]> CyberLeo.Net >> Repos - FreeBSD/FreeBSD.git/blob - usr.sbin/services_mkdb/services
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[FreeBSD/FreeBSD.git] / usr.sbin / services_mkdb / services
1 #
2 # Network services, Internet style
3 #
4 # Service names and port numbers are used to distinguish between different
5 # services that run over transport protocols such as TCP, UDP, DCCP, and
6 # SCTP.
7 #
8 # The latest IANA port assignments can be gotten from
9 #
10 #       https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-numbers/
11 #
12 # System Ports are those from 0 through 1023.
13 # User Ports are those from 1024 through 49151.
14 # Dynamic and/or Private Ports are those from 49152 through 65535.
15 #
16 # Note that it is presently the policy of IANA to assign a single well-known
17 # port number for both TCP and UDP; hence, most entries here have two entries
18 # even if the protocol doesn't support UDP operations.
19 #
20 # $FreeBSD$
21 #       From: @(#)services      5.8 (Berkeley) 5/9/91
22 #
24 #
25 tcpmux            1/tcp    #TCP Port Service Multiplexer
26 tcpmux            1/udp    #TCP Port Service Multiplexer
27 compressnet       2/tcp    #Management Utility
28 compressnet       2/udp    #Management Utility
29 compressnet       3/tcp    #Compression Process
30 compressnet       3/udp    #Compression Process
31 rje               5/tcp    #Remote Job Entry
32 rje               5/udp    #Remote Job Entry
33 echo              7/tcp
34 echo              7/udp
35 echo              7/sctp
36 discard           9/tcp    sink null
37 discard           9/udp    sink null
38 discard           9/sctp   sink null
39 systat           11/tcp    users        #Active Users
40 systat           11/udp    users        #Active Users
41 daytime          13/tcp
42 daytime          13/udp
43 daytime          13/sctp
44 qotd             17/tcp    quote        #Quote of the Day
45 qotd             17/udp    quote        #Quote of the Day
46 msp              18/tcp    #Message Send Protocol
47 msp              18/udp    #Message Send Protocol
48 chargen          19/tcp    ttytst source        #Character Generator
49 chargen          19/udp    ttytst source        #Character Generator
50 chargen          19/sctp   ttytst source        #Character Generator
51 ftp-data         20/tcp    #File Transfer [Default Data]
52 ftp-data         20/udp    #File Transfer [Default Data]
53 ftp-data         20/sctp   #File Transfer [Default Data]
54 ftp              21/tcp    #File Transfer [Control]
55 ftp              21/udp    #File Transfer [Control]
56 ftp              21/sctp   #File Transfer [Control]
57 ssh              22/tcp    #Secure Shell Login
58 ssh              22/udp    #Secure Shell Login
59 ssh              22/sctp   #Secure Shell Login
60 telnet           23/tcp
61 telnet           23/udp
62 #                24/tcp    any private mail system
63 #                24/udp    any private mail system
64 smtp             25/tcp    mail         #Simple Mail Transfer
65 smtp             25/udp    mail         #Simple Mail Transfer
66 nsw-fe           27/tcp    #NSW User System FE
67 nsw-fe           27/udp    #NSW User System FE
68 msg-icp          29/tcp    #MSG ICP
69 msg-icp          29/udp    #MSG ICP
70 msg-auth         31/tcp    #MSG Authentication
71 msg-auth         31/udp    #MSG Authentication
72 dsp              33/tcp    #Display Support Protocol
73 dsp              33/udp    #Display Support Protocol
74 #                35/tcp    any private printer server
75 #                35/udp    any private printer server
76 time             37/tcp    timserver
77 time             37/udp    timserver
78 rap              38/tcp    #Route Access Protocol
79 rap              38/udp    #Route Access Protocol
80 rlp              39/tcp    resource     #Resource Location Protocol
81 rlp              39/udp    resource     #Resource Location Protocol
82 graphics         41/tcp
83 graphics         41/udp
84 nameserver       42/tcp    name         #Host Name Server
85 nameserver       42/udp    name         #Host Name Server
86 nicname          43/tcp    whois
87 nicname          43/udp    whois
88 mpm-flags        44/tcp    #MPM FLAGS Protocol
89 mpm-flags        44/udp    #MPM FLAGS Protocol
90 mpm              45/tcp    #Message Processing Module [recv]
91 mpm              45/udp    #Message Processing Module [recv]
92 mpm-snd          46/tcp    #MPM [default send]
93 mpm-snd          46/udp    #MPM [default send]
94 ni-ftp           47/tcp    #NI FTP
95 ni-ftp           47/udp    #NI FTP
96 auditd           48/tcp    #Digital Audit Daemon
97 auditd           48/udp    #Digital Audit Daemon
98 tacacs           49/tcp    #Login Host Protocol (TACACS)
99 tacacs           49/udp    #Login Host Protocol (TACACS)
100 re-mail-ck       50/tcp    #Remote Mail Checking Protocol
101 re-mail-ck       50/udp    #Remote Mail Checking Protocol
102 la-maint         51/tcp    #IMP Logical Address Maintenance
103 la-maint         51/udp    #IMP Logical Address Maintenance
104 xns-time         52/tcp    #XNS Time Protocol
105 xns-time         52/udp    #XNS Time Protocol
106 domain           53/tcp    #Domain Name Server
107 domain           53/udp    #Domain Name Server
108 xns-ch           54/tcp    #XNS Clearinghouse
109 xns-ch           54/udp    #XNS Clearinghouse
110 isi-gl           55/tcp    #ISI Graphics Language
111 isi-gl           55/udp    #ISI Graphics Language
112 xns-auth         56/tcp    #XNS Authentication
113 xns-auth         56/udp    #XNS Authentication
114 #                57/tcp    any private terminal access
115 #                57/udp    any private terminal access
116 xns-mail         58/tcp    #XNS Mail
117 xns-mail         58/udp    #XNS Mail
118 #                59/tcp    any private file service
119 #                59/udp    any private file service
120 acas             62/tcp    #ACA Services
121 acas             62/udp    #ACA Services
122 whoispp          63/tcp    whois++
123 whoispp          63/udp    whois++
124 covia            64/tcp    #Communications Integrator (CI)
125 covia            64/udp    #Communications Integrator (CI)
126 tacacs-ds        65/tcp    #TACACS-Database Service
127 tacacs-ds        65/udp    #TACACS-Database Service
128 sql-net          66/tcp    sql*net #Oracle SQL*NET / replacement
129 sql-net          66/udp    sql*net #Oracle SQL*NET replacement
130 bootps           67/tcp    dhcps        #Bootstrap Protocol Server
131 bootps           67/udp    dhcps        #Bootstrap Protocol Server
132 bootpc           68/tcp    dhcpc        #Bootstrap Protocol Client
133 bootpc           68/udp    dhcpc        #Bootstrap Protocol Client
134 tftp             69/tcp    #Trivial File Transfer
135 tftp             69/udp    #Trivial File Transfer
136 gopher           70/tcp
137 gopher           70/udp
138 netrjs-1         71/tcp    #Remote Job Service
139 netrjs-1         71/udp    #Remote Job Service
140 netrjs-2         72/tcp    #Remote Job Service
141 netrjs-2         72/udp    #Remote Job Service
142 netrjs-3         73/tcp    #Remote Job Service
143 netrjs-3         73/udp    #Remote Job Service
144 netrjs-4         74/tcp    #Remote Job Service
145 netrjs-4         74/udp    #Remote Job Service
146 #                75/tcp    any private dial out service
147 #                75/udp    any private dial out service
148 deos             76/tcp    #Distributed External Object Store
149 deos             76/udp    #Distributed External Object Store
150 #                77/tcp    any private RJE service
151 #                77/udp    any private RJE service
152 vettcp           78/tcp
153 vettcp           78/udp
154 finger           79/tcp
155 finger           79/udp
156 http             80/tcp    www www-http #World Wide Web HTTP
157 http             80/udp    www www-http #World Wide Web HTTP
158 http             80/sctp   www www-http #World Wide Web HTTP
159 xfer             82/tcp    #XFER Utility
160 xfer             82/udp    #XFER Utility
161 mit-ml-dev       83/tcp    #MIT ML Device
162 mit-ml-dev       83/udp    #MIT ML Device
163 ctf              84/tcp    #Common Trace Facility
164 ctf              84/udp    #Common Trace Facility
165 mit-ml-dev       85/tcp    #MIT ML Device
166 mit-ml-dev       85/udp    #MIT ML Device
167 mfcobol          86/tcp    #Micro Focus Cobol
168 mfcobol          86/udp    #Micro Focus Cobol
169 #                87/tcp    any private terminal link
170 #                87/udp    any private terminal link
171 kerberos-sec     88/tcp    kerberos     # krb5  # Kerberos (v5)
172 kerberos-sec     88/udp    kerberos     # krb5  # Kerberos (v5)
173 su-mit-tg        89/tcp    #SU/MIT Telnet Gateway
174 su-mit-tg        89/udp    #SU/MIT Telnet Gateway
175 dnsix            90/tcp    #DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map
176 dnsix            90/udp    #DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map
177 mit-dov          91/tcp    #MIT Dover Spooler
178 mit-dov          91/udp    #MIT Dover Spooler
179 npp              92/tcp    #Network Printing Protocol
180 npp              92/udp    #Network Printing Protocol
181 dcp              93/tcp    #Device Control Protocol
182 dcp              93/udp    #Device Control Protocol
183 objcall          94/tcp    #Tivoli Object Dispatcher
184 objcall          94/udp    #Tivoli Object Dispatcher
185 supdup           95/tcp
186 supdup           95/udp
187 dixie            96/tcp    #DIXIE Protocol Specification
188 dixie            96/udp    #DIXIE Protocol Specification
189 swift-rvf        97/tcp    #Swift Remote Virtural File Protocol
190 swift-rvf        97/udp    #Swift Remote Virtural File Protocol
191 tacnews          98/tcp    #TAC News
192 tacnews          98/udp    #TAC News
193 metagram         99/tcp    #Metagram Relay
194 metagram         99/udp    #Metagram Relay
195 newacct         100/tcp    #[unauthorized use]
196 hostname        101/tcp    hostnames    #NIC Host Name Server
197 hostname        101/udp    hostnames    #NIC Host Name Server
198 iso-tsap        102/tcp    tsap         #ISO-TSAP Class 0
199 iso-tsap        102/udp    tsap         #ISO-TSAP Class 0
200 gppitnp         103/tcp    #Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net
201 gppitnp         103/udp    #Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net
202 acr-nema        104/tcp    #ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300
203 acr-nema        104/udp    #ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300
204 csnet-ns        105/tcp    cso-ns cso   #Mailbox Name Nameserver
205 csnet-ns        105/udp    cso-ns cso   #Mailbox Name Nameserver
206 pop3pw          106/tcp    3com-tsmux   #Eudora compatible PW changer
207 3com-tsmux      106/udp
208 rtelnet         107/tcp    #Remote Telnet Service
209 rtelnet         107/udp    #Remote Telnet Service
210 snagas          108/tcp    #SNA Gateway Access Server
211 snagas          108/udp    #SNA Gateway Access Server
212 pop2            109/tcp    postoffice   #Post Office Protocol - Version 2
213 pop2            109/udp    postoffice   #Post Office Protocol - Version 2
214 pop3            110/tcp    #Post Office Protocol - Version 3
215 pop3            110/udp    #Post Office Protocol - Version 3
216 sunrpc          111/tcp    rpcbind      #SUN Remote Procedure Call
217 sunrpc          111/udp    rpcbind      #SUN Remote Procedure Call
218 mcidas          112/tcp    #McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol
219 mcidas          112/udp    #McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol
220 auth            113/tcp    ident tap    #Authentication Service
221 auth            113/udp    ident tap    #Authentication Service
222 sftp            115/tcp    #Simple File Transfer Protocol
223 sftp            115/udp    #Simple File Transfer Protocol
224 ansanotify      116/tcp    #ANSA REX Notify
225 ansanotify      116/udp    #ANSA REX Notify
226 uucp-path       117/tcp    #UUCP Path Service
227 uucp-path       117/udp    #UUCP Path Service
228 sqlserv         118/tcp    #SQL Services
229 sqlserv         118/udp    #SQL Services
230 nntp            119/tcp    usenet       #Network News Transfer Protocol
231 nntp            119/udp    usenet       #Network News Transfer Protocol
232 cfdptkt         120/tcp
233 cfdptkt         120/udp
234 erpc            121/tcp    #Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call
235 erpc            121/udp    #Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call
236 smakynet        122/tcp
237 smakynet        122/udp
238 ntp             123/tcp    #Network Time Protocol
239 ntp             123/udp    #Network Time Protocol
240 ansatrader      124/tcp    #ANSA REX Trader
241 ansatrader      124/udp    #ANSA REX Trader
242 locus-map       125/tcp    #Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser
243 locus-map       125/udp    #Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser
244 nxedit          126/tcp    #NXEdit
245 nxedit          126/udp    #NXEdit
246 locus-con       127/tcp    #Locus PC-Interface Conn Server
247 locus-con       127/udp    #Locus PC-Interface Conn Server
248 gss-xlicen      128/tcp    #GSS X License Verification
249 gss-xlicen      128/udp    #GSS X License Verification
250 pwdgen          129/tcp    #Password Generator Protocol
251 pwdgen          129/udp    #Password Generator Protocol
252 cisco-fna       130/tcp    #cisco FNATIVE
253 cisco-fna       130/udp    #cisco FNATIVE
254 cisco-tna       131/tcp    #cisco TNATIVE
255 cisco-tna       131/udp    #cisco TNATIVE
256 cisco-sys       132/tcp    #cisco SYSMAINT
257 cisco-sys       132/udp    #cisco SYSMAINT
258 statsrv         133/tcp    #Statistics Service
259 statsrv         133/udp    #Statistics Service
260 ingres-net      134/tcp    #INGRES-NET Service
261 ingres-net      134/udp    #INGRES-NET Service
262 epmap           135/tcp    #DCE endpoint resolution
263 epmap           135/udp    #DCE endpoint resolution
264 profile         136/tcp    #PROFILE Naming System
265 profile         136/udp    #PROFILE Naming System
266 netbios-ns      137/tcp    #NETBIOS Name Service
267 netbios-ns      137/udp    #NETBIOS Name Service
268 netbios-dgm     138/tcp    #NETBIOS Datagram Service
269 netbios-dgm     138/udp    #NETBIOS Datagram Service
270 netbios-ssn     139/tcp    #NETBIOS Session Service
271 netbios-ssn     139/udp    #NETBIOS Session Service
272 emfis-data      140/tcp    #EMFIS Data Service
273 emfis-data      140/udp    #EMFIS Data Service
274 emfis-cntl      141/tcp    #EMFIS Control Service
275 emfis-cntl      141/udp    #EMFIS Control Service
276 bl-idm          142/tcp    #Britton-Lee IDM
277 bl-idm          142/udp    #Britton-Lee IDM
278 imap            143/tcp    imap2 imap4  #Interim Mail Access Protocol v2
279 imap            143/udp    imap2 imap4  #Interim Mail Access Protocol v2
280 uma             144/tcp    #Universal Management Architecture
281 uma             144/udp    #Universal Management Architecture
282 uaac            145/tcp    #UAAC Protocol
283 uaac            145/udp    #UAAC Protocol
284 iso-tp0         146/tcp
285 iso-tp0         146/udp
286 iso-ip          147/tcp
287 iso-ip          147/udp
288 jargon          148/tcp    #Jargon
289 jargon          148/udp    #Jargon
290 aed-512         149/tcp    #AED 512 Emulation Service
291 aed-512         149/udp    #AED 512 Emulation Service
292 sql-net         150/tcp
293 sql-net         150/udp
294 hems            151/tcp
295 hems            151/udp
296 bftp            152/tcp    #Background File Transfer Program
297 bftp            152/udp    #Background File Transfer Program
298 sgmp            153/tcp
299 sgmp            153/udp
300 netsc-prod      154/tcp
301 netsc-prod      154/udp
302 netsc-dev       155/tcp
303 netsc-dev       155/udp
304 sqlsrv          156/tcp    #SQL Service
305 sqlsrv          156/udp    #SQL Service
306 knet-cmp        157/tcp    #KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol
307 knet-cmp        157/udp    #KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol
308 pcmail-srv      158/tcp    #PCMail Server
309 pcmail-srv      158/udp    #PCMail Server
310 nss-routing     159/tcp
311 nss-routing     159/udp
312 sgmp-traps      160/tcp
313 sgmp-traps      160/udp
314 snmp            161/tcp
315 snmp            161/udp
316 snmptrap        162/tcp    snmp-trap
317 snmptrap        162/udp    snmp-trap
318 cmip-man        163/tcp    #CMIP/TCP Manager
319 cmip-man        163/udp    #CMIP/TCP Manager
320 cmip-agent      164/tcp    #CMIP/TCP Agent
321 smip-agent      164/udp    #CMIP/TCP Agent
322 xns-courier     165/tcp    #Xerox
323 xns-courier     165/udp    #Xerox
324 s-net           166/tcp    #Sirius Systems
325 s-net           166/udp    #Sirius Systems
326 namp            167/tcp
327 namp            167/udp
328 rsvd            168/tcp
329 rsvd            168/udp
330 send            169/tcp
331 send            169/udp
332 print-srv       170/tcp    #Network PostScript
333 print-srv       170/udp    #Network PostScript
334 multiplex       171/tcp    #Network Innovations Multiplex
335 multiplex       171/udp    #Network Innovations Multiplex
336 cl/1            172/tcp    #Network Innovations CL/1
337 cl/1            172/udp    #Network Innovations CL/1
338 xyplex-mux      173/tcp
339 xyplex-mux      173/udp
340 mailq           174/tcp
341 mailq           174/udp
342 vmnet           175/tcp
343 vmnet           175/udp
344 genrad-mux      176/tcp
345 genrad-mux      176/udp
346 xdmcp           177/tcp    #X Display Manager Control Protocol
347 xdmcp           177/udp    #X Display Manager Control Protocol
348 nextstep        178/tcp    #NextStep Window Server
349 nextstep        178/udp    #NextStep Window Server
350 bgp             179/tcp    #Border Gateway Protocol
351 bgp             179/udp    #Border Gateway Protocol
352 bgp             179/sctp   #Border Gateway Protocol
353 ris             180/tcp    #Intergraph
354 ris             180/udp    #Intergraph
355 unify           181/tcp
356 unify           181/udp
357 audit           182/tcp    #Unisys Audit SITP
358 audit           182/udp    #Unisys Audit SITP
359 ocbinder        183/tcp
360 ocbinder        183/udp
361 ocserver        184/tcp
362 ocserver        184/udp
363 remote-kis      185/tcp
364 remote-kis      185/udp
365 kis             186/tcp    #KIS Protocol
366 kis             186/udp    #KIS Protocol
367 aci             187/tcp    #Application Communication Interface
368 aci             187/udp    #Application Communication Interface
369 mumps           188/tcp    #Plus Five's MUMPS
370 mumps           188/udp    #Plus Five's MUMPS
371 qft             189/tcp    #Queued File Transport
372 qft             189/udp    #Queued File Transport
373 gacp            190/tcp    #Gateway Access Control Protocol
374 gacp            190/udp    cacp         #Gateway Access Control Protocol
375 prospero        191/tcp    #Prospero Directory Service
376 prospero        191/udp    #Prospero Directory Service
377 osu-nms         192/tcp    #OSU Network Monitoring System
378 osu-nms         192/udp    #OSU Network Monitoring System
379 srmp            193/tcp    #Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol
380 srmp            193/udp    #Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol
381 irc             194/tcp    #Internet Relay Chat Protocol
382 irc             194/udp    #Internet Relay Chat Protocol
383 dn6-nlm-aud     195/tcp    #DNSIX Network Level Module Audit
384 dn6-nlm-aud     195/udp    #DNSIX Network Level Module Audit
385 dn6-smm-red     196/tcp    #DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redir
386 dn6-smm-red     196/udp    #DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redir
387 dls             197/tcp    #Directory Location Service
388 dls             197/udp    #Directory Location Service
389 dls-mon         198/tcp    #Directory Location Service Monitor
390 dls-mon         198/udp    #Directory Location Service Monitor
391 smux            199/tcp
392 smux            199/udp
393 src             200/tcp    #IBM System Resource Controller
394 src             200/udp    #IBM System Resource Controller
395 at-rtmp         201/tcp    #AppleTalk Routing Maintenance
396 at-rtmp         201/udp    #AppleTalk Routing Maintenance
397 at-nbp          202/tcp    #AppleTalk Name Binding
398 at-nbp          202/udp    #AppleTalk Name Binding
399 at-3            203/tcp    #AppleTalk Unused
400 at-3            203/udp    #AppleTalk Unused
401 at-echo         204/tcp    #AppleTalk Echo
402 at-echo         204/udp    #AppleTalk Echo
403 at-5            205/tcp    #AppleTalk Unused
404 at-5            205/udp    #AppleTalk Unused
405 at-zis          206/tcp    #AppleTalk Zone Information
406 at-zis          206/udp    #AppleTalk Zone Information
407 at-7            207/tcp    #AppleTalk Unused
408 at-7            207/udp    #AppleTalk Unused
409 at-8            208/tcp    #AppleTalk Unused
410 at-8            208/udp    #AppleTalk Unused
411 qmtp            209/tcp    #The Quick Mail Transfer Protocol
412 qmtp            209/udp    #The Quick Mail Transfer Protocol
413 z39-50          210/tcp    z39.50 wais  #ANSI Z39.50
414 z39-50          210/udp    z39.50 wais  #ANSI Z39.50
415 914c-g          211/tcp    914c/g       #Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminal
416 914c-g          211/udp    914c/g       #Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminal
417 anet            212/tcp    #ATEXSSTR
418 anet            212/udp    #ATEXSSTR
419 ipx             213/tcp
420 ipx             213/udp
421 vmpwscs         214/tcp
422 vmpwscs         214/udp
423 softpc          215/tcp    #Insignia Solutions
424 softpc          215/udp    #Insignia Solutions
425 CAIlic          216/tcp    atls         #Computer Associates Int'l License Server
426 CAIlic          216/udp    atls         #Computer Associates Int'l License Server
427 dbase           217/tcp    #dBASE Unix
428 dbase           217/udp    #dBASE Unix
429 mpp             218/tcp    #Netix Message Posting Protocol
430 mpp             218/udp    #Netix Message Posting Protocol
431 uarps           219/tcp    #Unisys ARPs
432 uarps           219/udp    #Unisys ARPs
433 imap3           220/tcp    #Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3
434 imap3           220/udp    #Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3
435 fln-spx         221/tcp    #Berkeley rlogind with SPX auth
436 fln-spx         221/udp    #Berkeley rlogind with SPX auth
437 rsh-spx         222/tcp    #Berkeley rshd with SPX auth
438 rsh-spx         222/udp    #Berkeley rshd with SPX auth
439 cdc             223/tcp    #Certificate Distribution Center
440 cdc             223/udp    #Certificate Distribution Center
441 masqdialer      224/tcp
442 masqdialer      224/udp
443 direct          242/tcp
444 direct          242/udp
445 sur-meas        243/tcp    #Survey Measurement
446 sur-meas        243/udp    #Survey Measurement
447 inbusiness      244/tcp
448 inbusiness      244/udp
449 link            245/tcp
450 link            245/udp
451 dsp3270         246/tcp    #Display Systems Protocol
452 dsp3270         246/udp    #Display Systems Protocol
453 subntbcst-tftp  247/tcp    subntbcst_tftp #subntbcst_tftp
454 subntbcst-tftp  247/udp    subntbcst_tftp #subntbcst_tftp
455 bhfhs           248/tcp
456 bhfhs           248/udp
457 #               249-255    reserved
458 rap             256/tcp
459 rap             256/udp
460 set             257/tcp    #secure electronic transaction
461 set             257/udp    #secure electronic transaction
462 esro-gen        259/tcp    #efficient short remote operations
463 esro-gen        259/udp    #efficient short remote operations
464 openport        260/tcp
465 openport        260/udp
466 nsiiops         261/tcp    #iiop name service over tls/ssl
467 nsiiops         261/udp    #iiop name service over tls/ssl
468 arcisdms        262/tcp
469 arcisdms        262/udp
470 hdap            263/tcp
471 hdap            263/udp
472 bgmp            264/tcp
473 bgmp            264/udp
474 x-bone-ctl      265/tcp    #X-Bone CTL
475 x-bone-ctl      265/udp    #X-Bone CTL
476 sst             266/tcp    #SCSI on ST
477 sst             266/udp    #SCSI on ST
478 td-service      267/tcp    #Tobit David Service Layer
479 td-service      267/udp    #Tobit David Service Layer
480 td-replica      268/tcp    #Tobit David Replica
481 td-replica      268/udp    #Tobit David Replica
482 manet           269/tcp    #MANET Protocols [RFC5498]
483 manet           269/ucp    #MANET Protocols [RFC5498]
484 gist            270/ucp    #Q-mode encapsulation for [RFC5971]
485 pt-tls          271/tcp    #Assessment (NEA) Posture
486 #               272-279    unassigned
487 http-mgmt       280/tcp
488 http-mgmt       280/udp
489 personal-link   281/tcp
490 personal-link   281/udp
491 cableport-ax    282/tcp    #cable port a/x
492 cableport-ax    282/udp    #cable port a/x
493 rescap          283/tcp
494 rescap          283/udp
495 corerjd         284/tcp
496 corerjd         284/udp
497 #               285        unassigned
498 fxp             286/tcp
499 fxp             286/udp
500 k-block         287/tcp
501 k-block         287/udp
502 #               288-307    unassigned
503 novastorbakcup  308/tcp    #novastor backup
504 novastorbakcup  308/udp    #novastor backup
505 entrusttime     309/tcp
506 entrusttime     309/udp
507 bhmds           310/tcp
508 bhmds           310/udp
509 asip-webadmin   311/tcp    #appleshare ip webadmin
510 asip-webadmin   311/udp    #appleshare ip webadmin
511 vslmp           312/tcp
512 vslmp           312/udp
513 magenta-logic   313/tcp
514 magenta-logic   313/udp
515 opalis-robot    314/tcp
516 opalis-robot    314/udp
517 dpsi            315/tcp
518 dpsi            315/udp
519 decauth         316/tcp
520 decauth         316/udp
521 zannet          317/tcp
522 zannet          317/udp
523 pkix-timestamp  318/tcp    #PKIX TimeStamp
524 pkix-timestamp  318/udp    #PKIX TimeStamp
525 ptp-event       319/tcp    #PTP Event
526 ptp-event       319/udp    #PTP Event
527 ptp-general     320/tcp    #PTP General
528 ptp-general     320/udp    #PTP General
529 pip             321/tcp
530 pip             321/udp
531 rtsps           322/tcp
532 rtsps           322/udp
533 rpki-rtr        323/tcp    #Resource PKI to Router Protocol
534 rpki-rtr-tls    324/tcp    #Resource PKI to Router Protocol over TLS
535 #               325-332    #unassigned
536 texar           333/tcp    #Texar Security Port
537 texar           333/udp    #Texar Security Port
538 #               334-343    #unassigned
539 pdap            344/tcp    #Prospero Data Access Protocol
540 pdap            344/udp    #Prospero Data Access Protocol
541 pawserv         345/tcp    #Perf Analysis Workbench
542 pawserv         345/udp    #Perf Analysis Workbench
543 zserv           346/tcp    #Zebra server
544 zserv           346/udp    #Zebra server
545 fatserv         347/tcp    #Fatmen Server
546 fatserv         347/udp    #Fatmen Server
547 csi-sgwp        348/tcp    #Cabletron Management Protocol
548 csi-sgwp        348/udp    #Cabletron Management Protocol
549 mftp            349/tcp
550 mftp            349/udp
551 matip-type-a    350/tcp    #MATIP Type A
552 matip-type-a    350/udp
553 matip-type-b    351/tcp    #MATIP Type B
554 matip-type-b    351/udp
555 bhoetty         351/tcp    #unassigned but widespread use
556 bhoetty         351/udp    #unassigned but widespread use
557 dtag-ste-sb     352/tcp    #DTAG
558 dtag-ste-sb     352/udp    #DTAG
559 bhoedap4        352/tcp    #unassigned but widespread use
560 bhoedap4        352/udp    #unassigned but widespread use
561 ndsauth         353/tcp
562 ndsauth         353/udp
563 bh611           354/tcp
564 bh611           354/udp
565 datex-asn       355/tcp
566 datex-asn       355/udp
567 cloanto-net-1   356/tcp    #Cloanto Net 1
568 cloanto-net-1   356/udp
569 bhevent         357/tcp
570 bhevent         357/udp
571 shrinkwrap      358/tcp
572 shrinkwrap      358/udp
573 nsrmp           359/tcp    #Network Security Risk Management Protocol
574 nsrmp           359/udp    #Network Security Risk Management Protocol
575 scoi2odialog    360/tcp
576 scoi2odialog    360/udp
577 semantix        361/tcp
578 semantix        361/udp
579 srssend         362/tcp    #SRS Send
580 srssend         362/udp    #SRS Send
581 rsvp_tunnel     363/tcp
582 rsvp_tunnel     363/udp
583 aurora-cmgr     364/tcp
584 aurora-cmgr     364/udp
585 dtk             365/tcp    #Deception Tool Kit - Fred Cohen <fc@all.net>
586 dtk             365/udp    #Deception Tool Kit - Fred Cohen <fc@all.net>
587 odmr            366/tcp
588 odmr            366/udp
589 mortgageware    367/tcp
590 mortgageware    367/udp
591 qbikgdp         368/tcp    #QbikGDP
592 qbikgdp         368/udp
593 rpc2portmap     369/tcp
594 rpc2portmap     369/udp
595 codaauth2       370/tcp
596 codaauth2       370/udp
597 clearcase       371/tcp
598 clearcase       371/udp
599 ulistserv       372/tcp    ulistproc    #Unix Listserv
600 ulistserv       372/udp    ulistproc    #Unix Listserv
601 legent-1        373/tcp    #Legent Corporation (now Computer Associates Intl.)
602 legent-1        373/udp    #Legent Corporation (now Computer Associates Intl.)
603 legent-2        374/tcp    #Legent Corporation (now Computer Associates Intl.)
604 legent-2        374/udp    #Legent Corporation (now Computer Associates Intl.)
605 hassle          375/tcp
606 hassle          375/udp
607 nip             376/tcp    #Amiga Envoy Network Inquiry Proto
608 nip             376/udp    #Amiga Envoy Network Inquiry Proto
609 tnETOS          377/tcp    #NEC Corporation
610 tnETOS          377/udp    #NEC Corporation
611 dsETOS          378/tcp    #NEC Corporation
612 dsETOS          378/udp    #NEC Corporation
613 is99c           379/tcp    #TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem client
614 is99c           379/udp    #TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem client
615 is99s           380/tcp    #TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem server
616 is99s           380/udp    #TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem server
617 hp-collector    381/tcp    #hp performance data collector
618 hp-collector    381/udp    #hp performance data collector
619 hp-managed-node 382/tcp    #hp performance data managed node
620 hp-managed-node 382/udp    #hp performance data managed node
621 hp-alarm-mgr    383/tcp    #hp performance data alarm manager
622 hp-alarm-mgr    383/udp    #hp performance data alarm manager
623 arns            384/tcp    #A Remote Network Server System
624 arns            384/udp    #A Remote Network Server System
625 ibm-app         385/tcp    #IBM Application
626 ibm-app         385/udp    #IBM Application
627 asa             386/tcp    #ASA Message Router Object Def.
628 asa             386/udp    #ASA Message Router Object Def.
629 aurp            387/tcp    #Appletalk Update-Based Routing Pro.
630 aurp            387/udp    #Appletalk Update-Based Routing Pro.
631 unidata-ldm     388/tcp    #Unidata LDM Version 4
632 unidata-ldm     388/udp    #Unidata LDM Version 4
633 ldap            389/tcp    #Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
634 ldap            389/udp    #Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
635 uis             390/tcp    #UIS
636 uis             390/udp    #UIS
637 synotics-relay  391/tcp    #SynOptics SNMP Relay Port
638 synotics-relay  391/udp    #SynOptics SNMP Relay Port
639 synotics-broker 392/tcp    #SynOptics Port Broker Port
640 synotics-broker 392/udp    #SynOptics Port Broker Port
641 meta5           393/tcp    #Meta5
642 meta5           393/udp    #Meta5
643 embl-ndt        394/tcp    #EMBL Nucleic Data Transfer
644 embl-ndt        394/udp    #EMBL Nucleic Data Transfer
645 netcp           395/tcp    #NETscout Control Protocol
646 netcp           395/udp    #NETscout Control Protocol
647 netware-ip      396/tcp    #Novell Netware over IP
648 netware-ip      396/udp    #Novell Netware over IP
649 mptn            397/tcp    #Multi Protocol Trans. Net.
650 mptn            397/udp    #Multi Protocol Trans. Net.
651 kryptolan       398/tcp
652 kryptolan       398/udp
653 iso-tsap-c2     399/tcp    #ISO-TSAP Class 2
654 iso-tsap-c2     399/udp    #ISO-TSAP Class 2
655 osb-sd          400/tcp    #Oracle Secure Backup
656 osb-sd          400/udp    #Oracle Secure Backup
657 ups             401/tcp    #Uninterruptible Power Supply
658 ups             401/udp    #Uninterruptible Power Supply
659 genie           402/tcp    #Genie Protocol
660 genie           402/udp    #Genie Protocol
661 decap           403/tcp
662 decap           403/udp
663 nced            404/tcp
664 nced            404/udp
665 ncld            405/tcp
666 ncld            405/udp
667 imsp            406/tcp    #Interactive Mail Support Protocol
668 imsp            406/udp    #Interactive Mail Support Protocol
669 timbuktu        407/tcp
670 timbuktu        407/udp
671 prm-sm          408/tcp    #Prospero Resource Manager Sys. Man.
672 prm-sm          408/udp    #Prospero Resource Manager Sys. Man.
673 prm-nm          409/tcp    #Prospero Resource Manager Node Man.
674 prm-nm          409/udp    #Prospero Resource Manager Node Man.
675 decladebug      410/tcp    #DECLadebug Remote Debug Protocol
676 decladebug      410/udp    #DECLadebug Remote Debug Protocol
677 rmt             411/tcp    #Remote MT Protocol
678 rmt             411/udp    #Remote MT Protocol
679 synoptics-trap  412/tcp    #Trap Convention Port
680 synoptics-trap  412/udp    #Trap Convention Port
681 smsp            413/tcp
682 smsp            413/udp
683 infoseek        414/tcp
684 infoseek        414/udp
685 bnet            415/tcp
686 bnet            415/udp
687 silverplatter   416/tcp
688 silverplatter   416/udp
689 onmux           417/tcp
690 onmux           417/udp
691 hyper-g         418/tcp
692 hyper-g         418/udp
693 ariel1          419/tcp
694 ariel1          419/udp
695 smpte           420/tcp
696 smpte           420/udp
697 ariel2          421/tcp
698 ariel2          421/udp
699 ariel3          422/tcp
700 ariel3          422/udp
701 opc-job-start   423/tcp    #IBM Operations Planning and Control Start
702 opc-job-start   423/udp    #IBM Operations Planning and Control Start
703 opc-job-track   424/tcp    #IBM Operations Planning and Control Track
704 opc-job-track   424/udp    #IBM Operations Planning and Control Track
705 icad-el         425/tcp
706 icad-el         425/udp
707 smartsdp        426/tcp
708 smartsdp        426/udp
709 svrloc          427/tcp    #Server Location
710 svrloc          427/udp    #Server Location
711 ocs_cmu         428/tcp
712 ocs_cmu         428/udp
713 ocs_amu         429/tcp
714 ocs_amu         429/udp
715 utmpsd          430/tcp
716 utmpsd          430/udp
717 utmpcd          431/tcp
718 utmpcd          431/udp
719 iasd            432/tcp
720 iasd            432/udp
721 nnsp            433/tcp
722 nnsp            433/udp
723 mobileip-agent  434/tcp
724 mobileip-agent  434/udp
725 mobilip-mn      435/tcp
726 mobilip-mn      435/udp
727 dna-cml         436/tcp
728 dna-cml         436/udp
729 comscm          437/tcp
730 comscm          437/udp
731 dsfgw           438/tcp
732 dsfgw           438/udp
733 dasp            439/tcp
734 dasp            439/udp
735 sgcp            440/tcp
736 sgcp            440/udp
737 decvms-sysmgt   441/tcp
738 decvms-sysmgt   441/udp
739 cvc_hostd       442/tcp
740 cvc_hostd       442/udp
741 https           443/tcp
742 https           443/udp
743 https           443/sctp
744 snpp            444/tcp    #Simple Network Paging Protocol
745 snpp            444/udp    #Simple Network Paging Protocol
746 #                          [RFC1568]
747 microsoft-ds    445/tcp
748 microsoft-ds    445/udp
749 ddm-rdb         446/tcp
750 ddm-rdb         446/udp
751 ddm-dfm         447/tcp
752 ddm-dfm         447/udp
753 ddm-ssl         448/tcp    ddm-byte
754 ddm-ssl         448/udp    ddm-byte
755 as-servermap    449/tcp    #AS Server Mapper
756 as-servermap    449/udp    #AS Server Mapper
757 tserver         450/tcp
758 tserver         450/udp
759 sfs-smp-net     451/tcp    #Cray Network Semaphore server
760 sfs-smp-net     451/udp    #Cray Network Semaphore server
761 sfs-config      452/tcp    #Cray SFS config server
762 sfs-config      452/udp    #Cray SFS config server
763 creativeserver  453/tcp    #CreativeServer
764 creativeserver  453/udp    #CreativeServer
765 contentserver   454/tcp    #ContentServer
766 contentserver   454/udp    #ContentServer
767 creativepartnr  455/tcp    #CreativePartnr
768 creativepartnr  455/udp    #CreativePartnr
769 macon-tcp       456/tcp
770 macon-udp       456/udp
771 scohelp         457/tcp
772 scohelp         457/udp
773 appleqtc        458/tcp    #apple quick time
774 appleqtc        458/udp    #apple quick time
775 ampr-rcmd       459/tcp
776 ampr-rcmd       459/udp
777 skronk          460/tcp
778 skronk          460/udp
779 datasurfsrv     461/tcp
780 datasurfsrv     461/udp
781 datasurfsrvsec  462/tcp
782 datasurfsrvsec  462/udp
783 alpes           463/tcp
784 alpes           463/udp
785 #
786 kpasswd         464/tcp kpasswd5   # Kerberos (v5)
787 kpasswd         464/udp kpasswd5   # Kerberos (v5)
788 #PROBLEMS!==============================================================
789 # IANA has officially assigned these two ports
790 smtps           465/tcp    #smtp protocol over TLS/SSL (was ssmtp)
791 smtps           465/udp    #smtp protocol over TLS/SSL (was ssmtp)
792 #PROBLEMS!==============================================================
793 urd             465/tcp    #URL Rendezvous Directory for SSM
794 submissions     465/tcp    #Message Submission over TLS
795 igmpv3lite      465/udp    #IGMP over UDP for SSM
796 digital-vrc     466/tcp
797 digital-vrc     466/udp
798 mylex-mapd      467/tcp
799 mylex-mapd      467/udp
800 photuris        468/tcp
801 photuris        468/udp
802 rcp             469/tcp    #Radio Control Protocol
803 rcp             469/udp    #Radio Control Protocol
804 scx-proxy       470/tcp
805 scx-proxy       470/udp
806 mondex          471/tcp
807 mondex          471/udp
808 ljk-login       472/tcp
809 ljk-login       472/udp
810 hybrid-pop      473/tcp
811 hybrid-pop      473/udp
812 tn-tl-w1        474/tcp
813 tn-tl-w2        474/udp
814 tcpnethaspsrv   475/tcp
815 tcpnethaspsrv   475/udp
816 tn-tl-fd1       476/tcp
817 tn-tl-fd1       476/udp
818 ss7ns           477/tcp
819 ss7ns           477/udp
820 spsc            478/tcp
821 spsc            478/udp
822 iafserver       479/tcp
823 iafserver       479/udp
824 iafdbase        480/tcp
825 iafdbase        480/udp
826 ph              481/tcp
827 ph              481/udp
828 bgs-nsi         482/tcp
829 bgs-nsi         482/udp
830 ulpnet          483/tcp
831 ulpnet          483/udp
832 integra-sme     484/tcp    #Integra Software Management Environment
833 integra-sme     484/udp    #Integra Software Management Environment
834 powerburst      485/tcp    #Air Soft Power Burst
835 powerburst      485/udp    #Air Soft Power Burst
836 avian           486/tcp
837 avian           486/udp
838 saft            487/tcp    #saft Simple Asynchronous File Transfer
839 saft            487/udp    #saft Simple Asynchronous File Transfer
840 gss-http        488/tcp
841 gss-http        488/udp
842 nest-protocol   489/tcp
843 nest-protocol   489/udp
844 micom-pfs       490/tcp
845 micom-pfs       490/udp
846 go-login        491/tcp
847 go-login        491/udp
848 ticf-1          492/tcp    #Transport Independent Convergence for FNA
849 ticf-1          492/udp    #Transport Independent Convergence for FNA
850 ticf-2          493/tcp    #Transport Independent Convergence for FNA
851 ticf-2          493/udp    #Transport Independent Convergence for FNA
852 pov-ray         494/tcp    #POV-Ray
853 pov-ray         494/udp    #POV-Ray
854 intecourier     495/tcp
855 intecourier     495/udp
856 pim-rp-disc     496/tcp
857 pim-rp-disc     496/udp
858 retrospect      497/tcp    #Retrospect backup and restore service
859 retrospect      497/udp    #Retrospect backup and restore service
860 siam            498/tcp
861 siam            498/udp
862 iso-ill         499/tcp    #ISO ILL Protocol
863 iso-ill         499/udp    #ISO ILL Protocol
864 isakmp          500/tcp
865 isakmp          500/udp
866 stmf            501/tcp
867 stmf            501/udp
868 mbap            502/tcp    # Modbus Application Protocol
869 mbap            502/udp    # Modbus Application Protocol
870 intrinsa        503/tcp
871 intrinsa        503/udp
872 citadel         504/tcp
873 citadel         504/udp
874 mailbox-lm      505/tcp
875 mailbox-lm      505/udp
876 ohimsrv         506/tcp
877 ohimsrv         506/udp
878 crs             507/tcp
879 crs             507/udp
880 xvttp           508/tcp
881 xvttp           508/udp
882 snare           509/tcp
883 snare           509/udp
884 fcp             510/tcp    #FirstClass Protocol
885 fcp             510/udp    #FirstClass Protocol
886 passgo          511/tcp
887 passgo          511/udp
888 #
889 # Berkeley-specific services
890 #
891 exec            512/tcp    #remote process execution;
892 #                          authentication performed using
893 #                          passwords and UNIX login names
894 biff            512/udp    comsat       #used by mail system to notify users
895 #                                       of new mail received; currently
896 #                                       receives messages only from
897 #                                       processes on the same machine
898 login           513/tcp    #remote login a la telnet;
899 #                          automatic authentication performed
900 #                          based on priviledged port numbers
901 #                          and distributed data bases which
902 #                          identify "authentication domains"
903 who             513/udp    whod         #maintains data bases showing who's
904 #                                       logged in to machines on a local
905 #                                       net and the load average of the
906 #                                       machine
907 shell           514/tcp    cmd          #like exec, but automatic
908 #                                       authentication is performed as for
909 #                                       login server
910 syslog          514/udp
911 printer         515/tcp    spooler
912 printer         515/udp    spooler
913 videotex        516/tcp
914 videotex        516/udp
915 talk            517/tcp    #like tenex link, but across
916 #                          machine - unfortunately, doesn't
917 #                          use link protocol (this is actually
918 #                          just a rendezvous port from which a
919 #                          tcp connection is established)
920 talk            517/udp    #like tenex link, but across
921 #                          machine - unfortunately, doesn't
922 #                          use link protocol (this is actually
923 #                          just a rendezvous port from which a
924 #                          tcp connection is established)
925 ntalk           518/tcp
926 ntalk           518/udp
927 utime           519/tcp    unixtime
928 utime           519/udp    unixtime
929 efs             520/tcp    #extended file name server
930 router          520/udp    route routed #local routing process (on site);
931 #                                          uses variant of Xerox NS routing
932 #                                          information protocol
933 ripng           521/tcp
934 ripng           521/udp
935 ulp             522/tcp
936 ulp             522/udp
937 ibm-db2         523/tcp
938 ibm-db2         523/udp
939 ncp             524/tcp
940 ncp             524/udp
941 timed           525/tcp    timeserver
942 timed           525/udp    timeserver
943 tempo           526/tcp    newdate
944 tempo           526/udp    newdate
945 stx             527/tcp    #Stock IXChange
946 stx             527/udp    #Stock IXChange
947 custix          528/tcp    #Customer IXChange
948 custix          528/udp    #Customer IXChange
949 irc-serv        529/tcp
950 irc-serv        529/udp
951 courier         530/tcp    rpc
952 courier         530/udp    rpc
953 conference      531/tcp    chat
954 conference      531/udp    chat
955 netnews         532/tcp    readnews
956 netnews         532/udp    readnews
957 netwall         533/tcp    #for emergency broadcasts
958 netwall         533/udp    #for emergency broadcasts
959 windream        534/tcp    #windream Admin
960 windream        534/udp    #windream Admin
961 iiop            535/tcp
962 iiop            535/udp
963 opalis-rdv      536/tcp
964 opalis-rdv      536/udp
965 nmsp            537/tcp    #Networked Media Streaming Protocol
966 nmsp            537/udp    #Networked Media Streaming Protocol
967 gdomap          538/tcp
968 gdomap          538/udp
969 apertus-ldp     539/tcp    #Apertus Technologies Load Determination
970 apertus-ldp     539/udp    #Apertus Technologies Load Determination
971 uucp            540/tcp    uucpd
972 uucp            540/udp    uucpd
973 uucp-rlogin     541/tcp
974 uucp-rlogin     541/udp
975 commerce        542/tcp
976 commerce        542/udp
977 klogin          543/tcp    # Kerberos (v4/v5)
978 klogin          543/udp    # Kerberos (v4/v5)
979 kshell          544/tcp    krcmd        # Kerberos (v4/v5)
980 kshell          544/udp    krcmd        # Kerberos (v4/v5)
981 appleqtcsrvr    545/tcp
982 appleqtcsrvr    545/udp
983 dhcpv6-client   546/tcp    #DHCPv6 Client
984 dhcpv6-client   546/udp    #DHCPv6 Client
985 dhcpv6-server   547/tcp    #DHCPv6 Server
986 dhcpv6-server   547/udp    #DHCPv6 Server
987 afpovertcp      548/tcp    #AFP over TCP
988 afpovertcp      548/udp    #AFP over TCP
989 idfp            549/tcp
990 idfp            549/udp
991 new-rwho        550/tcp    new-who
992 new-rwho        550/udp    new-who
993 cybercash       551/tcp
994 cybercash       551/udp
995 devshr-nts      552/tcp    deviceshare
996 devshr-nts      552/udp    deviceshare
997 pirp            553/tcp
998 pirp            553/udp
999 rtsp            554/tcp    #Real Time Stream Control Protocol
1000 rtsp            554/udp    #Real Time Stream Control Protocol
1001 dsf             555/tcp
1002 dsf             555/udp
1003 remotefs        556/tcp    rfs rfs_server       # Brunhoff remote filesystem
1004 remotefs        556/udp    rfs rfs_server       # Brunhoff remote filesystem
1005 openvms-sysipc  557/tcp
1006 openvms-sysipc  557/udp
1007 sdnskmp         558/tcp
1008 sdnskmp         558/udp
1009 teedtap         559/tcp
1010 teedtap         559/udp
1011 rmonitor        560/tcp    rmonitord
1012 rmonitor        560/udp    rmonitord
1013 monitor         561/tcp
1014 monitor         561/udp
1015 chshell         562/tcp    chcmd
1016 chshell         562/udp    chcmd
1017 nntps           563/tcp    snntp        #nntp protocol over TLS/SSL
1018 nntps           563/udp    snntp        #nntp protocol over TLS/SSL
1019 9pfs            564/tcp    #plan 9 file service
1020 9pfs            564/udp    #plan 9 file service
1021 whoami          565/tcp
1022 whoami          565/udp
1023 streettalk      566/tcp
1024 streettalk      566/udp
1025 banyan-rpc      567/tcp
1026 banyan-rpc      567/udp
1027 ms-shuttle      568/tcp    #Microsoft shuttle
1028 ms-shuttle      568/udp    #Microsoft shuttle
1029 ms-rome         569/tcp    #Microsoft rome
1030 ms-rome         569/udp    #Microsoft rome
1031 meter           570/tcp    #demon
1032 meter           570/udp    #demon
1033 umeter          571/tcp    #udemon
1034 umeter          571/udp    #udemon
1035 sonar           572/tcp
1036 sonar           572/udp
1037 banyan-vip      573/tcp
1038 banyan-vip      573/udp
1039 ftp-agent       574/tcp    #FTP Software Agent System
1040 ftp-agent       574/udp    #FTP Software Agent System
1041 vemmi           575/tcp
1042 vemmi           575/udp
1043 ipcd            576/tcp
1044 ipcd            576/udp
1045 vnas            577/tcp
1046 vnas            577/udp
1047 ipdd            578/tcp
1048 ipdd            578/udp
1049 decbsrv         579/tcp
1050 decbsrv         579/udp
1051 sntp-heartbeat  580/tcp
1052 sntp-heartbeat  580/udp
1053 bdp             581/tcp    #Bundle Discovery Protocol
1054 bdp             581/udp    #Bundle Discovery Protocol
1055 scc-security    582/tcp
1056 scc-security    582/udp
1057 philips-vc      583/tcp    #Philips Video-Conferencing
1058 philips-vc      583/udp    #Philips Video-Conferencing
1059 keyserver       584/tcp
1060 keyserver       584/udp
1061 password-chg    586/tcp
1062 password-chg    586/udp
1063 submission      587/tcp
1064 submission      587/udp
1065 cal             588/tcp
1066 cal             588/udp
1067 eyelink         589/tcp
1068 eyelink         589/udp
1069 tns-cml         590/tcp
1070 tns-cml         590/udp
1071 http-alt        591/tcp    #FileMaker, Inc. - HTTP Alternate (see Port 80)
1072 http-alt        591/udp    #FileMaker, Inc. - HTTP Alternate (see Port 80)
1073 eudora-set      592/tcp
1074 eudora-set      592/udp
1075 http-rpc-epmap  593/tcp    #HTTP RPC Ep Map
1076 http-rpc-epmap  593/udp    #HTTP RPC Ep Map
1077 tpip            594/tcp
1078 tpip            594/udp
1079 cab-protocol    595/tcp
1080 cab-protocol    595/udp
1081 smsd            596/tcp
1082 smsd            596/udp
1083 ptcnameservice  597/tcp    #PTC Name Service
1084 ptcnameservice  597/udp    #PTC Name Service
1085 sco-websrvrmg3  598/tcp    #SCO Web Server Manager 3
1086 sco-websrvrmg3  598/udp    #SCO Web Server Manager 3
1087 acp             599/tcp    #Aeolon Core Protocol
1088 acp             599/udp    #Aeolon Core Protocol
1089 ipcserver       600/tcp    #Sun IPC server
1090 ipcserver       600/udp    #Sun IPC server
1091 syslog-conn     601/tcp    #Reliable Syslog Service
1092 syslog-conn     601/udp    #Reliable Syslog Service
1093 xmlrpc-beep     602/tcp    #XML-RPC over BEEP
1094 xmlrpc-beep     602/udp    #XML-RPC over BEEP
1095 idxp            603/tcp
1096 idxp            603/udp
1097 tunnel          604/tcp
1098 tunnel          604/udp
1099 soap-beep       605/tcp    #SOAP over BEEP
1100 soap-beep       605/udp    #SOAP over BEEP
1101 urm             606/tcp    #Cray Unified Resource Manager
1102 urm             606/udp    #Cray Unified Resource Manager
1103 nqs             607/tcp
1104 nqs             607/udp
1105 sift-uft        608/tcp    #Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer
1106 sift-uft        608/udp    #Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer
1107 npmp-trap       609/tcp
1108 npmp-trap       609/udp
1109 npmp-local      610/tcp
1110 npmp-local      610/udp
1111 npmp-gui        611/tcp
1112 npmp-gui        611/udp
1113 hmmp-ind        612/tcp    #HMMP Indication
1114 hmmp-ind        612/udp    #HMMP Indication
1115 hmmp-op         613/tcp    #HMMP Operation
1116 hmmp-op         613/udp    #HMMP Operation
1117 sshell          614/tcp    #SSLshell
1118 sshell          614/udp
1119 sco-inetmgr     615/tcp    #Internet Configuration Manager
1120 sco-inetmgr     615/udp    #Internet Configuration Manager
1121 sco-sysmgr      616/tcp    #SCO System Administration Server
1122 sco-sysmgr      616/udp    #SCO System Administration Server
1123 sco-dtmgr       617/tcp    #SCO Desktop Administration Server
1124 sco-dtmgr       617/udp    #SCO Desktop Administration Server
1125 dei-icda        618/tcp
1126 dei-icda        618/udp
1127 compaq-evm      619/tcp    #Compaq EVM
1128 compaq-evm      619/udp    #Compaq EVM
1129 sco-websrvrmgr  620/tcp    #SCO WebServer Manager
1130 sco-websrvrmgr  620/udp    #SCO WebServer Manager
1131 escp-ip         621/tcp    #ESCP
1132 escp-ip         621/udp    #ESCP
1133 collaborator    622/tcp
1134 collaborator    622/udp
1135 asf-rmcp        623/tcp    #ASF Remote Management and Control Protocol
1136 asf-rmcp        623/udp    #ASF Remote Management and Control Protocol
1137 cryptoadmin     624/tcp    #Crypto Admin
1138 cryptoadmin     624/udp    #Crypto Admin
1139 dec-dlm         625/tcp    dec_dlm      #DEC DLM
1140 dec-dlm         625/udp    dec_dlm      #DEC DLM
1141 asia            626/tcp
1142 asia            626/udp
1143 passgo-tivoli   627/tcp    #PassGo Tivoli
1144 passgo-tivoli   627/udp    #PassGo Tivoli
1145 qmqp            628/tcp
1146 qmqp            628/udp
1147 3com-amp3       629/tcp    #3Com AMP3
1148 3com-amp3       629/udp    #3Com AMP3
1149 rda             630/tcp
1150 rda             630/udp
1151 ipp             631/tcp    ipps #IPP (Internet Printing Protocol)
1152 ipp             631/udp    ipps #IPP (Internet Printing Protocol)
1153 bmpp            632/tcp
1154 bmpp            632/udp
1155 servstat        633/tcp    #Service Status update (Sterling Software)
1156 servstat        633/udp    #Service Status update (Sterling Software)
1157 ginad           634/tcp
1158 ginad           634/udp
1159 rlzdbase        635/tcp    #RLZ DBase
1160 rlzdbase        635/udp    #RLZ DBase
1161 ldaps           636/tcp    sldap        #ldap protocol over TLS/SSL
1162 ldaps           636/udp    sldap
1163 lanserver       637/tcp
1164 lanserver       637/udp
1165 mcns-sec        638/tcp
1166 mcns-sec        638/udp
1167 msdp            639/tcp
1168 msdp            639/udp
1169 entrust-sps     640/tcp
1170 entrust-sps     640/udp
1171 repcmd          641/tcp
1172 repcmd          641/udp
1173 esro-emsdp      642/tcp    #ESRO-EMSDP V1.3
1174 esro-emsdp      642/udp    #ESRO-EMSDP V1.3
1175 sanity          643/tcp    #SANity
1176 sanity          643/udp    #SANity
1177 dwr             644/tcp
1178 dwr             644/udp
1179 pssc            645/tcp
1180 pssc            645/udp
1181 ldp             646/tcp
1182 ldp             646/udp
1183 dhcp-failover   647/tcp    #DHCP Failover
1184 dhcp-failover   647/udp    #DHCP Failover
1185 rrp             648/tcp    #Registry Registrar Protocol (RRP)
1186 rrp             648/udp    #Registry Registrar Protocol (RRP)
1187 cadview-3d      649/tcp    #Cadview-3d - streaming 3d models over the internet
1188 cadview-3d      649/udp    #Cadview-3d - streaming 3d models over the internet
1189 obex            650/tcp
1190 obex            650/udp
1191 ieee-mms        651/tcp    #IEEE MMS
1192 ieee-mms        651/udp    #IEEE MMS
1193 hello-port      652/tcp
1194 hello-port      652/udp
1195 repscmd         653/tcp
1196 repscmd         653/udp
1197 aodv            654/tcp    #Ad-Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol
1198 aodv            654/udp    #Ad-Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol
1199 tinc            655/tcp
1200 tinc            655/udp
1201 spmp            656/tcp
1202 spmp            656/udp
1203 rmc             657/tcp
1204 rmc             657/udp
1205 tenfold         658/tcp
1206 tenfold         658/udp
1207 mac-srvr-admin  660/tcp    #MacOS Server Admin
1208 mac-srvr-admin  660/udp    #MacOS Server Admin
1209 hap             661/tcp
1210 hap             661/udp
1211 pftp            662/tcp
1212 pftp            662/udp
1213 purenoise       663/tcp    #PureNoise
1214 purenoise       663/udp    #PureNoise
1215 asf-secure-rmcp 664/tcp    #ASF Secure Remote Management and Control Protocol
1216 asf-secure-rmcp 664/udp    #ASF Secure Remote Management and Control Protocol
1217 sun-dr          665/tcp    #Sun DR
1218 sun-dr          665/udp    #Sun DR
1219 mdqs            666/tcp
1220 mdqs            666/udp
1221 #PROBLEMS!===============================================
1222 doom            666/tcp    #doom Id Software
1223 doom            666/udp    #doom Id Software
1224 #PROBLEMS!===============================================
1225 disclose        667/tcp    #campaign contribution disclosures - SDR Technologies
1226 disclose        667/udp    #campaign contribution disclosures - SDR Technologies
1227 mecomm          668/tcp
1228 mecomm          668/udp
1229 meregister      669/tcp
1230 meregister      669/udp
1231 vacdsm-sws      670/tcp
1232 vacdsm-sws      670/udp
1233 vacdsm-app      671/tcp
1234 vacdsm-app      671/udp
1235 vpps-qua        672/tcp
1236 vpps-qua        672/udp
1237 cimplex         673/tcp
1238 cimplex         673/udp
1239 acap            674/tcp    #Application Configuration Access Protocol
1240 acap            674/udp    #Application Configuration Access Protocol
1241 dctp            675/tcp
1242 dctp            675/udp
1243 vpps-via        676/tcp    #VPPS Via
1244 vpps-via        676/udp    #VPPS Via
1245 vpp             677/tcp    #Virtual Presence Protocol
1246 vpp             677/udp    #Virtual Presence Protocol
1247 ggf-ncp         678/tcp    #GNU Generation Foundation NCP
1248 ggf-ncp         678/udp    #GNU Generation Foundation NCP
1249 mrm             679/tcp
1250 mrm             679/udp
1251 entrust-aaas    680/tcp
1252 entrust-aaas    680/udp
1253 entrust-aams    681/tcp
1254 entrust-aams    681/udp
1255 xfr             682/tcp
1256 xfr             682/udp
1257 corba-iiop      683/tcp    #CORBA IIOP
1258 corba-iiop      683/udp    #CORBA IIOP
1259 corba-iiop-ssl  684/tcp    #CORBA IIOP SSL
1260 corba-iiop-ssl  684/udp    #CORBA IIOP SSL
1261 mdc-portmapper  685/tcp    #MDC Port Mapper
1262 mdc-portmapper  685/udp    #MDC Port Mapper
1263 hcp-wismar      686/tcp    #Hardware Control Protocol Wismar
1264 hcp-wismar      686/udp    #Hardware Control Protocol Wismar
1265 asipregistry    687/tcp
1266 asipregistry    687/udp
1267 realm-rusd      688/tcp    #ApplianceWare management protocol
1268 realm-rusd      688/udp    #ApplianceWare management protocol
1269 nmap            689/tcp
1270 nmap            689/udp
1271 vatp            690/tcp    #Velazquez Application Transfer Protocol
1272 vatp            690/udp    #Velazquez Application Transfer Protocol
1273 msexch-routing  691/tcp    #MS Exchange Routing
1274 msexch-routing  691/udp    #MS Exchange Routing
1275 hyperwave-isp   692/tcp    #Hyperwave-ISP
1276 hyperwave-isp   692/udp    #Hyperwave-ISP
1277 connendp        693/tcp
1278 connendp        693/udp
1279 ha-cluster      694/tcp
1280 ha-cluster      694/udp
1281 ieee-mms-ssl    695/tcp
1282 ieee-mms-ssl    695/udp
1283 rushd           696/tcp
1284 rushd           696/udp
1285 uuidgen         697/tcp
1286 uuidgen         697/udp
1287 olsr            698/tcp
1288 olsr            698/udp
1289 accessnetwork   699/tcp    #Access Network
1290 accessnetwork   699/udp    #Access Network
1291 epp             700/tcp    #Extensible Provisioning Protocol
1292 epp             700/udp    #Extensible Provisioning Protocol
1293 lmp             701/tcp    #Link Management Protocol (LMP)
1294 lmp             701/udp    #Link Management Protocol (LMP)
1295 iris-beep       702/tcp    #IRIS over BEEP
1296 iris-beep       702/udp    #IRIS over BEEP
1297 elcsd           704/tcp    #errlog copy/server daemon
1298 elcsd           704/udp    #errlog copy/server daemon
1299 agentx          705/tcp    #AgentX
1300 agentx          705/udp    #AgentX
1301 silc            706/tcp
1302 silc            706/udp
1303 borland-dsj     707/tcp    #Borland DSJ
1304 borland-dsj     707/udp    #Borland DSJ
1305 entrustmanager  709/tcp    #EntrustManager
1306 entrustmanager  709/udp    #EntrustManager
1307 entrust-ash     710/tcp    #Entrust Administration Service Handler
1308 entrust-ash     710/udp    #Entrust Administration Service Handler
1309 cisco-tdp       711/tcp    #Cisco TDP
1310 cisco-tdp       711/udp    #Cisco TDP
1311 tbrpf           712/tcp
1312 tbrpf           712/udp
1313 iris-xpc        713/tcp    #IRIS over XPC
1314 iris-xpc        713/udp    #IRIS over XPC
1315 iris-xpcs       714/tcp    #IRIS over XPCS
1316 iris-xpcs       714/udp    #IRIS over XPCS
1317 iris-lwz        715/tcp
1318 iris-lwz        715/udp
1319 pana            716/udp    #PANA Messages
1320 #               717-728    #unassigned
1321 netviewdm1      729/tcp    #IBM NetView DM/6000 Server/Client
1322 netviewdm1      729/udp    #IBM NetView DM/6000 Server/Client
1323 netviewdm2      730/tcp    #IBM NetView DM/6000 send/tcp
1324 netviewdm2      730/udp    #IBM NetView DM/6000 send/tcp
1325 netviewdm3      731/tcp    #IBM NetView DM/6000 receive/tcp
1326 netviewdm3      731/udp    #IBM NetView DM/6000 receive/tcp
1327 #               732-740    #unassigned
1328 netgw           741/tcp    #netGW
1329 netgw           741/udp    #netGW
1330 netrcs          742/tcp    #Network based Rev. Cont. Sys.
1331 netrcs          742/udp    #Network based Rev. Cont. Sys.
1332 flexlm          744/tcp    #Flexible License Manager
1333 flexlm          744/udp    #Flexible License Manager
1334 fujitsu-dev     747/tcp    #Fujitsu Device Control
1335 fujitsu-dev     747/udp    #Fujitsu Device Control
1336 ris-cm          748/tcp    #Russell Info Sci Calendar Manager
1337 ris-cm          748/udp    #Russell Info Sci Calendar Manager
1338 kerberos-adm    749/tcp    #Kerberos administration (v5)
1339 kerberos-adm    749/udp    #Kerberos administration (v5)
1340 rfile           750/tcp
1341 loadav          750/udp
1342 kerberos-iv     750/udp    kdc          # Kerberos (v4)
1343 pump            751/tcp
1344 pump            751/udp
1345 qrh             752/tcp
1346 qrh             752/udp
1347 rrh             753/tcp
1348 rrh             753/udp
1349 krb_prop        754/tcp    krb5_prop    # kerberos/v5 server propagation
1350 #PROBLEMS!========================================================
1351 tell            754/tcp    #send
1352 #PROBLEMS!========================================================
1353 tell            754/udp    #send
1354 #               755-757    #unassigned
1355 nlogin          758/tcp
1356 nlogin          758/udp
1357 con             759/tcp
1358 con             759/udp
1359 ns              760/tcp
1360 ns              760/udp
1361 rxe             761/tcp
1362 rxe             761/udp
1363 quotad          762/tcp
1364 quotad          762/udp
1365 cycleserv       763/tcp
1366 cycleserv       763/udp
1367 omserv          764/tcp
1368 omserv          764/udp
1369 webster         765/tcp
1370 webster         765/udp
1371 phonebook       767/tcp    #phone
1372 phonebook       767/udp    #phone
1373 vid             769/tcp
1374 vid             769/udp
1375 cadlock         770/tcp
1376 cadlock         770/udp
1377 rtip            771/tcp
1378 rtip            771/udp
1379 cycleserv2      772/tcp
1380 cycleserv2      772/udp
1381 submit          773/tcp
1382 notify          773/udp
1383 rpasswd         774/tcp
1384 acmaint-dbd     774/udp    acmaint_dbd
1385 entomb          775/tcp
1386 acmaint-transd  775/udp    acmaint_transd
1387 wpages          776/tcp
1388 wpages          776/udp
1389 multiling-http  777/tcp    #Multiling HTTP
1390 multiling-http  777/udp    #Multiling HTTP
1391 wpgs            780/tcp
1392 wpgs            780/udp
1393 mdbs-daemon     800/tcp    mdbs_daemon
1394 mdbs-daemon     800/udp    mdbs_daemon
1395 device          801/tcp
1396 device          801/udp
1397 mbap-s          802/tcp    # Modbus Application Protocol Secure
1398 mbap-s          802/udp    # Modbus Application Protocol Secure
1399 fcp-udp         810/tcp    #FCP
1400 fcp-udp         810/udp    #FCP Datagram
1401 itm-mcell-s     828/tcp
1402 itm-mcell-s     828/udp
1403 pkix-3-ca-ra    829/tcp    #PKIX-3 CA/RA
1404 pkix-3-ca-ra    829/udp    #PKIX-3 CA/RA
1405 netconf-ssh     830/tcp    #NETCONF over SSH
1406 netconf-ssh     830/udp    #NETCONF over SSH
1407 netconf-beep    831/tcp    #NETCONF over BEEP
1408 netconf-beep    831/udp    #NETCONF over BEEP
1409 netconfsoaphttp 832/tcp    #NETCONF for SOAP over HTTPS
1410 netconfsoaphttp 832/udp    #NETCONF for SOAP over HTTPS
1411 netconfsoapbeep 833/tcp    #NETCONF for SOAP over BEEP
1412 netconfsoapbeep 833/udp    #NETCONF for SOAP over BEEP
1413 dhcp-failover2  847/tcp    #dhcp-failover 2
1414 dhcp-failover2  847/udp    #dhcp-failover 2
1415 gdoi            848/tcp
1416 gdoi            848/udp
1417 #               849-852    #unassigned
1418 domain-s        853/tcp    #DNS query-response protocol
1419 domain-s        853/udp    #DNS query-response protocol
1420 #               855-859    #unassigned
1421 iscsi           860/tcp
1422 iscsi           860/udp
1423 owamp-control   861/tcp
1424 owamp-control   861/udp
1425 twamp-control   862/tcp
1426 twamp-control   862/udp
1427 #               863-872    #unassigned
1428 supfilesrv      871/tcp    # for SUP
1429 rsync           873/tcp
1430 rsync           873/udp
1431 iclcnet-locate  886/tcp    #ICL coNETion locate server
1432 iclcnet-locate  886/udp    #ICL coNETion locate server
1433 iclcnet_svinfo  887/tcp    #ICL coNETion server info
1434 iclcnet_svinfo  887/udp    #ICL coNETion server info
1435 accessbuilder   888/tcp
1436 accessbuilder   888/udp
1437 omginitialrefs  900/tcp    #OMG Initial Refs
1438 omginitialrefs  900/udp    #OMG Initial Refs
1439 swat            901/tcp    # samba web configuration tool
1440 smpnameres      901/tcp
1441 smpnameres      901/udp
1442 ideafarm-chat   902/tcp
1443 ideafarm-chat   902/udp
1444 ideafarm-catch  903/tcp
1445 ideafarm-catch  903/udp
1446 kink            910/tcp    #Kerberized Internet Negotiation of Keys (KINK)
1447 kink            910/udp    #Kerberized Internet Negotiation of Keys (KINK)
1448 xact-backup     911/tcp
1449 xact-backup     911/udp
1450 apex-mesh       912/tcp    #APEX relay-relay service
1451 apex-mesh       912/udp    #APEX relay-relay service
1452 apex-edge       913/tcp    #APEX endpoint-relay service
1453 apex-edge       913/udp    #APEX endpoint-relay service
1454 rndc            953/tcp    # named's rndc control socket
1455 ftps-data       989/tcp    # ftp protocol, data, over TLS/SSL
1456 ftps-data       989/udp
1457 ftps            990/tcp    # ftp protocol, control, over TLS/SSL
1458 ftps            990/udp
1459 nas             991/tcp    #Netnews Administration System
1460 nas             991/udp    #Netnews Administration System
1461 telnets         992/tcp    # telnet protocol over TLS/SSL
1462 telnets         992/udp
1463 imaps           993/tcp    # imap4 protocol over TLS/SSL
1464 imaps           993/udp
1465 ircs            994/tcp    # irc protocol over TLS/SSL
1466 ircs            994/udp
1467 pop3s           995/tcp    spop3        # pop3 protocol over TLS/SSL
1468 pop3s           995/udp    spop3
1469 vsinet          996/tcp
1470 vsinet          996/udp
1471 maitrd          997/tcp
1472 maitrd          997/udp
1473 busboy          998/tcp
1474 puparp          998/udp
1475 garcon          999/tcp
1476 applix          999/udp    #Applix ac
1477 puprouter       999/tcp
1478 puprouter       999/udp
1479 cadlock2        1000/tcp
1480 cadlock2        1000/udp
1481 webpush         1001/tcp   #HTTP Web Push
1482 surf            1010/tcp
1483 surf            1010/udp
1484 exp1            1021/tcp   #RFC3692-style Experiment 1 (*)    [RFC4727]
1485 exp1            1021/udp   #RFC3692-style Experiment 1 (*)    [RFC4727]
1486 exp1            1021/sctp  #RFC3692-style Experiment 1 (*)    [RFC4727]
1487 exp2            1022/tcp   #RFC3692-style Experiment 2 (*)    [RFC4727]
1488 exp2            1022/udp   #RFC3692-style Experiment 2 (*)    [RFC4727]
1489 exp2            1022/sctp  #RFC3692-style Experiment 2 (*)    [RFC4727]
1490 #
1492 #
1493 blackjack       1025/tcp   #network blackjack
1494 blackjack       1025/udp   #network blackjack
1495 cap             1026/tcp   #Calendar Access Protocol
1496 cap             1026/udp   #Calendar Access Protocol
1497 6a44            1027/udp   #IPv6 Behind NAT44 CPEs
1498 boinc-client    1043/tcp   #BOINC Client Control
1499 boinc-client    1043/udp   #BOINC Client Control
1500 nim             1058/tcp
1501 nim             1058/udp
1502 nimreg          1059/tcp
1503 nimreg          1059/udp
1504 instl-boots     1067/tcp   instl_boots  #Installation Bootstrap Proto. Serv.
1505 instl-boots     1067/udp   instl_boots  #Installation Bootstrap Proto. Serv.
1506 instl-bootc     1068/tcp   instl_bootc  #Installation Bootstrap Proto. Cli.
1507 instl-bootc     1068/udp   instl_bootc  #Installation Bootstrap Proto. Cli.
1508 socks           1080/tcp
1509 socks           1080/udp
1510 webobjects      1085/tcp   #Web Objects
1511 webobjects      1085/udp   #Web Objects
1512 ff-annunc       1089/tcp   #FF Annunciation 
1513 ff-annunc       1089/udp   #FF Annunciation 
1514 ff-fms          1090/tcp   #FF Fieldbus Message Specification 
1515 ff-fms          1090/udp   #FF Fieldbus Message Specification
1516 ff-sm           1091/tcp   #FF System Management
1517 ff-sm           1091/udp   #FF System Management
1518 cnrprotocol     1096/tcp   #Common Name Resolution Protocol
1519 cnrprotocol     1096/udp   #Common Name Resolution Protocol
1520 rmiactivation   1098/tcp   #RMI Activation
1521 rmiactivation   1098/udp   #RMI Activation
1522 rmiregistry     1099/tcp   #RMI Registry
1523 rmiregistry     1099/udp   #RMI Registry
1524 mctp            1100/tcp   #MCTP 
1525 mctp            1100/udp   #MCTP
1526 kpop            1109/tcp   #Unofficial
1527 kpop            1109/udp   #Unofficial
1528 nfsd-status     1110/tcp   #Cluster status info
1529 nfsd-keepalive  1110/udp   #Client status info
1530 supfiledbg      1127/tcp   # for SUP
1531 c1222-acse      1153/tcp   #ANSI C12.22 Port
1532 c1222-acse      1153/udp   #ANSI C12.22 Port
1533 nfa             1155/tcp   #Network File Access
1534 nfa             1155/udp   #Network File Access
1535 cisco-ipsla     1167/tcp   #Cisco IP SLAs Control Protocol
1536 cisco-ipsla     1167/udp   #Cisco IP SLAs Control Protocol
1537 cisco-ipsla     1167/sctp  #Cisco IP SLAs Control Protocol
1538 tripwire        1169/tcp   #TRIPWIRE
1539 tripwire        1169/udp   #TRIPWIRE
1540 skkserv         1178/tcp   #SKK (kanji input)
1541 mysql-cluster   1186/tcp   #MySQL Cluster Manager
1542 mysql-cluster   1186/udp   #MySQL Cluster Manager
1543 openvpn         1194/tcp   #OpenVPN
1544 openvpn         1194/udp   #OpenVPN
1545 rsf-1           1195/tcp   #RSF-1 clustering
1546 rsf-1           1195/udp   #RSF-1 clustering
1547 qt-serveradmin  1220/tcp   #QT SERVER ADMIN
1548 qt-serveradmin  1220/udp   #QT SERVER ADMIN
1549 healthd         1281/tcp   #healthd
1550 healthd         1281/udp   #healthd
1551 pkt-krb-ipsec   1293/tcp   #PKT-KRB-IPSec
1552 pkt-krb-ipsec   1293/udp   #PKT-KRB-IPSec
1553 h323hostcallsc  1300/tcp   #H323 Host Call Secure
1554 h323hostcallsc  1300/udp   #H323 Host Call Secure
1555 jtag-server     1309/tcp   #JTAG server
1556 jtag-server     1309/udp   #JTAG server
1557 hkrb5gatekeeper 1318/tcp   #krb5gatekeeper
1558 krb5gatekeeper  1318/udp   #krb5gatekeeper
1559 netdb-export    1329/tcp   #netdb-export
1560 netdb-export    1329/udp   #netdb-export
1561 digital-notary  1335/tcp   #Digital Notary Protocol
1562 digital-notary  1335/udp   #Digital Notary Protocol
1563 icap            1344/tcp   #ICAP
1564 icap            1344/udp   #ICAP
1565 ms-sql-s        1433/tcp   #Microsoft-SQL-Server
1566 ms-sql-s        1433/udp   #Microsoft-SQL-Server
1567 ms-sql-m        1434/tcp   #Microsoft-SQL-Monitor
1568 ms-sql-m        1434/udp   #Microsoft-SQL-Monitor
1569 ingreslock      1524/tcp   #ingres
1570 ingreslock      1524/udp   #ingres
1571 #PROBLEMS!========================================================
1572 orasrv          1525/tcp   #oracle
1573 orasrv          1525/udp   #oracle
1574 #PROBLEMS!========================================================
1575 prospero-np     1525/tcp   #Prospero Directory Service non-priv
1576 prospero-np     1525/udp   #Prospero Directory Service non-priv
1577 pdap-np         1526/tcp   #Prospero Data Access Prot non-priv
1578 pdap-np         1526/udp   #Prospero Data Access Prot non-priv
1579 tlisrv          1527/tcp   #oracle
1580 tlisrv          1527/udp   #oracle
1581 pciarray        1552/tcp
1582 pciarray        1552/udp
1583 issd            1600/tcp
1584 issd            1600/udp
1585 # IMPORTANT NOTE: Ports 1645/1646 are the traditional radius ports used by
1586 # many vendors without obtaining official IANA assignment.  The official
1587 # assignment is now ports 1812/1813 and users are encouraged to migrate
1588 # when possible to these new ports.
1589 #radius         1645/udp   #RADIUS authentication protocol (old)
1590 #radacct        1646/udp   #RADIUS accounting protocol (old)
1591 nkd             1650/tcp
1592 nkd             1650/udp
1593 shiva_confsrvr  1651/tcp
1594 shiva_confsrvr  1651/udp
1595 xnmp            1652/tcp
1596 xnmp            1652/udp
1597 l2f             1701/tcp   #l2f
1598 l2f             1701/udp   #l2f
1599 l2tp            1701/tcp   #Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol
1600 l2tp            1701/udp   #Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol
1601 pptp            1723/tcp   #Point-to-point tunnelling protocol
1602 # IMPORTANT NOTE: See comments for ports 1645/1646 when using older equipment
1603 radius          1812/udp   #RADIUS authentication protocol (IANA sanctioned)
1604 radacct         1813/udp   #RADIUS accounting protocol (IANA sanctioned)
1605 ssdp            1900/tcp   #Selective Service Discovery Protocol (UPnP)
1606 ssdp            1900/udp   #Selective Service Discovery Protocol (UPnP)
1607 licensedaemon   1986/tcp   #cisco license management
1608 licensedaemon   1986/udp   #cisco license management
1609 tr-rsrb-p1      1987/tcp   #cisco RSRB Priority 1 port
1610 tr-rsrb-p1      1987/udp   #cisco RSRB Priority 1 port
1611 tr-rsrb-p2      1988/tcp   #cisco RSRB Priority 2 port
1612 tr-rsrb-p2      1988/udp   #cisco RSRB Priority 2 port
1613 tr-rsrb-p3      1989/tcp   #cisco RSRB Priority 3 port
1614 tr-rsrb-p3      1989/udp   #cisco RSRB Priority 3 port
1615 #PROBLEMS!===================================================
1616 mshnet          1989/tcp   #MHSnet system
1617 mshnet          1989/udp   #MHSnet system
1618 #PROBLEMS!===================================================
1619 stun-p1         1990/tcp   #cisco STUN Priority 1 port
1620 stun-p1         1990/udp   #cisco STUN Priority 1 port
1621 stun-p2         1991/tcp   #cisco STUN Priority 2 port
1622 stun-p2         1991/udp   #cisco STUN Priority 2 port
1623 stun-p3         1992/tcp   #cisco STUN Priority 3 port
1624 stun-p3         1992/udp   #cisco STUN Priority 3 port
1625 #PROBLEMS!===================================================
1626 ipsendmsg       1992/tcp
1627 ipsendmsg       1992/udp
1628 #PROBLEMS!===================================================
1629 snmp-tcp-port   1993/tcp   #cisco SNMP TCP port
1630 snmp-tcp-port   1993/udp   #cisco SNMP TCP port
1631 stun-port       1994/tcp   #cisco serial tunnel port
1632 stun-port       1994/udp   #cisco serial tunnel port
1633 perf-port       1995/tcp   #cisco perf port
1634 perf-port       1995/udp   #cisco perf port
1635 tr-rsrb-port    1996/tcp   #cisco Remote SRB port
1636 tr-rsrb-port    1996/udp   #cisco Remote SRB port
1637 gdp-port        1997/tcp   #cisco Gateway Discovery Protocol
1638 gdp-port        1997/udp   #cisco Gateway Discovery Protocol
1639 x25-svc-port    1998/tcp   #cisco X.25 service (XOT)
1640 x25-svc-port    1998/udp   #cisco X.25 service (XOT)
1641 tcp-id-port     1999/tcp   #cisco identification port
1642 tcp-id-port     1999/udp   #cisco identification port
1643 callbook        2000/tcp
1644 callbook        2000/udp
1645 dc              2001/tcp
1646 wizard          2001/udp   #curry
1647 globe           2002/tcp
1648 globe           2002/udp
1649 cfingerd        2003/tcp   #GNU finger
1650 mailbox         2004/tcp
1651 emce            2004/udp   #CCWS mm conf
1652 berknet         2005/tcp
1653 oracle          2005/udp
1654 invokator       2006/tcp
1655 raid-cc         2006/udp   #raid
1656 dectalk         2007/tcp
1657 raid-am         2007/udp
1658 conf            2008/tcp
1659 terminaldb      2008/udp
1660 news            2009/tcp
1661 whosockami      2009/udp
1662 search          2010/tcp
1663 pipe_server     2010/udp
1664 raid-cc         2011/tcp   #raid
1665 servserv        2011/udp
1666 ttyinfo         2012/tcp
1667 raid-ac         2012/udp
1668 raid-am         2013/tcp
1669 raid-cd         2013/udp
1670 troff           2014/tcp
1671 raid-sf         2014/udp
1672 cypress         2015/tcp
1673 raid-cs         2015/udp
1674 bootserver      2016/tcp
1675 bootserver      2016/udp
1676 cypress-stat    2017/tcp
1677 bootclient      2017/udp
1678 terminaldb      2018/tcp
1679 rellpack        2018/udp
1680 whosockami      2019/tcp
1681 about           2019/udp
1682 xinupageserver  2020/tcp
1683 xinupageserver  2020/udp
1684 servexec        2021/tcp
1685 xinuexpansion1  2021/udp
1686 down            2022/tcp
1687 xinuexpansion2  2022/udp
1688 xinuexpansion3  2023/tcp
1689 xinuexpansion3  2023/udp
1690 xinuexpansion4  2024/tcp
1691 xinuexpansion4  2024/udp
1692 ellpack         2025/tcp
1693 xribs           2025/udp
1694 scrabble        2026/tcp
1695 scrabble        2026/udp
1696 shadowserver    2027/tcp
1697 shadowserver    2027/udp
1698 submitserver    2028/tcp
1699 submitserver    2028/udp
1700 device2         2030/tcp
1701 device2         2030/udp
1702 blackboard      2032/tcp
1703 blackboard      2032/udp
1704 glogger         2033/tcp
1705 glogger         2033/udp
1706 scoremgr        2034/tcp
1707 scoremgr        2034/udp
1708 imsldoc         2035/tcp
1709 imsldoc         2035/udp
1710 objectmanager   2038/tcp
1711 objectmanager   2038/udp
1712 lam             2040/tcp
1713 lam             2040/udp
1714 interbase       2041/tcp
1715 interbase       2041/udp
1716 isis            2042/tcp
1717 isis            2042/udp
1718 isis-bcast      2043/tcp
1719 isis-bcast      2043/udp
1720 rimsl           2044/tcp
1721 rimsl           2044/udp
1722 cdfunc          2045/tcp
1723 cdfunc          2045/udp
1724 sdfunc          2046/tcp
1725 sdfunc          2046/udp
1726 #dls            2047/tcp
1727 #dls            2047/udp
1728 dls-monitor     2048/tcp
1729 dls-monitor     2048/udp
1730 nfsd            2049/sctp  nfs          # NFS server daemon
1731 nfsd            2049/tcp   nfs          # NFS server daemon
1732 nfsd            2049/udp   nfs          # NFS server daemon
1733 #PROBLEMS!=============================================================
1734 #shilp          2049/tcp
1735 #shilp          2049/udp
1736 #PROBLEMS!=============================================================
1737 dlsrpn          2065/tcp   #Data Link Switch Read Port Number
1738 dlsrpn          2065/udp   #Data Link Switch Read Port Number
1739 dlswpn          2067/tcp   #Data Link Switch Write Port Number
1740 dlswpn          2067/udp   #Data Link Switch Write Port Number
1741 zephyr-clt      2103/udp   #Zephyr serv-hm connection
1742 zephyr-hm       2104/udp   #Zephyr hostmanager
1743 #PROBLEMS!=============================================================
1744 #zephyr-hm-srv  2105/udp   #Zephyr hm-serv connection
1745 #PROBLEMS!=============================================================
1746 eklogin         2105/tcp   #Kerberos (v4) encrypted rlogin
1747 eklogin         2105/udp   #Kerberos (v4) encrypted rlogin
1748 ekshell         2106/tcp   #Kerberos (v4) encrypted rshell
1749 ekshell         2106/udp   #Kerberos (v4) encrypted rshell
1750 rkinit          2108/tcp   #Kerberos (v4) remote initialization
1751 rkinit          2108/udp   #Kerberos (v4) remote initialization
1752 ats             2201/tcp   #Advanced Training System Program
1753 ats             2201/udp   #Advanced Training System Program
1754 hpssd           2207/tcp   #HP Status and Services
1755 hpssd           2207/udp   #HP Status and Services
1756 hpiod           2208/tcp   #HP I/O Backend
1757 hpiod           2208/udp   #HP I/O Backend
1758 rcip-itu        2225/sctp  #Resource Connection Initiation Protocol
1759 rcip-itu        2225/tcp   #Resource Connection Initiation Protocol
1760 ivs-video       2232/tcp   #IVS Video default
1761 ivs-video       2232/udp   #IVS Video default
1762 ivsd            2241/tcp   #IVS Daemon
1763 ivsd            2241/udp   #IVS Daemon
1764 pehelp          2307/tcp
1765 pehelp          2307/udp
1766 cvspserver      2401/tcp   #CVS network server
1767 cvspserver      2401/udp   #CVS network server
1768 venus           2430/tcp   #venus
1769 venus           2430/udp   #venus
1770 venus-se        2431/tcp   #venus-se
1771 venus-se        2431/udp   #venus-se
1772 codasrv         2432/tcp   #codasrv
1773 codasrv         2432/udp   #codasrv
1774 codasrv-se      2433/tcp   #codasrv-se
1775 codasrv-se      2433/udp   #codasrv-se
1776 rtsserv         2500/tcp   #Resource Tracking system server
1777 rtsserv         2500/udp   #Resource Tracking system server
1778 rtsclient       2501/tcp   #Resource Tracking system client
1779 rtsclient       2501/udp   #Resource Tracking system client
1780 hp-3000-telnet  2564/tcp   #HP 3000 NS/VT block mode telnet
1781 zebrasrv        2600/tcp   #zebra service
1782 zebra           2601/tcp   #zebra vty
1783 ripd            2602/tcp   #RIPd vty
1784 ripngd          2603/tcp   #RIPngd vty
1785 ospfd           2604/tcp   #OSPFd vty
1786 bgpd            2605/tcp   #BGPd vty
1787 ospf6d          2606/tcp   #OSPF6d vty
1788 dict            2628/tcp   #RFC 2229
1789 dict            2628/udp   #RFC 2229
1790 listen          2766/tcp   #System V listener port
1791 smpp            2775/tcp   #SMPP
1792 smpp            2775/udp   #SMPP
1793 www-dev         2784/tcp   #world wide web - development
1794 www-dev         2784/udp   #world wide web - development
1795 m2ua            2904/sctp  #M2UA
1796 m2ua            2904/tcp   #M2UA
1797 m2ua            2904/udp   #M2UA
1798 m3ua            2905/sctp  #M3UA
1799 m3ua            2905/tcp   #M3UA
1800 megaco-h248     2944/tcp   #Megaco H-248
1801 megaco-h248     2944/udp   #Megaco H-248
1802 megaco-h248     2944/sctp  #Megaco-H.248 text
1803 h248-binary     2945/tcp   #H248 Binary
1804 h248-binary     2945/udp   #H248 Binary
1805 h248-binary     2945/sctp  #Megaco/H.248 binary
1806 eppc            3031/tcp   #Remote AppleEvents/PPC Toolbox
1807 eppc            3031/udp   #Remote AppleEvents/PPC Toolbox
1808 NSWS            3049/tcp
1809 NSWS            3049/udp
1810 gds_db          3050/tcp   #InterBase Database Remote Protocol
1811 gds_db          3050/udp   #InterBase Database Remote Protocol
1812 sj3             3086/tcp   #SJ3 (kanji input)
1813 itu-bicc-stc    3097/sctp  #ITU-T Q.1902.1/Q.2150.3
1814 vmodem          3141/tcp
1815 vmodem          3141/udp
1816 iscsi-target    3260/tcp   # iSCSI port
1817 iscsi-target    3260/udp   # iSCSI port
1818 ccmail          3264/tcp   #cc:mail/lotus
1819 ccmail          3264/udp   #cc:mail/lotus
1820 mysql           3306/tcp   #MySQL
1821 mysql           3306/udp   #MySQL
1822 dec-notes       3333/tcp   #DEC Notes
1823 dec-notes       3333/udp   #DEC Notes
1824 rdp             3389/tcp   #Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol
1825 bmap            3421/tcp   #Bull Apprise portmapper
1826 bmap            3421/udp   #Bull Apprise portmapper
1827 prsvp           3455/tcp   #RSVP Port
1828 prsvp           3455/udp   rsvp-encap   #RSVP Port
1829 vat             3456/tcp   #VAT default data
1830 vat             3456/udp   #VAT default data
1831 vat-control     3457/tcp   #VAT default control
1832 vat-control     3457/udp   #VAT default control
1833 nut             3493/tcp   #Network UPS Tools
1834 nut             3493/udp   #Network UPS Tools
1835 lsp-ping        3503/tcp   #MPLS LSP-echo (RFC8029)
1836 lsp-ping        3503/udp   #MPLS LSP-echo (RFC8029)
1837 m2pa            3565/tcp   #M2PA
1838 m2pa            3565/sctp  #M2PA
1839 tsp             3653/tcp   #Tunnel Setup Protocol
1840 tsp             3653/udp   #Tunnel Setup Protocol
1841 svn             3690/tcp   #Subversion
1842 svn             3690/udp   #Subversion
1843 asap            3863/tcp   #asap tcp port
1844 asap            3863/udp   #asap udp port
1845 asap            3863/sctp  #asap sctp
1846 asap-tls        3864/tcp   #asap/tls tcp port
1847 asap-tls        3864/sctp  #asap-sctp/tls
1848 diameter        3868/tcp   #DIAMETER
1849 diameter        3868/sctp  #DIAMETER
1850 udt_os          3900/tcp   #Unidata UDT OS
1851 udt_os          3900/udp   #Unidata UDT OS
1852 mapper-nodemgr  3984/tcp   #MAPPER network node manager
1853 mapper-nodemgr  3984/udp   #MAPPER network node manager
1854 mapper-mapethd  3985/tcp   #MAPPER TCP/IP server
1855 mapper-mapethd  3985/udp   #MAPPER TCP/IP server
1856 mapper-ws_ethd  3986/tcp   #MAPPER workstation server
1857 mapper-ws_ethd  3986/udp   #MAPPER workstation server
1858 netcheque       4008/tcp   #NetCheque accounting
1859 netcheque       4008/udp   #NetCheque accounting
1860 lockd           4045/udp   # NFS lock daemon/manager
1861 lockd           4045/tcp
1862 nuts_dem        4132/tcp   #NUTS Daemon
1863 nuts_dem        4132/udp   #NUTS Daemon
1864 nuts_bootp      4133/tcp   #NUTS Bootp Server
1865 nuts_bootp      4133/udp   #NUTS Bootp Server
1866 sieve           4190/tcp   #ManageSieve Protocol
1867 sieve           4190/udp   #ManageSieve Protocol
1868 rwhois          4321/tcp   #Remote Who Is
1869 rwhois          4321/udp   #Remote Who Is
1870 unicall         4343/tcp
1871 unicall         4343/udp
1872 epmd            4369/tcp   #Erlang Port Mapper Daemon
1873 epmd            4369/udp   #Erlang Port Mapper Daemon
1874 krb524          4444/tcp
1875 krb524          4444/udp
1876 # PROBLEM krb524 assigned the port,
1877 # PROBLEM nv used it without an assignment
1878 nv-video        4444/tcp   #NV Video default
1879 nv-video        4444/udp   #NV Video default
1880 sae-urn         4500/tcp
1881 sae-urn         4500/udp
1882 fax             4557/tcp   #FAX transmission service
1883 hylafax         4559/tcp   #HylaFAX client-server protocol
1884 rfa             4672/tcp   #remote file access server
1885 rfa             4672/udp   #remote file access server
1886 ipfix           4739/tcp   #IP Flow Info Export
1887 ipfix           4739/udp   #IP Flow Info Export
1888 ipfix           4739/sctp  #IP Flow Info Export
1889 ipfixs          4740/tcp   #ipfix protocol over TLS
1890 ipfixs          4740/udp   #ipfix protocol over DTLS
1891 ipfixs          4740/sctp  #ipfix protocol over DTLS
1892 vxlan           4789/udp   #Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network (VXLAN)
1893 commplex-main   5000/tcp
1894 commplex-main   5000/udp
1895 commplex-link   5001/tcp
1896 commplex-link   5001/udp
1897 rfe             5002/tcp   #radio free ethernet
1898 rfe             5002/udp   #radio free ethernet
1899 telelpathstart  5010/tcp
1900 telelpathstart  5010/udp
1901 telelpathattack 5011/tcp
1902 telelpathattack 5011/udp
1903 mmcc            5050/tcp   #multimedia conference control tool
1904 mmcc            5050/udp   #multimedia conference control tool
1905 sds             5059/tcp   #SIP Directory Services
1906 sds             5059/udp   #SIP Directory Services
1907 sip             5060/tcp   #Session Initialization Protocol (VoIP)
1908 sip             5060/udp   #Session Initialization Protocol (VoIP)
1909 sip-tls         5061/tcp   #SIP over TLS
1910 sip-tls         5061/udp   #SIP over TLS
1911 car             5090/sctp  #Candidate AR
1912 cxtp            5091/sctp  #Context Transfer Protocol
1913 rmonitor_secure 5145/tcp
1914 rmonitor_secure 5145/udp
1915 aol             5190/tcp   #America-Online
1916 aol             5190/udp   #America-Online
1917 aol-1           5191/tcp   #AmericaOnline1
1918 aol-1           5191/udp   #AmericaOnline1
1919 aol-2           5192/tcp   #AmericaOnline2
1920 aol-2           5192/udp   #AmericaOnline2
1921 aol-3           5193/tcp   #AmericaOnline3
1922 aol-3           5193/udp   #AmericaOnline3
1923 xmpp-client     5222/tcp   #XMPP Client Connection
1924 xmpp-client     5222/udp   #XMPP Client Connection
1925 padl2sim        5236/tcp
1926 padl2sim        5236/udp
1927 xmpp-server     5269/tcp   #XMPP Server Connection
1928 xmpp-server     5269/udp   #XMPP Server Connection
1929 hacl-hb         5300/tcp   # HA cluster heartbeat
1930 hacl-hb         5300/udp   # HA cluster heartbeat
1931 hacl-gs         5301/tcp   # HA cluster general services
1932 hacl-gs         5301/udp   # HA cluster general services
1933 hacl-cfg        5302/tcp   # HA cluster configuration
1934 hacl-cfg        5302/udp   # HA cluster configuration
1935 hacl-probe      5303/tcp   # HA cluster probing
1936 hacl-probe      5303/udp   # HA cluster probing
1937 hacl-local      5304/tcp
1938 hacl-local      5304/udp
1939 hacl-test       5305/tcp
1940 hacl-test       5305/udp
1941 cfengine        5308/tcp
1942 cfengine        5308/udp
1943 mdns            5353/tcp   #Multicast DNS
1944 mdns            5353/udp   #Multicast DNS
1945 postgresql      5432/tcp   #PostgreSQL Database
1946 postgresql      5432/udp   #PostgreSQL Database
1947 vami            5480/tcp   #VMware Appliance Management Interface, HTTPS-like
1948 vami            5480/udp   #VMware Appliance Management Interface, HTTPS-like
1949 rplay           5555/udp
1950 amqp            5672/tcp   #AMQP
1951 amqp            5672/udp   #AMQP
1952 amqp            5672/sctp  #AMQP
1953 v5ua            5675/tcp   #V5UA application port
1954 v5ua            5675/udp   #V5UA application port
1955 v5ua            5675/sctp  #V5UA application port
1956 canna           5680/tcp   #Canna (Japanese Input)
1957 proshareaudio   5713/tcp   #proshare conf audio
1958 proshareaudio   5713/udp   #proshare conf audio
1959 prosharevideo   5714/tcp   #proshare conf video
1960 prosharevideo   5714/udp   #proshare conf video
1961 prosharedata    5715/tcp   #proshare conf data
1962 prosharedata    5715/udp   #proshare conf data
1963 prosharerequest 5716/tcp   #proshare conf request
1964 prosharerequest 5716/udp   #proshare conf request
1965 prosharenotify  5717/tcp   #proshare conf notify
1966 prosharenotify  5717/udp   #proshare conf notify
1967 couchdb         5984/tcp   #CouchDB database server
1968 couchdb         5984/udp   #CouchDB database server
1969 cvsup           5999/tcp   #CVSup file transfer/John Polstra/FreeBSD
1970 x11             6000/tcp   #6000-6063 are assigned to X Window System
1971 x11             6000/udp
1972 x11-ssh         6010/tcp   #Unofficial name, for convenience
1973 x11-ssh         6010/udp
1974 softcm          6110/tcp   #HP SoftBench CM
1975 softcm          6110/udp   #HP SoftBench CM
1976 spc             6111/tcp   #HP SoftBench Sub-Process Control
1977 spc             6111/udp   #HP SoftBench Sub-Process Control
1978 meta-corp       6141/tcp   #Meta Corporation License Manager
1979 meta-corp       6141/udp   #Meta Corporation License Manager
1980 aspentec-lm     6142/tcp   #Aspen Technology License Manager
1981 aspentec-lm     6142/udp   #Aspen Technology License Manager
1982 watershed-lm    6143/tcp   #Watershed License Manager
1983 watershed-lm    6143/udp   #Watershed License Manager
1984 statsci1-lm     6144/tcp   #StatSci License Manager - 1
1985 statsci1-lm     6144/udp   #StatSci License Manager - 1
1986 statsci2-lm     6145/tcp   #StatSci License Manager - 2
1987 statsci2-lm     6145/udp   #StatSci License Manager - 2
1988 lonewolf-lm     6146/tcp   #Lone Wolf Systems License Manager
1989 lonewolf-lm     6146/udp   #Lone Wolf Systems License Manager
1990 montage-lm      6147/tcp   #Montage License Manager
1991 montage-lm      6147/udp   #Montage License Manager
1992 ricardo-lm      6148/tcp   #Ricardo North America License Manager
1993 ricardo-lm      6148/udp   #Ricardo North America License Manager
1994 sge_qmaster     6444/tcp   #Grid Engine Qmaster Service
1995 sge_qmaster     6444/udp   #Grid Engine Qmaster Service
1996 sge_execd       6445/tcp   #Grid Engine Execution Service
1997 sge_execd       6445/udp   #Grid Engine Execution Service
1998 xdsxdm          6558/tcp
1999 xdsxdm          6558/udp
2000 sane-port       6566/tcp   #Scanner Access Now Easy (SANE) Control Port
2001 sane-port       6566/udp   #Scanner Access Now Easy (SANE) Control Port
2002 ircd            6667/tcp   #Internet Relay Chat (unofficial)
2003 ircs-u          6697/tcp   #Internet Relay Chat over TLS/SSL
2004 frc-hp          6704/sctp  #ForCES HP (High Priority) channel
2005 frc-mp          6705/sctp  #ForCES MP (Medium Priority) channel
2006 frc-lp          6706/sctp  #ForCES LP (Low priority) channel
2007 acmsoda         6969/tcp
2008 acmsoda         6969/udp
2009 afs3-fileserver 7000/tcp   #file server itself
2010 afs3-fileserver 7000/udp   #file server itself
2011 afs3-callback   7001/tcp   #callbacks to cache managers
2012 afs3-callback   7001/udp   #callbacks to cache managers
2013 afs3-prserver   7002/tcp   #users & groups database
2014 afs3-prserver   7002/udp   #users & groups database
2015 afs3-vlserver   7003/tcp   #volume location database
2016 afs3-vlserver   7003/udp   #volume location database
2017 afs3-kaserver   7004/tcp   #AFS/Kerberos authentication service
2018 afs3-kaserver   7004/udp   #AFS/Kerberos authentication service
2019 afs3-volser     7005/tcp   #volume management server
2020 afs3-volser     7005/udp   #volume management server
2021 afs3-errors     7006/tcp   #error interpretation service
2022 afs3-errors     7006/udp   #error interpretation service
2023 afs3-bos        7007/tcp   #basic overseer process
2024 afs3-bos        7007/udp   #basic overseer process
2025 afs3-update     7008/tcp   #server-to-server updater
2026 afs3-update     7008/udp   #server-to-server updater
2027 afs3-rmtsys     7009/tcp   #remote cache manager service
2028 afs3-rmtsys     7009/udp   #remote cache manager service
2029 afs3-resserver  7010/tcp   #MR-AFS residence server
2030 afs3-resserver  7010/udp   #MR-AFS residence server
2031 ups-onlinet     7010/tcp   #onlinet uninterruptable power supplies
2032 ups-onlinet     7010/udp   #onlinet uninterruptable power supplies
2033 afs3-remio      7011/tcp   #MR-AFS remote IO server
2034 afs3-remio      7011/udp   #MR-AFS remote IO server
2035 font-service    7100/tcp   #X Font Service
2036 font-service    7100/udp   #X Font Service
2037 fodms           7200/tcp   #FODMS FLIP
2038 fodms           7200/udp   #FODMS FLIP
2039 dlip            7201/tcp
2040 dlip            7201/udp
2041 simco           7626/tcp   #SImple Middlebox COnfiguration (SIMCO) Server
2042 simco           7626/sctp  #SImple Middlebox COnfiguration (SIMCO)
2043 ftp-proxy       8021/tcp   # FTP proxy
2044 pim             8471/tcp   #PIM over Reliable Transport
2045 pim             8471/sctp  #PIM over Reliable Transport
2046 natd            8668/divert # Network Address Translation
2047 lcs-ap          9082/sctp  #LCS Application Protocol
2048 aurora          9084/tcp   #IBM AURORA Performance Visualizer
2049 aurora          9084/udp   #IBM AURORA Performance Visualizer
2050 aurora          9084/sctp  #IBM AURORA Performance Visualizer
2051 jetdirect       9100/tcp   #HP JetDirect card
2052 prom-sysctl     9124/tcp   #prometheus_sysctl_exporter(8)
2053 git             9418/tcp   #git pack transfer service
2054 git             9418/udp   #git pack transfer service
2055 man             9535/tcp
2056 man             9535/udp
2057 sd              9876/tcp   #Session Director
2058 sd              9876/udp   #Session Director
2059 iua             9900/tcp   #IUA
2060 iua             9900/udp   #IUA
2061 iua             9900/sctp  #IUA
2062 enrp            9901/udp   #enrp server channel
2063 enrp            9901/sctp  #enrp server channel
2064 enrp-tls        9902/sctp  #enrp/tls server channel
2065 amanda          10080/tcp  #Dump server control
2066 amanda          10080/udp  #Dump server control
2067 amandaidx       10082/tcp  #Amanda indexing
2068 amidxtape       10083/tcp  #Amanda tape indexing
2069 wmereceiving    11997/sctp #WorldMailExpress
2070 wmedistribution 11998/sctp #WorldMailExpress
2071 wmereporting    11999/sctp #WorldMailExpress
2072 bpcd            13782/tcp  #Veritas NetBackup
2073 bpcd            13782/udp  #Veritas NetBackup
2074 sua             14001/tcp  #SUA
2075 sua             14001/sctp #SUA
2076 isode-dua       17007/tcp
2077 isode-dua       17007/udp
2078 biimenu         18000/tcp  #Beckman Instruments, Inc.
2079 biimenu         18000/udp  #Beckman Instruments, Inc.
2080 nfsrdma         20049/tcp  #Network File System (NFS) over RDMA
2081 nfsrdma         20049/udp  #Network File System (NFS) over RDMA
2082 nfsrdma         20049/sctp #Network File System (NFS) over RDMA
2083 wnn6            22273/tcp  wnn4         #Wnn4 (Japanese input)
2084 wnn6_Cn         22289/tcp  wnn4_Cn      #Wnn4 (Chinese input)
2085 wnn6_Kr         22305/tcp  wnn4_Kr      #Wnn4 (Korean input)
2086 wnn6_Tw         22321/tcp  wnn4_Tw      #Wnn4 (Taiwanse input)
2087 wnn6_DS         26208/tcp  #Wnn6 (Dserver)
2088 sgsap           29118/sctp #SGsAP in 3GPP
2089 sbcap           29168/sctp #SBcAP in 3GPP
2090 iuhsctpassoc    29169/sctp #HNBAP and RUA Common Association
2091 s1-control      36412/sctp #S1-Control Plane (3GPP)
2092 x2-control      36422/sctp #X2-Control Plane (3GPP)
2093 dbbrowse        47557/tcp  #Databeam Corporation
2094 dbbrowse        47557/udp  #Databeam Corporation