
2318 Kristofferson
2319 Kristol
2320 krizzle
2321 Kroc
2322 Krogt
2323 Kronecker
2324 kroo
2325 Krylenko
2327 KSFO
2328 Kt
2329 Kubla
2330 Kubrick
2331 kudn't
2332 Kulawiec
2333 kulero
2334 Kwaheri
2335 KYA
2336 Kyogen
2337 l'amour
2338 l'Amour
2339 l'esprit
2340 l'Informatique
2341 l'inventer
2342 l'oeil
2343 Labour's
2344 lacessit
2345 Lackland's
2346 LACS
2347 Lactomangulation
2348 lad's
2349 ladybug
2350 Laetrile
2351 Lafferty
2353 LaGrange
2355 Lamarr
2356 lambchops
2357 Lamont
2358 lampshades
2359 Lampson
2360 Lancelot
2361 Landburgher
2362 Landor
2363 Langan
2364 Langsam's
2365 Langston
2366 Lanier
2367 lank
2368 Lankhamar's
2369 Lankhmar
2370 LAPD
2371 Lapham
2372 Lapsley
2373 Lapwarmer
2374 Lardner
2375 Larkin
2376 Larkinson's
2377 LaRouchefoucauld
2378 Lascl
2379 laserbeam
2380 Lasorda
2381 Lasorda's
2382 Lassie
2383 Late'll
2384 Lauer
2385 Laukikanyay
2386 laundromat
2387 lavishes
2388 Lavoris
2389 lawnmower
2390 Lawrenson
2391 Lazenby
2392 Lazlo's
2393 LBJ
2394 leadeth
2395 leafmeal
2396 Leahy
2397 Lean's
2398 Leautaud
2399 Lebarge
2400 LeBlanc
2401 LeBoutillier
2402 Lebowitz
2403 LeCarre
2404 LeDoux
2405 Leedom
2406 legas
2407 legendarily
2408 Lego
2409 LeGuin
2410 Lehenbauer
2411 Lehey
2412 Lehman
2413 Lehrer
2414 Leia
2415 Leibe
2416 Leiber
2417 Leibnitz
2418 Leibowitz
2419 Leibowitz's
2420 Leith
2421 Lem
2422 Lenin's
2423 Lenore
2424 Lensmen
2425 LeoGrande
2426 Lerner
2427 lerts
2428 les
2429 LeSage
2430 letez
2431 Letterman's
2432 Lettvin
2433 Levant
2434 Levenson
2435 Leverett
2436 Leveut
2437 Levinson
2438 Lewin
2439 Lewis's
2440 Lewyt
2441 lexicographer
2442 Leyna
2443 li'l
2444 Libbers
2445 libdialog
2446 Libra
2447 libricilleux
2448 LiBrizzi
2449 Lichtenberg
2450 Lichty
2451 Liddy
2452 Liddy's
2453 Lieberman's
2454 Liebling
2455 Liebowitz
2456 liegt
2457 Liepmann
2458 lightbulb
2459 lightbulbs
2460 Lightfoot
2461 LII
2462 Lileks
2463 Lilla
2464 Lillian
2465 Lillis
2466 limerick
2467 Lincoln's
2468 Lindbergh
2469 linguini
2470 Linimon's
2471 Linkletter
2472 Lippmann
2473 Lipson
2474 Lir
2475 Lisle's
2476 LITHP
2477 lithtth
2478 liveware
2479 Livius
2480 Livy
2481 Liza
2482 LLD
2483 lobbed
2484 lobbest
2485 lobotomy
2486 LOCF
2487 Lockard
2488 locksmiths
2489 Lockwood's
2490 locutions
2491 Loeb
2492 Logg's
2493 loggerheads
2494 Logicians
2495 logick
2496 logout
2497 logy
2498 logzerneg
2499 lojikl
2500 Lombardi
2501 Londoners
2502 Longworth
2503 lookest
2504 lookie
2505 Lookit
2506 loons
2507 Loos
2508 Lorax
2509 Lord'll
2510 Los
2511 Lothair
2512 lotsa
2513 loudmouth
2514 Lourdes
2515 Loverboyd
2516 Lovin
2517 Lowells
2518 Lowery's
2519 Lowes
2520 Lownes
2521 LP
2522 LPA
2523 LSD
2524 LSD's
2525 Lt
2526 Ltd
2527 Lubarsky's
2528 Lubitsch
2529 Lucasian
2530 Lucci
2531 Luce
2532 Luciano
2533 Ludcke
2534 Luddites
2535 Luigi
2536 Lumsden
2537 Lundstrom
2538 lurketh
2539 LUSER
2540 Lustbader
2541 Luten
2542 LVME
2543 Lyman
2544 lynching
2545 Lyndon
2546 Lyndon's
2547 lysdexia
2548 Lysistrata
2549 Lytton
2550 m'I
2551 ma'am
2552 Ma's
2553 Mabbitt
2554 Mabley
2555 Macaroons
2556 MacBeth
2557 Maccius
2558 MacDowell
2559 MacDuff
2560 Machturtle
2561 Macinelli
2562 MacKay
2563 MacLaine
2564 MacNelley
2565 MacNiece
2566 MacWhirter
2567 Macy's
2568 Madariaga
2569 Madelyn
2572 Madre
2573 MAFIA
2574 Magary's
2575 Magee
2576 magnifique
2577 Magnocartic
2578 magtape
2579 Mahabharata
2580 Mahasamatman
2581 Mahatma
2582 Maher
2583 Mai
2584 maidservants
2585 Maier
2586 Maier's
2587 Maimie
2588 Main's
2589 maindz
2590 mainframe
2591 mais
2592 Maistre
2593 Maj
2594 maketh
2595 mal
2596 Malek's
2597 Mallomars
2598 Malraux
2599 maltreated
2600 Mamet
2601 Mammel
2602 mammon's
2603 Mancha
2604 Mandrell
2605 Manhandling
2606 manifestos
2607 Mankiewicz
2608 mankind's
2609 Manly's
2610 Manson
2611 mantas
2612 mantises
2614 Mapplethorpe's
2615 Marceau
2616 Marcuse
2617 margarita
2618 Margaronis
2619 Margolies
2620 Markham
2621 Markoff
2622 Markowsky
2623 Marley
2624 Marlo
2625 Marlon
2626 Marshalltown
2627 MARTA
2628 Maryann's
2629 Maryel
2630 Mascheroni
2631 Maslow
2632 Maslow's
2633 masochist
2634 Masterson
2635 Masterson's
2636 masticating
2637 Mathis
2638 Mattel
2639 Matz's
2640 Maud
2641 Maud'Dib
2642 Maugham
2643 Maughm
2644 Maupin
2645 Maureens
2646 Maurois
2647 mausers
2648 Maxey
2649 Maxson
2650 May's
2651 Mayorga
2652 MÃ¥rten
2653 MBAs
2654 MBH
2655 MC
2656 McAfee
2657 McCartney
2658 McCartney's
2659 McClanahan
2660 McCloctnik
2661 McCorkle
2662 McDunn
2663 McElroy
2664 McEvoy
2665 McEwan's
2666 McGowan's
2667 McGrew
2668 McGroarty
2669 McGuane
2670 McIntire
2671 McKuen
2672 McKusick
2673 McLeavy
2674 McLuhan
2675 McManus
2676 McNally
2677 McNeill
2678 McNulty
2679 McQueen
2680 McQuillin
2681 McShane
2682 MDL
2683 Meade's
2684 Meader's
2685 meatballs
2686 Meck
2687 Mecum
2688 Medawar
2689 Meeny
2690 Meese
2691 megacycles
2692 Megatrends
2693 megs
2694 meik
2695 Meir
2696 Melancholia's
2697 Melott
2698 meltdown
2699 Melugin
2700 Mem'ry
2702 Menander
2703 Mencken
2704 Mencken's
2705 Mendelson
2706 mendicants
2707 Mengot
2708 Menninger
2709 Mensa
2710 Menschen
2711 Meow
2712 meowing
2714 merinos
2715 Merrick
2716 Meskimen's
2717 Messiah's
2718 meta
2719 Metamagical
2720 Metasexuals
2721 Metermaids
2722 methionyllysylalanylalanylthreonylarginylserine
2723 Metkovich
2724 Metz
2725 Mewling
2726 Meyrowitz
2727 MG
2728 MGA
2729 MGM
2730 MHz
2731 Mia
2732 Michener
2733 Mickos
2734 microchips
2735 Microcomputing
2736 micrometric
2737 Microsystem's
2738 Microsystems
2739 MicroVAXes
2740 midgets
2741 Midler
2742 midterm
2743 midtown
2744 Mieux
2745 Miffin
2746 Mikado
2747 Miksch's
2748 milk's
2749 Milkbone
2750 Millay
2751 Milligan
2752 millihelen
2753 Millikan
2754 Millikan's
2755 millions
2756 Millipicture
2757 Milliway's
2758 Millman
2759 Milpitas
2760 mimsy
2761 Minas
2762 mindedly
2763 minimalization
2764 miniraft
2765 miniskirts
2766 minix
2767 Minneapple
2768 Minnelli
2769 Minnesotans
2770 Minow
2771 Minsky
2772 minx
2773 MIPS
2774 MIRVed
2775 misapportionment
2776 misdates
2777 Misner
2778 misquotations
2779 misspent
2780 mistresses
2781 Mitford
2782 Mitgong
2783 mittengrabben
2784 mitts
2785 mittsquinter
2787 Mix's
2788 Miyamoto
2789 mizk
2790 Mizner
2791 mkdir
2793 MN
2794 mobocracy
2795 Moby
2796 Modelski
2797 modifaiing
2798 Modula
2799 Moebius
2800 Mohandas
2801 Mohandis
2802 mohmen
2803 Moishe
2804 Molander
2805 moldy
2806 molehills
2807 Mollison's
2808 Mom
2809 mome
2810 Momma's
2811 mon
2812 Mondale
2813 monde
2814 Mongo
2815 monkey's
2816 Monopurpose
2817 Montagu
2818 Montalvo
2819 Montand
2820 Montesquieu
2821 Moolah
2822 moonshiner's
2823 Moore's
2824 mopeds
2825 mophobia
2826 Moping
2827 moralists
2828 Mordecai
2829 Mordor
2830 Morganstern
2831 Morley
2832 morons
2833 Morrisey
2834 mortician's
2835 MOS
2836 Mosher's
2837 Mostel
2838 motd
2839 mounteth
2840 mousetraps
2841 mousies
2842 mouthwashes
2843 moveth
2844 Moyers
2845 Moynihan
2846 MOZ
2847 mrbill
2848 MSCP
2849 MSDOS
2850 MSU
2851 Mt
2852 MTA
2853 Muad'dib
2854 muckest
2855 mucklucks
2856 Mudgeeraba
2857 Mudhead
2858 mudslide
2859 mugged
2860 Muggeridge
2861 Muhammad
2862 Mulcahey
2863 Mulcahey's
2864 multe
2865 multidextrous
2866 multiline
2867 Mum's
2868 munchies
2869 Munchkin
2870 Mundis
2871 Mundus
2872 Munro
2873 Muppet
2874 Muppets
2875 Murdoch
2876 Murphy's
2877 Murray's
2878 Musashi
2879 musculus
2880 Mushies
2881 Mustgo
2882 MVS
2883 MW
2884 MX
2885 Myles
2886 MySQL
2887 Myung
2888 myxbl
2889 n'ecoute
2890 n'est
2891 n'existait
2892 n'oeuvres
2893 Naah
2894 Nabokov
2895 naches
2896 Nachman
2897 Nachman's
2898 Nader
2899 Nadia
2900 Naggum
2901 Nagorno
2902 Naiman
2903 Naisbitt
2904 Namath
2905 NAND
2906 nanocentury
2907 nanohenry
2908 nanometers
2909 Nansen
2910 Napolean
2911 Napoleon's
2912 narcolepulacyi
2913 Narnia
2914 Nasium's
2915 Naso
2916 Nasrudin
2917 Nasrudin's
2918 Natasha
2919 Nate
2920 Nathalia
2921 Nather
2922 naturalists
2923 naugahyde
2924 Naughton
2925 Navasky
2926 Nazgul
2927 NCONS
2928 NCTE
2929 Neantical
2930 Nebuchadnezzar
2931 Nebuchadnezzar's
2932 necesas
2933 necessitas
2934 necessitious
2935 NecroSoft
2936 Nehru
2937 Neil's
2938 Neizant
2939 nell
2940 Nemo
2941 nennen
2942 Neophyte's
2943 nerd
2944 Nerd's
2945 Neronic
2946 Nesbit
2947 Nesbitt
2948 NetBSD
2949 NetHack
2950 Netiquette
2951 netnews
2952 neuroscience
2953 neuroscientists
2954 neurotics
2955 Nevil
2956 Newell's
2957 Newkirk
2958 Newlan's
2959 Newman's
2961 NF
2962 NFL
2963 Ngdanga
2964 Niagra
2965 Niccoli
2966 Nicklaus
2967 Nicol
2968 Nicolaides
2969 Niels
2970 Niemoller
2971 Nietzsche's
2972 Nikita
2973 Niklaus
2974 Nikon
2975 Nillity
2976 Nimitz
2977 Ningauble
2978 Nintendo
2979 Nisker
2980 Nissan
2981 Nissan's
2982 nitpicking
2983 Niven
2984 Nixon's
2985 Noah's
2986 noalias
2987 Nobert
2988 Noelie
2989 nog
2990 nogiftlist
2991 nohow
2992 Nolan
2993 Nome
2994 nonproblems
2995 nonrefusable
2996 nonsolutions
2997 nontangible
2998 nooooothing
2999 NOP
3000 Nora's
3001 Norman's
3002 Normanorum
3003 Normie
3004 Northcote
3005 Norwood
3006 nostra
3007 Notetaking
3008 nothing's
3009 Nov
3010 Novato
3011 Novell
3012 Novinson's
3013 Novocain
3014 Novocaine
3015 Now's
3016 Nowlan's
3017 Noxzema
3018 NP
3019 NSV
3020 NSW
3021 NT
3022 nth
3023 Nubar
3024 nucleophile
3025 NULLs
3026 Nullum
3027 nunnery
3028 Nuremberg
3029 Nusbaum's
3030 Nutley
3031 NY
3032 NYT
3033 O'Brian's
3034 O'Casey
3035 O'Hara
3036 O'Henry
3037 O'Longhlin
3038 O'Malley
3039 O'Neil
3040 O'Neill
3041 O'Nolan
3042 O'Reilly's
3043 O'Rourke
3044 O'Toole's
3045 Oahu
3046 Obi
3047 obits
3048 obius
3049 obscurantist
3050 obsoletum
3051 Ochs
3052 OCP
3053 Oct
3054 octalthorpe
3055 Octopussy
3056 Odgen
3057 Oech
3058 Oedipa
3059 Ogborn
3060 Ogden's
3061 Ogdin
3062 Oglethorp
3064 Ohm's
3065 ohnegleich
3066 okay
3068 Olin
3069 Olinthus
3070 Olivier
3071 Olivier's
3072 Olsen's
3073 Omar
3074 omelette
3075 omerade
3077 omnibiblious
3078 omnivorous
3079 ompzidaize
3080 Onan
3081 Onasander
3082 Onassis
3083 Oncler
3084 Ontopsychological
3085 Ontopsychology
3086 oodsou
3087 ooh
3088 Oooh
3089 ooohed
3090 Ooohh
3091 Oooo
3092 OOOOT
3093 Ope
3094 Ophelia
3095 Oppernockity
3096 Oprah
3097 OR'd
3098 Orac
3099 Orben
3100 orbs
3101 Orbury
3102 Orcs
3103 Oreo
3104 Organa
3105 Orkney
3106 Oroville
3107 orphan's
3108 Orrin
3109 Orson
3110 Orton
3111 orxogrefkl
3112 OS
3113 Osborn's
3114 OSI
3116 oughta
3117 our's
3118 Ouspensky
3120 outcumbents
3121 outdone
3122 outfitting
3123 outgrabe
3124 outgunned
3125 outstubborn
3126 outta
3127 outweird
3128 overesteem
3129 overserved
3130 overstayed
3131 overstuffed
3132 overtruncated
3133 oves
3134 Ovidius
3135 Owen's
3136 Owsley
3137 Ozman's
3138 Paar
3139 pacifists
3140 padanga
3141 Padlipsky
3142 Paeps
3143 Paglia
3144 Paglia's
3145 Pagnol
3146 paisley
3147 Paley
3148 pallbearer
3149 Palo
3150 pamphleteers
3151 Pandanga
3152 Pandora's
3153 Panjandrum's
3154 panky
3155 pantaloons
3156 Pante
3157 pantyhose
3158 Panza
3159 paperboy
3160 Papert
3161 paraboloids
3162 paramedic
3163 Paramount's
3164 Paranoids
3165 paraquat
3166 Pardo's
3167 parDOOOOOnu
3168 Parker's
3169 Parkinson's
3170 parkways
3171 Parnas
3172 Parnell
3173 paroxysmally
3174 Parrafin
3175 parthenon
3176 passwd
3177 pastureland
3178 Patageometry
3179 Pathmark
3180 patrino
3181 Paxton
3182 PBC
3183 PCC
3185 PDP
3186 PDQ
3187 PDSK
3188 Pearsall
3190 Pecor's
3191 Pedaeration
3192 pediddel
3193 Peers's
3194 Pegler
3195 pelted
3196 Pembrokeshire
3198 penis
3199 Penn's
3200 Penrose
3201 Pensacoola
3202 pense
3203 Pensees
3204 Penzance
3205 percussionists
3206 Pereant
3207 perfum'd
3208 Perignon
3209 Perigord
3210 Perl
3211 Perlis
3212 Perlstein
3213 Perot
3214 Perriwinkle
3215 Personifiers
3216 Petaluma
3217 Petersons
3218 Petr
3219 petribar
3220 Petronius
3221 Pfeiffer
3222 Pfffttt
3223 Phaedrus
3224 Pharoah's
3225 Phathotep
3226 Philbin
3227 Philips
3228 philogyny
3229 phoney
3230 Phooey
3231 phosflink
3232 Picadilly
3233 Pickard
3234 Pickle's
3235 Picninnies
3236 piercings
3237 pietists
3238 pietzsche
3239 Piggeldy
3240 Pilgermann
3241 Pindar
3242 Pinero
3243 Pintauro
3244 Pioneer's
3245 piranhas
3246 Pirsig
3247 Pithiests
3248 pkasdjbasdfbuil
3249 PL
3250 Plaese
3251 planaria
3252 plasmoids
3253 Platford
3254 Plato's
3255 platypus
3256 Plauger
3257 pleasantest
3258 pleasurific
3259 pleH
3260 Plimpton
3261 Plinius
3262 Plotinus
3263 Plotkin
3265 Plumber's
3266 plunked
3267 Pluribus
3268 Plyter
3269 Pocataligo
3270 Pocatello
3271 Podunk
3272 Pohl's
3273 Poincair
3274 Poincare's
3275 pointy
3276 Polanski
3277 Pollyanna's
3278 poly
3279 polytetien
3280 polytheism
3281 polywog
3282 Pompeius
3283 ponytails
3284 Poorman's
3285 popcorn
3286 POPI
3287 POPped
3288 Poppins
3289 Porcius
3290 Porcus
3291 porkers
3292 Porky's
3293 porrf
3294 Porsche
3295 posibl
3297 posthole
3298 postindustrial
3299 postjudice
3300 Postnews
3301 Postpetroleum
3302 potholes
3303 potty
3304 Poul
3305 Pournelle
3306 pouvait
3307 Povich
3309 powerfail
3310 Powermom
3311 Powerpoint
3312 poz
3314 ppo
3315 PPRB
3316 Prabhupada
3317 praemium
3318 pragma
3319 prawns
3320 pre
3321 Precipitations
3322 predicaments
3323 prepareth
3324 prepoceros
3325 Presley
3326 Presume's
3327 pretzel
3328 Preudhomme's
3329 prgrmmng
3330 Price's
3331 Priest's
3332 priestess
3333 primordial
3334 Princeton's
3335 Pritchard
3336 Pritzi
3337 PRIV's
3338 PRL
3340 Prochnow
3341 proelium
3342 proferred
3343 profundities
3344 proletarian
3345 Propos
3346 propounded
3347 Proseedcake
3348 Prosser
3349 Prostetnic
3350 prostrates
3351 Protagoras
3352 protheththing
3353 protoplasmal
3354 protracting
3355 Provan
3356 PRs
3357 Prue
3358 Prufrock
3359 Pryne
3360 Pryor's
3361 PS
3362 Psblurtex
3363 Psychotics
3364 Publilius
3365 Publius
3366 Pudd'nhead
3367 Pudden
3368 Pudder's
3369 Puff's
3370 Pumpernickel
3371 punchline
3372 punning
3373 PUPs
3375 Purshottam
3376 PUSHes
3377 pushy
3378 pussycats
3379 Putluck
3380 Putt's
3381 PVLC
3382 PxP
3383 Pynchon
3384 Pyro's
3385 Python's
3386 QED
3387 QLX
3388 qotc
3389 QOTD
3390 QT
3391 quadrupic
3392 quaffing
3393 Quaid
3394 Qualactin
3395 quandry
3396 Quanucci
3397 Quasimodo's
3398 Quentin
3399 qui
3400 quia
3401 quiche
3402 Quicky
3403 Quiddely
3404 Quidquid
3405 Quigley's
3406 Quincey
3407 Quincunx
3408 Quinton
3409 quizmaster
3410 quop
3411 Quux
3412 Qvid
3413 QWERT
3416 QYX
3417 Rabelais
3418 rackmount
3419 Racter
3420 radiateth
3421 Radner
3422 raed
3423 Raffiniert
3424 raineth
3425 Raisa
3426 Raisinets
3427 raisiny
3428 RAM's
3429 Ramapo
3430 randchar
3431 Rankin
3432 Ransford
3433 rapturous
3434 Raquel
3435 RASC
3436 Raskin
3437 raspy
3438 Ratcliffe
3439 Ratri
3440 Ratsy
3441 RC
3442 rd
3443 RDTBL
3444 Readyhough
3445 Reaganite
3446 Reba
3447 rebinds
3448 Recamier
3449 Redd
3450 Regan
3451 Reggie
3452 Reginald's
3453 reich
3454 Reichel's
3455 Reinfeld
3456 Reinhart
3457 Reisner's
3458 reknowned
3459 Relaxen
3460 RENE
3461 Renegades
3462 Renner
3463 Renning's
3464 replased
3465 replasing
3466 restoreth
3467 retards
3468 retrospectoscope
3469 Reykjavik
3470 RFCs
3471 RFD
3472 RFSFR
3473 rhinoceri
3474 Rhode
3475 Rhode's
3476 RHU
3477 Richardian
3478 Richie
3479 Richler
3480 Ricks
3481 Rico
3482 ridandant
3483 rigadoon
3484 Rigby
3485 Rigg's
3486 Rilke
3487 rimeining
3488 rind
3489 Ringo
3490 Ringworld
3491 Rinzai
3492 riplais
3493 Rippingille
3494 Risch's
3495 rispektivli
3496 risqu
3497 Ritt
3498 Rivera
3499 Rizzo
3500 RKO
3501 RLG
3502 Roadrunner
3503 Robb
3504 Robespierre
3505 Roche
3506 Rochefoucauld
3507 Rocky's
3508 Roddick
3509 Rogerians
3510 Roguelet's
3511 Roguies
3512 Rolex
3513 rollups
3514 ROLM
3515 ROM's
3516 Romanoff
3517 Romanov
3518 Romas
3519 ROMS
3520 Romulan
3521 Romulans
3522 Ronstadt
3523 Rooney
3524 Rorschach
3525 Roscoe
3526 Rosencrantz
3527 rosewater
3528 Rospach
3529 Rossetti
3530 Rosten
3531 Rotherham
3532 Rothesay
3533 Rothschild
3534 Rouchefoucauld
3535 Roumania
3536 rousers
3537 Rowlands
3538 Roxbury
3539 Royce
3540 Royces
3541 Royko
3542 RPG
3545 RS's
3546 RSSC
3547 RSuX
3548 RTAB
3549 rubbernecken
3550 Rubenesque
3551 Rubenstein
3552 Rubik's
3553 Rubin
3554 Rubinstein
3555 rubout
3556 Rudd's
3557 Rudin's
3558 Rudman
3559 Rudner
3560 Rudyard
3561 Ruffed
3562 rugby
3563 Rukn
3564 ruminations
3565 Rune's
3566 runneth
3567 runtime
3568 Rupert
3569 Russel
3570 Russon
3571 rustproofers
3572 Ruth's
3573 Ruthven
3574 RWDSK
3575 RWOC
3576 RY
3577 Saberhagen
3578 Sacher's
3579 Sadat
3580 Saddam
3581 sadoequinecrophilia
3582 Saens
3583 Safford
3584 Safire's
3585 Sagan
3586 Sagdeev
3587 Sagittarians
3588 sailer's
3589 salesman's
3590 Sallust
3591 Salmanazar
3592 Salmonson
3593 Salome
3594 Salter's
3595 Salvadorans
3596 Salvor
3597 sam
3598 Sammet
3599 samurai
3600 Sanka
3601 Santoro
3602 Santraginean
3603 Santraginus
3604 sapiens
3605 Sappho
3606 Sardi
3607 Sargon
3608 Sarnoff
3609 Sartre
3610 SAS
3611 Sattinger's
3612 Satyrs
3613 Sauron
3614 SAUV
3615 Savage's
3616 savait
3617 savour
3618 sawhorse
3619 Saxbe
3620 Sayre
3621 Scalia
3622 Scallopinni
3623 scats
3624 SCCS
3625 Schaeberle
3626 Schapiro's
3627 Schenk
3628 Scherr
3629 Schibe
3630 Schickel
3631 Schickele
3632 Schieffer
3633 schisms
3634 schizophrenics
3635 schlattwhapper
3636 schlichte
3637 schluerfen
3638 Schmendrick
3639 Schmidt's
3640 Schmivalry
3641 Schmonsequences
3642 schnappen
3643 Schneier
3644 Schnoebelen
3645 Schrier
3646 Schroder
3647 Schrodinger's
3648 Schryer
3649 Schumacher's
3650 Schure
3651 Schwambach
3652 Schweitzer
3653 Schwiggle
3654 Schwine
3655 Scientologist
3656 scintilate
3657 Scintillae
3658 Scott's
3659 Scoville
3660 SCRBL
3662 Scrubb
3663 scullery
3664 scurries
3665 scuzzball
3666 Scythians
3667 sdoihjfh
3668 SDS
3669 Seager
3670 Seagoon
3671 seal's
3672 seatcovers
3673 Secombe's
3674 Seeger
3675 Segal
3676 sei
3677 Seldon
3678 Seleznick's
3680 Sendak
3681 Sententiae
3682 Sep
3683 Septober
3684 sequiturs
3685 Serendipity
3686 Serling
3687 Serocki's
3688 Serres
3689 SETQ
3690 Seuss
3691 Sevareid
3692 Sevenoaks
3693 Sextus
3694 Shadow's
3695 shallots
3696 shalt
3697 Shannon's
3698 Shapley
3699 Sharif
3700 Sharpless
3701 Shaw's
3702 Shawcross
3703 shed's
3704 Shedenhelm's
3705 Sheeley
3706 Sheep's
3707 Sheil
3708 Shel
3709 Sherany
3710 Sherrill
3711 Shhh
3712 Shick's
3713 shineth
3714 shinnied
3715 shins
3716 shlafen
3717 Shmoedipus
3718 Shoaff
3719 Shoales
3720 Shockwave
3721 Shoffstall
3722 ShopRite
3723 shorn
3724 shouldst
3725 Shriekback
3726 Shrivers
3727 Shulman
3728 Shuman
3729 Shunju
3730 shutouts
3731 shysters
3732 Si
3733 sickens
3734 sickle's
3735 sidestepped
3736 Siegel
3737 sightseeren
3738 Sigismund
3739 Sigmund's
3741 Silentarius
3742 Silurian
3743 Silverman's
3744 Silverstein
3745 Simard
3746 Simon's
3747 Simonize
3748 Simons
3749 Simpson's
3750 Sinanju
3751 Sinbad
3752 siouxeyesighed
3753 Siouxicide
3755 situationalist
3756 Sitwell
3757 Sixtus
3758 sizeof
3759 Sizi
3760 Sjoberg
3761 Skelton
3762 skldfjkl
3763 skyhigh
3764 Skyler
3765 Skywalker
3766 Slagle
3767 SLC
3768 sledgehammers
3769 Slick's
3770 Slingwine
3771 Slinkies
3772 Slinkys
3774 Slous
3775 Slurm
3776 sluts
3777 Smaalders
3778 Smalltalk
3779 Smirnoff
3780 Smit
3781 Smithsonian's
3782 smokeouts
3783 Smoky's
3784 Smollet
3785 Smorgrav
3786 SMP
3787 smudges
3788 Smugs
3789 smurfette
3790 Smurfies
3791 Smurfs
3792 SNA
3793 Snacktrek
3794 snake's
3795 snarley
3796 Sniglets
3797 Snipehunter
3798 SNL
3799 snowman
3800 Snowmass
3801 Socio
3802 sociocybernetics
3803 sociopathic
3804 soda's
3805 Sodd's
3806 Solanas
3807 soliloquies
3808 Solipsists
3809 Solzhenitsyn
3810 somebody'd
3811 something's
3812 Sondheim
3813 Sooooo
3814 Soren
3815 Sorhed
3816 sort've
3817 sorta
3818 souffrir
3819 Soundtrack
3820 SoupCon
3821 Souvarine's
3822 sow's
3823 Sox
3824 Soxer
3825 SP
3826 Spacemen
3827 Spaceport
3828 spacewar
3830 spake
3831 Spam
3832 spank
3833 Spark's
3834 Spartacus
3835 Speer's
3836 spel
3837 speling
3838 Spence's
3839 Spielberg
3840 Spinoza
3841 Spirtle
3842 Spisani
3843 spitzensparken
3844 spl
3845 sploosh
3846 Spock
3847 spokesperson
3848 SPR
3849 Sprecht
3850 springenwerk
3851 Springsteen
3852 sprites
3853 SPSW
3855 squaws
3856 squealers
3857 squrooneg
3858 SRSD
3859 sswwiittcchh
3860 stalagmites
3861 Stallman
3862 Stallone
3863 standest
3864 Standpunkt
3865 Stanfield
3866 Stanislaw
3867 stardust
3868 starfield
3869 Starfighter
3870 Starlin
3871 starships
3872 Stasheff
3873 statecraft
3874 stderr
3875 stdin
3876 steamrolling
3877 Steckel's
3878 Steele's
3879 Steelypips
3880 steeplechase
3881 Steiger
3882 Steinbach
3883 Steinbach's
3884 Steinbeck
3885 Steinem
3886 Steinham
3887 Steinman
3888 Stekel
3889 Stenderup's
3890 Stengel
3891 Stepanakert
3892 stepstool
3893 Stig's
3894 stingiest
3895 stinkmouthing
3896 Stinnett
3897 Stock's
3898 Stockdale
3899 Stoffel
3900 stogies
3901 Stonemenge
3902 stooge's
3903 Stoolie
3904 Stoppard
3905 Stormqueen
3906 Stormtroopers
3907 Strachey
3908 straitjackets
3909 strategem
3910 Straub
3911 Stretchy
3912 Strewzinski
3913 Strindberg
3914 structs
3915 Strumpets
3916 Strunk
3917 stty
3918 stuckness
3919 Stult's
3920 Suaviter
3921 subordinations
3922 subsittute
3923 Suenden
3924 suet
3925 Sugarcreek
3926 Suggoth
3927 Sulu
3928 Sumeria
3929 Summatra
3930 sunbathing
3931 SunCheckup
3933 sunlamps
3934 SunOS
3935 Suntiger
3936 Sunward
3937 superannuated
3938 Superchicken
3939 superheros
3940 Superieure
3941 superpowers
3942 superstar
3943 superstars
3944 Suplee
3945 supplieth
3946 surly
3947 Surtees
3948 Sushido
3949 Suslowicz
3950 Sussman
3951 Suzie
3952 Sven
3953 Svevo
3954 svm
3955 Swaller
3956 swami's
3957 swang
3958 Swayze
3959 sweatsocks
3960 Sweden's
3961 sweeteners
3962 Swinburne
3963 Swipple's
3964 synagog
3965 syncs
3966 synthetase
3967 Syrus
3968 sysadmin
3969 syscalls
3970 SYSIN
3971 sysinstall
3973 Szasz
3974 T'ai
3975 t'git
3976 T'umps
3977 Tabby
3978 Taber
3979 Taber's
3980 Tac
3981 tachyon
3982 Taggart
3983 Tai
3984 takest
3985 taketh
3986 Talking's
3987 Tallulah
3988 tamperest
3989 Tanenbaum
3990 Tannenbaum
3991 tannogallate
3992 tapeworms
3993 tapioca
3994 tappity
3995 Tarkin
3996 Tarkington
3997 Tarradiddles
3998 Tasmanians
4000 tbsp
4001 TDB
4002 Tech's
4003 Technolorata
4004 Tecumseh
4005 teddy
4006 Teddywookie
4007 tee'd
4008 teepers
4009 telematic
4010 telepath
4011 teleportation
4013 telepsychology
4014 tempfile
4015 tendrils
4016 tequila
4017 Terence
4018 Terentius
4019 Teriyaki
4020 Termiter's
4021 Tertullian
4022 TEXage
4023 textfiles
4024 thaaaaaaat's
4025 Thackeray
4026 Thalberg
4027 Thames
4028 Theatre
4029 Themas
4030 Theophrastus
4031 thermia
4032 Thermopylae
4033 Thieu
4034 thing's
4035 thinkle
4036 Thom
4037 thou'lt
4038 Thoul't
4039 Threepio
4040 Throop
4041 thru
4042 Thucydides
4043 Thurber
4044 Thurgood
4045 Thurston
4046 Thyme's
4047 thyself
4048 Tiburcio
4049 Tiddely
4050 Tiffany's
4051 Tijuana
4052 Tikkanen
4053 Timbuktu
4054 time's
4055 tinhorn
4056 tinpot
4057 Tirith
4058 tis
4059 Tiselius
4060 Titas
4061 tites
4062 TLC
4063 TM
4064 toastings
4065 Tobaben
4066 Tobias
4067 Tock
4068 toehold
4069 Tolkien
4070 tollway
4071 Tomalin
4072 Tomash
4073 Tomlin
4074 tommyo
4075 Tonka
4076 Topanga
4077 Topologists
4078 Torek
4079 tornpee
4080 Tortue
4081 Tortue's
4082 Torvalds
4083 TOTD
4084 Toto
4085 touch'd
4086 Touche
4087 toujours
4088 toun
4089 Tourbillon
4090 Toven
4091 trans
4092 transcendant
4093 transmogrifiers
4094 trapezes
4095 Traub
4096 traumatized
4097 treacle
4098 Trenchtown
4099 Tribbles
4101 Tricia
4102 Trillian
4103 Trillin
4104 Trimble
4105 Trobin
4106 Troney
4107 Trotsky
4108 trovato
4109 TRS
4110 Trudeau
4111 truffula
4112 truncheons
4113 Truscott
4114 Trygve
4115 tryptophan
4116 Tse
4117 tsetse
4118 TSO
4119 tsp
4120 Tsu
4121 tsunamis
4122 ttyTV
4123 Tue
4124 tuit
4125 tuits
4126 Tukey
4127 Tullius
4128 tumbleweeds
4129 tune's
4130 Tunstall
4131 tuppenny
4132 Turds
4133 Turgenev
4134 Turnaucka's
4135 turneth
4136 Tussman's
4137 Tut's
4138 Twain's
4139 Twas
4140 Tweedledee
4141 Tweedledum
4142 tween
4143 tweety
4144 twitches
4145 twits
4146 twixt
4147 Twodor
4148 Twodor's
4149 TYDFS
4150 tyg
4151 typefaces
4152 Tyroon
4153 tyrranize
4154 tzu
4155 Ubi
4156 UDA
4157 Udall's
4158 UFO
4159 UFO's
4160 uh
4161 ukulele
4162 Umberto
4163 Ummm
4164 umsige
4165 Un
4166 Una
4167 unamerican
4168 unbegot
4169 unbelievers
4170 UNC
4171 Uncatylised
4172 undemanding
4173 underachiever
4174 Unger
4175 Unhhh
4176 unhounded
4177 unionists
4178 unkindest
4179 unleaving
4180 unmasks
4181 unscrappable
4182 Unseld
4183 untechnician
4184 unvoist
4185 Updike
4186 upharsen
4187 uponst
4188 Urey
4189 Urho
4190 Urk
4191 USEnauts
4192 Usenetter
4193 useth
4194 USL
4195 Ustinov
4196 UT
4197 UTCS
4198 uuclean
4199 uulog
4200 VA
4201 Vader
4202 Vader's
4203 Vail's
4204 Valachi
4205 Valerius
4206 Valery
4208 Valiel's
4209 valium
4210 VanDam
4211 Vannevar
4212 Vapereau
4213 vaporized
4214 varicose
4215 Varro
4216 Vasquez
4217 Vastgota
4218 vatch
4219 Vate
4220 Vaughan
4221 Vauvenargues
4222 Vax
4223 VAX's
4224 Vaxen
4225 VAXen
4226 VAXs
4227 VCR
4228 VCR's
4229 Veeck
4230 velcro
4231 Velilind's
4232 Velveeta
4233 Veni
4234 Venkman
4235 Venn
4236 ventious
4237 Verdunne
4238 Vergas
4239 Vergilius
4240 veritas
4241 Vernor
4242 verreckt
4243 Vespucci
4244 Vespuccia
4246 vetted
4247 VFW
4248 Vic
4249 vichyssoise
4250 Vidal
4252 Vidi
4253 viditur
4254 Vido's
4255 vieillesse
4256 viiiiiiiiiiiinnnneee
4257 Vila
4258 Vinchy
4259 Vinci
4260 Vinge
4261 Virgil
4262 Virt
4263 Viscott
4264 Vittorini
4265 VLSI
4266 VMI
4267 VMS
4269 Vobiscum
4270 Vocab
4271 VODKA
4272 vodkas
4273 Vogon
4274 Vogons
4275 voist
4276 Volkswagon
4277 Vollyballocracy
4278 Voltarine
4279 von
4280 Vonada
4281 Vondel's
4282 Vonnegut
4283 Vonnegut's
4284 VOOM
4285 vowlz
4286 Vries
4287 Vroomfondel
4288 VSOP
4289 VUJA
4290 Vulgate
4291 VW
4292 VWD
4293 vyui
4294 Waben
4295 WAC's
4296 Wald
4297 Walinsky
4298 Walla
4299 Wallbangers
4300 walleting
4301 Wallis
4302 Walter's
4303 Walton's
4304 Waltons
4305 Wanda
4306 wanna
4307 wanwood
4308 Warbucks
4309 Warburton
4310 warders
4311 Warhol
4312 warlord
4313 Washlesky
4314 WASPs
4315 WastebasketSLMHQ
4316 Wat
4317 watchout
4318 Watership
4319 Watford
4320 Watney's
4321 Watt's
4322 Watterson
4323 WBT
4324 wearers
4325 weatherman
4326 Weed's
4327 Weederman
4328 weenies
4329 Weil
4330 Weiler
4331 Weiler's
4332 Weinberg's
4333 Weinberger
4334 Weiner's
4335 Weir's
4336 weirdo
4337 Weisert
4338 Weizenbaum
4339 Weller
4340 Welles
4341 welp
4342 Wemm
4343 wench
4344 werld
4345 Wernher
4346 Wertheimer
4347 Westbrook
4348 Westbury
4349 westerns
4350 Westheimer
4351 Westheimer's
4352 Westmoreland
4353 Wethern's
4354 Wh
4355 Whaddaya
4356 Whaddya
4357 whaledreck
4358 What'll
4360 Whattaya
4361 whilst
4362 Whipsnade
4364 Whistler's
4365 White's
4366 Whitehead's
4367 Whitehorn
4368 Whitton
4369 Whitty
4370 whoami
4371 whodo
4372 whomped
4373 Whooa
4374 Whoopie
4375 Wickersham
4376 wierdest
4377 Wiggam
4378 Wihelminalaan
4379 Wiker's
4380 Wilcox's
4381 Wilde
4382 wilds
4383 Willeford
4384 Willie's
4385 Willis
4386 Wilner's
4387 Wimbrow
4388 wimmelten
4389 wimp
4390 Winchell
4391 Windex
4392 windstorms
4393 Winfrey
4394 Winie
4395 winnowed
4396 Winny
4397 Winokur
4398 Winsor
4399 Winwood
4400 Wir
4401 Wirrten
4402 Wirth
4403 wiseguy
4404 witch's
4405 Wither's
4406 Withington
4407 Witt's
4408 Wittgenstein
4409 WL
4410 Wobegon
4411 Wodehouse
4412 woes
4413 wolfing
4414 wollen
4415 Wollman
4416 wombat
4417 Wombat's
4418 wombats
4419 Womblike
4420 woodburning
4421 Woodhead
4422 woodlands
4423 Woodstock
4424 Woodward's
4425 Wookiee
4426 Woolcott
4427 Woolf
4428 Woollcott
4429 worketh
4430 workingman
4431 Workingman's
4432 workup
4433 WORLD's
4434 worth's
4435 wreckages
4436 Wrenshaw
4437 writest
4438 wrung
4439 WSJ
4440 WXRT
4441 Wynand
4442 Xanadu
4443 xanthic
4444 Xanthippe's
4445 Xaviera
4446 XCVI
4447 xen
4448 xenophobic
4449 Xercies
4450 XGP
4451 XIIdigitation
4452 XINU
4453 XL
4454 XLI
4455 XLII
4456 XLIII
4457 XLIV
4458 XLIX
4459 XLV
4460 XLVI
4461 XLVII
4463 xrewawt
4464 xsz
4465 XTC
4466 XXI
4467 XXII
4468 XXIII
4469 XXIV
4470 XXIX
4471 XXV
4472 XXVI
4473 XXVII
4475 XXX
4476 XXXI
4477 XXXII
4479 XXXIV
4480 XXXIX
4481 XXXV
4482 XXXVI
4485 XY
4486 Y'all
4487 y'are
4488 Y'know
4489 Yabba
4490 Yacob
4491 yams
4492 Yankovic
4493 Yay
4494 Yellowstone
4495 Yeltsin
4496 Yessir
4497 Yevtushenko
4498 Yewtoo
4499 Yinkel
4500 Yippie
4501 Yoda
4502 Yoda's
4503 Yoko
4504 Yorba
4505 Yoric
4506 Yorker's
4507 you'se
4508 Youghkins
4509 Youngman
4510 yourselfer
4511 Yuggoth
4512 Yul
4513 Yuletide
4514 Yutang
4515 yyoouurr
4516 Zachmann
4517 Zadeh
4518 Zaftig
4519 Zall's
4520 Zamphuor
4521 Zanuck
4522 Zaphod
4523 Zappa
4524 Zarathud
4525 zayda
4526 zcat
4527 Zelazny
4528 Zelkowitz
4529 Zeno's
4530 zephyr's
4531 Zern
4532 Zevon
4533 Zilla
4534 Zimmer
4535 Zippos
4536 Zisla's
4537 Zolman
4538 ZON
4539 zonked
4540 Zonker
4541 zookeepers
4542 ZORAC
4543 Zork
4544 Zorkmids
4545 Zorn's
4546 Zorro
4547 Zoso
4548 Zow
4549 Zsa
4550 Zukav
4551 Zwanzig
4552 Zwart
4553 Zweigs
4554 Zwicky
4555 Zymurgy's