]> CyberLeo.Net >> Repos - Github/sugarcrm.git/blob - tests/modules/UpgradeWizard/SugarMerge/metadata_files/610/modules/Calls/metadata/editviewdefs.php
Release 6.4.0
[Github/sugarcrm.git] / tests / modules / UpgradeWizard / SugarMerge / metadata_files / 610 / modules / Calls / metadata / editviewdefs.php
1 <?php
2 /*********************************************************************************
3  * SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
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5  * 
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12  * 
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16  * details.
17  * 
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22  * 
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25  * 
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35  ********************************************************************************/
37 $viewdefs ['Calls'] = 
38 array (
39   'EditView' => 
40   array (
41     'templateMeta' => 
42     array (
43       'maxColumns' => '2',
44       'form' => 
45       array (
46         'hidden' => 
47         array (
48           0 => '<input type="hidden" name="isSaveAndNew" value="false">',
49           1 => '<input type="hidden" name="send_invites">',
50           2 => '<input type="hidden" name="user_invitees">',
51           3 => '<input type="hidden" name="lead_invitees">',
52           4 => '<input type="hidden" name="contact_invitees">',
53         ),
54         'buttons' => 
55         array (
56           0 => 
57           array (
58             'customCode' => '<input title="{$APP.LBL_SAVE_BUTTON_TITLE}" accessKey="{$APP.LBL_SAVE_BUTTON_KEY}" class="button primary" onclick="fill_invitees();this.form.action.value=\'Save\'; this.form.return_action.value=\'DetailView\'; {if isset($smarty.request.isDuplicate) && $smarty.request.isDuplicate eq "true"}this.form.return_id.value=\'\'; {/if}return check_form(\'EditView\') && isValidDuration();" type="submit" name="button" value="{$APP.LBL_SAVE_BUTTON_LABEL}">',
59           ),
60           1 => 'CANCEL',
61           2 => 
62           array (
63             'customCode' => '<input title="{$MOD.LBL_SEND_BUTTON_TITLE}" class="button" onclick="this.form.send_invites.value=\'1\';fill_invitees();this.form.action.value=\'Save\';this.form.return_action.value=\'EditView\';this.form.return_module.value=\'{$smarty.request.return_module}\';return check_form(\'EditView\') && isValidDuration();" type="submit" name="button" value="{$MOD.LBL_SEND_BUTTON_LABEL}">',
64           ),
65           3 => 
66           array (
67             'customCode' => '{if $fields.status.value != "Held"}<input title="{$APP.LBL_CLOSE_AND_CREATE_BUTTON_TITLE}" accessKey="{$APP.LBL_CLOSE_AND_CREATE_BUTTON_KEY}" class="button" onclick="fill_invitees(); this.form.status.value=\'Held\'; this.form.action.value=\'Save\'; this.form.return_module.value=\'Calls\'; this.form.isDuplicate.value=true; this.form.isSaveAndNew.value=true; this.form.return_action.value=\'EditView\'; this.form.return_id.value=\'{$fields.id.value}\'; return check_form(\'EditView\') && isValidDuration();" type="submit" name="button" value="{$APP.LBL_CLOSE_AND_CREATE_BUTTON_LABEL}">{/if}',
68           ),
69         ),
70         'footerTpl' => 'modules/Calls/tpls/footer.tpl',
71       ),
72       'widths' => 
73       array (
74         0 => 
75         array (
76           'label' => '10',
77           'field' => '30',
78         ),
79         1 => 
80         array (
81           'label' => '10',
82           'field' => '30',
83         ),
84       ),
85       'javascript' => '<script type="text/javascript" src="include/JSON.js?s=94932f0dc915603816562a2cc59dbcd0&c=1"></script>
86 <script type="text/javascript">{$JSON_CONFIG_JAVASCRIPT}</script>
87 <script type="text/javascript" src="cache/include/javascript/sugar_grp_jsolait.js?s=94932f0dc915603816562a2cc59dbcd0&c=1"></script>
88 <script type="text/javascript" src="modules/Meetings/jsclass_scheduler.js?s=94932f0dc915603816562a2cc59dbcd0&c=1"></script>
89 <script>toggle_portal_flag();function toggle_portal_flag()  {ldelim} {$TOGGLE_JS} {rdelim} </script>',
90       'useTabs' => false,
91     ),
92     'panels' => 
93     array (
94       'lbl_call_information' => 
95       array (
96         array (
97           'name' => 'name',
98           array (
99             'name' => 'status',
100             'fields' => 
101             array (
102               array (
103                 'name' => 'direction',
104               ),
105               array (
106                 'name' => 'status',
107               ),
108             ),
109           ),
110         ),
111         array (
112           array (
113             'name' => 'date_start',
114             'displayParams' => 
115             array (
116               'updateCallback' => 'SugarWidgetScheduler.update_time();',
117             ),
118             'label' => 'LBL_DATE_TIME',
119           ),
120           array (
121             'name' => 'parent_name',
122             'label' => 'LBL_LIST_RELATED_TO',
123           ),
124         ),
125         array (
126           array (
127             'name' => 'duration_hours',
128             'label' => 'LBL_DURATION',
129             'customCode' => '{literal}<script type="text/javascript">function isValidDuration() { form = document.getElementById(\'EditView\'); if ( form.duration_hours.value + form.duration_minutes.value <= 0 ) { alert(\'{/literal}{$MOD.NOTICE_DURATION_TIME}{literal}\'); return false; } return true; }</script>{/literal}<input id="duration_hours" name="duration_hours" tabindex="1" size="2" maxlength="2" type="text" value="{$fields.duration_hours.value}" onkeyup="SugarWidgetScheduler.update_time();"/>{$fields.duration_minutes.value}&nbsp;<span class="dateFormat">{$MOD.LBL_HOURS_MINUTES}</span>',
131           ),
132           array (
133             'name' => 'reminder_time',
134             'customCode' => '{if $fields.reminder_checked.value == "1"}{assign var="REMINDER_TIME_DISPLAY" value="inline"}{assign var="REMINDER_CHECKED" value="checked"}{else}{assign var="REMINDER_TIME_DISPLAY" value="none"}{assign var="REMINDER_CHECKED" value=""}{/if}<input name="reminder_checked" type="hidden" value="0"><input name="reminder_checked" onclick=\'toggleDisplay("should_remind_list");\' type="checkbox" class="checkbox" value="1" {$REMINDER_CHECKED}><div id="should_remind_list" style="display:{$REMINDER_TIME_DISPLAY}">{$fields.reminder_time.value}</div>',
135             'label' => 'LBL_REMINDER',
136           ),
137         ),
138         array (
139           array (
140             'name' => 'description',
141             'comment' => 'Full text of the note',
142             'label' => 'LBL_DESCRIPTION',
143           ),
144         ),
145       ),
146       'LBL_PANEL_ASSIGNMENT' => 
147       array (
148         array (
149           array (
150             'name' => 'assigned_user_name',
151             'label' => 'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO_NAME',
152           ),
153           array(
154                         'name'=>'team_name', 
155                     'displayParams'=>array('display'=>true),
156           ),
157         ),
158       ),
159     ),
160   ),
161 );
162 ?>