]> CyberLeo.Net >> Repos - Github/YOURLS.git/blob - readme.html
Improved: all admin URLs handled by function yourls_admin_url(), which allows SSL...
[Github/YOURLS.git] / readme.html
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192 </head>\r
193 <body>\r
194 <div id="Container">\r
195         <!-- Title -->\r
196         <h1>YOURLS: <span>Y</span>our <span>O</span>wn <span>URL</span> <span>S</span>hortener</h1>\r
197 \r
198         <!-- Tabs -->\r
199         <ul id="Tabs">\r
200                 <li id="ShowcaseTab" class="Tab"><a href="#Showcase" onclick="toggle(this);">More</a></li>\r
201                 <li id="FAQTab" class="Tab"><a href="#FAQ" onclick="toggle(this);">FAQ</a></li>\r
202                 <li id="APITab" class="Tab"><a href="#API" onclick="toggle(this);">API</a></li>\r
203                 <li id="PluginTab" class="Tab"><a href="#Plugin" onclick="toggle(this);">WordPress plugin</a></li>\r
204                 <li id="ConfigTab" class="Tab"><a href="#Config" onclick="toggle(this);">Configuration</a></li>\r
205                 <li id="InstallTab" class="Tab"><a href="#Install" onclick="toggle(this);">Install/Upgrade</a></li>\r
206                 <li id="AboutTab" class="SelectedTab"><a href="#About" onclick="toggle(this);">About</a></li>\r
207         </ul>\r
208 \r
209         <!-- Content -->\r
210         <div id="Content">\r
211                 <!-- Index -->\r
212                 <div id="AboutDiv">\r
213                         <h2>About YOURLS</h2>\r
214                         \r
215                         <h3>What is YOURLS</h3>\r
216                         <p>YOURLS is a small set of PHP scripts that will allow you to run your own URL shortening service (<em>a la</em> TinyURL). You can make it private or public, you can pick custom keyword URLs, it comes with its own API. You will love it.</p>\r
217                         <p>There's a <a href="#Plugin" onclick="toggle(this);">WordPress plugin</a> available for YOURLS, making integration with your blog a snap: create short URLs and tweet them automagically as you publish blog posts.</p>\r
218                         \r
219                         <h3>YOURLS Features</h3>\r
220                         <ul>\r
221                                 <li><tt>Public</tt> (everybody can create short links) or <tt>private</tt> (your links only)</li>\r
222                                 <li>Sequential or custom URL keyword</li>\r
223                                 <li>Handy <tt>bookmarklet</tt> to easily shorten and share links</li>\r
224                                 <li>Awesome <tt>stats</tt>: historical click reports, referrers tracking, visitors geo-location</li>\r
225                                 <li>Neat <tt>AJAXed</tt> interface</li>\r
226                                 <li>Developer <tt>API</tt></li>\r
227                                 <li>Friendly <tt>installer</tt></li>\r
228                         </ul>\r
229                         \r
230                         <h3>Screenshots</h3>\r
231                         \r
232                         <div class="sshot">\r
233                                 <p>Main admin dashboard</p>\r
234                                 <img src="http://yourls.org/images/admin-dashboard.gif" />\r
235                                 \r
236                                 <p>Stats for each short URL</p>\r
237                                 <img src="http://yourls.org/images/stats_1.png" />\r
238                                 <img src="http://yourls.org/images/stats_2.png" />\r
239                                 <img src="http://yourls.org/images/stats_3.png" />\r
240                                 \r
241                                 <p>See a live example of YOURLS stats on <a href="http://yourls.org/download+">http://yourls.org/download+</a></p>\r
242                         </div>\r
243                         \r
244                         <h2>Download</h2>\r
245                         \r
246                         <p><a href="http://yourls.org/download">Download YOURLS</a> from Google Code</p>\r
247                         <p>You can follow YOURLS' development on the <a href="http://yourls.org/revisions">revision list</a> and get current snapshot <a href="http://yourls.org/svnco">using SVN</a></p>\r
248                         \r
249                         <h2>Credits</h2>\r
250                         \r
251                         <p>YOURLS is made by:</p>\r
252                         <ul>\r
253                                 <li><a href="http://yourls.org/lesterchan" title="Visit Lester Chan's site">Lester Chan</a> &ndash <a href="http://twitter.com/gamerz">@GamerZ</a> on Twitter</li>\r
254                                 <li><a href="http://yourls.org/ozh" title"Visit Ozh's site">Ozh Richard</a> &ndash <a href="http://twitter.com/ozh">@Ozh</a> on Twitter</li>\r
255                         </ul>\r
256                 </div>\r
257 \r
258                 <!-- Installation Instructions -->\r
259                 <div id="InstallDiv" style="display: none;">\r
260                         <h2>Fresh Install</h2>\r
261                         <ol>\r
262                                 <li>Unzip the YOURLS archive</li>\r
263                                 <li>Copy <code>includes/config-sample.php</code> to <code>includes/config.php</code></li>\r
264                                 <li>Open <code>includes/config.php</code> with a raw text editor (like Notepad) and fill in the required settings</li>\r
265                                 <li>Upload the unzipped files to your domain <code>public_html</code> or <code>www</code> folder</li>\r
266                                 <li>Create a new database (see <a href="#Config" onclick="toggle(this);">Configuration</a> &ndash; you can also use an existing one)</li>\r
267                                 <li>Point your browser to <code>http://yoursite.com/admin/</code></li>\r
268                         </ol>\r
269                         \r
270                         <h2>Upgrade from YOURLS 1.3 or earlier</h2>\r
271                         <ol>\r
272                                 <li>Make a copy of your <code>config.php</code></li>\r
273                                 <li>Delete all files including <code>.htaccess</code> in YOURLS root directory</li>\r
274                                 <li>Unzip the YOURLS archive, upload the files</li>\r
275                                 <li>Copy <code>config-sample.php</code> to <code>config.php</code> and fill in details. <strong>Don't start with your old config file</strong>, use the new sample config file.</li>\r
276                                 <li>In your new <code>config.php</code>, add the <em>defines</em> for <code>YOURLS_DB_TABLE_URL</code> and <code>YOURLS_DB_TABLE_NEXTDEC</code> you had in your previous config file\r
277                                 <li><strong>Backup the database!</strong></li>\r
278                                 <li>Point your browser to <code>http://yoursite.com/admin/</code> and follow instructions</li>\r
279                                 <li>After upgrade is well and over, remove the define <code>YOURLS_DB_TABLE_NEXTDEC</code> from your config file</li>\r
280                                 <li>I promise that during next upgrade you won't need to touch your config file again :)</li>\r
281                         </ol>\r
282                         \r
283                 </div>\r
284 \r
285                 <!-- Configuration Instructions -->     \r
286                 <div id="ConfigDiv" style="display: none;">\r
287                         <h2>Configuration (in includes/config.php)</h2>\r
288                         <h3>MySQL settings</h3>\r
289                         <ul>\r
290                                 <li><code>YOURLS_DB_USER</code><br/>\r
291                                 your MySQL username<br/>\r
292                                 <em>Example:</em> <tt>'joe'</tt></li>\r
293                                 <li><code>YOURLS_DB_PASS</code><br/>\r
294                                 your MySQL password<br/>\r
295                                 <em>Example:</em> <tt>'MySeCreTPaSsW0rd'</tt></li>\r
296                                 <li><code>YOURLS_DB_NAME</code>:\r
297                                 The database name<br/>\r
298                                 <em>Example:</em> <tt>'yourls'</tt></li>\r
299                                 <li><code>YOURLS_DB_HOST</code><br/>\r
300                                 The database host<br/>\r
301                                 <em>Example:</em> <tt>'localhost'</tt></li>\r
302                                 <li><code>YOURLS_DB_PREFIX</code><br/>\r
303                                 The name prefix for all the tables YOURLS will need<br/>\r
304                                 <em>Example:</em> <tt>'yourls_'</tt></li>\r
305                         </ul>\r
306                         \r
307                         <h3>Site options</h3>\r
308                         <ul>\r
309                                 <li><code>YOURLS_SITE</code><br/>\r
310                                 Your (short) domain URL, no trailing slash<br/>\r
311                                 <em>Example:</em> <tt>'http://ozh.in'</tt></li>\r
312                                 <li><code>YOURLS_HOURS_OFFSET</code><br/>\r
313                                 Timezone GMT offset<br/>\r
314                                 <em>Example:</em> <tt>'-5'</tt></li>\r
315                                 <li><code>YOURLS_PRIVATE</code><br/>\r
316                                 Private means protected with login/pass as defined below. Set to false for public usage<br/>\r
317                                 <em>Example:</em> <tt>'true'</tt></li>\r
318                                 <li><code>YOURLS_UNIQUE_URLS</code><br/>\r
319                                 Allow multiple short URLs for a same long URL<br/>\r
320                                 Set to <tt>true</tt> to allow only one pair of shortURL/longURL (default YOURLS behavior), or to <tt>false</tt> to allow creation of multiple short URLs pointing to the same long URL (as bit.ly does)<br/>\r
321                                 <em>Example:</em> <tt>'true'</tt></li>\r
322                                 <li><code>YOURLS_COOKIEKEY</code><br/>\r
323                                 A random secret hash used to encrypt cookies. You don't have to remember it, make it long and complicated. Hint: generate a unique one at <a href="http://yourls.org/cookie">http://yourls.org/cookie</a><br/>\r
324                                 <em>Example:</em> <tt>'qQ4KhL_pu|s@Zm7n#%:b^{A[vhm'</tt></li>\r
325                                 <li><code>yourls_user_passwords</code><br/>\r
326                                 A list of username(s) and password(s) allowed to access the site if private<br/>\r
327                                 <em>Example:</em> <tt>'joe' => 'mypassword'</tt></li>\r
328                         </ul>\r
329                         \r
330                         <h3>URL Shortening settings</h3>\r
331                         <ul>\r
332                                 <li><code>YOURLS_URL_CONVERT</code><br/>\r
333                                 URL shortening method: base <tt>36</tt> or <tt>62</tt>. See <a onclick="toggle(this);" href="#FAQ">FAQ</a> for more explanations</li>\r
334                                 <li><code>yourls_reserved_URL</code><br/>\r
335                                 A list of reserved keywords that won't be used as short URLs. Define here negative, unwanted or potentially misleading keywords<br/>\r
336                                 <em>Example:</em> <tt>'porn', 'faggot', 'sex', 'nigger', 'fuck', 'cunt', 'dick', 'gay'</tt></li>\r
337                         </ul>\r
338                         \r
339                         <h3>Optional settings</h3>\r
340                         <ul>\r
341                                 <li><code>YOURLS_PRIVATE_INFOS</code><br/>\r
342                                 If <code>YOURLS_PRIVATE</code> is set to <tt>true</tt>, you can still easily make your individual stat pages public. To do so, override the global private setting with:<br/>\r
343                                 <tt>define('YOURLS_PRIVATE_INFOS', false);</tt>\r
344                                 </li>\r
345                                 <li><code>YOURLS_PRIVATE_API</code><br/>\r
346                                 If <code>YOURLS_PRIVATE</code> is set to <tt>true</tt>, you can still easily make your API public. To do so, override the global private setting with:<br/>\r
347                                 <tt>define('YOURLS_PRIVATE_API', false);</tt>\r
348                                 <li><code>YOURLS_NOSTATS</code><br/>\r
349                                 If <code>YOURLS_NOSTATS</code> is set to <tt>true</tt>, redirects won't be logged and there will be not stats available.<br/>\r
350                                 </li>\r
351                         </ul>\r
352                         \r
353                         <h3>Advanced settings</h3>\r
354                         <p>File <code>includes/yourls-load.php</code> contains a few more undocumented but self explanatory and commented settings. Add them to your own <code>config.php</code> if you know what you're doing</p>\r
355                 </div>\r
356                 \r
357                 <!-- WordPress plugin -->\r
358                 <div id="PluginDiv" style="display:none">\r
359                         <h2>WordPress Plugin</h2>\r
360                         \r
361                         <h3>Features</h3>\r
362                         <ul>\r
363                                 <li>Generate short URLs for each new post or page</li>\r
364                                 <li>Send a tweet on your Twitter account with the post title and short URL as you publish them</li>\r
365                                 <li>Works if YOURLS is hosted on the same server or on a remote server</li>\r
366                                 <li>Also compatible with tr.im, is.gd, tinyurl.com and bit.ly for maximum fun</li>\r
367                         </ul>\r
368                         \r
369                         <h3>Screenshots</h3>\r
370                         <div class="sshot">\r
371                         <img src="http://yourls.org/images/wpplugin.gif"/>\r
372                         </div>\r
373                         \r
374                         <h3>Download &amp; more informations</h3>\r
375                         <ul>\r
376                                 <li>Download <a href="http://yourls.org/plugin">YOURLS: WordPress to Twitter</a> from the official WordPress plugin repository</li>\r
377                                 <li>More information, tips and feedback on <a href="http://yourls.org/plugindoc">the plugin page</a> from planetOzh</li>\r
378                         </ul>\r
379                 \r
380                 </div>\r
381                 \r
382                 <!-- API -->\r
383                 <div id="APIDiv" style="display:none">\r
384                         <h2>YOURLS' API</h2>\r
385                         \r
386                         <h3>Features</h3>\r
387                         <ul>\r
388                                 <li>Generate or get existing short URLs, with sequential or custom keyword</li>\r
389                                 <li>Get some statistics about your links: top clicked links, least clicked links, newest links</li>\r
390                                 <li>Output format: JSON, XML, or simple raw text</li>\r
391                         </ul>\r
392                         \r
393                         <h3>Usage</h3>\r
394                         <p>You need to send parameters to <code>http://yoursite.com/yourls-api.php</code> either via <code>GET</code> or <code>POST</code>. These parameters are:</p>\r
395                         <ul>\r
396                                 <li>A valid <code>username</code></li>\r
397                                 <li>A valid <code>password</code></li>\r
398                                 <li>The requested <code>action</code>: <tt>"shorturl"</tt> (get short URL for a link), <tt>"expand"</tt> (get long URL of a shorturl) or <tt>"stats"</tt> (get stats about your links)</li>\r
399                                 <li>With <tt>action = "shorturl"</tt> :\r
400                                         <ul>\r
401                                                 <li>the <code>url</code> to shorten</li>\r
402                                                 <li>optional <code>keyword</code> for custom short URLs</li>\r
403                                                 <li>output <code>format</code>: either <tt>"json"</tt>, <tt>"xml"</tt> or <tt>"simple"</tt></li>\r
404                                         </ul>\r
405                                 </li>\r
406                                 <li>With <tt>action = "expand"</tt> :\r
407                                         <ul>\r
408                                                 <li>the <code>shorturl</code> to expand (can be either 'abc' or 'http://site/abc')</li>\r
409                                                 <li>output <code>format</code>: either <tt>"json"</tt>, <tt>"xml"</tt> or <tt>"simple"</tt></li>\r
410                                         </ul>\r
411                                 </li>\r
412                                 <li>With <tt>action = "stats"</tt> :\r
413                                         <ul>\r
414                                                 <li>the <code>filter</code>: either <tt>"top"</tt>, <tt>"bottom"</tt> , <tt>"rand"</tt> or <tt>"last"</tt></li>\r
415                                                 <li>the <code>limit</code> (maximum number of links to return)</li>\r
416                                                 <li>output <code>format</code>: either <tt>"json"</tt> or <tt>"xml"</tt></li>\r
417                                         </ul>\r
418                                 </li>\r
419                         </ul>\r
420                         \r
421                         <h3>Sample return</h3>\r
422                         <pre><tt>&lt;result&gt;\r
423         &lt;url&gt;\r
424                 &lt;id&gt;62019439011&lt;/id&gt;\r
425                 &lt;keyword&gt;shorter&lt;/keyword&gt;\r
426                 &lt;url&gt;http://somereallylongurlyouneedtoshrink.com/&lt;/url&gt;\r
427                 &lt;date&gt;2009-06-23 18:08:07&lt;/date&gt;\r
428                 &lt;ip&gt;;/ip&gt;\r
429         &lt;/url&gt;\r
430         &lt;status&gt;success&lt;/status&gt;\r
431         &lt;message&gt;http://somereallylongurlyouneedtoshrink.com/ (ID: shorter) added to database&lt;/message&gt;\r
432         &lt;shorturl&gt;http://yoursite.com/shorter&lt;/shorturl&gt;\r
433 &lt;/result&gt;</tt></pre>\r
434 \r
435                         <h3>Sample file</h3>\r
436                         <p>There's a sample file included that serves as an example on how to play with the API</p>\r
437 \r
438                 </div>\r
439                 \r
440 \r
441                 <!-- FAQ Instructions -->       \r
442                 <div id="FAQDiv" style="display: none;">\r
443                         <h2>FAQ</h2>\r
444 \r
445                         <h3>Server requirements</h3>\r
446                         <ol>\r
447                                 <li>A server with <strong>mod_rewrite</strong> enabled</li>\r
448                                 <li>At least <strong>PHP 4.3</strong></li>\r
449                                 <li>At least <strong>MYSQL 4.1</strong></li>\r
450                                 <li><em>Note</em>: YOURLS can also run on Nginx (<a href="http://foolrulez.org/blog/2009/08/foolz-us-make-yourls-work-on-ngin/">Read more</a>)</li>\r
451                         </ol>\r
452 \r
453                         <h3>Server recommendations</h3>\r
454                         <ul>\r
455                                 <li>PHP <a href="http://www.php.net/curl">CURL extension</a> installed if you plan on playing with the API</li>\r
456                         </ul>\r
457                         \r
458                         <h3>Limitations</h3>\r
459                         <ul>\r
460                                 <li>Maximum length of long URLs to be shortened is <strong>2000 characters</strong></li>\r
461                                 <li>Maximum length of custom keyword is <strong>200 characters</strong></li>\r
462                                 <li>That makes about <strong>8 sexdecillions of centillions</strong> of available URLs (<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_of_large_numbers">seriously</a>. That's a 355 digits number). </li>\r
463                         </ul>\r
464                         \r
465                         <h3>Difference Between Base 36 And Base 62 Encoding</h3>\r
466                         <ul>\r
467                                 <li>Base 36 encoding uses <code>0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz</code></li>\r
468                                 <li>Base 62 encoding uses <code>0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz</code></li>\r
469                                 <li>Stick to one setting, don't change after you've created links as it will change all your short URLs!</li>\r
470                                 <li>Base 36 should be picked. Use 62 only if you understand what it implies.</li>\r
471                                 <li>Consider Base 62 encoding a <code>beta feature</code></li>\r
472                         </ul>\r
473                         \r
474                         <h3>Getting a short domain name for your YOURLS install</h3>\r
475                         <ul>\r
476                                 <li>Unless you plan on making it public, any shared hosting should be fine</li>\r
477                                 <li><a href="http://domai.nr/">Domainr</a> is a fun search tool that might inspire and help you</li>\r
478                                 <li>Aim for exotic top level domains (.in, .im, .li ...), they're often cheap and a lot are still available. <a href="https://www.gandi.net/domain/buy/search/">Gandi</a> is a pretty comprehensive registrar, for instance.</li>\r
479                         </ul>\r
480 \r
481                         <h3>YOURLS needs its own .htaccess</h3>\r
482                         <ul>\r
483                                 <li>You cannot install YOURLS and, say, WordPress, in the same directory. Both of them need to handle URLs differently</li>\r
484                                 <li>If you want to install YOURLS on the same domain than your blog, give it its own (short) subdirectory, such as yourblog.com/s/ (for "short") or yourblog.com/x/ (for "exit")</li>\r
485                         </ul>\r
486                         \r
487                         <h3>If YOURLS generates 404 for your short URLs</h3>\r
488                         <ul>\r
489                                 <li>Make sure <strong>mod_rewrite</strong> is enabled with your Apache server</li>\r
490                                 <li>Some (crappy) hosts such as GoDaddy or 1and1 need <a href="http://code.google.com/p/yourls/issues/detail?id=25">a small fix</a> to .htaccess:</li>\r
491                         </ul>\r
492                         \r
493                         <h3>Feedback and bug reporting</h3>\r
494                         <ul>\r
495                                 <li>Please don't get in touch directly by mail or Twitter</li>\r
496                                 <li>Raise an <a href="http://yourls.org/issues">issue here</a> and give all the details. Thanks!</li>\r
497                         </ul>\r
498 \r
499                 </div>\r
500                 \r
501                 \r
502                                 <!-- Showcase -->       \r
503                 <div id="ShowcaseDiv" style="display: none;">\r
504                         <h2>Showcase</h2>\r
505 \r
506                         <h3>Here are a few examples of sites running YOURLS with a unique design or concept</h3>\r
507                         \r
508                         <ul>\r
509                                 <li><a href="http://hmm.ph/">http://hmm.ph/</a><br/>\r
510                                 Funny domain name, nicely styled</li>\r
511                                 <li><a href="http://qte.me/">http://qte.me/</a><br/>\r
512                                 Another YOURLS setup with a cute quote look</li>\r
513                                 <li><a href="http://mrte.ch/">http://mrte.ch/</a><br/>\r
514                                 Mr Tech's public YOURLS setup, listing top links and some stats</li>\r
515                                 <li><a href="http://s4c.in/">http://s4c.in/</a><br/>\r
516                                 Shorten 4 Charity, a public YOURLS setup with shortened links displayed within a frame containing ads for charities     </li>\r
517                                 <li><a href="http://girv.in/">http://girv.in/</a><br/>\r
518                                 John Girvin's YOURLS setup with all links in a sortable display</li>\r
519                                 <li><a href="http://www.iyeman.net/">http://www.iyeman.net/</a><br/>\r
520                                 Example of portal for your online self with links to your places (blog, Twitter) and your URL shortener</li>\r
521                                 <li><a href="http://li.nkto.me/">http://li.nkto.me/</a><br/>\r
522                                 A nice domain name hack :)</li>\r
523                                 <li><a href="http://vb.ly/">http://vb.ly/</a><br/>\r
524                                 Public YOURLS setup run by famous sex writer Violet Blue as "the internet's first and only sex-positive url shortener"</li>\r
525                                 \r
526                         </ul>\r
527                         \r
528                         <h2>More stuff about or with YOURLS</h2>\r
529                         \r
530                         <ul>\r
531                                 <li><a href="http://screenr.com/nTs">http://screenr.com/nTs</a><br/>\r
532                                 A screencast explaining how to setup YOURLS</li>\r
533                                 \r
534                                 <li><a href="http://v007.me/836">YOURLS: Short URL Widget</a><br/>\r
535                                 Creates a fully configurable widget that outputs the short URL to the current post or page</li>\r
536                                 \r
537                                 <li><a href="http://foolrulez.org/blog/2009/09/yourls-widget-released">YOURLS Widget for WordPress</a><br/>\r
538                                 This widget adds a convenient short URL service into your sidebar. Check the above link for a live example</li>\r
539                                 \r
540                                 <li><a href="http://github.com/pjain/WWW-Shorten-Yourls">WWW-Shorten-Yourls</a><br/>\r
541                                 A Perl module to shorten URLs using YOURLS</li>\r
542                                 \r
543                                 <li><a href="http://www.chrismarquardt.com/blog.php?id=7952283233607249761">Textexpander and YOURLS</a><br/>\r
544                                 Making YOURLS and Textexpander on the Mac play together</li>\r
545                                 \r
546                                 <li><a href="http://www.eugenegordin.com/etc/how-to-use-your-custom-yourls-shortener-with-tweetie-2.html">YOURLS and Tweetie 2</a><br/>\r
547                                 How to set up Tweetie2 so it uses your own service</li>\r
548                                 \r
549                                 <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/yourls/issues/detail?id=137">Export URLS as text list</a><br/>\r
550                                 A simple script to list all URLs, one per line, in plain text (for using as an indexer config file, for example)</li>\r
551                                 \r
552                                 <li>YOURLS featured on <a href="http://lifehacker.com/5335216/make-your-own-url-shortening-service">Lifehacker</a></li>\r
553                         </ul>\r
554 \r
555                 </div>\r
556         </div> <!-- content -->\r
557 </div> <!-- container -->\r
558 \r
559 <div id="Copyright"><p><a href="http://yourls.org/">YOURLS</a>: Your Own URL Shortener<br />All Free & GPL &ndash; 2009</p></div>\r
560 \r
561         <script type="text/javascript">\r
562         /* <![CDATA[*/\r
563         // Dynamically get tabs\r
564         function getTabs() {\r
565                 var d = document.getElementById('Tabs');\r
566                 var matches = d.innerHTML.match(/<li id="(.+?)Tab"/g);\r
567                 var tabs = []\r
568                 for (i in matches) {\r
569                   tabs[i]= matches[i].replace('<li id="','').replace('Tab"', '');\r
570                 }\r
571                 tabs = tabs.reverse();\r
572                 return (tabs)\r
573         }\r
574         // Toggle tab display\r
575         function toggle(el) {\r
576                 //var tabs = ["About", "Install", "Config", "Plugin", "FAQ"];\r
577                 var target = el.toString().replace(/^.*#/, '');\r
578                 for (var tab in tabs) {\r
579                         // reinit tabs\r
580                         document.getElementById(tabs[tab]+'Tab').className = 'Tab';\r
581                         // reinit divs\r
582                         document.getElementById(tabs[tab]+'Div').style.display= 'none';\r
583                 }\r
584                 // highlight & display target\r
585                 document.getElementById(target+'Div').style.display = 'block';\r
586                 document.getElementById(target+'Tab').className = 'SelectedTab';\r
587                 try { el.blur(); } catch(err) {}\r
588         }\r
589         // Get tab list\r
590         var tabs = getTabs();\r
591         // On page load/refresh display required tab\r
592         if (location.hash) {\r
593                 toggle(location.hash);\r
594         }\r
595         /* ]]> */\r
596         </script>\r
597 \r
598 \r
599 </body>\r
600 </html>