]> CyberLeo.Net >> Repos - Github/YOURLS.git/blob - yourls-infos.php
Add filter on stat query
[Github/YOURLS.git] / yourls-infos.php
1 <?php\r
2 // TODO: make things cleaner. This file is an awful HTML/PHP soup.\r
3 define('YOURLS_INFOS', true);\r
4 require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/includes/load-yourls.php' );\r
5 require_once( YOURLS_INC.'/functions-infos.php' );\r
6 yourls_maybe_require_auth();\r
7 \r
8 // Variables should be defined in yourls-loader.php, if not try GET request (old behavior of yourls-infos.php)\r
9 if( !isset( $keyword ) && isset( $_GET['id'] ) )\r
10         $keyword = $_GET['id'];\r
11 if( !isset( $aggregate ) && isset( $_GET['all'] ) && $_GET['all'] == 1 && yourls_allow_duplicate_longurls() )\r
12         $aggregate = true;\r
13 \r
14 if ( !isset( $keyword ) ) {\r
15         yourls_do_action( 'infos_no_keyword' );\r
16         yourls_redirect( YOURLS_SITE, 302 );\r
17 }\r
18         \r
19 // Get basic infos for this shortened URL\r
20 $keyword = yourls_sanitize_string( $keyword );\r
21 $longurl = yourls_get_keyword_longurl( $keyword );\r
22 $clicks = yourls_get_keyword_clicks( $keyword );\r
23 $timestamp = yourls_get_keyword_timestamp( $keyword );\r
24 $title = yourls_get_keyword_title( $keyword );\r
25 \r
26 // Update title if it hasn't been stored yet\r
27 if( $title == '' ) {\r
28         $title = yourls_get_remote_title( $longurl );\r
29         yourls_edit_link_title( $keyword, $title );\r
30 }\r
31 \r
32 if ( $longurl === false ) {\r
33         yourls_do_action( 'infos_keyword_not_found' );\r
34         yourls_redirect( YOURLS_SITE, 302 );\r
35 }\r
36 \r
37 if( yourls_do_log_redirect() ) {\r
38 \r
39         // Duplicate keywords, if applicable\r
40         $keyword_list = yourls_get_duplicate_keywords( $longurl );\r
41                 \r
42         // Fetch all information from the table log\r
43         $table = YOURLS_DB_TABLE_LOG;\r
44 \r
45         if( $aggregate ) {\r
46                 // Fetch information for all keywords pointing to $longurl\r
47                 $keywords = join( "', '", $keyword_list );\r
48                 $query = "SELECT `shorturl`, `click_time`, `referrer`, `user_agent`, `country_code` FROM `$table` WHERE `shorturl` IN ( '$keywords' );";\r
49         } else {\r
50                 // Fetch information for current keyword only\r
51                 $query = "SELECT `click_time`, `referrer`, `user_agent`, `country_code` FROM `$table` WHERE `shorturl` = '$keyword'";\r
52         }\r
53         \r
54         $hits = $ydb->get_results( yourls_apply_filter( 'stat_query_all', $query ) );\r
55         \r
56         $referrers = array();\r
57         $direct = $notdirect = 0;\r
58         $countries = array();\r
59         $dates = array();\r
60         $list_of_days = array();\r
61         $list_of_months = array();\r
62         $list_of_years = array();\r
63         $last_24h = array();\r
64 \r
65         // Loop through all results and build list of referrers, countries and hits per day\r
66         foreach( (array)$hits as $hit ) {\r
67                 extract( (array)$hit );\r
68 \r
69                 if ( isset( $country_code ) && $country_code ) {\r
70                         if( !array_key_exists( $country_code, $countries ) )\r
71                                 $countries[$country_code] = 0;\r
72                         $countries[$country_code]++;\r
73                 }\r
74                 \r
75                 if( isset( $referrer ) ) {\r
76                         if ( $referrer == 'direct' ) {\r
77                                 $direct++;\r
78                         } else {\r
79                                 $notdirect++;\r
80                                 $host = yourls_get_domain( $referrer );\r
81                                 if( !array_key_exists( $host, $referrers ) )\r
82                                         $referrers[$host] = array( );\r
83                                 if( !array_key_exists( $referrer, $referrers[$host] ) )\r
84                                         $referrers[$host][$referrer] = 0;\r
85                                 $referrers[$host][$referrer]++;\r
86                         }\r
87                 }\r
88                 \r
89                 if( isset( $click_time ) ) {\r
90                         $now = intval( date('U') );\r
91 \r
92                         preg_match('/(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\s(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/', $click_time, $matches);\r
93                         list( $temp, $year, $month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec ) = $matches;\r
94                         unset( $matches );\r
95                         \r
96                         // Build array of $dates[$year][$month][$day] = number of clicks\r
97                         if( !array_key_exists( $year, $dates ) )\r
98                                 $dates[$year] = array();\r
99                         if( !array_key_exists( $month, $dates[$year] ) )\r
100                                 $dates[$year][$month] = array();\r
101                         if( !array_key_exists( $day, $dates[$year][$month] ) )\r
102                                 $dates[$year][$month][$day] = 0;\r
103                         $dates[$year][$month][$day]++;\r
104                         \r
105                         // Build array of last 24 hours $last_24h[$hour] = number of click\r
106                         $then = strtotime( $click_time);\r
107                         if( ( $now >= $then ) && ( ( $now - $then ) < ( 24 * 60 * 60 ) ) ) {\r
108                                 $year = sprintf( "%02d", substr($year, -2) ); // 2009 -> 09\r
109                                 $diff = $now - strtotime( $click_time);\r
110                                 if( !array_key_exists( "$year-$month-$day-$hour", $last_24h ) )\r
111                                         $last_24h["$year-$month-$day-$hour"] = 0;\r
112                                 $last_24h["$year-$month-$day-$hour"]++;\r
113                         }\r
114                 }\r
115         }\r
116 \r
117 \r
118         // Sort dates, chronologically from [2007][12][24] to [2009][02][19]\r
119         ksort( $dates );\r
120         foreach( $dates as $year=>$months ) {\r
121                 ksort( $dates[$year] );\r
122                 foreach( $months as $month=>$day ) {\r
123                         ksort( $dates[$year][$month] );\r
124                 }\r
125         }\r
126 \r
127         // Get $list_of_days, $list_of_months, $list_of_years\r
128         if( $dates ) {\r
129                 extract( yourls_build_list_of_days( $dates ) );\r
130 \r
131                 // If the $last_24h doesn't have all the hours, insert missing hours with value 0\r
132                 for ($i = 23; $i >= 0; $i--) {\r
133                         $h = date('y-m-d-H', $now - ($i * 60 * 60) );\r
134                         if( !array_key_exists( $h, $last_24h ) ) {\r
135                                 $last_24h[$h] = 0;\r
136                         }\r
137                 }\r
138                 ksort( $last_24h );\r
139         }\r
140 \r
141         // Sort countries, most frequent first\r
142         if ( $countries )\r
143                 arsort( $countries );\r
144 \r
145         // Sort referrers. $referrer_sort is a array of most frequent domains\r
146         arsort( $referrers );\r
147         $referrer_sort = array();\r
148         $number_of_sites = count( array_keys( $referrers ) );\r
149         foreach( $referrers as $site => $urls ) {\r
150                 if( count($urls) > 1 || $number_of_sites == 1 )\r
151                         $referrer_sort[$site] = array_sum( $urls );\r
152         }\r
153         arsort($referrer_sort);\r
154 \r
155 \r
156         /**\r
157         echo "<pre>";\r
158         echo "referrers: "; print_r( $referrers );\r
159         echo "referrer sort: "; print_r( $referrer_sort );\r
160         echo "direct: $direct\n";\r
161         echo "notdirect: $notdirect\n";\r
162         echo "dates: "; print_r( $dates );\r
163         echo "list of days: "; print_r( $list_of_days );\r
164         echo "list_of_months: "; print_r( $list_of_months );\r
165         echo "list_of_years: "; print_r( $list_of_years );\r
166         echo "last_24h: "; print_r( $last_24h );\r
167         //echo "countries: "; print_r( $countries );\r
168 \r
169         die();\r
170         /**/\r
171 \r
172 }\r
173 \r
174 yourls_html_head( 'infos', 'Statistics for '.YOURLS_SITE.'/'.$keyword );\r
175 yourls_html_logo();\r
176 yourls_html_menu();\r
177 ?>\r
178 \r
179 <h2 id="informations"><?php echo $title; ?></h2>\r
180 \r
181 <h3><span class="label">Short URL:</span> <img src="<?php echo yourls_match_current_protocol( YOURLS_SITE ); ?>/images/favicon.gif"/>\r
182 <?php if( $aggregate ) {\r
183         $i = 0;\r
184         foreach( $keyword_list as $k ) {\r
185                 $i++;\r
186                 if ( $i == 1 ) {\r
187                         yourls_html_link( yourls_link($k) );\r
188                 } else {\r
189                         yourls_html_link( yourls_link($k), "/$k" );\r
190                 }\r
191                 if ( $i < count( $keyword_list ) )\r
192                         echo ' + ';\r
193         }\r
194 } else {\r
195         yourls_html_link( yourls_link($keyword) );\r
196         if( count( $keyword_list ) > 1 )\r
197                 echo ' <a href="'. yourls_link($keyword).'+all" title="Aggregate stats for duplicate short URLs"><img src="' . yourls_match_current_protocol( YOURLS_SITE ) . '/images/chart_bar_add.png" border="0" /></a>';\r
198 } ?></h3>\r
199 <h3 id="longurl"><span class="label">Long URL:</span> <img class="fix_images" src="<?php echo yourls_get_favicon_url( $longurl );?>" /> <?php yourls_html_link( $longurl, yourls_trim_long_string( $longurl ), 'longurl' ); ?></h3>\r
200 \r
201 <div id="tabs">\r
202         <div class="wrap_unfloat">\r
203         <ul id="headers" class="toggle_display stat_tab">\r
204                 <?php if( yourls_do_log_redirect() ) { ?>\r
205                 <li class="selected"><a href="#stat_tab_stats"><h2>Traffic statistics</h2></a></li>\r
206                 <li><a href="#stat_tab_location"><h2>Traffic location</h2></a></li>\r
207                 <li><a href="#stat_tab_sources"><h2>Traffic sources</h2></a></li>\r
208                 <?php } ?>\r
209                 <li><a href="#stat_tab_share"><h2>Share</h2></a></li>\r
210         </ul>\r
211         </div>\r
212 \r
213                         \r
214 <?php if( yourls_do_log_redirect() ) { ?>\r
215         <div id="stat_tab_stats" class="tab">\r
216                 <h2>Traffic statistics</h2>\r
217                 \r
218                 <?php if ( $list_of_days ) { ?>\r
219                 \r
220                         <?php\r
221                         $graphs = array(\r
222                                 '24' => 'Last 24 hours',\r
223                                 '7'  => 'Last 7 days',\r
224                                 '30' => 'Last 30 days',\r
225                                 'all'=> 'All time'\r
226                         );\r
227                         \r
228                         // Which graph to generate ?\r
229                         $do_all = $do_30 = $do_7 = $do_24 = false;\r
230                         $hits_all = array_sum( $list_of_days );\r
231                         $hits_30  = array_sum( array_slice( $list_of_days, -30 ) );\r
232                         $hits_7   = array_sum( array_slice( $list_of_days, -7 ) );\r
233                         $hits_24  = array_sum( $last_24h );\r
234                         if( $hits_all > 0 )\r
235                                 $do_all = true; // graph for all days range\r
236                         if( $hits_30 > 0 && count( array_slice( $list_of_days, -30 ) ) == 30 )\r
237                                 $do_30 = true; // graph for last 30 days\r
238                         if( $hits_7 > 0 && count( array_slice( $list_of_days, -7 ) ) == 7 )\r
239                                 $do_7 = true; // graph for last 7 days\r
240                         if( $hits_24 > 0 )\r
241                                 $do_24 = true; // graph for last 24 hours\r
242                         \r
243                         // Which graph to display ?\r
244                         $display_all = $display_30 = $display_7 = $display_24 = false;\r
245                         if( $do_24 ) {\r
246                                 $display_24 = true;\r
247                         } elseif ( $do_7 ) {\r
248                                 $display_7 = true;\r
249                         } elseif ( $do_30 ) {\r
250                                 $display_30 = true;\r
251                         } elseif ( $do_all ) {\r
252                                 $display_all = true;\r
253                         }                               \r
254                         ?>\r
255 \r
256                         <table border="0" cellspacing="2">\r
257                         <tr>\r
258                                 <td valign="top">\r
259                                 <ul id="stats_lines" class="toggle_display stat_line">\r
260                                 <?php\r
261                                 if( $do_24 == true )\r
262                                         echo "<li><a href='#stat_line_24'>Last 24 hours</a>";\r
263                                 if( $do_7 == true )\r
264                                         echo "<li><a href='#stat_line_7'>Last 7 days</a>";\r
265                                 if( $do_30 == true )\r
266                                         echo "<li><a href='#stat_line_30'>Last 30 days</a>";\r
267                                 if( $do_all == true )\r
268                                         echo "<li><a href='#stat_line_all'>All time</a>";\r
269                                 ?>                              \r
270                                 </ul>\r
271                                 <?php\r
272                                 // Generate, and display if applicable, each needed graph\r
273                                 foreach( $graphs as $graph => $title ) {\r
274                                         if( ${'do_'.$graph} == true ) {\r
275                                                 $display = ( ${'display_'.$graph} === true ? 'display:block' : 'display:none' );\r
276                                                 echo "<div id='stat_line_$graph' class='stats_line line' style='$display'>";\r
277                                                 $labels_1 = $labels_2 = array();\r
278                                                 switch( $graph ) {\r
279                                                         case '24':\r
280                                                                 // each key of $last_24h is of type "yy-mm-dd-hh"\r
281                                                                 $first_key = current( array_keys( $last_24h ) );\r
282                                                                 $last_key = end( array_keys( $last_24h ) );\r
283                                                                 // Get "dd/mm" of first and last key\r
284                                                                 $first_label = preg_replace( '/\d\d-(\d\d)-(\d\d)-\d\d/', '$2/$1', $first_key );\r
285                                                                 $last_label = preg_replace( '/\d\d-(\d\d)-(\d\d)-\d\d/', '$2/$1', $last_key );\r
286                                                                 $labels_2 = array( $first_label, $last_label);\r
287                                                                 // Get hh of each key\r
288                                                                 foreach( $last_24h as $k=>$v ) {\r
289                                                                         $labels_1[] = end( explode( '-', $k ) ); // 'hh'\r
290                                                                 }\r
291                                                                 \r
292                                                                 echo "<h3>Number of hits : $title</h3>";\r
293                                                                 yourls_stats_line( $last_24h, $labels_1, $labels_2 );\r
294                                                                 break;\r
295 \r
296                                                         case '7':\r
297                                                         case '30':\r
298                                                                 // each key of $list_of_days is of type "yyyy-mm-dd"\r
299                                                                 $slice = array_slice( $list_of_days, intval( $graph ) * -1 );\r
300                                                                 foreach( $slice as $k=>$v ) {\r
301                                                                         // get "dd"\r
302                                                                         $labels_1[] = preg_replace( '/\d\d\d\d-\d\d-(\d\d)/', '$1', $k );\r
303                                                                 }\r
304                                                                 $first_key = current( array_keys( $slice ) );\r
305                                                                 $last_key = end( array_keys( $slice ) );\r
306                                                                 // Get "dd/mm" of first and last key\r
307                                                                 $first_label = preg_replace( '/\d\d\d\d-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/', '$2/$1', $first_key );\r
308                                                                 $last_label = preg_replace( '/\d\d\d\d-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/', '$2/$1', $last_key );\r
309                                                                 $labels_2 = array( $first_label, $last_label);\r
310                                                                 \r
311                                                                 echo "<h3>Number of hits : $title</h3>";\r
312                                                                 yourls_stats_line( $slice, $labels_1, $labels_2 );\r
313                                                                 unset( $slice );\r
314                                                                 break;\r
315 \r
316                                                         case 'all':\r
317                                                                 // get "yy-mm"\r
318                                                                 foreach( $list_of_days as $k=>$v ) {\r
319                                                                         $labels_1[] = preg_replace( '/\d\d(\d\d)-(\d\d)-\d\d/', '$1-$2', $k );\r
320                                                                 }\r
321                                                                 // take out duplicates\r
322                                                                 $labels_1 = array_unique( $labels_1 );\r
323                                                                 // now get "mm" only so we have all different month\r
324                                                                 foreach( $labels_1 as $k=>$v ) {\r
325                                                                         $labels_1[$k] = preg_replace( '/\d\d-(\d\d)/', '$1', $v );\r
326                                                                 }\r
327                                                                 \r
328                                                                 echo "<h3>Number of hits : $title</h3>";\r
329                                                                 $labels_1 = yourls_array_granularity( $labels_1, 30, false );\r
330                                                                 $labels_2 = yourls_array_granularity( $list_of_years, 30, false );\r
331                                                                 yourls_stats_line( $list_of_days, $labels_1, $labels_2 );\r
332                                                                 break;\r
333                                                 }\r
334                                                 echo "</div>\n";\r
335                                         }                       \r
336                                 } ?>\r
337                                 \r
338                                 </td>\r
339                                 <td valign="top">\r
340                                 <h3>Historical click count</h3>\r
341                                 <?php\r
342                                 $ago = round( (date('U') - strtotime($timestamp)) / (24* 60 * 60 ) );\r
343                                 if( $ago <= 1 ) {\r
344                                         $daysago = '';\r
345                                 } else {\r
346                                         $daysago = '(about '.$ago .' '.yourls_plural( ' day', $ago ).' ago)';\r
347                                 }\r
348                                 ?>\r
349                                 <p>Short URL created on <?php echo date("F j, Y @ g:i a", strtotime($timestamp)); ?> <?php echo $daysago; ?></p>\r
350                                 <div class="wrap_unfloat">\r
351                                         <ul class="no_bullet toggle_display stat_line" id="historical_clicks">\r
352                                         <?php\r
353                                         foreach( $graphs as $graph => $title ) {\r
354                                                 if ( ${'do_'.$graph} ) {\r
355                                                         $link = "<a href='#stat_line_$graph'>$title</a>";\r
356                                                 } else {\r
357                                                         $link = $title;\r
358                                                 }\r
359                                                 $stat = '';\r
360                                                 if( ${'do_'.$graph} ) {\r
361                                                         switch( $graph ) {\r
362                                                                 case '7':\r
363                                                                 case '30':\r
364                                                                         $stat = round( ( ${'hits_'.$graph} / intval( $graph ) ) * 100 ) / 100 . ' per day';\r
365                                                                         break;\r
366                                                                 case '24':\r
367                                                                         $stat = round( ( ${'hits_'.$graph} / 24 ) * 100 ) / 100 . ' per hour';\r
368                                                                         break;\r
369                                                                 case 'all':\r
370                                                                         if( $ago > 0 )\r
371                                                                                 $stat = round( ( ${'hits_'.$graph} / $ago ) * 100 ) / 100 . ' per day';\r
372                                                         }\r
373                                                 }\r
374                                                 $hits = yourls_plural( 'hit', ${'hits_'.$graph} );\r
375                                                 echo "<li><span class='historical_link'>$link</span> <span class='historical_count'>${'hits_'.$graph} $hits</span> $stat</li>\n";\r
376                                         }\r
377                                         ?>\r
378                                         </ul>\r
379                                 </div>\r
380                 \r
381                                 <h3>Best day</h3>\r
382                                 <?php $best = yourls_stats_get_best_day( $list_of_days ); ?>\r
383                                 <p><strong><?php echo $best['max'];?></strong> <?php echo yourls_plural( 'hit', $best['max'] ); ?> on <?php echo date("F j, Y", strtotime($best['day'])); ?>. \r
384                                 <a href="" class='details hide-if-no-js' id="more_clicks">Click for more details</a></p>\r
385                                 <ul id="details_clicks" style="display:none">\r
386                                         <?php\r
387                                         foreach( $dates as $year=>$months ) {\r
388                                                 if( count( $list_of_years ) > 1 ) {\r
389                                                         $li = "<a href='' class='details' id='more_year$year'>Year $year</a>";\r
390                                                         $display = 'none';\r
391                                                 } else {\r
392                                                         $li = "Year $year";\r
393                                                         $display = 'block';\r
394                                                 }\r
395                                                 echo "<li>$li";\r
396                                                 echo "<ul style='display:$display' id='details_year$year'>";\r
397                                                 foreach( $months as $month=>$days ) {\r
398                                                         $monthname = date("F", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month,1));\r
399                                                         if( count( $list_of_months ) > 1 ) {\r
400                                                                 $li = "<a href='' class='details' id='more_month$year$month'>$monthname</a>";\r
401                                                                 $display = 'none';\r
402                                                         } else {\r
403                                                                 $li = "$monthname";\r
404                                                                 $display = 'block';\r
405                                                         }\r
406                                                         echo "<li>$li";\r
407                                                         echo "<ul style='display:$display' id='details_month$year$month'>";\r
408                                                                 foreach( $days as $day=>$hits ) {\r
409                                                                         $class = ( $hits == $best['max'] ? 'class="bestday"' : '' );\r
410                                                                         echo "<li $class>$day: $hits". yourls_plural( ' hit', $hits) ."</li>\n";\r
411                                                                 }\r
412                                                         echo "</ul>\n";\r
413                                                 }\r
414                                                 echo "</ul>\n";\r
415                                         }\r
416                                         ?>\r
417                                 </ul>\r
418                                 \r
419                                 </td>\r
420                                 \r
421                         </tr>\r
422                         </table>\r
423 \r
424 \r
425                 \r
426                 <?php } else {\r
427                         echo "<p>No traffic yet. Get some clicks first!</p>";\r
428                 } ?>\r
429         </div>\r
430 \r
431 \r
432         <div id="stat_tab_location" class="tab">\r
433                 <h2>Traffic location</h2>\r
434                 \r
435                 <?php if ( $countries ) { ?>\r
436                         \r
437                         <table border="0" cellspacing="2">\r
438                         <tr>\r
439                                 <td valign="top">\r
440                                         <h3>Top 5 countries</h3>\r
441                                         <?php yourls_stats_pie( $countries, 5 ); ?>\r
442                                         <p><a href="" class='details hide-if-no-js' id="more_countries">Click for more details</a></p>\r
443                                         <ul id="details_countries" style="display:none" class="no_bullet">\r
444                                         <?php\r
445                                         foreach( $countries as $code=>$count ) {\r
446                                                 echo "<li><img src='".yourls_geo_get_flag( $code )."' /> $code (".yourls_geo_countrycode_to_countryname( $code ).") : $count ".yourls_plural('hit', $count)."</li>\n";\r
447                                         }               \r
448                                         ?>\r
449                                         </ul>\r
450 \r
451                                 </td>\r
452                                 <td valign="top">\r
453                                         <h3>Overall traffic</h3>\r
454                                         <?php yourls_stats_countries_map( $countries ); ?>\r
455                                 </td>\r
456                         </tr>\r
457                         </table>\r
458                 \r
459                 <?php } else {\r
460                         echo "<p>No country data.</p>";\r
461                 } ?>\r
462         </div>\r
463                                 \r
464                                 \r
465         <div id="stat_tab_sources" class="tab">\r
466                 <h2>Traffic Sources</h2>\r
467                 \r
468                 <?php if ( $referrers ) { ?>\r
469                         \r
470                         <table border="0" cellspacing="2">\r
471                         <tr>\r
472                                 <td valign="top">\r
473                                         <h3>Referrer shares</h3>\r
474                                         <?php\r
475                                         if ( $number_of_sites > 1 )\r
476                                                 $referrer_sort['Others'] = count( $referrers );\r
477                                         yourls_stats_pie( $referrer_sort, 5, '440x220' );\r
478                                         unset( $referrer_sort['Others'] );\r
479                                         ?>\r
480                                         <h3>Referrers</h3>\r
481                                         <ul class="no_bullet">\r
482                                                 <?php\r
483                                                 $i = 0;\r
484                                                 foreach( $referrer_sort as $site => $count ) {\r
485                                                         $i++;\r
486                                                         $favicon = yourls_get_favicon_url( $site );\r
487                                                         echo "<li class='sites_list'><img src='$favicon' class='fix_images'/> $site: <strong>$count</strong> <a href='' class='details hide-if-no-js' id='more_url$i'>(details)</a></li>\n";\r
488                                                         echo "<ul id='details_url$i' style='display:none'>";\r
489                                                         foreach( $referrers[$site] as $url => $count ) {\r
490                                                                 echo "<li>"; yourls_html_link($url); echo ": <strong>$count</strong></li>\n";\r
491                                                         }\r
492                                                         echo "</ul>\n";\r
493                                                         unset( $referrers[$site] );\r
494                                                 }\r
495                                                 // Any referrer left? Group in "various"\r
496                                                 if ( $referrers ) {\r
497                                                         echo "<li id='sites_various'>Various: <strong>". count( $referrers ). "</strong> <a href='' class='details hide-if-no-js' id='more_various'>(details)</a></li>\n";\r
498                                                         echo "<ul id='details_various' style='display:none'>";\r
499                                                         foreach( $referrers as $url ) {\r
500                                                                 echo "<li>"; yourls_html_link(key($url)); echo ": 1</li>\n";    \r
501                                                         }\r
502                                                         echo "</ul>\n";\r
503                                                 }\r
504                                                 ?>\r
505                                                 \r
506                                         </ul>\r
507                                 \r
508                                 </td>\r
509                                 \r
510                                 <td valign="top">\r
511                                         <h3>Direct vs Referrer Traffic</h3>\r
512                                         <?php\r
513                                         yourls_stats_pie( array('Direct'=>$direct, 'Referrers'=> $notdirect), 5, '440x220' );\r
514                                         ?>\r
515                                         <p>Direct traffic: <strong><?php echo $direct; ?></strong> <?php echo yourls_plural( 'hit', $direct ); ?> </p>\r
516                                         <p>Referrer traffic: <strong><?php echo $notdirect; ?></strong> <?php echo yourls_plural( 'hit', $notdirect ); ?> </p>\r
517 \r
518                                 </td>\r
519                         </tr>\r
520                         </table>\r
521 \r
522                 <?php } else {\r
523                         echo "<p>No referrer data.</p>";\r
524                 } ?>\r
525                         \r
526         </div>\r
527 \r
528 <?php } // endif do log redirect ?>\r
529 \r
530 \r
531         <div id="stat_tab_share" class="tab">\r
532                 <h2>Share</h2>\r
533                 \r
534                 <?php yourls_share_box( $longurl, yourls_link($keyword), $title, '', '<h3>Short link</h3>', '<h3>Quick Share</h3>'); ?>\r
535 \r
536         </div>\r
537         \r
538 </div>\r
539 \r
540 \r
541 <?php yourls_html_footer(); ?>\r