]> CyberLeo.Net >> Repos - FreeBSD/FreeBSD.git/blob - release/sysinstall/wizard.c
MFS: tweak my wording a little.
[FreeBSD/FreeBSD.git] / release / sysinstall / wizard.c
1 /*
2  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3  * "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
4  * <phk@login.dknet.dk> wrote this file.  As long as you retain this notice you
5  * can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
6  * this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.   Poul-Henning Kamp
7  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8  *
9  * $FreeBSD$
10  *
11  */
13 #include "sysinstall.h"
14 #include <fcntl.h>
15 #include <err.h>
17 int
18 scan_block(int fd, daddr_t block)
19 {
20     u_char foo[512];
22     if (-1 == lseek(fd,block * 512,SEEK_SET))
23         err(1,"lseek");
24     if (512 != read(fd,foo, 512))
25         return 1;
26     return 0;
27 }
29 void
30 Scan_Disk(Disk *d)
31 {
32     char device[64];
33     u_long l;
34     int i,j,fd;
36     strcpy(device,"/dev/r");
37     strcat(device,d->name);
39     fd = open(device,O_RDWR);
40     if (fd < 0) {
41         msgWarn("open(%s) failed", device);
42         return;
43     }
44     for(i=-1,l=0;;l++) {
45         j = scan_block(fd,l);
46         if (j != i) {
47             if (i == -1) {
48                 printf("%c: %lu.",j ? 'B' : 'G', l);
49                 fflush(stdout);
50             } else if (i == 0) {
51                 printf(".%lu\nB: %lu.",l-1,l);
52                 fflush(stdout);
53             } else {
54                 printf(".%lu\nG: %lu.",l-1,l);
55                 fflush(stdout);
56             }
57             i = j;
58         }
59     }
60     close(fd);
61 }
63 void
64 slice_wizard(Disk *d)
65 {
66     Disk *db;
67     char myprompt[BUFSIZ];
68     char input[BUFSIZ];
69     char *p,*q=0;
70     char **cp,*cmds[200];
71     int ncmd,i;
73     sprintf(myprompt,"%s> ", d->name);
74     while(1) {
75         printf("--==##==--\n");
76         Debug_Disk(d);
77         p = CheckRules(d);
78         if (p) {
79             printf("%s",p);
80             free(p);
81         }
82         printf(myprompt);
83         fflush(stdout);
84         q = p = fgets(input,sizeof(input),stdin);
85         if(!p)
86             break;
87         for(cp = cmds; (*cp = strsep(&p, " \t\n")) != NULL;)
88             if (**cp != '\0')
89                 cp++;
90         ncmd = cp - cmds;
91         if(!ncmd)
92             continue;
93         if (!strcasecmp(*cmds,"quit")) { break; }
94         if (!strcasecmp(*cmds,"exit")) { break; }
95         if (!strcasecmp(*cmds,"q")) { break; }
96         if (!strcasecmp(*cmds,"x")) { break; }
97         if (!strcasecmp(*cmds,"delete") && ncmd == 2) {
98             printf("delete = %d\n",
99                    Delete_Chunk(d,
100                                 (struct chunk *)strtol(cmds[1],0,0)));
101             continue;
102         }
103         if (!strcasecmp(*cmds,"allfreebsd")) {
104             All_FreeBSD(d, 0);
105             continue;
106         }
107         if (!strcasecmp(*cmds,"dedicate")) {
108             All_FreeBSD(d, 1);
109             continue;
110         }
111         if (!strcasecmp(*cmds,"bios") && ncmd == 4) {
112             Set_Bios_Geom(d,
113                           strtol(cmds[1],0,0),
114                           strtol(cmds[2],0,0),
115                           strtol(cmds[3],0,0));
116             continue;
117         }
118         if (!strcasecmp(*cmds,"list")) {
119             cp = Disk_Names();
120             printf("Disks:");
121             for(i=0;cp[i];i++) {
122                 printf(" %s",cp[i]);
123                 free(cp[i]);
124             }
125             free(cp);
126             continue;
127         }
128         if (!strcasecmp(*cmds,"create") && ncmd == 6) {
130             printf("Create=%d\n",
131                    Create_Chunk(d,
132                                 strtol(cmds[1],0,0),
133                                 strtol(cmds[2],0,0),
134                                 strtol(cmds[3],0,0),
135                                 strtol(cmds[4],0,0),
136                                 strtol(cmds[5],0,0)));
137             continue;
138         }
139         if (!strcasecmp(*cmds,"read")) {
140             db = d;
141             if (ncmd > 1)
142                 d = Open_Disk(cmds[1]);
143             else
144                 d = Open_Disk(d->name);
145             if (d)
146                 Free_Disk(db);
147             else
148                 d = db;
149             continue;
150         }
151         if (!strcasecmp(*cmds,"scan")) {
152             Scan_Disk(d);
153             continue;
154         }
155         if (!strcasecmp(*cmds,"write")) {
156             printf("Write=%d\n",
157                    Fake ? 0 : Write_Disk(d));
158             Free_Disk(d);
159             d = Open_Disk(d->name);
160             continue;
161         }
162         if (strcasecmp(*cmds,"help"))
163             printf("\007ERROR\n");
164         printf("CMDS:\n");
165         printf("allfreebsd\t\t");
166         printf("dedicate\t\t");
167         printf("bios cyl hd sect\n");
168         printf("collapse [pointer]\t\t");
169         printf("create offset size enum subtype flags\n");
170         printf("subtype(part): swap=1, ffs=7\t\t");
171         printf("delete pointer\n");
172         printf("list\t\t");
173         printf("quit\n");
174         printf("read [disk]\t\t");
175         printf("scan\n");
176         printf("write\t\t");
177         printf("ENUM:\n\t");
178         for(i=0;chunk_n[i];i++)
179             printf("%d = %s%s",i,chunk_n[i],i == 4 ? "\n\t" : "  ");
180         printf("\n");
182     }
183 }