]> CyberLeo.Net >> Repos - FreeBSD/FreeBSD.git/blob - share/termcap/terminfo_extensions.doc
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[FreeBSD/FreeBSD.git] / share / termcap / terminfo_extensions.doc
1 # These are the boolean capabilities
2 auto_left_margin                "bw"    bool    "bw"    cub1 wraps from column 0 to last column
3 auto_right_margin               "am"    bool    "am"    terminal has automatic margins
4 no_esc_ctlc                     "xsb"   bool    "xb"    beehive (f1=escape, f2=ctrl C)
5 ceol_standout_glitch            "xhp"   bool    "xs"    stnadout not erased by overwriting (hp)
6 eat_newline_glitch              "xenl"  bool    "xn"    newline ignored after 80 cols (concept)
7 erase_overstrike                "eo"    bool    "eo"    can erase overstrikes with a blank
8 generic_type                    "gn"    bool    "gn"    generic line type
9 hard_copy                       "hc"    bool    "hc"    hardcopy terminal
10 has_meta_key                    "km"    bool    "km"    Has a meta key, sets msb high
11 has_status_line                 "hs"    bool    "hs"    has extra status line
12 insert_null_glitch              "in"    bool    "in"    insert mode distinguishes nulls
13 memory_above                    "da"    bool    "da"    display may be retained above the screen
14 memory_below                    "db"    bool    "db"    display may be retained below the screen
15 move_insert_mode                "mir"   bool    "mi"    safe to move while in insert mode
16 move_standout_mode              "msgr"  bool    "ms"    safe to move while in standout mode
17 over_strike                     "os"    bool    "os"    terminal can overstrike
18 status_line_esc_ok              "eslok" bool    "es"    escape can be used on the status line
19 dest_tabs_magic_smso            "xt"    bool    "xt"    tabs destructive, magic so char (t1061)
20 tilde_glitch                    "hz"    bool    "hz"    can't print ~'s (hazeltine)
21 transparent_underline           "ul"    bool    "ul"    underline character overstrikes
22 xon_xoff                        "xon"   bool    "xo"    terminal uses xon/xoff handshaking
23 needs_xon_xoff                  "nxon"  bool    "nx"    padding won't work, xon/xoff required
24 prtr_silent                     "mc5i"  bool    "5i"    printer won't echo on screen
25 hard_cursor                     "chts"  bool    "HC"    cursor is hard to see
26 non_rev_rmcup                   "nrrmc" bool    "NR"    smcup does not revrse rmcup
27 no_pad_char                     "npc"   bool    "NP"    pad character does not exist
28 non_dest_scroll_region          "ndscr" bool    "ND"    scrolling region is non-destructive
29 can_change                      "ccc"   bool    "cc"    terminal can re-define exiting colors
30 back_color_erase                "bce"   bool    "ut"    screen erased with background color
31 hue_lightness_saturation        "hls"   bool    "hl"    terminal uses only HLS color notation (tektronix)
32 col_addr_glitch                 "xhpa"  bool    "YA"    only positive motion for hpa/mhpa caps
33 cr_cancels_micro_mode           "crxm"  bool    "YB"    using cr turns off micro mode
34 has_print_wheel                 "daisy" bool    "YC"    printer needs operator to change character set
35 row_addr_glitch                 "xvpa"  bool    "YD"    only posistive motion for vhp/mvpa caps
36 semi_auto_right_margin          "sam"   bool    "YE"    printing in last column causes cr
37 cpi_changes_res                 "cpix"  bool    "YF"    changing character pitch changes resolution
38 lpi_changes_res                 "lpix"  bool    "YG"    chnaging line pitch changes resolution
39 # These are the numerical capabilities
40 columns                         "cols"  num     "co"    number of columns in aline
41 init_tabs                       "it"    num     "it"    tabs initially every # spaces
42 lines                           "lines" num     "li"    number of lines on screen or page
43 lines_of_memory                 "lm"    num     "lm"    lines of memory if > line. 0 => varies
44 magic_cookie_glitch             "xmc"   num     "sg"    number of blank chars left by smso or rmso
45 padding_baud_rate               "pb"    num     "pb"    lowest baud rate where padding needed
46 virtual_terminal                "vt"    num     "vt"    virtual terminal number (CB/unix)
47 width_status_line               "wsl"   num     "ws"    columns in status line
48 num_labels                      "nlab"  num     "Nl"    number of lables on screen
49 label_height                    "lh"    num     "lh"    rows in each label
50 label_width                     "lw"    num     "lw"    columns in each label
51 max_attributes                  "ma"    num     "ma"    maximum combined attributes terminal can handle
52 maximum_windows                 "wnum"  num     "MW"    maxumum number of defineable windows
53 # These are newer capabilities, order is probably wrong
54 max_colors                      "colors"        num     "Co"    maximum numbers of colors on screen
55 max_pairs                       "pairs" num     "pa"    maximum number of color-pairs on the screen
56 no_color_video                  "ncv"   num     "NC"    video attributes that can't be used with colors
57 buffer_capacity                 "bufsz" num     "Ya"    numbers of bytes buffered before printing
58 dot_horz_spacing                "spinh" num     "Yc"    spacing of pins vertically in pins per inch
59 dot_vert_spacing                "spinv" num     "Yb"    spacing of dots horizontally in dots per inch
60 max_micro_address               "maddr" num     "Yd"    maximum value in micro_..._address
61 max_micro_jump                  "mjump" num     "Ye"    maximum value in parm_..._micro
62 micro_char_size                 "mcs"   num     "Yf"    character size when in micro mode
63 micro_line_size                 "mls"   num     "Yg"    line size when in micro mode
64 number_of_pins                  "npins" num     "Yh"    numbers of pins in print-head
65 output_res_char                 "orc"   num     "Yi"    horizontal resolution in units per line
66 output_res_line                 "orl"   num     "Yj"    vertical resolution in units per line
67 output_res_horz_inch            "orhi"  num     "Yk"    horizontal resolution in units per inch
68 output_res_vert_inch            "orvi"  num     "Yl"    vertical resolution in units per inch
69 print_rate                      "cps"   num     "Ym"    print rate in chars per second
70 wide_char_size                  "widcs" num     "Yn"    character step size when in double wide mode
71 buttons                         "btns"  num     "BT"    number of buttons on mouse
72 bit_image_entwining             "bitwin"        num     "Yo"    number of passed for each bit-image row
73 bit_image_type                  "bitype"        num     "Yp"    type of bit-image device
74 # These are the string capabilities
75 back_tab                        "cbt"   str     "bt"    back tab
76 bell                            "bel"   str     "bl"    audible signal (bell)
77 carriage_return                 "cr"    str     "cr"    carriage return
78 change_scroll_region            "csr"   str     "cs"    change region to line #1 to line #2
79 clear_all_tabs                  "tbc"   str     "ct"    clear all tab stops
80 clear_screen                    "clear" str     "cl"    clear screen and home cursor
81 clr_eol                         "el"    str     "ce"    clear to end of line
82 clr_eos                         "ed"    str     "cd"    clear to edn of screen
83 column_address                  "hpa"   str     "ch"    horizontal position, absolute
84 command_character               "cmdch" str     "CC"    terminal settable cmd character in prototype !?
85 cursor_address                  "cup"   str     "cm"    move to row #1 columns #2
86 cursor_down                     "cud1"  str     "do"    down one line
87 cursor_home                     "home"  str     "ho"    home cursor (if no cup)
88 cursor_invisible                "civis" str     "vi"    make cursor invisible
89 cursor_left                     "cub1"  str     "le"    move left one space
90 cursor_mem_address              "mrcup" str     "CM"    memory relative cursor addressing
91 cursor_normal                   "cnorm" str     "ve"    make cursor appear normal (undo civis/cvvis)
92 cursor_right                    "cuf1"  str     "nd"    move right one space
93 cursor_to_ll                    "ll"    str     "ll"    last line, first column (if no cup)
94 cursor_up                       "cuu1"  str     "up"    up one line
95 cursor_visible                  "cvvis" str     "vs"    make cursor very visible
96 delete_character                "dch1"  str     "dc"    delete character
97 delete_line                     "dl1"   str     "dl"    delete line
98 dis_status_line                 "dsl"   str     "ds"    disable status line
99 down_half_line                  "hd"    str     "hd"    half a line down
100 enter_alt_charset_mode          "smacs" str     "as"    start alternate character set
101 enter_blink_mode                "blink" str     "mb"    turn on blinking
102 enter_bold_mode                 "bold"  str     "md"    turn on bold (extra bright) mode
103 enter_ca_mode                   "smcup" str     "ti"    string to start programs using cup
104 enter_delete_mode               "smdc"  str     "dm"    enter delete mode
105 enter_dim_mode                  "dim"   str     "mh"    turn on half-bright mode
106 enter_insert_mode               "smir"  str     "im"    enter insert mode
107 enter_secure_mode               "invis" str     "mk"    turn on blank mode (characters invisible)
108 enter_protected_mode            "prot"  str     "mp"    turn on protected mode
109 enter_reverse_mode              "rev"   str     "mr"    turn on reverse video mode
110 enter_standout_mode             "smso"  str     "so"    begin standout mode
111 enter_underline_mode            "smul"  str     "us"    begin underline mode
112 erase_chars                     "ech"   str     "ec"    erase #1 characters
113 exit_alt_charset_mode           "rmacs" str     "ae"    end alternate character set
114 exit_attribute_mode             "sgr0"  str     "me"    turn off all attributes
115 exit_ca_mode                    "rmcup" str     "te"    strings to end programs using cup
116 exit_delete_mode                "rmdc"  str     "ed"    end delete mode
117 exit_insert_mode                "rmir"  str     "ei"    exit insert mode
118 exit_standout_mode              "rmso"  str     "se"    exit standout mode
119 exit_underline_mode             "rmul"  str     "ue"    exit underline mode
120 flash_screen                    "flash" str     "vb"    visible bell (may not move cursor)
121 form_feed                       "ff"    str     "ff"    hardcopy terminal page eject
122 from_status_line                "fsl"   str     "fs"    return from status line
123 init_1string                    "is1"   str     "i1"    initialization string
124 init_2string                    "is2"   str     "is"    initialization string
125 init_3string                    "is3"   str     "i3"    initialization string
126 init_file                       "if"    str     "if"    name of initialization file
127 insert_character                "ich1"  str     "ic"    insert character
128 insert_line                     "il1"   str     "al"    insert line
129 insert_padding                  "ip"    str     "ip"    insert padding after inserted character
130 key_backspace                   "kbs"   str     "kb"    backspace key
131 key_catab                       "ktbc"  str     "ka"    clear-all-tabs key
132 key_clear                       "kclr"  str     "kC"    clear-screen or erase key
133 key_ctab                        "kctab" str     "kt"    clear-tab key
134 key_dc                          "kdch1" str     "kD"    delete-character key
135 key_dl                          "kdl1"  str     "kL"    delete-line key
136 key_down                        "kcud1" str     "kd"    down-arrow key
137 key_eic                         "krmir" str     "kM"    sent by rmir or smir in insert mode
138 key_eol                         "kel"   str     "kE"    clear-to-end-of-line key
139 key_eos                         "ked"   str     "kS"    clear-to-end-of-screen key
140 key_f0                          "kf0"   str     "k0"    F0 function key
141 key_f1                          "kf1"   str     "k1"    F1 function key
142 key_f10                         "kf10"  str     "k;"    F10 function key
143 key_f2                          "kf2"   str     "k2"    F2 function key
144 key_f3                          "kf3"   str     "k3"    F3 function key
145 key_f4                          "kf4"   str     "k4"    F4 function key
146 key_f5                          "kf5"   str     "k5"    F5 function key
147 key_f6                          "kf6"   str     "k6"    F6 function key
148 key_f7                          "kf7"   str     "k7"    F7 function key
149 key_f8                          "kf8"   str     "k8"    F8 fucntion key
150 key_f9                          "kf9"   str     "k9"    F9 function key
151 key_home                        "khome" str     "kh"    home key
152 key_ic                          "kich1" str     "kI"    insert-character key
153 key_il                          "kil1"  str     "kA"    insert-line key
154 key_left                        "kcub1" str     "kl"    left-arrow key
155 key_ll                          "kll"   str     "kH"    last-line key
156 key_npage                       "knp"   str     "kN"    next-page key
157 key_ppage                       "kpp"   str     "kP"    prev-page key
158 key_right                       "kcuf1" str     "kr"    right-arrow key
159 key_sf                          "kind"  str     "kF"    scroll-forward key
160 key_sr                          "kri"   str     "kR"    scroll-backward key
161 key_stab                        "khts"  str     "kT"    set-tab key
162 key_up                          "kcuu1" str     "ku"    up-arrow key
163 keypad_local                    "rmkx"  str     "ke"    out of 'keyboard_transmit' mode
164 keypad_xmit                     "smkx"  str     "ks"    enter into 'keyboard_transmit' mode
165 lab_f0                          "lf0"   str     "l0"    label on function key f0 if not f0
166 lab_f1                          "lf1"   str     "l1"    label on function key f1 if not f1
167 lab_f10                         "lf10"  str     "la"    label on function key f10 if not f10
168 lab_f2                          "lf2"   str     "l2"    label on function key f2 if not f2
169 lab_f3                          "lf3"   str     "l3"    label on function key f3 if not f3
170 lab_f4                          "lf4"   str     "l4"    label on function key f4 if not f4
171 lab_f5                          "lf5"   str     "l5"    lable on function key f5 if not f5
172 lab_f6                          "lf6"   str     "l6"    label on function key f6 if not f6
173 lab_f7                          "lf7"   str     "l7"    label on function key f7 if not f7
174 lab_f8                          "lf8"   str     "l8"    label on function key f8 if not f8
175 lab_f9                          "lf9"   str     "l9"    label on function key f9 if not f9
176 meta_off                        "rmm"   str     "mo"    turn off meta mode
177 meta_on                         "smm"   str     "mm"    turn on meta mode (8th-bit on)
178 newline                         "nel"   str     "nw"    newline (behave like cr followed be lf)
179 pad_char                        "pad"   str     "pc"    padding char (instead of null)
180 parm_dch                        "dch"   str     "DC"    delete #1 chars
181 parm_delete_line                "dl"    str     "DL"    delete #1 lines
182 parm_down_cursor                "cud"   str     "DO"    down #1 lines
183 parm_ich                        "ich"   str     "IC"    insert #1 chars
184 parm_index                      "indn"  str     "SF"    scroll forward #1 lines
185 parm_insert_line                "il"    str     "AL"    insert #1 lines
186 parm_left_cursor                "cub"   str     "LE"    move #1 chars to the left
187 parm_right_cursor               "cuf"   str     "RI"    move #1 chars to the right
188 parm_rindex                     "rin"   str     "SR"    scroll back #1 lines
189 parm_up_cursor                  "cuu"   str     "UP"    up #1 lines
190 pkey_key                        "pfkey" str     "pk"    program function key #1 to type string #2
191 pkey_local                      "pfloc" str     "pl"    program function key #1 to execute string #2
192 pkey_xmit                       "pfx"   str     "px"    program function key #1 to transmit string #2
193 print_screen                    "mc0"   str     "ps"    print contents of screen
194 prtr_off                        "mc4"   str     "pf"    turn off printer
195 prtr_on                         "mc5"   str     "po"    turn on printer
196 repeat_char                     "rep"   str     "rp"    repeat char #1 #2 times
197 reset_1string                   "rs1"   str     "r1"    reset string
198 reset_2string                   "rs2"   str     "r2"    reset string
199 reset_3string                   "rs3"   str     "r3"    reset string
200 reset_file                      "rf"    str     "rf"    name of reset file
201 restore_cursor                  "rc"    str     "rc"    restore cursor to last position of sc
202 row_address                     "vpa"   str     "cv"    vertical position absolute
203 save_cursor                     "sc"    str     "sc"    save current cursor position
204 scroll_forward                  "ind"   str     "sf"    scroll text up
205 scroll_reverse                  "ri"    str     "sr"    scroll text down
206 set_attributes                  "sgr"   str     "sa"    define video attributes #1-#9
207 set_tab                         "hts"   str     "st"    set a tab in every row, current columns
208 set_window                      "wind"  str     "wi"    current window is lines #1-#2 cols #3-#4
209 tab                             "ht"    str     "ta"    tab to next 8-space hardware tab stop
210 to_status_line                  "tsl"   str     "ts"    move to status line
211 underline_char                  "uc"    str     "uc"    underline char and move past it
212 up_half_line                    "hu"    str     "hu"    half a line up
213 init_prog                       "iprog" str     "iP"    path name of program for initialization
214 key_a1                          "ka1"   str     "K1"    upper left of keypad
215 key_a3                          "ka3"   str     "K3"    upper right of keypad
216 key_b2                          "kb2"   str     "K2"    center of keypad
217 key_c1                          "kc1"   str     "K4"    lower left of keypad
218 key_c3                          "kc3"   str     "K5"    lower right of keypad
219 prtr_non                        "mc5p"  str     "pO"    turn on printer for #1 bytes
220 char_padding                    "rmp"   str     "rP"    like ip but when in insert mode
221 acs_chars                       "acsc"  str     "ac"    graphics charset pairs - def=vt100
222 plab_norm                       "pln"   str     "pn"    program label #1 to show string #2
223 key_btab                        "kcbt"  str     "kB"    back-tab key
224 enter_xon_mode                  "smxon" str     "SX"    turn on xon/xoff handshaking
225 exit_xon_mode                   "rmxon" str     "RX"    turn off xon/xoff handshaking
226 enter_am_mode                   "smam"  str     "SA"    turn on automatic margins
227 exit_am_mode                    "rmam"  str     "RA"    turn off automatic margins
228 xoff_character                  "xoffc" str     "XF"    XON character
229 xon_character                   "xonc"  str     "XN"    XOFF character
230 ena_acs                         "enacs" str     "eA"    enable alternate char set
231 label_on                        "smln"  str     "LO"    turn on soft labels
232 label_off                       "rmln"  str     "LF"    turn off soft labels
233 key_beg                         "kbeg"  str     "@1"    begin key
234 key_cancel                      "kcan"  str     "@2"    cancel key
235 key_close                       "kclo"  str     "@3"    close key
236 key_command                     "kcmd"  str     "@4"    command key
237 key_copy                        "kcpy"  str     "@5"    copy key
238 key_create                      "kcrt"  str     "@6"    create key
239 key_end                         "kend"  str     "@7"    end key
240 key_enter                       "kent"  str     "@8"    enter/send key
241 key_exit                        "kext"  str     "@9"    exit key
242 key_find                        "kfnd"  str     "@0"    find key
243 key_help                        "khlp"  str     "%1"    help key
244 key_mark                        "kmrk"  str     "%2"    mark key
245 key_message                     "kmsg"  str     "%3"    message key
246 key_move                        "kmov"  str     "%4"    move key
247 key_next                        "knxt"  str     "%5"    next key
248 key_open                        "kopn"  str     "%6"    open key
249 key_options                     "kopt"  str     "%7"    options key
250 key_previous                    "kprv"  str     "%8"    previous key
251 key_print                       "kprt"  str     "%9"    print key
252 key_redo                        "krdo"  str     "%0"    redo key
253 key_reference                   "kref"  str     "&1"    reference key
254 key_refresh                     "krfr"  str     "&2"    refresh key
255 key_replace                     "krpl"  str     "&3"    replace key
256 key_restart                     "krst"  str     "&4"    restart key
257 key_resume                      "kres"  str     "&5"    resume key
258 key_save                        "ksav"  str     "&6"    save key
259 key_suspend                     "kspd"  str     "&7"    suspend key
260 key_undo                        "kund"  str     "&8"    undo key
261 key_sbeg                        "kBEG"  str     "&9"    shifted key
262 key_scancel                     "kCAN"  str     "&0"    shifted key
263 key_scommand                    "kCMD"  str     "*1"    shifted key
264 key_scopy                       "kCPY"  str     "*2"    shifted key
265 key_screate                     "kCRT"  str     "*3"    shifted key
266 key_sdc                         "kDC"   str     "*4"    shifted key
267 key_sdl                         "kDL"   str     "*5"    shifted key
268 key_select                      "kslt"  str     "*6"
269 key_send                        "kEND"  str     "*7"    shifted key
270 key_seol                        "kEOL"  str     "*8"    shifted key
271 key_sexit                       "kEXT"  str     "*9"    shifted key
272 key_sfind                       "kFND"  str     "*0"    shifted key
273 key_shelp                       "kHLP"  str     "#1"    shifted key
274 key_shome                       "kHOM"  str     "#2"    shifted key
275 key_sic                         "kIC"   str     "#3"    shifted key
276 key_sleft                       "kLFT"  str     "#4"    shifted key
277 key_smessage                    "kMSG"  str     "%a"    shifted key
278 key_smove                       "kMOV"  str     "%b"    shifted key
279 key_snext                       "kNXT"  str     "%c"    shifted key
280 key_soptions                    "kOPT"  str     "%d"    shifted key
281 key_sprevious                   "kPRV"  str     "%e"    shifted key
282 key_sprint                      "kPRT"  str     "%f"    shifted key
283 key_sredo                       "kRDO"  str     "%g"    shifted key
284 key_sreplace                    "kRPL"  str     "%h"    shifted key
285 key_sright                      "kRIT"  str     "%i"    shifted key
286 key_srsume                      "kRES"  str     "%j"    shifted key
287 key_ssave                       "kSAV"  str     "!1"    shifted key
288 key_ssuspend                    "kSPD"  str     "!2"    shifted key
289 key_sundo                       "kUND"  str     "!3"    shifted key
290 req_for_input                   "rfi"   str     "RF"
291 key_f11                         "kf11"  str     "F1"    F11 function key
292 key_f12                         "kf12"  str     "F2"    F11 function key
293 key_f13                         "kf13"  str     "F3"    F11 function key
294 key_f14                         "kf14"  str     "F4"    F11 function key
295 key_f15                         "kf15"  str     "F5"    F11 function key
296 key_f16                         "kf16"  str     "F6"    F11 function key
297 key_f17                         "kf17"  str     "F7"    F11 function key
298 key_f18                         "kf18"  str     "F8"    F11 function key
299 key_f19                         "kf19"  str     "F9"    F11 function key
300 key_f20                         "kf20"  str     "FA"    F11 function key
301 key_f21                         "kf21"  str     "FB"    F11 function key
302 key_f22                         "kf22"  str     "FC"    F11 function key
303 key_f23                         "kf23"  str     "FD"    F11 function key
304 key_f24                         "kf24"  str     "FE"    F11 function key
305 key_f25                         "kf25"  str     "FF"    F11 function key
306 key_f26                         "kf26"  str     "FG"    F11 function key
307 key_f27                         "kf27"  str     "FH"    F11 function key
308 key_f28                         "kf28"  str     "FI"    F11 function key
309 key_f29                         "kf29"  str     "FJ"    F11 function key
310 key_f30                         "kf30"  str     "FK"    F11 function key
311 key_f31                         "kf31"  str     "FL"    F11 function key
312 key_f32                         "kf32"  str     "FM"    F11 function key
313 key_f33                         "kf33"  str     "FN"    F11 function key
314 key_f34                         "kf34"  str     "FO"    F11 function key
315 key_f35                         "kf35"  str     "FP"    F11 function key
316 key_f36                         "kf36"  str     "FQ"    F11 function key
317 key_f37                         "kf37"  str     "FR"    F11 function key
318 key_f38                         "kf38"  str     "FS"    F11 function key
319 key_f39                         "kf39"  str     "FT"    F11 function key
320 key_f40                         "kf40"  str     "FU"    F11 function key
321 key_f41                         "kf41"  str     "FV"    F11 function key
322 key_f42                         "kf42"  str     "FW"    F11 function key
323 key_f43                         "kf43"  str     "FX"    F11 function key
324 key_f44                         "kf44"  str     "FY"    F11 function key
325 key_f45                         "kf45"  str     "FZ"    F11 function key
326 key_f46                         "kf46"  str     "Fa"    F11 function key
327 key_f47                         "kf47"  str     "Fb"    F11 function key
328 key_f48                         "kf48"  str     "Fc"    F11 function key
329 key_f49                         "kf49"  str     "Fd"    F11 function key
330 key_f50                         "kf50"  str     "Fe"    F11 function key
331 key_f51                         "kf51"  str     "Ff"    F11 function key
332 key_f52                         "kf52"  str     "Fg"    F11 function key
333 key_f53                         "kf53"  str     "Fh"    F11 function key
334 key_f54                         "kf54"  str     "Fi"    F11 function key
335 key_f55                         "kf55"  str     "Fj"    F11 function key
336 key_f56                         "kf56"  str     "Fk"    F11 function key
337 key_f57                         "kf57"  str     "Fl"    F11 function key
338 key_f58                         "kf58"  str     "Fm"    F11 function key
339 key_f59                         "kf59"  str     "Fn"    F11 function key
340 key_f60                         "kf60"  str     "Fo"    F11 function key
341 key_f61                         "kf61"  str     "Fp"    F11 function key
342 key_f62                         "kf62"  str     "Fq"    F11 function key
343 key_f63                         "kf63"  str     "Fr"    F11 function key
344 clr_bol                         "el1"   str     "cb"    Clear to beginning of line
345 clear_margins                   "mgc"   str     "MC"    clear righ and left soft margins
346 set_left_margin                 "smgl"  str     "ML"    set left soft margin
347 set_right_margin                "smgr"  str     "MR"    set right soft margin
348 label_format                    "fln"   str     "Lf"    label format
349 set_clock                       "sclk"  str     "SC"    set clock
350 display_clock                   "dclk"  str     "DK"    display clock
351 remove_clock                    "rmclk" str     "RC"    remove clock
352 create_window                   "cwin"  str     "CW"    define a window #1 from #2, #3 to #4, #5
353 goto_window                     "wingo" str     "WG"    go to window #1
354 hangup                          "hup"   str     "HU"    hang-up phone
355 dial_phone                      "dial"  str     "DI"    dial number #1
356 quick_dial                      "qdial" str     "QD"    dial number #1 without checking
357 tone                            "tone"  str     "TO"    select touch tone dialing
358 pulse                           "pulse" str     "PU"    select pulse dialling
359 flash_hook                      "hook"  str     "fh"    flash switch hook
360 fixed_pause                     "pause" str     "PA"    pause for 2-3 seconds
361 wait_tone                       "wait"  str     "WA"    wait for dial-tone
362 user0                           "u0"    str     "u0"    User string # 0
363 user1                           "u1"    str     "u1"    User string # 1
364 user2                           "u2"    str     "u2"    User string # 2
365 user3                           "u3"    str     "u3"    User string # 3
366 user4                           "u4"    str     "u4"    User string # 4
367 user5                           "u5"    str     "u5"    User string # 5
368 user6                           "u6"    str     "u6"    User string # 6
369 user7                           "u7"    str     "u7"    User string # 7
370 user8                           "u8"    str     "u8"    User string # 8
371 user9                           "u9"    str     "u9"    User string # 9
372 orig_pair                       "op"    str     "op"
373 orig_colors                     "oc"    str     "oc"
374 initialize_color                "initc" str     "Ic"
375 initialize_pair                 "initp" str     "Ip"
376 set_color_pair                  "scp"   str     "sp"
377 set_foreground                  "setf"  str     "Sf"
378 set_background                  "setb"  str     "Sb"
379 change_char_pitch               "cpi"   str     "ZA"
380 change_line_pitch               "lpi"   str     "ZB"
381 change_res_horz                 "chr"   str     "ZC"
382 change_res_vert                 "cvr"   str     "ZD"
383 define_char                     "defc"  str     "ZE"
384 enter_doublewide_mode           "swidm" str     "ZF"
385 enter_draft_quality             "sdrfq" str     "ZG"
386 enter_italics_mode              "sitm"  str     "ZH"
387 enter_leftward_mode             "slm"   str     "ZI"
388 enter_micro_mode                "smicm" str     "ZJ"
389 enter_near_letter_quality       "snlq"  str     "ZK"
390 enter_normal_quality            "snrmq" str     "ZL"
391 enter_shadow_mode               "sshm"  str     "ZM"
392 enter_subscript_mode            "ssubm" str     "ZN"
393 enter_superscript_mode          "ssupm" str     "ZO"
394 enter_upward_mode               "sum"   str     "ZP"
395 exit_doublewide_mode            "rwidm" str     "ZQ"
396 exit_italics_mode               "ritm"  str     "ZR"
397 exit_leftward_mode              "rlm"   str     "ZS"
398 exit_micro_mode                 "rmicm" str     "ZT"
399 exit_shadow_mode                "rshm"  str     "ZU"
400 exit_subscript_mode             "rsubm" str     "ZV"
401 exit_superscript_mode           "rsupm" str     "ZW"
402 exit_upward_mode                "rum"   str     "ZX"
403 micro_column_address            "mhpa"  str     "ZY"
404 micro_down                      "mcud1" str     "ZZ"
405 micro_left                      "mcub1" str     "Za"
406 micro_right                     "mcuf1" str     "Zb"
407 micro_row_address               "mvpa"  str     "Zc"
408 micro_up                        "mcuu1" str     "Zd"
409 order_of_pins                   "porder"        str     "Ze"
410 parm_down_micro                 "mcud"  str     "Zf"
411 parm_left_micro                 "mcub"  str     "Zg"
412 parm_right_micro                "mcuf"  str     "Zh"
413 parm_up_micro                   "mcuu"  str     "Zi"
414 select_char_set                 "scs"   str     "Zj"
415 set_bottom_margin               "smgb"  str     "Zk"
416 set_bottom_margin_parm          "smgbp" str     "Zl"
417 set_left_margin_parm            "smglp" str     "Zm"
418 set_right_margin_parm           "smgrp" str     "Zn"
419 set_top_margin                  "smgt"  str     "Zo"
420 set_top_margin_parm             "smgtp" str     "Zp"
421 start_bit_image                 "sbim"  str     "Zq"
422 start_char_set_def              "scsd"  str     "Zr"
423 stop_bit_image                  "rbim"  str     "Zs"
424 stop_char_set_def               "rcsd"  str     "Zt"
425 subscript_characters            "subcs" str     "Zu"
426 superscript_characters          "supcs" str     "Zv"
427 these_cause_cr                  "docr"  str     "Zw"
428 zero_motion                     "zerom" str     "Zx"
429 char_set_names                  "csnm"  str     "Zy"
430 key_mouse                       "kmous" str     "Km"
431 mouse_info                      "minfo" str     "Mi"
432 req_mouse_pos                   "reqmp" str     "RQ"
433 get_mouse                       "getm"  str     "Gm"
434 set_a_foreground                "setaf" str     "AF"
435 set_a_background                "setab" str     "AB"
436 pkey_plab                       "pfxl"  str     "xl"
437 device_type                     "devt"  str     "dv"
438 code_set_init                   "csin"  str     "ci"
439 set0_des_seq                    "s0ds"  str     "s0"
440 set1_des_seq                    "s1ds"  str     "s1"
441 set2_des_seq                    "s2ds"  str     "s2"
442 set3_des_seq                    "s3ds"  str     "s3"
443 set_lr_margin                   "smglr" str     "ML"
444 set_tb_margin                   "smgtb" str     "MT"
445 bit_image_repeat                "birep" str     "Xy"
446 bit_image_newline               "binel" str     "Zz"
447 bit_image_carriage_return       "bicr"  str     "Yv"
448 color_names                     "colornm"       str     "Yw"
449 define_bit_image_region         "defbi" str     "Yx"
450 end_bit_image_region            "endbi" str     "Yy"
451 set_color_band                  "setcolor"      str     "Yz"
452 set_page_length                 "slines"        str     "YZ"
453 display_pc_char                 "dispc" str     "S1"
454 enter_pc_charset_mode           "smpch" str     "S2"
455 exit_pc_charset_mode            "rmpch" str     "S3"
456 enter_scancode_mode             "smsc"  str     "S4"
457 exit_scancode_mode              "rmsc"  str     "S5"
458 pc_term_options                 "pctrm" str     "S6"
459 scancode_escape                 "scesc" str     "S7"
460 alt_scancode_esc                "scesa" str     "S8"
461 # These capabilities or either obselete or extentions on certain systems
462 # They are not used by SVR4 terminfo, so I have no idea in order they
463 # should be
464 backspace_if_not_bs             "OTbc"  str     "bc"
465 other_non_function_keys         "OTko"  str     "ko"
466 arrow_key_map                   "OTma"  str     "ma"
467 memory_lock_above               "OTml"  str     "ml"
468 memory_unlock                   "OTmu"  str     "mu"
469 linefeed_if_not_lf              "OTnl"  str     "nl"
470 key_interrupt_char              "UWki"  str     "ki"
471 key_kill_char                   "UWkk"  str     "kk"
472 key_suspend_char                "UWkz"  str     "kz"
473 scroll_left                     "sl1"   str     "Sl"
474 scroll_right                    "sr1"   str     "Sr"
475 parm_scroll_left                "sl"    str     "SL"
476 parm_scroll_right               "sr"    str     "SR"