]> CyberLeo.Net >> Repos - Github/sugarcrm.git/blob - include/Pear/XML_HTMLSax3/HTMLSax3/States.php
Release 6.5.0
[Github/sugarcrm.git] / include / Pear / XML_HTMLSax3 / HTMLSax3 / States.php
1 <?php
2 /* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
3 //
4 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
5 // | PHP Version 4                                                        |
6 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
7 // | Copyright (c) 1997-2002 The PHP Group                                |
8 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
9 // | This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license,       |
10 // | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
11 // | available at through the world-wide-web at                           |
12 // | http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt.                                  |
13 // | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
14 // | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
15 // | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
16 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
17 // | Authors: Alexander Zhukov <alex@veresk.ru> Original port from Python |
18 // | Authors: Harry Fuecks <hfuecks@phppatterns.com> Port to PEAR + more  |
19 // | Authors: Many @ Sitepointforums Advanced PHP Forums                  |
20 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
21 //
23 //
24 /**
25 * Parsing states.
26 * @package XML_HTMLSax3
28 */
29 /**
30 * Define parser states
31 */
32 define('XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_STOP', 0);
33 define('XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_START', 1);
34 define('XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_TAG', 2);
37 define('XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_ESCAPE', 6);
38 define('XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_JASP', 7);
39 define('XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_PI', 8);
40 /**
41 * StartingState searches for the start of any XML tag
42 * @package XML_HTMLSax3
43 * @access protected
44 */
45 class XML_HTMLSax3_StartingState  {
46     /**
47     * @param XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser subclass
48     * @return constant XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_TAG
49     * @access protected
50     */
51     function parse(&$context) {
52         $data = $context->scanUntilString('<');
53         if ($data != '') {
54             $context->handler_object_data->
55                 {$context->handler_method_data}($context->htmlsax, $data);
56         }
57         $context->IgnoreCharacter();
58         return XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_TAG;
59     }
60 }
61 /**
62 * Decides which state to move one from after StartingState
63 * @package XML_HTMLSax3
64 * @access protected
65 */
66 class XML_HTMLSax3_TagState {
67     /**
68     * @param XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser subclass
69     * @return constant the next state to move into
70     * @access protected
71     */
72     function parse(&$context) {
73         switch($context->ScanCharacter()) {
74         case '/':
75             return XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_CLOSING_TAG;
76             break;
77         case '?':
78             return XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_PI;
79             break;
80         case '%':
81             return XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_JASP;
82             break;
83         case '!':
84             return XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_ESCAPE;
85             break;
86         default:
87             $context->unscanCharacter();
88             return XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_OPENING_TAG;
89         }
90     }
91 }
92 /**
93 * Dealing with closing XML tags
94 * @package XML_HTMLSax3
95 * @access protected
96 */
97 class XML_HTMLSax3_ClosingTagState {
98     /**
99     * @param XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser subclass
100     * @return constant XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_START
101     * @access protected
102     */
103     function parse(&$context) {
104         $tag = $context->scanUntilCharacters('/>');
105         if ($tag != '') {
106             $char = $context->scanCharacter();
107             if ($char == '/') {
108                 $char = $context->scanCharacter();
109                 if ($char != '>') {
110                     $context->unscanCharacter();
111                 }
112             }
113             $context->handler_object_element->
114                 {$context->handler_method_closing}($context->htmlsax, $tag, FALSE);
115         }
116         return XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_START;
117     }
118 }
119 /**
120 * Dealing with opening XML tags
121 * @package XML_HTMLSax3
122 * @access protected
123 */
124 class XML_HTMLSax3_OpeningTagState {
125     /**
126     * Handles attributes
127     * @param string attribute name
128     * @param string attribute value
129     * @return void
130     * @access protected
131     * @see XML_HTMLSax3_AttributeStartState
132     */
133     function parseAttributes(&$context) {
134         $Attributes = array();
136         $context->ignoreWhitespace();
137         $attributename = $context->scanUntilCharacters("=/> \n\r\t");
138         while ($attributename != '') {
139             $attributevalue = NULL;
140             $context->ignoreWhitespace();
141             $char = $context->scanCharacter();
142             if ($char == '=') {
143                 $context->ignoreWhitespace();
144                 $char = $context->ScanCharacter();
145                 if ($char == '"') {
146                     $attributevalue= $context->scanUntilString('"');
147                     $context->IgnoreCharacter();
148                 } else if ($char == "'") {
149                     $attributevalue = $context->scanUntilString("'");
150                     $context->IgnoreCharacter();
151                 } else {
152                     $context->unscanCharacter();
153                     $attributevalue =
154                         $context->scanUntilCharacters("> \n\r\t");
155                 }
156             } else if ($char !== NULL) {
157                 $attributevalue = NULL;
158                 $context->unscanCharacter();
159             }
160             $Attributes[$attributename] = $attributevalue;
162             $context->ignoreWhitespace();
163             $attributename = $context->scanUntilCharacters("=/> \n\r\t");
164         }
165         return $Attributes;
166     }
168     /**
169     * @param XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser subclass
170     * @return constant XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_START
171     * @access protected
172     */
173     function parse(&$context) {
174         $tag = $context->scanUntilCharacters("/> \n\r\t");
175         if ($tag != '') {
176             $this->attrs = array();
177             $Attributes = $this->parseAttributes($context);
178             $char = $context->scanCharacter();
179             if ($char == '/') {
180                 $char = $context->scanCharacter();
181                 if ($char != '>') {
182                     $context->unscanCharacter();
183                 }
184                 $context->handler_object_element->
185                     {$context->handler_method_opening}($context->htmlsax, $tag, 
186                     $Attributes, TRUE);
187                 $context->handler_object_element->
188                     {$context->handler_method_closing}($context->htmlsax, $tag, 
189                     TRUE);
190             } else {
191                 $context->handler_object_element->
192                     {$context->handler_method_opening}($context->htmlsax, $tag, 
193                     $Attributes, FALSE);
194             }
195         }
196         return XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_START;
197     }
198 }
200 /**
201 * Deals with XML escapes handling comments and CDATA correctly
202 * @package XML_HTMLSax3
203 * @access protected
204 */
205 class XML_HTMLSax3_EscapeState {
206     /**
207     * @param XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser subclass
208     * @return constant XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_START
209     * @access protected
210     */
211     function parse(&$context) {
212         $char = $context->ScanCharacter();
213         if ($char == '-') {
214             $char = $context->ScanCharacter();
215             if ($char == '-') {
216                 $context->unscanCharacter();
217                 $context->unscanCharacter();
218                 $text = $context->scanUntilString('-->');
219                 $text .= $context->scanCharacter();
220                 $text .= $context->scanCharacter();
221             } else {
222                 $context->unscanCharacter();
223                 $text = $context->scanUntilString('>');
224             }
225         } else if ( $char == '[') {
226             $context->unscanCharacter();
227             $text = $context->scanUntilString(']>');
228             $text.= $context->scanCharacter();
229         } else {
230             $context->unscanCharacter();
231             $text = $context->scanUntilString('>');
232         }
234         $context->IgnoreCharacter();
235         if ($text != '') {
236             $context->handler_object_escape->
237             {$context->handler_method_escape}($context->htmlsax, $text);
238         }
239         return XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_START;
240     }
241 }
242 /**
243 * Deals with JASP/ASP markup
244 * @package XML_HTMLSax3
245 * @access protected
246 */
247 class XML_HTMLSax3_JaspState {
248     /**
249     * @param XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser subclass
250     * @return constant XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_START
251     * @access protected
252     */
253     function parse(&$context) {
254         $text = $context->scanUntilString('%>');
255         if ($text != '') {
256             $context->handler_object_jasp->
257                 {$context->handler_method_jasp}($context->htmlsax, $text);
258         }
259         $context->IgnoreCharacter();
260         $context->IgnoreCharacter();
261         return XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_START;
262     }
263 }
264 /**
265 * Deals with XML processing instructions
266 * @package XML_HTMLSax3
267 * @access protected
268 */
269 class XML_HTMLSax3_PiState {
270     /**
271     * @param XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser subclass
272     * @return constant XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_START
273     * @access protected
274     */
275     function parse(&$context) {
276         $target = $context->scanUntilCharacters(" \n\r\t");
277         $data = $context->scanUntilString('?>');
278         if ($data != '') {
279             $context->handler_object_pi->
280             {$context->handler_method_pi}($context->htmlsax, $target, $data);
281         }
282         $context->IgnoreCharacter();
283         $context->IgnoreCharacter();
284         return XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_START;
285     }
286 }
287 ?>