]> CyberLeo.Net >> Repos - FreeBSD/FreeBSD.git/blob - release/scripts/mtree-to-plist.awk
Upgrade Unbound to 1.6.7. More to follow.
[FreeBSD/FreeBSD.git] / release / scripts / mtree-to-plist.awk
1 #!/usr/bin/awk
2 /^[^#]/ {
3         gsub(/^\./,"", $1)
4         uname = gname = mode = flags = tags = type = ""
5         for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) {
6                 if ($i ~ /^uname=/) {
7                         uname=$i
8                         gsub(/uname=/, "", uname)
9                 } else if ($i ~ /^gname=/) {
10                         gname=$i
11                         gsub(/gname=/, "", gname)
12                 } else if ($i ~ /^mode=/) {
13                         mode=$i
14                         gsub(/mode=/,"", mode)
15                 } else if ($i ~ /^flags=/) {
16                         flags=$i
17                         gsub(/flags=/, "", flags)
18                 } else if ($i ~ /^tags=/) {
19                         tags=$i
20                         gsub(/tags=/, "", tags)
21                 } else if ($i ~ /^type=dir/) {
22                         type="dir"
23                 }
24         }
25         if (kernel != "") {
26                 tags="package=kernel"
27                 if (_kernconf != "") {
28                         tags=tags""_kernconf
29                 }
30         }
31         if (length(tags) == 0)
32                 next
33         if (tags ~ /package=/) {
34                 ext = pkgname = pkgend = ""
35                 split(tags, a, ",");
36                 for (i in a) {
37                         if (a[i] ~ /^package=/) {
38                                 pkgname=a[i]
39                                 gsub(/package=/, "", pkgname)
40                         } else if (a[i] == "config") {
41                                 type="config"
42                         } else if (a[i] == "development" || a[i] == "profile" || a[i] == "debug" || a[i] == "docs") {
43                                 pkgend=a[i]
44                         } else {
45                                 if (ext != "")
46                                         ext=ext"-"a[i]
47                                 else
48                                         ext=a[i]
49                         }
50                 }
51                 if (ext != "") {
52                         pkgname=pkgname"-"ext
53                 }
54                 if (pkgend != "") {
55                         if (pkgend == "docs") {
56                                 pkgname=pkgend
57                         } else {
58                                 pkgname=pkgname"-"pkgend
59                         }
60                 }
61         } else {
62                 print "No packages specified in line: $0"
63                 next
64         }
65         if (kernel != "") {
66                 output="kernel"
67                 if (_kernconf != "") {
68                         output=output"."_kernconf
69                 }
70                 if ($1 ~ /^\/usr\/lib\/debug\/boot/) {
71                         output=output"-debug.plist"
72                 } else {
73                         output=output".plist"
74                 }
75         } else {
76                 output=pkgname".plist"
77         }
79         print "@"type"("uname","gname","mode","flags") " $1 > output
80 }