]> CyberLeo.Net >> Repos - FreeBSD/releng/10.0.git/blob - sys/mips/nlm/files.xlp
- Copy stable/10 (r259064) to releng/10.0 as part of the
[FreeBSD/releng/10.0.git] / sys / mips / nlm / files.xlp
1 # $FreeBSD$
2 mips/nlm/hal/nlm_hal.c                          standard
3 mips/nlm/hal/fmn.c                              standard
4 mips/nlm/xlp_machdep.c                          standard
5 mips/nlm/intr_machdep.c                         standard
6 mips/nlm/tick.c                                 standard
7 mips/nlm/board.c                                standard
8 mips/nlm/cms.c                                  standard
9 mips/nlm/bus_space_rmi.c                        standard
10 mips/nlm/bus_space_rmi_pci.c                    standard
11 mips/nlm/mpreset.S                              standard
12 mips/nlm/board_eeprom.c                         standard
13 mips/nlm/board_cpld.c                           standard
14 mips/nlm/xlp_pci.c                              optional pci
15 mips/nlm/uart_cpu_xlp.c                         optional uart
16 mips/nlm/usb_init.c                             optional usb
17 #
18 # Simple SoC devices
19 mips/nlm/dev/uart_pci_xlp.c                     optional uart
20 mips/nlm/dev/cfi_pci_xlp.c                      optional cfi
21 #
22 # Network driver and micro-core code
23 mips/nlm/dev/net/nae.c                          optional xlpge
24 mips/nlm/dev/net/mdio.c                         optional xlpge
25 mips/nlm/dev/net/sgmii.c                        optional xlpge
26 mips/nlm/dev/net/xaui.c                         optional xlpge
27 mips/nlm/dev/net/xlpge.c                        optional xlpge
28 ucore_app.bin                                   optional xlpge  \
29         compile-with    "${CC} -EB -march=mips32 -mabi=32 -msoft-float -I. -I$S -O3 -funroll-loops -finline-limit=20000 -fno-tree-loop-optimize -fomit-frame-pointer -mno-branch-likely -fno-pic -mno-abicalls -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -G0 -Wall -Werror -c $S/$M/nlm/dev/net/ucore/crt0_basic.S  $S/$M/nlm/dev/net/ucore/ucore_app.c && ${LD} -melf32btsmip_fbsd -d -warn-common -T$S/$M/nlm/dev/net/ucore/ld.ucore.S crt0_basic.o ucore_app.o -o ucore_app && ${OBJCOPY} -S -O binary -R .note -R .comment ucore_app ${.TARGET}" \
30         no-obj no-implicit-rule before-depend                   \
31         clean           "crt0_basic.o ucore_app.o ucore_app ucore_app.bin"
32 ucore_app_bin.h                                 optional xlpge  \
33         dependency      "ucore_app.bin"                         \
34         compile-with    "file2c -sx 'static char ucore_app_bin[] = {' '};' < ucore_app.bin > ${.TARGET}" \
35         no-obj no-implicit-rule before-depend                   \
36         clean           "ucore_app_bin.h"
37 #
38 # Security Driver
39 #
40 mips/nlm/dev/sec/nlmsec.c                       optional nlmsec
41 mips/nlm/dev/sec/nlmseclib.c                    optional nlmsec
42 mips/nlm/dev/sec/nlmrsa.c                       optional nlmrsa