]> CyberLeo.Net >> Repos - Github/sugarcrm.git/blob - tests/include/database/MssqlManagerTest.php
Release 6.5.16
[Github/sugarcrm.git] / tests / include / database / MssqlManagerTest.php
1 <?php
2 /*********************************************************************************
3  * SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
4  * SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
5  * 
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
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12  * 
13  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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15  * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
16  * details.
17  * 
18  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
19  * this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
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21  * 02110-1301 USA.
22  * 
23  * You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
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25  * 
26  * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
27  * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
28  * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
29  * 
30  * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
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33  * technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display the words
34  * "Powered by SugarCRM".
35  ********************************************************************************/
37 require_once 'include/database/MssqlManager.php';
39 class MssqlManagerTest extends Sugar_PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
40 {
41     /**
42      * @var MssqlManager
43      */
44     private $_db = null;
46     static public function setupBeforeClass()
47     {
48         $GLOBALS['current_user'] = SugarTestUserUtilities::createAnonymousUser();
49         $GLOBALS['app_strings'] = return_application_language($GLOBALS['current_language']);
50     }
52     static public function tearDownAfterClass()
53     {
54         SugarTestUserUtilities::removeAllCreatedAnonymousUsers();
55         unset($GLOBALS['current_user']);
56         unset($GLOBALS['app_strings']);
57     }
59     public function setUp()
60     {
61         $this->_db = new MssqlManager();
62     }
64     public function testQuote()
65     {
66         $string = "'dog eat ";
67         $this->assertEquals($this->_db->quote($string),"''dog eat ");
68     }
70     public function testArrayQuote()
71     {
72         $string = array("'dog eat ");
73         $this->_db->arrayQuote($string);
74         $this->assertEquals($string,array("''dog eat "));
75     }
77     public function providerConvert()
78     {
79         $returnArray = array(
80                 array(
81                     array('foo','today'),
82                     'GETDATE()'
83                     ),
84                 array(
85                     array('foo','left'),
86                     'LEFT(foo)'
87                     ),
88                 array(
89                     array('foo','left',array('1','2','3')),
90                     'LEFT(foo,1,2,3)'
91                     ),
92                 array(
93                     array('foo','date_format'),
94                     'LEFT(CONVERT(varchar(10),foo,120),10)'
95                     ),
96                 array(
97                     array('foo','date_format',array('1','2','3')),
98                     'LEFT(CONVERT(varchar(10),foo,120),10)'
99                     ),
100                 array(
101                     array('foo','date_format',array("'%Y-%m'")),
102                     'LEFT(CONVERT(varchar(7),foo,120),7)'
103                     ),
104                 array(
105                     array('foo','IFNULL'),
106                     'ISNULL(foo,\'\')'
107                     ),
108                 array(
109                     array('foo','IFNULL',array('1','2','3')),
110                     'ISNULL(foo,1,2,3)'
111                     ),
112                 array(
113                     array('foo','CONCAT',array('1','2','3')),
114                     'foo+1+2+3'
115                     ),
116                 array(
117                     array(array('1','2','3'),'CONCAT'),
118                     '1+2+3'
119                     ),
120                 array(
121                     array(array('1','2','3'),'CONCAT',array('foo', 'bar')),
122                     '1+2+3+foo+bar'
123                     ),
124                 array(
125                     array('foo','text2char'),
126                     'CAST(foo AS varchar(8000))'
127                 ),
128                 array(
129                     array('foo','length'),
130                     "LEN(foo)"
131                 ),
132                 array(
133                     array('foo','month'),
134                     "MONTH(foo)"
135                 ),
136                 array(
137                     array('foo','quarter'),
138                     "DATENAME(quarter, foo)"
139                 ),
140                 array(
141                     array('foo','add_date',array(1,'day')),
142                     "DATEADD(day,1,foo)"
143                 ),
144                 array(
145                     array('foo','add_date',array(2,'week')),
146                     "DATEADD(week,2,foo)"
147                 ),
148                 array(
149                     array('foo','add_date',array(3,'month')),
150                     "DATEADD(month,3,foo)"
151                 ),
152                 array(
153                     array('foo','add_date',array(4,'quarter')),
154                     "DATEADD(quarter,4,foo)"
155                 ),
156                 array(
157                     array('foo','add_date',array(5,'year')),
158                     "DATEADD(year,5,foo)"
159                 ),
160         );
161         return $returnArray;
162     }
164     /**
165      * @ticket 33283
166      * @dataProvider providerConvert
167      */
168     public function testConvert(array $parameters, $result)
169     {
170         $this->assertEquals($result, call_user_func_array(array($this->_db, "convert"), $parameters));
171      }
173      /**
174       * @ticket 33283
175       */
176      public function testConcat()
177      {
178          $ret = $this->_db->concat('foo',array('col1','col2','col3'));
179          $this->assertEquals("LTRIM(RTRIM(ISNULL(foo.col1,'')+' '+ISNULL(foo.col2,'')+' '+ISNULL(foo.col3,'')))", $ret);
180      }
182      public function providerFromConvert()
183      {
184          $returnArray = array(
185              array(
186                  array('foo','nothing'),
187                  'foo'
188                  ),
189                  array(
190                      array('2009-01-01 12:00:00','date'),
191                      '2009-01-01'
192                      ),
193                  array(
194                      array('2009-01-01 12:00:00','time'),
195                      '12:00:00'
196                      )
197                  );
199          return $returnArray;
200      }
202      /**
203       * @ticket 33283
204       * @dataProvider providerFromConvert
205       */
206      public function testFromConvert(
207          array $parameters,
208          $result
209          )
210      {
211          $this->assertEquals(
212              $this->_db->fromConvert($parameters[0],$parameters[1]),
213              $result);
214     }
216     /**
217      * @group bug50024 - connect fails when not passed a db_name config option
218      */
219     public function testConnectWithNoDbName()
220     {
221         if ( ($GLOBALS['db']->dbType != 'mssql') || !function_exists('mssql_connect'))
222             $this->markTestSkipped('Only applies to SQL Server legacy driver.');
224         // set up a connection w/o a db_name
225         $configOptions = array(
226             'db_host_name' => $GLOBALS['db']->connectOptions['db_host_name'],
227             'db_host_instance' => $GLOBALS['db']->connectOptions['db_host_instance'],
228             'db_user_name' => $GLOBALS['db']->connectOptions['db_user_name'],
229             'db_password' => $GLOBALS['db']->connectOptions['db_password'],
230         );
232         $this->assertTrue($this->_db->connect($configOptions));
233     }
235     public function providerFullTextQuery()
236     {
237         return array(
238             array(array('word1'), array(), array(),
239                 "CONTAINS(unittest, '(\"word1\")')"),
240             array(array("'word1'"), array(), array(),
241                 "CONTAINS(unittest, '(\"''word1''\")')"),
242             array(array("\"word1\""), array(), array(),
243                 "CONTAINS(unittest, '(\"word1\")')"),
244             array(array('word1', 'word2'), array(), array(),
245                 "CONTAINS(unittest, '(\"word1\" | \"word2\")')"),
246             array(array('word1', 'word2'), array('mustword'), array(),
247                 "CONTAINS(unittest, '\"mustword\" AND (\"word1\" | \"word2\")')"),
248             array(array('word1', 'word2'), array('mustword', 'mustword2'), array(),
249                 "CONTAINS(unittest, '\"mustword\" AND \"mustword2\" AND (\"word1\" | \"word2\")')"),
250             array(array(), array('mustword', 'mustword2'), array(),
251                 "CONTAINS(unittest, '\"mustword\" AND \"mustword2\"')"),
252             array(array('word1'), array(), array('notword'),
253                 "CONTAINS(unittest, '(\"word1\") AND  NOT \"notword\"')"),
254             array(array('word1'), array(), array('notword', 'notword2'),
255                 "CONTAINS(unittest, '(\"word1\") AND  NOT \"notword\" AND  NOT \"notword2\"')"),
256             array(array('word1', 'word2'), array('mustword', 'mustword2'), array('notword', 'notword2'),
257                 "CONTAINS(unittest, '\"mustword\" AND \"mustword2\" AND (\"word1\" | \"word2\") AND  NOT \"notword\" AND  NOT \"notword2\"')"),
258         );
259     }
261     /**
262      * @ticket 37435
263      * @dataProvider providerFullTextQuery
264      * @param array $terms
265      * @param string $result
266      */
267     public function testFullTextQuery($terms, $must_terms, $exclude_terms, $result)
268     {
269         $this->assertEquals($result,
270                         $this->_db->getFulltextQuery('unittest', $terms, $must_terms, $exclude_terms));
271     }
273     /**
274      * Test checks order by string in different queries
275      *
276      * @group 54990
277      * @dataProvider getQueriesForReturnOrderBy
278      */
279     public function testReturnOrderBy($query, $start, $count, $expected)
280     {
281         $actual = $this->_db->limitQuery($query, $start, $count, false, '', false);
282         $this->assertContains($expected, $actual, 'Order By is incorrect');
283     }
285     /**
286      * Data provider for testReturnOrderBy
287      * Returns queries with different functions, offsets & aliases
288      *
289      * @return array
290      */
291     static public function getQueriesForReturnOrderBy()
292     {
293         return array(
294             array(
295                 "SELECT t1.f1 a1, t1.f2 a2 FROM table1 t1 WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY a1 ASC",
296                 0,
297                 1,
298                 "(ORDER BY t1.f1 ASC)"
299             ),
300             array(
301                 "SELECT t1.f1 a1, t1.f2 a2 FROM table1 t1 WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY a2 ASC",
302                 0,
303                 1,
304                 "(ORDER BY t1.f2 ASC)"
305             ),
306             array(
307                 "SELECT t1.f1 a1, t1.f2 a2 FROM table1 t1 WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY t1.f1 ASC",
308                 0,
309                 1,
310                 "(ORDER BY t1.f1 ASC)"
311             ),
312             array(
313                 "SELECT t1.f1 a1, t1.f2 a2 FROM table1 t1 WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY t1.f2 ASC",
314                 0,
315                 1,
316                 "(ORDER BY t1.f2 ASC)"
317             ),
319             array(
320                 "SELECT t1.f1 a1, t1.f2 a2 FROM table1 t1 WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY a1 ASC",
321                 1,
322                 1,
323                 "(ORDER BY t1.f1 ASC)"
324             ),
325             array(
326                 "SELECT t1.f1 a1, t1.f2 a2 FROM table1 t1 WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY a2 ASC",
327                 1,
328                 1,
329                 "(ORDER BY t1.f2 ASC)"
330             ),
331             array(
332                 "SELECT t1.f1 a1, t1.f2 a2 FROM table1 t1 WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY t1.f1 ASC",
333                 1,
334                 1,
335                 "(ORDER BY t1.f1 ASC)"
336             ),
337             array(
338                 "SELECT t1.f1 a1, t1.f2 a2 FROM table1 t1 WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY t1.f2 ASC",
339                 1,
340                 1,
341                 "(ORDER BY t1.f2 ASC)"
342             ),
344             array(
345                 "SELECT DISTINCT t1.f1 a1, t1.f2 a2 FROM table1 t1 WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY a1 ASC",
346                 0,
347                 1,
348                 "ORDER BY a1 ASC"
349             ),
350             array(
351                 "SELECT DISTINCT t1.f1 a1, t1.f2 a2 FROM table1 t1 WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY a2 ASC",
352                 0,
353                 1,
354                 "ORDER BY a2 ASC"
355             ),
356             array(
357                 "SELECT DISTINCT t1.f1 a1, t1.f2 a2 FROM table1 t1 WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY t1.f1 ASC",
358                 0,
359                 1,
360                 "ORDER BY t1.f1 ASC"
361             ),
362             array(
363                 "SELECT DISTINCT t1.f1 a1, t1.f2 a2 FROM table1 t1 WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY t1.f2 ASC",
364                 0,
365                 1,
366                 "ORDER BY t1.f2 ASC"
367             ),
369             array(
370                 "SELECT DISTINCT t1.f1 a1, t1.f2 a2 FROM table1 t1 WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY a1 ASC",
371                 1,
372                 1,
373                 "(ORDER BY t1.f1 ASC)"
374             ),
375             array(
376                 "SELECT DISTINCT t1.f1 a1, t1.f2 a2 FROM table1 t1 WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY a2 ASC",
377                 1,
378                 1,
379                 "(ORDER BY t1.f2 ASC)"
380             ),
381             array(
382                 "SELECT DISTINCT t1.f1 a1, t1.f2 a2 FROM table1 t1 WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY t1.f1 ASC",
383                 1,
384                 1,
385                 "(ORDER BY t1.f1 ASC)"
386             ),
387             array(
388                 "SELECT DISTINCT t1.f1 a1, t1.f2 a2 FROM table1 t1 WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY t1.f2 ASC",
389                 1,
390                 1,
391                 "(ORDER BY t1.f2 ASC)"
392             ),
394             array(
395                 "SELECT ISNULL( t1.f1, '' ) a1, ISNULL( t1.f2, '' ) a2 FROM table1 t1 WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY a1 ASC",
396                 0,
397                 1,
398                 "(ORDER BY isnull( t1.f1, '' ) ASC)"
399             ),
400             array(
401                 "SELECT ISNULL( t1.f1, '' ) a1, ISNULL( t1.f2, '' ) a2 FROM table1 t1 WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY a2 ASC",
402                 0,
403                 1,
404                 "(ORDER BY isnull( t1.f2, '' ) ASC)"
405             ),
406             array(
407                 "SELECT ISNULL( t1.f1, '' ) a1, ISNULL( t1.f2, '' ) a2 FROM table1 t1 WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY t1.f1 ASC",
408                 0,
409                 1,
410                 "(ORDER BY t1.f1 ASC)"
411             ),
412             array(
413                 "SELECT ISNULL( t1.f1, '' ) a1, ISNULL( t1.f2, '' ) a2 FROM table1 t1 WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY t1.f2 ASC",
414                 0,
415                 1,
416                 "(ORDER BY t1.f2 ASC)"
417             ),
419             array(
420                 "SELECT ISNULL( t1.f1, '' ) a1, ISNULL(  t1.f2, '' ) a2 FROM table1 t1 WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY a1 ASC",
421                 1,
422                 1,
423                 "(ORDER BY isnull( t1.f1, '' ) ASC)"
424             ),
425             array(
426                 "SELECT ISNULL( t1.f1, '' ) a1, ISNULL( t1.f2, '' ) a2 FROM table1 t1 WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY a2 ASC",
427                 1,
428                 1,
429                 "(ORDER BY isnull( t1.f2, '' ) ASC)"
430             ),
431             array(
432                 "SELECT ISNULL( t1.f1, '' ) a1, ISNULL( t1.f2, '' ) a2 FROM table1 t1 WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY t1.f1 ASC",
433                 1,
434                 1,
435                 "(ORDER BY t1.f1 ASC)"
436             ),
437             array(
438                 "SELECT ISNULL( t1.f1, '' ) a1, ISNULL( t1.f2, '' ) a2 FROM table1 t1 WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY t1.f2 ASC",
439                 1,
440                 1,
441                 "(ORDER BY t1.f2 ASC)"
442             ),
444             array(
445                 "SELECT
446                     ISNULL(accounts.id,'') primaryid,
447                     ISNULL(accounts.name,'') accounts_name,
448                     ISNULL(l2.id,'') l2_id,
449                     l2.email_address l2_email_address
450                 FROM
451                     accounts
452                 INNER JOIN
453                     accounts_contacts l1_1
454                 ON
455                     accounts.id=l1_1.account_id
456                     AND l1_1.deleted=0
457                 INNER JOIN
458                     contacts l1
459                 ON
460                     l1.id=l1_1.contact_id
461                     AND l1.deleted=0
462                     AND l1.team_set_id IN (
463                         SELECT
464                             tst.team_set_id
465                         from
466                             team_sets_teams tst
467                         INNER JOIN
468                             team_memberships team_memberships
469                         ON
470                             tst.team_id = team_memberships.team_id
471                             AND team_memberships.user_id = '5a409dc7-1cdb-278b-2222-511e6952dac8'
472                             AND team_memberships.deleted=0
473                     )
474                 INNER JOIN
475                     email_addr_bean_rel l2_1
476                 ON
477                     l1.id=l2_1.bean_id
478                     AND l2_1.deleted=0
479                     AND l2_1.primary_address = '1'
480                 INNER JOIN
481                     email_addresses l2
482                 ON
483                     l2.id=l2_1.email_address_id
484                     AND l2.deleted=0
485                 WHERE
486                     ((1=1)
487                     AND accounts.team_set_id IN (
488                         SELECT
489                             tst.team_set_id
490                         FROM
491                             team_sets_teams tst
492                         INNER JOIN
493                             team_memberships team_memberships
494                         ON
495                             tst.team_id = team_memberships.team_id
496                             AND team_memberships.user_id = '5a409dc7-1cdb-278b-2222-511e6952dac8'
497                             AND team_memberships.deleted=0
498                     ))
499                     AND accounts.deleted=0
500                 ORDER BY
501                     l2_email_address ASC
502                 ",
503                 1,
504                 1,
505                 "(ORDER BY l2.email_address ASC)"
506             ),
508             array(
509                 "SELECT
510                     ISNULL(accounts.id,'') primaryid,
511                     ISNULL(accounts.name,'') accounts_name,
512                     ISNULL(l2.id,'') l2_id,
513                     l2.email_address l2_email_address
514                 FROM
515                     accounts
516                 INNER JOIN
517                     accounts_contacts l1_1
518                 ON
519                     accounts.id=l1_1.account_id
520                     AND l1_1.deleted=0
521                 INNER JOIN
522                     contacts l1
523                 ON
524                     l1.id=l1_1.contact_id
525                     AND l1.deleted=0
526                     AND l1.team_set_id IN (
527                         SELECT
528                             tst.team_set_id
529                         from
530                             team_sets_teams tst
531                         INNER JOIN
532                             team_memberships team_memberships
533                         ON
534                             tst.team_id = team_memberships.team_id
535                             AND team_memberships.user_id = 'c71f4b54-2058-5d8b-1d17-511e6b730b27'
536                             AND team_memberships.deleted=0
537                     )
538                 INNER JOIN
539                     email_addr_bean_rel l2_1
540                 ON
541                     l1.id=l2_1.bean_id
542                     AND l2_1.deleted=0
543                     AND l2_1.primary_address = '1'
544                 INNER JOIN
545                     email_addresses l2
546                 ON
547                     l2.id=l2_1.email_address_id
548                     AND l2.deleted=0
549                 WHERE
550                     ((1=1)
551                     AND accounts.team_set_id IN (
552                         SELECT
553                             tst.team_set_id
554                         FROM
555                             team_sets_teams tst
556                         INNER JOIN
557                             team_memberships team_memberships
558                         ON
559                             tst.team_id = team_memberships.team_id
560                             AND team_memberships.user_id = 'c71f4b54-2058-5d8b-1d17-511e6b730b27'
561                             AND team_memberships.deleted=0
562                     ))
563                     AND  accounts.deleted=0
564                 ORDER BY
565                     accounts_name ASC
566                 ",
567                 1,
568                 1,
569                 "(ORDER BY isnull(accounts.name,'') ASC)"
570             ),
572             array(
573                 "SELECT DISTINCT meetings.id,
574                     LTRIM(RTRIM(ISNULL(jt0.first_name,'')+' '+ISNULL(jt0.last_name,''))) assigned_user_name,
575                     'Users' assigned_user_name_mod,
576                     meetings.date_entered
577                 FROM meetings
578                 LEFT JOIN
579                     users jt0
580                 ON
581                     meetings.assigned_user_id=jt0.id
582                     AND jt0.deleted=0
583                     AND jt0.deleted=0
584                 LEFT JOIN
585                     sugarfavorites sfav
586                 ON
587                     sfav.module ='Meetings'
588                     AND sfav.record_id=meetings.id
589                     AND sfav.created_by='1'
590                     AND sfav.deleted=0
591                 where (
592                         (meetings.status IN ('Planned'))
593                         AND (meetings.assigned_user_id IN ('1','seed_chris_id','seed_jim_id'))
594                     ) AND meetings.deleted=0
595                 ORDER BY
596                     meetings.date_entered DESC
597                 ",
598                 1,
599                 1,
600                 "group by meetings.id, LTRIM(RTRIM(ISNULL(jt0.first_name,'')+' '+ISNULL(jt0.last_name,''))), meetings.date_entered"
601             ),
603             array(
604                 "SELECT DISTINCT m1.id,
605                     m1.name,
606                     m1.date_start,
607                     m1.date_end,
608                     m1.assigned_user_id
609                 FROM
610                     meetings_users rt
611                 inner join
612                     meetings m1
613                 on
614                     rt.meeting_id = m1.id
615                 inner join
616                     users m2
617                 on
618                     rt.user_id = m2.id
619                     AND m2.id = '1'
620                 WHERE
621                     (m1.deleted = 0)
622                     AND m2.id = '1'
623                 ",
624                 1,
625                 1,
626                 "(ORDER BY m1.id, m1.name, m1.date_start, m1.date_end, m1.assigned_user_id)"
627             ),
629             array(
630                 "SELECT DISTINCT rt.id,
631                     m1.name,
632                     m1.date_start,
633                     m1.date_end,
634                     m1.assigned_user_id
635                 FROM
636                     meetings_users rt
637                 inner join
638                     meetings m1
639                 on
640                     rt.meeting_id = m1.id
641                 inner join
642                     users m2
643                 on
644                     rt.user_id = m2.id
645                     AND m2.id = '1'
646                 WHERE
647                     (m1.deleted = 0)
648                     AND m2.id = '1'
649                 ",
650                 1,
651                 1,
652                 "(ORDER BY rt.id, m1.name, m1.date_start, m1.date_end, m1.assigned_user_id)"
653             ),
654         );
655     }
656 }